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Tickle Tutor 2. MF/f (part one)


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Tina closed the door behind her as she wandered into Mr Lucas' office with her usual ditsy grin.
"Hey Mr Lucas." She said Cheerfully as she put her bag next to the door and gave a little wave.
"Good After noon Tina." He said looking up from whatever he was typing on his laptop. "Have a seat."
Tina sat down in the chair infront of Mr Lucas' desk and crossed her long beutiful legs. Mr Lucas removed his reading glasses and stood up, walking round to the front of the desk and leaning on it in front of Tina.
"Science is it?" He said examining Tina from her feet up.
"Yes sir, its to hard, I was told you can tutor me?" She smiled as his gaze finally reached her head.
Her big blue eyes sparkeled with ignorance and a playful nature.Her sandles loosley hung from the foot not touching the floor and her sleveless summer dress sat just under the point of acceptability for school grounds.Her blond hair waved down the back of the chair so it was level with the small of her back.
"Now you know I'm not going to teach you don't you?" Asked Mr Lucas.
"Your going to tutor me." She said with her ever increasing ditsiness.
"Not quite." He said waving his hands. "Let me try to explain; I'm not going to teach you anything, your going to study at home, I'm simply going to punish you for when you fail so you'll have more insentive to pass."
"Punish me? Like what detention?" She said a little curious from never having a day of detention in her life.
"Not quite" He replied rolling his eyes slightly "...I'm going to tickle you."
"Oh Mr Lucas I'm so ticklish," Tina said giving a small ticklish smile just from the thought of it "My parents still tickle me, they won't leave me alone, ecspecially my mom."
"Mmm..Maybe it would be wiser to have your parents punish you, that way they could make absolutley sure your studying." Mr Lucas commented putting his hands in a praying type position with his thumbs under his chin.
"Hee hee" Tina giggled as she spoke "I think I'll cry if I have too much tickling."
He put his hands either side of him on the desk "Well listen, you go home and I'll give your parents a call, if it doesn't work out at home I can still do the punishment."
As Tina hopped up and left she heard Mr Lucas call her name as she was half way through the door "Oh Tina, make sure you don't tell anyone about this, I don't want all the teachers knowing my tutoring secrets."
"O.k" She said as she pratically skipped out the door with her hair bouncing behind her. Mr Lucas watched and saw her G-string as her dress bounced up.

When Tina got home she dropped her bag next to the door and trotted into the lounge. "Hello mommy!" She said cheefully.
"Hello dear." Her mother stood up and put her wine glass down. Her mother only reached the bottom of Tina's button nose and had jet black hair in contrast to her daughters blond.
"We had an interesting call from a teacher at your school not long ago." Her fathers deep voiced came from behind.
"Dadddy!" She said happy and surprised her father was home from work so early.
As Tina began to turn her fathers large muscular arm reached around and stopped her from turning all the way. His right arm was wrapped around just underneath her breasts. She gave out a little squek as his fingers rested on her ribs.
Her mother walked fowards and began to lift up the front of Tina's dress tucking it behind the large mans arm. Tina wore nothing underneath her dress apart from her bra and G-string so having her dress lifted up revealed her smooth white stomch.
"What are you doing?" Tina asked playfully.
"Were going to tickle you" Her mother stated as if Tina should have already known the answer. (it would have seemed rather obvious to most people -t.m) "Your teacher told us the only way you'll pass is if we punish you, we both agreed tickling is the way to go."
"Thats right dear" Her father said making the grip slightly tighter around Tina.
"Oh mommy, you know I'm really ticklish" Tina said playfully sturggling with no progress "please don't do it too long"
"Too long?" Said her father.
"Tina you need to be punished" Her mother continued "We may very well do this all night, Mr Lucas even suggested we tie you down."
"Tie me--EEE Hee hee" Tina spurt into giggles has her mother began running all ten of her long finger nails around Tina's tight tummy.
As Tina giggled uncontrollably she batted her hands lightly against her fathers arm. Her hips waved from side to side but her father was much much stronger than her and simply held her in place while her mother contiuned dancing her nails around Tina's sides and belly.
Tina giggled for a few seconds longer until her father began using his fingers on his capture arm to dig into the soft spots between her ribs aswell as using his free hand on her side, her giggling quickly turned to ticklish laughter.
"Hee hee, oh no, Daddeeee Ha ha ha ha, daddy it tickles ha ha ha" Said Tina who began to bat his arms a little harder just before her legs gave way.
As her mother continued to attack Tina's stomch her father slowly lowered her to the carpet where she was set free to lay on her back so her father could use both hands to tickle her exposed belly.
Tina now squirmed a laughing mess as both her parents leaned over her tickling her sides, stomch and ribs. Her mother stepped over her kicking legs and stood over her waist leaning down while her father loomed over her head and wiggled his fingers upon Tina's ribs.
It was like a beutiful ballet of fingers upon their quickly moving surface. The dancers seemed to stay balanced as they poked and slid around the arena.
Tina tried to get on to all fours to crawl away but her attempt just let her roll onto her stomch with her ticklish sides still exposed. Tina's legs flicked about wildly with no particular destination. Her arms banged and clawed against the shagged carpetting which also rubbed ticklishly on her tummy.
Her father grabbed the scruched up bottom of her dress and pulled it over her head, trapping Tina's arms inside and cutting off her vision to anything outside the inside-out dress. With that her mother sat down on the small of Tina's back and kept tickling her sides while her father kneeled inbetween Tina's arms ontop of the dress and dug his tickling fingers into her soft streched out underarms.
Tina went wild as she was pinned down from unescapeble tickling. Inside the dress Tina's head frantically flicked from side to side as her hysterics grew. As her legs kicked and she screamed and laughed ever louder one after the other her sandles flew off across the room.
"Is that an invitation?" Her mother asked as she noticed the sandles fly back "I think we'll leave that til later."
Soon her father stopped and sat back on the couch where Tina's mother was previously sitting. He continued to watch as his wife torture his immobile daughter. He had a short thought of how his wife would react under those conditions then dismissed it.
"What do you think we should do with her?!?" Tina's mother called over the top of Tina's laughter.
"I don't know." Tina's father replied. "I think we need to find a better way of holding her down. What did you say about tying down?"
"Do we have any rope?" Tina's mother asked as she ceased her attack on Tina.
Tina's father stood up "I don't think so, I can run to the hardware store and get some, I'll give you a hand getting her upstairs."
Tina lay on her stomch with the dress still over her head gasping for hair and still letting out the odd giggle. Tina then felt the dress pulled from her and watched it flop on the ground infront of her. She was then lifted over her fathers shoulder and watched the floor as he carried her upstairs in her bra and G-string. Her mother followed close behind.

After being wrapped in the duve on her bed with her head sticking out one end and her feet just sticking out the other Tina feared they actually were going to restrain her completely.
"Daddy, daddy please don't get the rope" Tina begged sweetly as her father left the room.
Tina struggled to free herself but she was totally surrouned by cover, her arms and legs trapped. Tina's mother then climbed on the bed and sat on top of the blanket where Tina's shins were. Tina's toes wiggled frantically in anticipation of what was to come.
"Please mommy don't tickle my feet I'll die" Tina squeked lifting her head from the matress to try and view her mother.
"You can't die from tickling dear."
Tina's mother looked at her daughters wiggling toes and soft white soles of Tina's feet and slowly bought her right hand down and started stroking Tina's right foot with her nails.
"Eee Hee, Mommy!, hee hee it tickles, it tickles!" Tina giggled as her toes moved much quicker at the sensation.
Her mothers speed grew as did Tina's giggles. After thrity seconds her mothers fingers were no longer working in one storke together, they were each doing their own tickling dance on her sole when her mother bought her left hand down onto Tina's left foot and followed the random motions of the right.
Tina's head flicked up and down as her giggling quickly turned to laughter. Her feet curled in and out desparatley trying to escape the tickling from her mothers nails. As if something hilarious had just happened Tina's laughter sunddenly went up a notch.
"No oh mommy! Ha ha HA HA HA HA HA NO IT TICKLES! HA HA HA HA MY FE-HEE HEE TEH HA HA HA" Tina tried to express how much is tickled but her laughter managed just fine.
"You like being tickled don't you hun?" Her mother taunted still increasing in speed.
"AH HA HA HAAA HA HA HA HA TICKLEEE HA HA HA" Was all the reply Tina gave.
"I'll take that as a 'yes'. I bet you'll be happy when your father gets back because we're going to tickle you plenty more then." Her mother proclaimed.
Tina's feet squirmed rapidly with no place to hide from the tickling of her mothers fingers. Tina's head lay on the matress quickly moving all over the limited area she had to move. Her head moved as if it was trying to avoid the tickling. Tina wanted her father to return so her mother would cease scrambling her fingers on Tina's ticklish soles and toes so she could have a break however that would mean she was getting the break to be tied down, to be tickled more and by two people.
The foot tickling seemed to go on and on and on with no escape or relent. Tina even screamed once or twice Tina's mother sat, silent, totally focus on punishing her daughters feet.
"Remember the first time we tickled you like this?" Her mother said even though Tina could hear nothing but her own laughter while her mother reminised. "You were thriteen and your father saw your feet sticking out the end of the bed. When I came in you were crying because he had tickled you awake and not stopped. I remember you asked me stop him, then I joined in ha ha."
Tina's mother laughed and continued her attack. Tina's face was getting redder, her hair messy and her eyes beggining to water.
Eventually and what seemed longer to Tina than it actually was, her father arrived home. Tina's mother stopped stood up from the bed when her husband walked in holding several lenths of nylon rope usually used to make tyre swings.
Tina lay with her head and feet limp, eyes closed and again trying to catch her breath. She tried weakly to escape as her mother and father unrolled the cover and tied her wrists together above her head and her feet spread about two feet apart at the other end with the rope tightly around her ankles and looping under the bed.

Tina's mother and father stood at the foot end of the bed and looked at their daughter all ready to be tickled sensless.
"Mom, Daddy please no more, I learnt my lesson, I'll study real hard and...and I..." Tina stopped as she could see her parents advancing with no intention of listening to her pleas.
Her mother climber onto the bed and kneeled over Tina's waist while her father kneeled down at the end of the bed and began wiggling his fingers towards Tina's feet. Tina shut her eyes tightly and girtted her teeth waiting for the tickling to begin.
Tina held her laughter in as hard as she could while her father began stroking each of her feet with an index finger. Tina suddenly lost it and broke into hystreric laughter when her mother used her index and middle fingers to dig into Tina's sides just below her breasts which weren't covered by her bra. Tina's eyes shot wide open and with that action by her mother, her father viciously increased his speed tickling the soft smooth arches of her feet. Tina's toes spread as she let out and almighty ticklish scream and laughed non stop with only breaths that her body forced her to take. Tina sturggled wildly at her restraints but remained totally in place.
After several minutes Tina's mother was scooting her tickling fingers all over Tina's ticklish torso. Her father was relentless and even occasionally streched one of her feet out to stop Tina from curling it over. Tina's face was red and she was sure to cry soon enough as her eyes were filling up with tears.
After a while Tina's mother slowed then stopped her tickling, sitting back to rest her arms. Tina's father didn't follow suit for atleast another five minutes before he stopped and sat on the side of the bed next to his wife. Tina's parents watched their daughter with tears on her cheeks puffing for air.
"You know what dear" Tina's father said to her mother " I don't think shes being tickled enough. I think she likes it and we can't have that, maybe we should invite Chrissa over to help out."
Tina's eyes focused quickly and fearfully on her father. Chrissa was Tina's older sister and before she had left home had been the worst of the family to take advantage of Tina's ticklishness. Memories of various tickles from her older sister shot through her mind, like everytime Chrissa had a slumber party or a few friends over it would usually result in Tina being tickled for nearly and hour before they'd leave her alone or when Chrissa would have her boyfriends pin Tina down and they would tickle her feet until she cried and even pretty much whenever Tina was home alone with her sister it would result in endless tickling around the house.
"No mommy please, I've learnt my lesson!" Tina begged as her parents left the room.
Tina's parents had gone down stairs and called Chirssa. They explained the situation, and told her it was all for the good of Tina's education. Chrissa understood and was on her way over. Tina's parents then returned to Tina's room and sat either side of her.
"Did you call Chrissa? Whats happening? Please don't let her tickle me!" Tina begged again as she darted her eyes from one parent to another in hopes of freedom.
"Its all for your own good" Said Tina's mother as she and Tina's father dug into her stomch releasing hysterics once again.
It took a good half an hour for Chrissa to drive over to her house and Tina's parents had no intention of stopping their torture of their daughter. By the fifteen minute mark Tina was completley lost in tickle land. All she knew was that there were twenty fingers tickling her tummy, ribs, sides and underarms and she could do nothing about it. Tears now flowed in a constant stream down her red sweating face and her teeth shone a nice clean white as her mouth opened wide to release the laughter and screams.
Tina barely noticed her sister arrive. She heard her mother say "Hello dear" and saw a blurry figure begin to stroke her feet but was too lost in a tickling mess to think straight.
Chrissa was much harsher on Tina then either of her parents. Chirssa was blessed with the same good looks as Tina however had a lot more smarts and an evil streak when it came to tickling her baby sister. Tina's left foot was begging to hurt at her sister pushed her toes back to the point of discomfort streching her sole of Tina's foot until it was very tight and immoveable. She then had the torturous sensation of Chirssa's nails scrapping up and down her foot, around her toes and on the balls of her feet. Tina screamed and laughed even louder from her relentless torture. Then something odd happened. The same things Chirssa was doing happened to her other foot driving Tina more insane. But this was odd, Chrissa didn't have four arms, then it hit her 'oh no' Tina thought quickly among her torment, Chrissa had bought her husband along to join in the fun.
With all these renforcements it became clear that Tina's torment was not ending any time soon. Tina's usual friendly slightly ditsy smile and turned to a agnosing ticklish scream of laughter. She could not form words and was completely vunerable to her captures tickling attacks. Even though she was in pure torment now by four people the thing Tina feard most was being left alone with her sister who would no doubt give her the torture of a life time with half the chance.

To be continued...
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