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NEW: StarBurst Issue #1 (C.I.T.A)


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001

Issue #1


After three whole weeks Kimberly was feeling pretty pleased with herself. After all, glidingly effortlessly above the sky scrapers with her bright golden blonde locks, media friendly smile and unscuffed costume she was the practical definition of a modern day superhero. The bright red knee high boots and short navy blue skirt left plenty of long smooth leg room for the adoring fans below to admire. Her tight blue short sleeved top with the bright yellow Star Burst symbol over Kimberly's ample breasts finished off the ensemble.

She had chosen the name, Star Burst, herself. It meant nothing particular but it was short and sweet which made it easy to remember as her reputation grew. Kimberly had a few news paper clippings but nothing front page just yet, three liquor store robberies, a string of muggings, and a carjacking had all been foiled but weren't exactly the likes of her idols Honey Blonde or All Star who fought giant robots and had saved Mega-City single handed on more than a few occasions.

As Star Burst swooped down past a high rise office, arms out either side, the young heroine didn't look the least bit worried. She hadn't even been doing this a month but was sure an opportunity for some big time superheroing would come sooner or later. Kimberly was only eighteen and having gotten her powers less than two years before she threw on a costume, it was surprising and encouraging that she'd done so well already. There were many examples the world over, and right at home in Mega-City, of people who had retained super human abilities their whole lives, fought the good fight and still only remained B-list superheroes right into their forties and fifties.

With school the next day Kimberly was determined to not stay out too late but as the day wore on it didn't appear anything was set to keep her past curfew anyway. After rescuing a rather podgy ginger cat from a tree Star Burst gave the onlookers and thankful pet owner her gorgeous platinum white grin and took to the skies once again. Several minutes passed before the rookie hero managed to spy some peculiar goings on around a warehouse in a normally dead quiet part of town, especially for a Sunday.

Lowering herself closer, Kimberly noticed the hustle and bustle was definitely being caused by what were quite clearly villainous henchmen. Starburst didn't have to be a veteran superhero to know hired goons when she saw them, especially these dweebs in their bright green masks and carrying heavy automatic weapons. Loading large trucks with unmarked crates it was obvious they had to be up to no good. Spying an open area of roof top, meant for loading crates in via crane cable, the young heroine landed softly onto the metallic roof top and spied carefully into the large building.

Inside were walls and walls worth of piled up wooden crates. The same kind, roughly half the size of a car, the green clad machine gun totting men outside were loading so feverishly into the big rigs. Poking her head farther into the open hatch Starburst looked around the eerily quiet corner of the warehouse. Knowing she had to be brave Kimberly quickly darted through the air and landed on the cool concrete floor, hiding herself behind a three story high tower of the mysterious wooden boxes.

"You're new, aren't you?" Came a calm and hospitable voice suddenly.

Turning quickly Kimberly laid her eyes on a middle aged balding man in a white lab coat. He had a grey strip of hair running from his ears and meeting behind his smooth dome, his thin rimmed glasses were sensible and the expensive sweater and trouser combination he wore underneath made it obvious the man was someone important.

"Umm" Starburst tried to reply but was still a little taken aback having been caught sneaking so quickly.

"Sorry, I've not seen you around before." The man said, he stood with both hands behind his back in a most well mannered pose. "Perhaps I'm mistaken but I've had a great deal of experience with super heroes before and don't recall your symbol…you are a hero aren't you?"

"…My name is StarBurst." Kimberly said proudly as she stood up straight and mustered what confidence she could in the presence of this trustworthy looking gentleman.

"A pleasure. I am Doctor Evan Slade" The man said holding out his right hand in an invitation for a shake. "How do you do?"

"I'm a little curious actually Doctor Slade…" StarBurst said, her confidence now riding high as she shook hands with this possibly most devious of villains standing before her. "…as to why you have armed men marching about? Costumed armed men at that."

"Oh my dear girl, certainly I understand your need for concern." Slade replied with a pleasant smile as he assumed his original position. "You have my assurance, as a doctor and C.E.O of Slade.Inc that they're merely nothing more than security."

"You need that many guns? And why the costumes?" StarBurst asked with a righteous frown.

"Not that I'm legally obliged to answer your questions but" Slade said remaining as calm as ever, that slight smile of experience sitting firmly on his lips. "What's in these boxes is highly classified material we're shipping to a government facility. Anyone wishing to attack us and steal the materials would be unwise to do so. And anyone with super powers wishing to do so might think twice when they see the costumes…you're not here to attack us are you?"

"Goodness no!" Kimberly said immediately letting go of her accusing attitude when the question of suspicious activity was directed at her. "Everything uh-seems to be in order here anyway…"

"I'm glad you approve." Slade said cheerily with the slightest hint of sarcasm as he watched the young blonde pretend to look around as if examining the place.

"Yes well…sorry to uh, have bothered to Mr. Slade." Kimberly said turning her back on the doctor and looking toward the hatch. "You enjoy the rest of y-NNNGGH!"

With a loud peow noise from behind and a bright yellow flash Kimberly suddenly found the cool concrete floor approaching at rapid speed. A micro second before impact her world turned blank, there wasn't even time to question what had happened. How much time was passing Kimberly was finding impossible to tell. Occasionally a thought would form but it would be gone as quick as it came. The high school senior turned super powered heroine couldn't tell if it was day, night or even remember her own name.

"It's a Mind Nullifier." Slade's voice broke the darkness and suddenly it was as if Kimberly's brain had been switched on like a light bulb. "One of my own, of course I'd never sell it, far too volatile. Essentially, you set the timer, fire it and the receivers mind literally goes completely blank for the set time."

The first thing Kimberly noticed was that they were still in the warehouse. The noise was there, the loading was still going on, and she could see the tops of towering crates all around. The second thing was that she couldn't move. There were no ropes, chains or weights yet any large movement of her limbs or even her head was evidently impossible. Starburst lay, her arms pulled high above her head, her legs spread wide apart, atop a table with a surface of which appeared to have a dull white beneath it. It was like a magnet, except it only held down Kimberly and nothing else.

"What is this!?" Kimberly said with an unplanned and rather obvious amount of rookie panic her voice.

"This little gem is called a Void Slab…I do sell these." Slade said proudly as he walked to the side of the table and leaned in, looking the young trapped girl in her bright blue worried eyes which darted from side to side as if compensating for the lack of movement allowed for her head. "I keep one handy at all times, very good for detaining nosey little superheroes."

"Do you have any ide-" Kimberly said before being interrupted as she strained with all her might to pull away from the smooth surfaced table.

"-Do you, little heroine? Do you have any idea?" Slade asked rhetorically as he took a half step back from the table and reached into his coat pocket and clicked something.

Taking a deep breath Kimberly's eyes widened as the table suddenly began to lift, and tip forward. Not unlike the top half of a hospital bed, whatever mechanics were underneath the worried blonde pivoted the slab upward until ceasing at a steep thirty degree angle. It was almost enough to be standing upright however with the length of the table the vulnerable girl still lay a foot from the warehouse's concrete floor.

"You'll never get away with this!" Starburst said with a comic book gusto as she continued to struggle in vain against the tables pull.

"Oh please." Slade said dryly as he slid his lab coat of and tossed it casually atop an idle crate before turning his attention back toward Kimberly. "You don't even know what I'm going to get away with."

"I'm not going to tell you anything!" Starburst said ignoring Slade's flawless logic and far more experienced mind.

"You have nothing I want to know." The doctor said with an almost all knowing confidence as he stood before the trapped girl and placed a hand on either side of her immobile hips.

"…Wh-what-what are you doing…?" Kimberly paused and tried desperately to look down enough to see Slade's hands with a sudden sense of reality striking her as she felt him sliding up and fondling the waist line of her tight blue short sleeved top.

Giving no thought to her reputation Kimberly began to breath quick panicked breaths of anticipation. Her tight shirt was being slid upward, Slade's icy cool hands softly gripping around the smooth skinned sides of the well toned girl. With her top sitting scrunched just above her navel Kimberly could only just make out what seemed to be a startlingly serine expression on the doctor's face.

Dr. Slade's hands were wrapped around her sides, his fingers just on the small of her back before skin met table, his thumbs resting pointing inward toward Starburst's exposed gorgeous belly button. Kimberly wondered for a brief moment how her shirt had moved between the table and her skin. Suddenly any wayward thoughts were all zeroed in to focus as one primary priority seized her attention. Dr. Slade had begun to squeeze.

"Mnnf!" Kimberly squeaked before pursing her full red lips tightly closed and widening her eyes with horrified surprise.

With her body near totally unmovable, even with the back of her hands against the table and her fingers spread, the only signs of reaction came from Kimberly's suddenly tightening abdominal muscles and her straining face. Another squeeze made the blonde's brow crinkle as her eyes clamped shut and she stifled another squeal. Yet another soft lobster claw from Dr. Slade turned Starburst's face a light shade of red.

"MmmMMmmMM" StarBurst kept her mouth shut tight and wanted to shake her head so bad, each tender squeeze from Slade's hands causing another stifled protest. "MMMM Okay! Okaahaa! Stop!"

"Is something the matter?" Slade asked looking upward yet keeping his hands resting, wrapped softly on Kimberly's silky smooth sides.

"Don't-Don't do that again!" Kimberly tried her best tone of authority as she strained to look down over her quaking cleavage at the smirking doctor.

"You mean this?" Slade put on the most dopey voice he could summon and began rapidly clawing his fingers and thumbs into the vulnerable bare skin of the helpless heroine's sides.

"Aaahahahastop! Wahaha! Nohooo!" Immediately Kimberly could stifle her reaction no longer with the sudden speed of Slade's assault and a torrent of frantic giggles was let forth. "Staahp! Stopstop! Nahahahaha!"

It quickly became apparent Dr. Evan Slade wasn't in the habit of obeying pleas for mercy. While still trying to pass off the premise that her "stops" and "don'ts" were orders more so than requests it was clear to both Kimberly and Slade that this wasn't the case. Her inability to move, save for her frustrated panicked and mirth filled facial expressions and intensely tightening muscles made the prolonged lobster clawing of Starbursts sides that much more unbearable.

"Well then." Slade said calmly finally ceasing his attack leaving Kimberly's sides a bright shade of humiliation pink.

"Hhh-hhh w-hhh-why?" Kimberly breathed heavily and couldn't understand how a few moments of Slade's childish assault had left her gasping for air.

"Why am I doing this?" Slade asked as he took a step back and began to roll up his sleeves ominously.

"Why-hhh-why can't I-hhh" Starburst asked, her exposed pinkened midriff weaving back and forth in time with her gasps for air.

"Oh I see." Slade said making eye contact with the golden haired girl trapped before him. "The Void Slab works off a recycling system. It takes the energy from your super powers and reverses it. Essentially your own superhuman energy is holding you in place."

"But you-you moved my shirt…why aren't you-" Kimberly's breathing steadied and she saw an opportunity to keep Slade talking which was the preferred alternative if she had to choose between that or being touched again.

"I can manipulate your clothing, or you, as I see fit." Dr. Slade replied with an obvious sense of pride as he explained the working of his devious device. "You see, if one of my guards was to walk within 20.789 feet of the Slab, they too would be immediately magnetized toward it's surface due their own personal energy. I on the other had have a series of multi negative plasma neuron charged nanobots –that's microscopic robots- within my blood stream which keep me from succumbing to the tables effects."

"Wow. And what about the Mind Nullifier?" Kimberly asked trying to wiggle her shirt back down to no avail as it was quite pinned between herself and the raised table top. "You invented that too didn't you?"

"Yes I did." Slade replied as he took a step forward with his sleeves now rolled and pinched the scrunched waist line of StarBurst's tight blue top which sat just below her rib cage. "However the inner workings of that particular device are far less entertaining than examining your rib cage…"

"Oh-no,no my rib cage it's, it's just like any other rib cage." Kimberly said desperately with the first excuse she could offer no matter how lame it sounded.

"Ahh, we disagree." Slade said calmly as he slid the skin tight material farther up the sensitive skin until stopping when it came to sit just under StarBurst's large quivering breasts. "I have been fortunate enough in my life to examine more than few finely toned rib cages, and each and everyone has had its own subtle nuances."

"What-what are you going to do!?" Kimberly said in a high pitched tone of horrid anticipation when Slade began wiggling all ten of his fingers menacingly toward her soft delicate ribs. "Don't! Don't do that!"

"…and why not?" Slade asked holding his hands a mere inch from the frightened heroines heaving torso while keeping his fingers wiggling mid air.

"Because! Because…I don't know…because it's weird and-and…" Kimberly struggled to think straight as those ten curious fingers wiggling before her were racking the blonde's mind with cruel anticipation.

"It's 'weird'? …is that really the best you can do?" The balding man with his sensible glasses asked before diving his fingers into the soft spots between StarBurst's ribs and began drilling for oil.

"Ahhh! Aaahahaha! Nono!" Kimberly squealed as she couldn't even wiggle a little out the way, her mouth opening wide and laughter came flowing forced from within. "Staha! Nohooaahaha! Please stopstop!"

"You know honesty could really help you out here." Slade not giving StarBurst a seconds rest as he continued to claw viciously at her soft flexing ribs.

"Okay! Ahahaha! Steee! Okayokay!" Kimberly screeched and couldn't even nod her head to agree.

"Okay what?" Slade said sliding his hands down and dancing all ten of his wicked fingers over the howling girl's well toned tummy.

"Hahaha I'll tell you! Pleheehee!" The helpless blonde giggled like a frenzied school girl as she felt the man's hands poking and prodding her desperately squirming tummy.

"Tell me? Tell me what?" The grey haired sadist asked playing dumb as he squirmed his spidering fingers back up and pinched softly just below Kimberly's bottom rib.

"Anything! Hhahaha Oh God! Pleeeahaha! Stoaaahhp!" StarBurst screamed having completely forgotten the original question.

"I don't want to know 'anything'." Slade replied looking up towards the girl's bright red face while keeping his hands squeezing quickly yet slowly working their way up her exposed rib cage.

Unable to form full sentences Kimberly's grip on her thoughts was getting looser by the second. The cackling blonde knew full well the answer to the question she'd forgotten as it was increasingly becoming the only thing she could focus on. As small tears began to well in StarBurst's bright blue eyes and any sounds outside her own tormented laughter were drowned out the only other thing in her world was those ten fingers running rampant up and down her rib cage, down her sides and all over her soft sweaty tummy.

"…g-heeheno…n-hhh-hh" Kimberly wanted to hang her head or curl up in a ball or anything but stay glued to that table, alas when Slade at last decided to stop the poor girl was a teary eyed sweaty mess of heavy breathing and left over giggles.

"I thought it was a simple enough question." Slade said his demeanor ever calm stepped back into the blurred vision of his gasping giggling toy heroine and began wandering toward an opening in the wall of crates. "Perhaps you'll be more willing to answer when I return."

Although time has ceased to have meaning by that point Kimberly felt as if several long minutes passed before any composure was regained. Blinking the tears from her eyes the young super hero couldn't believe the state she was in, sweaty and crying from what she'd always considered to be a playful act. That it could be turned around into something so torturous, StarBurst had never heard of such a thing. None the less it was driving her quite mad and when Slade, with a steaming coffee mug in his hand, returned some minutes later her stomach sank with dread.

"You can't do this Slade!" Kimberly said deciding to have another crack at bravado although now even she knew it was less convincing than before with her tear stained cheeks and glowing pink torso. "This isn't how superheroes get treated!"

"You are a naïve one aren't you?" Slade sipped his coffee while wandering casually passed his hanging lab coat.

"I might be new at this but you're still a bad guy and I'm still a hero!" Kimberly said as she watched the evil doctor place his mug next the coat a top the wooden crate. "This isn't right!"

"What isn’t right?" Slade asked walking towards the trapped heroine. "Tell me what I'm doing that's so outside your preconceived notion of the good guy-bad guy relationship. Say the word. Tell me what it is you don't want me to again."

"hhh-hh-" Kimberly couldn't help but let out a nervous worried breath as Slade pinched the bottom of her skin tight top once again. "Get away from me!"

With a swift tug StarBurst's top was lifted up over her ample breasts and the two large creamy white mounds of flesh came jiggling out. A horrified and completely appalled gasp came from the young woman's mouth as Dr. Slade took a half step back to admire the jello like mammaries. It was only then, with her entire front torso utterly bared, that the sudden realization of her vulnerability struck Kimberly like a lighting bolt from Zeus himself.

"Please don't!" The now admittedly helpless blonde bellowed despite Dr. Slade having done nothing except stand and observe. "I'll tell you! I'll tell you! Just don't…don't…"

"Don't…?" Slade said lifting his chin up and raising his eye brows with eager anticipation. "Just say it, after me now, the reason I don't want Dr. Slade to touch me is-"

"I…I'm really…really…" StarBurst could hardly bring herself to say the word as it wasn't just an embarrassing admission but a total knock for her small yet successful reputation, if word ever got out "…please just…"

"Kootchy…" Slade said wiggling his fingers toward Kimberly's soft cushy boobs.

"Ticklish! I'm ticklish okay!?" Kimberly screamed knowing full well if Slade did half of what he'd done on her ribs to her breasts she would surely be driven insane. "Please don't! I'm really ticklish!"

"You don't say…" The older man said before digging his index and middle fingers square into the sides of Kimberly's bouncing bosom.

"YEEE! NOHO! Aaaahaha!" Her eyes sprang open as the wildly ticklish sensation drilled Kimberly from either side.

There was no chance of holding back, StarBurst's reaction was as intense as it was immediate. From Slade's perspective it seemed only the young girl's breasts and jaw were moving, her teary eyes closing and opening from the desperate struggle to move. The tiniest movement would have helped immensely, even the illusion of freedom would have been a nice respite, but it wouldn't come.

Screaming Kimberly could barely believe this bizarre situation. A half hour ago she had been watching the city, a colourful blonde Goddess. Slade cupped her milky white boobs and squeezed rapidly, kneading the soft flesh between his fingers. It was right there, when the poking ceased and the kneading began, poor Kimberly realized how far she'd fallen. Reduced to being literally tickled to tears by a mad man in a warehouse from the glowing symbol of justice she had been just a matter of minutes ago. And oh, how she hated being tickled.

"Well now…" Slade said ominously as he pinched Kimberly's rock hard nipples. "…mind telling me what these are doing?"

"Whh-hh-no…stop…" StarBurst begged breathlessly as a sudden rush of unexpected warmth spilled through her jiggly melons.

"You shouldn't tell fibs young lady." Slade said with a wicked leer as he gently twirled StarBurst's stiff pink nipples between his thumbs and index fingers.

"I n-hh-I'm not...nohot…" Kimberly said trying desperately to fight off the involuntary rush of unbridled arousal streaming through her system.

"You told me you didn't like being tickled…" Slade said dancing his fingers lightly around her areolas causing tiny girlish giggles. "…you little fibber."

"Nahee heeha! Stoeee!" High pitched squeals tittered from between StarBurst's full red lips.

Truth was, Kimberly didn't mind being tickled in a playful manner. In another situation, another place, a light dance of the fingers around her breasts would make for fun foreplay. But here, vulnerable and exposed, pinned down at the mercy of this insane Doctor Slade, it was torture. The light dancing turning to pokes and prods the high school senior's giggles turned to all out laughter once again. Slade's hands scrambled over her boobs, down her ribs, over her tummy, back up and back down he seemed to be everywhere. The tickling was everywhere and there was nowhere to go.

Literally nowhere. Not even her fingers could move. Kimberly had nowhere and in stark brutal contrast, Slade had everywhere. Despite her pleas the thought of being completely at this mad doctor's mercy would have been enough to give the young heroine nightmares, the actual situation was even worse.

"Now, now…" Slade's words went unheard by the gasping girl as he turned to wander back toward his coat.

"Ghh-na" Noises that might have made sense to a mental patient burbled from in between left over giggles and frantic gasps for air as Star Burst could still feel his icey fingers sliding around every inch of tummy. "hh-nno…hhh pl-ye noo"

Through teary eyes the helpless blonde couldn't quite make out what Dr. Slade was up to as he approached once again, but she soon felt it. With the sound of material being easily sliced a sudden cool breeze whisked over Kimberly's collar bone as her tight blue top was cut up and discarded leaving her completely topless. Unable to form a coherent sentence, or single word, StarBurst let out a loud panicked whimper as she realized the silky smooth and highly sensitive areas that were her underarms were now fully exposed.

"You know…if you hadn't gone and got your arms trapped up there, you wouldn't have this problem." Slade quipped and wasted little time when his ten fingers danced devilishly over both of Kimberly's wildly ticklish pits.

"AAIIEE No-HOOO!" Kimberly screamed and wanted to arch her back and slam her arms down like nothing else as the old man's cruel fingers lightly explored her bare underarms. "Please stoahap! I ca-I can't WAAHAHAHAEE!"

It wasn't as if Slade did a few quick strokes and left, he was a merciless tormentor. To make matters worse still it had been at least two or three years since Kimberly had been really tickled. Since gaining her powers she'd managed to easily bat away any potential ticklers and it seemed she'd only gotten more ticklish over time. Even back then when the occasional boy or playful friend would pin her down it wasn't as if she was trapped, or topless and it only ever last for a few seconds at a time. This was just torture, plain and simple.

"Didn't like that one much did you?" Slade asked rhetorically as he reached into his pocket and clicked the small table control.

The large slab once again began to move, this time back to its original flat position. StarBurst's large sweaty breasts gleamed in the sun light that came through the high windows as it set far off at the oceans horizon. A world away the rest of the city went about it's business, Kimberly's mother would be at home preparing dinner, but the young woman was trapped, securely bonded by her own special abilities to this devious device.

"Please-hhh…please, doc…doctor Slade-hhh…no more…" The horizontal blonde pleaded with the utmost humility that only came for complete defeat as she starred wide eyed at the sadistic villain over her stiffened pink nipples. "I can't…I'll do any-anything…."

"'Anything'?" Slade quoted his captive as he leaned over her and made direct eye contact with that same slightly amused smile he seemed to have constantly plastered to his face. "That's a pretty strong promise my dear…and I've barely touched you…"

"No-no more! Please!" StarBurst strained her voice to scream as she felt Slade fidgeting with her belt but unable to see his exact actions over her large quivering mounds of flesh. "What are you doing!? Please stop!"

With a worrying ease and no sense of even the mildest hesitation Slade slid the belt clean out from under the begging teen's hips and tossed it aside. Unzipping the navy blue skirt the dastardly criminal tossed the once impressive garment off to the same side as it's belt like a dirty rag. Now left only in her bright red boots and thin sun yellow cotton panties Kimberly began to take short sharp breaths of panic and nervousness which were coupled with an overwhelmingly confusing feeling coming from her warmest spots.

"Upsee daisy." Slade said as he reached both hands around Kimberly's panty line and easily lifted her plum like bum a few inches from the table.

From her calve muscles up to her shoulder blades StarBurst's mid section appeared to simply hover above the white surface of the strange table. The young big breasted girl's arms, head, shoulders and lower legs were all still firmly held against it's surface and despite her sudden amount of freedom in the middle there was still a great restriction, she couldn't push back down. Try as she might, side to side, up and down, once her cute butt cheeks came within a few inches of the table top it reacted like two opposing magnets. Kimberly's waist simply floated there.

"Oh…ohno…wh-wahee-NO!" Slade reached around with both hands and took a firm butt cheek squarely in each of his terrifyingly skilled hands, Kimberly had never been tickled on her butt before but after the villain's initial touch down it was clear the experience wouldn't be much fun. "NonononoNAAHAH! NAAHAHAHAAA!"

Bouncing up and down within the inch of freedom she had was no where near enough for Kimberly's tender buns to escape the vicious rapid squeezing of Slade's evil hands. The poor girl's own body would only allow her to go as high as it would stretch and no lower then the bizarre magnet table would allow. Through her hysterics Kimberly took extra notice of the butt assault when Slade's icy hands began to slide underneath the thin yellow cotton underwear and onto her virgin cheeks.

Slade couldn't help but lick his lips as he fondled around under the young woman's panties whilst starring over her shaking body. The howling blonde's strained facial expression switched between mirth and horror, those gorgeous milky white boobs shook like jello, most curious of all, her smooth woman hood was showing obvious moistening through those thin cotton panties.

"I don't think you really want these on do you?" Slade teased as he tore StarBurst's underwear clean from her leaving her totally nude save for the bright red boots.

"Oh no! No! Nooo!" Kimberly screeched as she strained to look up over her nude sweaty frame which glistened beautifully in the setting sun light.

"Well." Slade stated to the panicking super heroine whose tears streaked down her reddened face. "Would you like to tell me about this?"

"AHH!" Kimberly shot her butt downward only to be stopped once again by the invisible field between her body and the table when Slade stroked his index finger along her moist inner thighs. "Stop it! Please please! Ahhh!"

"Hmm" Slade raised an eye brow as he glided his right hand over StarBurst's taut tummy and over her jiggling melons while casually walking along the left side of the table. "Your lips are saying 'stop'…but you lips are saying 'more'…?"

"I d-don't, I don't know" Kimberly looked square into the older man's eyes as he stood over her with a wicked leer plastered to his increasingly smug face.

StarBurst felt it, she knew it was happening, the problem was she couldn't believe it. To actually be turned on by such tickling, to be tortured by it no less? Surely it was a trick the young heroine concluded, another one of Slade's mad inventions forcing her to pump love honey. She'd fight it, that's what she'd do, just as she continued to fight this impossible table and the mad doctor's terrible tickling, she'd resist. StarBurst is a hero after all, a super hero, justice would prevail.

"That's enough Slade!" Kimberly threw on the angriest tone she could muster, especially in her current state. "I'm getting out of HERE!"

With that the heroic blonde put every ounce of energy into shaking off that sweet warmth between her legs and tearing that rotten table to pieces. She'd launch forward, sock Slade in the jaw, get dressed and destroy this whole insane operation…or not.

"Please." Slade said placing his hand on Kimberly's floating hips and pushing her effortlessly back toward the table top. "Don't strain yourself, you'll only wear yourself out…and I'd rather I be the cause of that."

"You can't break me Slade!" Kimberly breathed heavily and lost a little of the gusto in her voice when she noticed the old man eyeing her bright red boots. "I don't care what t-type of crazy…inventions you throw…at me…?"

"I bet I know why you wear these." Slade taunted as he raised Kimberly's right leg from the table and left it hovering on a 45 degree angle before the stretched out nude blonde.

"If-if you think you're going to do…what I think-" The fear in her voice was clearly over whelming, it had been over two years since anyone really tickled her but poor StarBurst remembered all too clearly just how sensitive she was under those boots.

"-You'll what? Laugh hysterically and beg for mercy?" The evil doctor interrupted and slid the blonde's right boot clean off her leg revealing the entirety of Kimberly's long smooth limb with a thin white ankle sock covering the precious end.

Looking over her nude body Kimberly tried everything to kick her leg from its bizarre floating position but the most she could manage was a small wiggle of her sock covered foot. Wide eyed her stomach sank as the sock was swiftly removed, the terrified girl had to stifle a giggle when the cotton swept along her tender sole.

Tossing the insignificant sock aside the doctor took a moment to admire the beautifully pedicured silky smooth foot before him. Kimberly had the cutest little toes that squirmed as if they were each individually dreading the caress of Slade's fingers, her unblemished sole wrinkled softly as she made nervous feet fists. From the ankles down however, movement was impossible save for the panicked and mostly involuntary muscle contractions.

"Don't! Don't okay?! I'm sorry!" Dropping her guard completely Kimberly reverted right back to her vulnerable state which the teen hated to admit she was in. "I won't tell anyone about you! I'll never even come to this side of the city again!"

"That would be a shame wouldn't it?" Slade said softly keeping his wicked eyes locked squarely on StarBurst's writhing bare foot as he cupped her heel softly with his right hand. "I expect you to come back and visit…assuming I ever stop."

"Nowaitplease! AAIIIEEEE!!" Kimberly's eyes shot open wider than saucers as she screamed loud enough to make several henchmen jump on the other side of the large warehouse when five fingers danced carelessly across her incredibly soft arch. "AAH AAHAH! WAAHA NOAA!"

Straining beyond what she thought possible Kimberly couldn't even shake her head. Doctor Evan Slade's patented 'Void-Slab' was holding every inch of her naked frame firmly to its pearly white surface. Her left leg was as if it were held down by tons of weight, her butt and back were plastered to the table, her arms and head were going nowhere soon. Slade held the blonde's right foot by its heel giving a tiny illusion of freedom but the five fingers scrambling up and down her bare sole abolished any hope.

Pushing her sweet little toes back with his left hand Kimberly howled as Slade scrapped his nails slowly down the blonde's stretched bare sole. Poking under her toes those five skilled fingers left five pink trails over the soft balls, into the deep arch, across the sensitive instep and ended on the heel. Not ending completely of course, because once again the nails landed under StarBurst's trapped toes and slid with excruciating precision down her sole again.

"It never ceases to amaze me" Slade mused to himself as he cruelly wriggled all ten fingers over Kimberly's single right sole. "How the slightest touch can cause such an extraordinary reaction."

"OHNO! OHNOHOOOO!" StarBurst cried as her floating foot was viciously assaulted by Slade's ten finger onslaught. "PLEHAHA! NOPL-AAAAHAHAAA!"

The nude blonde's face was strained bright red with hysterical laughter, her thoughts shattered with every tiny yet stupendously significant touch. Kimberly's horrified mirth filled expressions were accompanied on her face by free flowing tears and hot exhaustive sweat which coated her naked frame. Tears and sweat weren't the only fluids being rapidly produced however, the virgin eighteen year olds womanhood was sopping wet and fit to burst. It appeared whatever strange contraption Slade was using to boost StarBurst's arousal had kicked into over drive when he began tickling her barefoot mercilessly.

"Extraordinary indeed." Slade remarked finally ceasing, leaving Kimberly's right foot floating as he admired the virtual puddle building between his captive's thighs. "How are we doing?"

Even if Kimberly's mind had been in any fit state to form words the amount of air she was struggling to catch would soon have stopped her. Suddenly Kimberly felt both legs being raised, through tear blurred eyes and quarter formed thoughts the poor nude blonde tried desperately to decipher what was happening as she felt Slade's evil hand on her calf muscles. Unable to move her head even the slightest amount it was only in the bottom of her teary view she could see the bottoms of her long smooth legs, one with a bright red boot and one bare. They were now at a ninety degree angle, her soles facing the ceiling while the top half of her body was still stuck securely to the Void Slab.

"Wha…wha…" Kimberly stuttered between deep heavy breaths as she began to notice the unmistakable warmth swelling in her loins which only increased when she felt the soft caress of Slade's delicate finger tips glide across her exposed pussy causing the helpless heroine to gasp with unwanted passion. "hhhHHHAaaa! N-Nooo…"

Attempting to lewdly thrust her hips proved as fruitless as any other movements Slade didn't want her to make. Small giggles interrupted Kimberly's moans of pleasure, of which she had given up trying to fight. The older man's careful tickling down there was proving too effective for her own good, StarBurst had given way to her most primal urge and had forgotten any sense of nobility or dignity.

"Enjoying yourself?" Slade asked as he suddenly stopped and leaned over the panting girl, wiping a tear from her reddened cheek.

"D-don't-don't hhh…" Kimberly tried to thrust, tried to move away, tried to bring her legs down, her arms even if only to finish herself off but to no avail, the poor heroine was left utterly teetering on the edge of bliss.

"Don't what?" The good doctor replied knowingly as he brought his wicked hands softly over the blonde's quivering breasts and onto her soft tormented rib cage. "Do this?"

"AAAAHAAA!" StarBurst howled with as much sudden shock as ticklishness when Slade began rapidly squeezing her sensitive ribs sending any shameful hope firmly out the window. "PLEASE STOP! NAHAHAHAA!"

Unbridled screams tore from Kimberly's full red lips as she pulled to arch her back. It was hopeless, even her seemingly free legs were forced to stay in their upright position as the poor teen's rib cage was viciously ravaged. Slade was going to town, the look in his wicked old eyes was one of utter enthusiasm, like a kid on Christmas rapidly tearing open box after colourful box. Although in this case the only colour was a bright shade of tickled pink as each rib got a full and thorough inspection.

"Oh what a state you're in." Slade teased, shaking his head in mock disapproval as he placed his palms flat on the Void-Slab's surface next to the heavily sweating heroine. "Tell me, is this helpful?"

"WEEIII!" With a loud raspberry sound Slade planted his torturous lips onto StarBurst's well toned tummy and elicited a high pitch girlish screech. "EEHEE! Heeeee! HEEEE!"

In rapid succession Slade kept up the raspberry attack blowing loud childish tickles all over the squealing girl's tummy. In the brief fraction of a second between each ticklish explosion Kimberly could begin thinking about maybe considering some sort of recovery toward becoming no longer completely hysterical but it was never enough. The constant barrage of rapid raspberries kept the blonde in a permanent state of sensitive paranoia and girly screams.

Changing his tactic Kimberly's eyes burst wide open when she felt Slade's wickedly trained tongue slither into her deep tender navel. A terrified gasp was quickly followed by a banshee's scream and full belly laughter that sounded less like a teenage girl and more a senseless lunatic. The slippery tip darted all through out the sweet belly button, swishing around the sensitive sides and exploring every nervous crevice within.

"…Tasty." Slade said wiping his sleeve across his lips as he stepped back and reached into his pocket.

"nn…nn…wyy…" Kimberly whimpered mindlessly as the table began to tilt forward, the nude blonde's long legs remaining in their ninety degree angle from the top half of her bright pink body.

"It's very rude to mumble." Slade said as he stood back while the table rose to a full vertical position.

Her arms, back, head and butt were all still firmly glued to the cool white surface of the upright table but bizarrely her legs pointed directly out in front of the helpless heroine. Kimberly whined a little louder and tried hard to remember what words were as the cruel doctor took grip of the bright red boot, her last piece of clothing, and tossed it aside. Now utterly nude with her bare feet sticking out horizontally before her in mid air StarBurst could once again feel the effects of Slade's arousal inducing machine, that he must have had been hiding somewhere, begin to take a very strong effect.

"Oh…nn-wh-what…what do…want…?" The teary eyed red faced tickle-toy asked as a last ditch attempt to reason with this mad man who began bending all ten of her toes back. "I-I'm begging you…I'll do whatever you want….just-just do-"

Kimberly stopped her words, clenched her eyes shut and pursed her mouth in preparation for the inevitable. It was going to happen, the Void-Slab was holding her toes firmly back, Starburst's creamy soft soles were stretched out taut and the evil villain Slade was going to tickle them silly. It would drive her mad, surely, she'd accepted the torture was about to commence, but acceptance didn't make it any better.

The poor girl strained with anticipation, keeping her eyes closed tight a million thoughts ran through Kimberly's head at what Slade might be doing, or about to do, to her precious bare ticklish feet. Moisture between her thighs was being produced at an alarming rate, StarBurst's large nipples were growing harder than diamonds. It was taking so long, maybe it was a trick, maybe they'd all left. Maybe Slade had gone for more coffee and was coming back to torment her all over again. Maybe she'd been saved. Kimberly had to know, it was killing her, the wait was almost as bad at the tickling.

"Ahh" Slade smiled as he noticed the young nude heroine's curious eyes open with no lack of fear before he began rapidly spider dancing all ten fingers over StarBurst's unprotected soles.

"NAAHHHH!" Kimberly screamed with uproarious laughter with the first stroke before descending into a mix of horrified ticklish squealing and raspy silent pleading.

Something was different about this time, she caught the look in Slade's eyes ever so briefly. The wicked doctor's focus was all on her feet, that playful leer seemed to have disappeared. He was a man possessed, a dreadful air of mercilessness filled Kimberly's senses, Slade had no intention of stopping. To what end she could only imagine, and none of the endings imagined were anything less than completely hellish.

With each tiny touch, each of the hundreds of tiny strokes and caresses, that patch of dew grew more and more around the cackling blonde's womanhood. Slade's fingers danced around her arches, under her cute little toes, scratched down the instep and poked playfully along the soft balls of Kimberly's bare motionless feet. Every second it would build and build, her virgin pussy fit to drown itself in love honey but for every promise of sweet release came fifty more agonizing ticklish strokes.

Glowing a Barbie pink shade every spot from the tips of her toes to the very bottom of StarBurst's heels was vigorously tickled with no holds barred. Nearly unable to breath between her helpless laughter and ever increasing lust the short second long break between when Slade removed his fingers and applied his mouth went totally unnoticed.

Holding the top of her right foot with one hand Slade leaned forward and nibbled boisterously around the sensitive instep. With a free hand Slade wasted not wanted not as he used it to fiendishly drag his five free fingers down Kimberly's stretched left sole. Switching between feet Slade kept his teeth scraping and that demonic tongue darted between each and every toe, with her arousal peaked and feeling a ticklishness she'd never have thought possible the poor girl was practically in orbit.

At last, she came.

A volcanic eruption of pleasure spilled from within, a throat wrenching cry of pure intense pleasure howled out through StarBurst's wide open lips. Tears of relief streamed down her face as she arched her head backward and screamed with passion into toward the ceiling. The ceiling?

Shuddering and feeling every inch of her own nude skin tingling with delight StarBurst pulled her arms down and dropped exhaustively to the floor. With no small amount of sudden shock Slade dropped the orgasmic girl's feet and took several steps back. Shakily StarBurst sat upright as best she could manage as she half attempted to combat the blissful warmth that competed for her attention. Sitting nude in a puddle of her own sweet love juices Kimberly turned her head away from Slade and quickly examined the curiously non functioning Void-Slab.

It was the silver lining around the edge that had done it, the thin line between the table's white surface and it's slightly raised edge and never been designed to cope with large amounts of liquid. Between the surface and the edge and washed down Kimberly's very own honey, right into the complex series of electronics which made the 'Slab do its crazy Voodoo. Essentially, when StarBurst had released her lustful explosion, she'd also released herself.

"Now just-" Slade said backing slowly towards his coat and no doubt the previously successful Mind Nullifier.

"Just this!" Launching forward with surprising speed StarBurst could feel her strength returning as she bought her fist colliding hard with Slade's unsuspecting jaw with a loud crack.

With Slade out cold Kimberly quickly assessed her situation, what would this look like, she'd flown in and knocked out a corporate C.E.O. No doubt his henchmen would swear StarBurst was in the wrong. No matter the young nude heroine thought as she hastily gathered her strewn uniform, Slade would slip up one day, and when he did, she'd be waiting.

Her clothes bundled in her arms, Kimberly took off back through the roof where she'd first arrived. A few people noted a naked woman flying over head, but for the most part she was far too fast to be recognized. And next time, she'd be far too fast for the villain. StarBurst was, after all, a super hero.

The End.​
Oh to be a Mad Scientist <sighhh>

That was a fantastic story. I really hope that you continue the series.

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