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alicia silverstone (f/f)

Marquis De Sade

1st Level Blue Feather
Nov 21, 2007
Is this the story?


"Hello!" I called out for the third time, knocking loudly at the door of Alicia Silverstone's one bedroom apartment.

The LA heat was starting to get to me and I'd already been waiting for five whole minutes.

I shouted and knocked a few more times and was just about to give in when the door suddenly opened and a rather attractive looking woman curiously peered at me from behind the chain guard.

"April Bernard." I said, introducing myself and thinking that I'd be
allowed in instantly. Instead though the woman remained behind the door looking quite uneasy.

"From Seventeen magazine." I said. "We spoke over the phone about an
interview, you must be Carolyn." The woman then broke into a wide,
welcoming smile.

"Yes, Carolyn Kessler, Alicia's manager, ummmmm, would you wait a moment?" I waited as the door was shut again and then opened a few minutes later.

Carolyn eyed me closely from head to toe and then requested that I leave my bags, recorders and camera outside before I entered, which of course I did.

"I'm afraid you've caught us a bad time." said Carolyn, offering me a
place on a large, red lip shaped sofa.

"Is she here?" I asked.

"Oh yes, she's here." replied Carolyn.

She sat beside me on the sofa and looked at me sternly. "You're rather young to be a reporter for such a big magazine." she said.

I shrugged modestly and asked again where Alicia was.

"You know" said Carolyn, ignoring my question. "I've always admired
Seventeen magazine's respect for an actresses privacy."

Slowly catching on to the woman's winning smile and sly grin, I emptied my pockets of my note pad and mini hand held recorder, the type that's used in answering machines and placed them on the table infront of us.

Carolyn smiled approvingly and then reached over, quickly running one of her fingers down my left side. I yelped and recoiled in reaction, wondering why she was laughing, I hated being tickled.

"Come with me." she said, rising from the sofa and smiling brightly.

Eagerly I followed Carolyn to the far end of the apartment, around one corner and stopped infront of a bedroom door.

Barely I could make out the muffled thumping noises coming from within, but as I walked into the room with Carolyn my eyes widened in shock at what I saw.

Alicia was here alright.

Lying down on a large Queen sized bed, clearly in distress. She was tightly cocooned in a red and white Adidas track suit. Her arms at her sides, hands pinned to her chest inside the zipped up plastic jacket. The empty sleeves of the jacket were stretched behind her back and tied together.

Both of Alicia's legs had been shoved into only one pant leg with only her barefeet showing which had been fastened at her ankles to the bedrail with rope.

The other pant leg was tied around her knees and her thighs and a wide strip of red duct tape sealed Alicia's mouth.

"I remember one of your questions over the phone being how Alicia
manages to keep a level head despite all her fame." said Carolyn,
walking over to the bed and standing infront of Alicia's wriggling
soles. "The truth is she doesn't and this is how I keep the little brat in check."

I watched in awe as Carolyn ran a single fingernail up the length of Alicia's left foot. Noticing that I'd taken a liking to Alicia's reaction, she smiled and continued explaining.

"Every once in a while you see, Alicia gets the idea that she's the
toast of Hollywood and that she doesn't need acting lessons, advice or guidance of any sort."

I argued in Alicia's defence that I thought she had been rather good in Clueless. Carolyn groaned, rolled her eyes and began tickling Alicia's soles again, sending the poor girl in violent spasms and convulsions.

"She was playing herself." said Carolyn. "Claire Danes does Les
Miserables, Alicia here does Batgirl, who do you think has more
credentials? And then there was Excess Baggage which I warned her about but she went ahead and did it anyway. As you know it bombed completely. My phone's practically stopped ringing with the more intelligent offers she turned down in the past."

I watched curiously as Alicia reeled madly in her makeshift strait
jacket. She tossed about from side to side, screaming with wild,
reluctant laughter as Carolyn tickled her soles again.

"We just got started before you arrived. I was planning on leaving her here for a while as I have to leave soon but now that you're here, I'm sure you wouldn't mind taking over for me, would you?"

Carolyn looked at me and smiled. "Please?" she pouted.

I shook my head, speechless and stammered something but she eagerly took me by the arm and gently pulled me over.

Alicia shook her head, struggling fiercely in the jacket as I stood over her. She had already turned a shade of dark red from initial embarrassment. Gently urged on by Carolyn though I extended a finger and slowly ran it up the sole of of one of her feet, surprised at how soft her skin was.

Alicia's reaction was more restrained this time, she fought and twisted to keep from giggling and only a muffled whimpering escaped from her taped mouth.

"I have to go now." said Carolyn, picking up her handbag and putting on a pair of sunglasses. "I'll be back early tonight, I'll leave you two alone for a while." and with that she grinned and left the room.

I waited until Carolyn had left the apartment and then turned back to
Alicia. She was struggling fitfully in the jacket and trying to wriggle her feet free. She looked cute and I decided to slowly and carefully pull the tape off her mouth.

"Get me out of this!" she growled, sitting up and tugging at her jacket from side to side. I hesitated and glanced at her bound feet.

Alicia screamed, insulted me and then rudely "DEMANDED" that I set her free that very instant.

"Don't you DARE!" she cried. "Don't you DARE tickle my feet I'll sue you to hell I swear it I will!"

Alicia fell back against the bed and thrashed as I scratched the soft bottoms of her feet. I couldn't believe how ticklish she was. Just a light brushing against her soles and the actress would scream and jerk about as if she were being tortuously electrocuted.

I kept it up for a while, just lightly scratching at her feet with my fingers and enjoying her reaction until she was quite out of breath.

Alicia's eyes glistened with tears. She sat up and looked at me, red faced and miserable.

"Please stop!" she begged. "I can't stand having my feet tickled."

I pulled up a chair and sat comfortably at the foot of the bed, smiling. "I'm sure that's not true." I said, brushing my fingers against the pads of her toes.

Alicia kicked and giggled. "DON'T!" she cried.

Ignoring her, I moved my fingers and traced a long continuous figure eight pattern across both of her feet. She laughed out loud this time, pleasantly, and fell back against the bed where she squirmed and squealed in ticklishness.

"I could put this in my story." I said playfully, wriggling my fingers across her arches. Alicia had a wonderful laugh and she exploded in hysterics.

"Don't you even think about putting this in ANY story!" she screamed, wiggling and thrashing from side to side in her body restraint.

"That's PLEASE don't put this in any story Alicia." I corrected, tickling her soft, fleshy arches vigorously.

"Stop it!" she she screamed instead. "Stop tickling my feet!!"

I continued though, paying no attention to her pleas, demands, curses and threats or any other of the sort and simply took pleasure in watching the actress thrash, reel and throw herself about so wildly that I'd had to re-adjust the position of bed several times.

She seemed unable to pronounce the word "please" and so I merely countered her rudeness with the relentless tickling of her feet.

Alicia's screeching laughter filled the room, her slender body shuddered and quaked with maddened, hysterical giggling and I soon found myself staring fixedly, eyes rivetted upon the sight of her wriggling, baby soft milky white soles as they fidgeted and wiggled about in their bonds trying desperately to escape being tickled.

I kept it up until she became quite breathless and looking very near to perhaps fainting. "I still need an interview Alicia." I rose from my chair and went to fetch my notepad and pen from the table outside.

I did indeed have to fill at least five pages in Seventeen full of Alicia as promised to it's publishers and it's readers.

I returned to the bedroom to find her squirming weakly in her body suit. "Let me go." she feebly moaned, face buried in the mattress. She lay on her side, her body visibly heaving for breath.

"Please." I added, clawing at the arch of her left foot with my nails as I took up my place on the chair again.

"I'm not telling you anything unless you let me go!" she snapped, sitting up and tugging at her jacket. I shook my head in annoyance, she was only around five years younger than I was but her manner and language was that of a bratty six year old.

Her frightened eyes anxiously followed me as I reached for the roll of duct tape and tore a fresh piece off. "Rules are simple." I announced, grinning at her as I pinned her struggling body to the bed and sealed her mouth again with the tape. "You answer all my questions, POLITELY, and if you don't I'll tickle you silly."

Alicia's struggles died down quickly upon hearing that. She looked confused for a moment, no doubt wondering how she was to answer much of anything with her mouth taped.

It took her a minute to figure it out.

"You're not answering Alicia!" I yelled out teasingly above the noise she was making as I scratched at the soles of her feet moments later.

It was the most fun I'd ever gotten out of any interview ever, with her mouth strapped shut the poor girl could only shriek and scream out her muffled, distorted replies to my simple questions. It was a cruel thing to do I know, but it most certainly a thrilling sight.

I watched, laughing along with her as Alicia screamed her throat raw, slamming herself upon the bed in frustration. Her bare, tickled feet wriggled and wrenched at their bonds as did the rest of her cocooned body. I would've thought her track suit would rip at any minute and she would flail her limbs about, shrieking in ticklish agony once she'd pulled the tape off of her mouth and alerted some nearby aid.

None came though, Carolyn would not return until later that night and it was only mid afternoon when I'd started on Alicia's soles. She had sensationally soft and tender feet and my nails cravingly scratched every inch of ticklish, sensitive flesh. Into her deep, smoothly curved arches, across the pads of her adorable, wriggling toes and upon the gentle skin of her heels.

Alicia's feet were beautiful and most incredibly ticklish. I spared her no mercy, sometimes tickling her feet gently though to allow her some rest, sometimes relentlessly clawing away. I had the poor, tortured brat crying and weeping hysterically, engulfed in hapless baby sobs.

I kept this up until I heard quiet chuckling at the doorway. Turning around I saw Carolyn had returned. She stood at the door, arms crossed and smiling at me.

"Did I go to far?" I asked nervously, glancing at the bawling actress.

Carolyn grinned, shaking her head. "This is usually where I stop and let her go." she said. "Did you get your interview?"

I gasped as I realized that I hadn't written down a thing.

"You'll have to come back then sometime won't you?" Caroyln teased, grinning at me knowingly.

I left the room along with Caroyln, leaving poor Alicia lying across the bed and shaking with tears from the non-existent interview. She helped me pack my bags and kindly saw to it that I was called a cab back to my hotel.

"Will you let her go?" I asked, once downstairs and in the backseat of my taxi with my bag of unused interview equipment.

Carolyn peered through the open window and smiled at me.

"Hell no." she replied, grinning. "I haven't had my turn yet."
Another gem.

I find myself enjoying all your stories.

I like how you do it.

NO build up, no advertising, no over dramatics, just the story and thats it.

You sir are to be commended.

Thank you for writing.

I love Alicia Silverstone

That's a very good story, I enjoyed it very much!!!
I just love Alicia, would it be asking to much for you to write another one with her in it?
Either way great story!:bouncybou
Love this one man I had not read it in like six years but I still remember it great story man,
Thanks again guys! It was a HUGE surprise to get a request for this. It was one of my very, very first. Wrote it in my last year in high school on paper and somehow it wound up on Josie's site a few years ago. I'm so glad everyone enjoyed it.

skulnbone7 - I'll see what I can do. I feel bad enough it's taken me so long to finish Jessica Biel part two. :)
If you do another one....I will certainly read it.

Great job again.

Wonderful Story!

Mr. De Sade, I just thought I would post a thank you for another great story! If this was one of your first stories, you talent was evident early on. :bowing:

Please continue to write and contribute to this forum! I wish that I had your talent!

Peace out!
Mr. De Sade, I just thought I would post a thank you for another great story! If this was one of your first stories, you talent was evident early on.

Thank you so much jm! Your comments are humbling and very, very much appreciated. Glad you and everyone else who reads my stuff enjoyed it. :happyfloa

Please continue to write and contribute to this forum!

Oh, I haven't stopped. Just been working on and emailing out some more personal requests that I feel are not quite right for the board. I should have some new public stuff up soon though. Thanks for the support!
Great story. Alicia Silverstone is one of my favorites. I love how you portrayed her as a snotty brat, and then punished her with the tickle torturing from two people.

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