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Over population of trolls.

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Level of Raspberry Feather
Jan 31, 2008
I'm no vet yet by any means. But it sure as hell seems to me that the forum has been pretty much run down with them. Any post that any girl makes about insecurities or dating issues is run down for a length of pages with complete and utter bullshit, by familiar talking "posters".

What is going to happen to the newbies who come along with the same apprehensions and are promptly run down and then chased off?

It's a fucking shame that at one time this was a place where the population could come, relax and share openly with like minded individuals. Now it seems to be nothing more than a barren place with locked threads and still open threads that have long since strayed from the OP.

I guess what some previously "banned" individuals predicted came true: The TMF would soon be over taken by them and their need to line walk and start shit for no reason what so ever.

How can me or any of my fellow posters talk openly about our fetish or even issues going on in our lives? Go to Facebook? Really?

'Sup Mod Squad?
I've been here for a long time, and I don't see any real change in that respect. Sure, there are trends, and periods where assholes are slightly more active than others, but inevitably it averages out to... well, average.

I really don't think there's been any kind of fundamental change in the forum. Possibly just a couple of fluctuations which will be nothing but a blip on the radar in a year's time.

"I shall make several accounts to which I can prey upon your insecurities! Everyone shall accept my opposing opinions! Muahahaha!"
Trolls are on every internet forum best thing to do is just not feed em .
Trolls are everywhere. All you can do is take them with a grain of salt. Or ignore them. This entire thread, unfortunately, is just gonna add fuel to the fire.
Yeah, I've kind of wondered that. It's been pretty bad lately. Hell, last night there was a thread (that has since been removed I think) where someone was called "trashy" for how they looked in their signature pic? And then someone else was being made fun of for apparently how he looked in a FB picture (turns out this guy doesn't even have his picture up but still, it does go to show what people will say in order to get a reaction). Since when was it ok to make fun of someone for how they look? Btw, this gal doesn't look trashy in the least and is quite beautiful. I'm pretty sure that it was said to gain a reaction in some way. Things like that usually are.

Granted, this is the internet and people will do and say as they please but come on, isn't there a time when enough is enough - especially when it's the same ol' shit?

But why does it come to this every single time someone posts something that others might not agree with? Isn't there a tactful way to get a point across? And not only that, aren't there just times where common sense and a heart will tell you that perhaps this isn't the place to be ignornant to someone?

Can't we all just get along? Well, most of us? This forum has a lot of really great people in it. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is go back to ignoring crap. Life is too short.
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Yeah, I've kind of wondered that. It's been pretty bad lately. Hell, last night there was a thread (that has since been removed I think) where someone was called "trashy" for how they looked in their signature pic? And then someone else was being made fun of for apparently how he looked in a FB picture (turns out this guy doesn't even have his picture up but still, it does go to show what people will say in order to get a reaction). Since when was it ok to make fun of someone for how they look? Btw, this gal doesn't look trashy in the least and it quite beautiful. I'm pretty sure that it was said to gain a reaction in some way. Things like that usually are.

Granted, this is the internet and people will do and say as they please but come on, isn't there a time when enough is enough - especially when it's the same ol' shit?

But why does it come to this every single time someone posts something that others might not agree with? Isn't there a tactful way to get a point across? And not only that, aren't there just times where common sense and a heart will tell you that perhaps this isn't the place to be ignornant to someone?

Can't we all just get along? Well, most of us? This forum has a lot of really great people in it. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is go back to ignoring crap. Life is too short.

Didn't even realize that thread was removed. Yeah, it got a bit out of control last night over the most stupid things.
Objectively, even the earth can't be cleaned by Allah or 3rd generation gatekeepers.

Take it either as a spice or blight, but having trolls is part of the internet.
The term "trolls" is a little undefined and it's a term that's cast about the forum fairly freely. I've seen people labeled as trolls when their worst crime is maybe a little over-persistence in presenting their side of whatever argument is going on.

I see very few genuine trolls on this forum that actually qualify for the term.

Of course, along with trolls, you have self-appointed "hall-monitors" who show up in a thread only to declare that a it isn't progressing the way they think it should, or to pronounce one of the participants as a "troll."

The bottom line is, there will always be people on forums that annoy you. Personality conflicts are a part of life. I personally roll my eyes at all the little Yes-men posts. "I agree. Oh I so agree!"

The moderators do an excellent job in keeping the forum clean of spam and obvious trolling. But they can't do it all. It falls to us as individual forum members to keep the forum civil.
I'm a newbie here, but I know how you feel. I used to post at a forum for an online comic from time to time back in the day. Eventually the trolls and flame wars got so out of control that I just logged off one day and never logged back on. Part of the problem with a forum like that is that you either talk about the comic or you talk about something else, and the something else basically raged out of control. No one even talked about the comic any more.

At least here, there are all sorts of materials to share and different kinds of places to post. A troll has to be pretty nasty to go to all of these conversations to start trouble, so at least it seems like there are places to talk without haing to worry about hijacked threads. Though, even if things get rough, I'm not planning on deliberately leaving as long as there are decent people around to talk with.

I also have some links about this kind of thing. They're very tongue-in-cheek, but perhaps a little helpful.



Makes you think if that prediction made by the "banned" member wasn't an admittance. Kinda fishy that all the shit starts happening after the bannishment. Perhaps one in the same?
For the most part it's all just one very pissed off man signing on and off several accounts to agree with himself.

It's not that big a deal tbh.
This place has a '' population '' of almost 98,000 . Thats the size of a good sized town. Those numbers alone suggest their will be all-types of different issues that come with that territory

I can imagine that being a female on here can be a double-edged sword. Let`s be honest for a second. If you are a young female '' newbie '' and don`t look like a ogre , you pretty much receive the '' rockstar'' status right off the bat no matter how you act . Now the downside to that is all the incredibly innappropiate behind the scenes PM`s that the ladies receive from the ''creepers '' part of the forum that bring no interaction or substance to the TMF as a whole. I think thats why you see so amny new females bolt after a few months with good reason.

The place has major ebbs and flows that have become normal . The biggest trend I have seen are the ''newbies '' that have joined the last couple of years especially and have seemly '' taken over the place '' with a very brazen ( excuse my French ) FUCK YOU , I own the place mentality . This has driven off many of the older cornerstone members that made this place GREAT .

Just my two cents

Yeah, I've kind of wondered that. It's been pretty bad lately. Hell, last night there was a thread (that has since been removed I think) where someone was called "trashy" for how they looked in their signature pic? And then someone else was being made fun of for apparently how he looked in a FB picture (turns out this guy doesn't even have his picture up but still, it does go to show what people will say in order to get a reaction). Since when was it ok to make fun of someone for how they look? Btw, this gal doesn't look trashy in the least and it quite beautiful. I'm pretty sure that it was said to gain a reaction in some way. Things like that usually are.

Granted, this is the internet and people will do and say as they please but come on, isn't there a time when enough is enough - especially when it's the same ol' shit?

But why does it come to this every single time someone posts something that others might not agree with? Isn't there a tactful way to get a point across? And not only that, aren't there just times where common sense and a heart will tell you that perhaps this isn't the place to be ignornant to someone?

Can't we all just get along? Well, most of us? This forum has a lot of really great people in it. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is go back to ignoring crap. Life is too short.

this is exactly what i ment angel when I said you construct your points and argument in a valid method :)
I'm no vet yet by any means. But it sure as hell seems to me that the forum has been pretty much run down with them Any post that any girl makes about insecurities or dating issues is run down for a length of pages with complete and utter bullshit, by familiar talking "posters".

I think herein lies a big part of the problem. Girls (and guys) post about very private and/or emotional issues while forgetting how open and public this forum is. You don't even need to be a member to read any post in Interaction. This is no place to be sharing such personal information. If you were at a party with both friends and strangers, you wouldn't walk up to the mic-stand and start talking about your dating insecurities....would you?

So then they get replies from strangers who might sympathize or they might see it as whining or attention-seeking. Then they get attacked for expressing thoughts that don't support the original poster. So they attack back, and then it deteriorates from there.

What is going to happen to the newbies who come along with the same apprehensions and are promptly run down and then chased off?
They'll realize that no matter what anybody else thinks of them, they have as much right to express themselves as any veterans. They'll come back with some thicker skin.

It's a fucking shame that at one time this was a place where the population could come, relax and share openly with like minded individuals. Now it seems to be nothing more than a barren place with locked threads and still open threads that have long since strayed from the OP.
It still is a place to relax and share thoughts and ideas. Bear in mind that "ILY" and "Om nom nom" don't really qualify as thoughts or ideas.

I guess what some previously "banned" individuals predicted came true: The TMF would soon be over taken by them and their need to line walk and start shit for no reason what so ever.
Now that's interesting. You've been here longer than me, so maybe you can post a link? I'd like to see that.

How can me or any of my fellow posters talk openly about our fetish or even issues going on in our lives? Go to Facebook? Really?
You're already doing that, aren't you? And it's good you mention Facebook because it brings up a good point.

On Facebook, you don't have the problems about which you are here complaining, right?

Why is that?

It's because on Facebook, you control who populates your audience. They are all (in theory at least) friends. People you know. You don't have to worry about total strangers reading about your personal issues, much less commenting on them.

My advice would be to keep such personal and emotional threads confined to Facebook or email lists. In my opinion the TMF is better suited for topical discussions rather than soul-baring personal healing sessions.

In short, this is the Tickling Media Forum, not the Tickling Remedial Forum.
There are trolls and there are people who want to start trouble for the sake of starting trouble. Those people will always exist, no matter where you go on the internet.

The problem with this is that no one reports the threads that have started to deteriorate. If you see people have strayed from the topic and/or starting to toss around insults, then report it. Don't respond because it will only add fuel to the fire. TMF is a huge forum and the mods are only human. They won't see everything so as members of this place, it's up to us to help them out to keep it "flame-free". Hell, mods have their own lives to take care of so sometimes they're not on to see it.

Furthermore, if there are people who annoy you and piss you off every time you see their posts, put them on ignore so you don't see what they post again. It's not worth the aggravation.
Your still loving the attention you get from starting shit here then cyrstal
but what trolls are you on about the , trolls or nanny's ?

i see a lot of trolls (as you would call them) sticking up for the little people of the TMF , thats about it

but i see a lot of nanny's telling us what we can and can't do
as i would call them (a mod wanna be)
Yeah, I've kind of wondered that. It's been pretty bad lately. Hell, last night there was a thread (that has since been removed I think) where someone was called "trashy" for how they looked in their signature pic? And then someone else was being made fun of for apparently how he looked in a FB picture (turns out this guy doesn't even have his picture up but still, it does go to show what people will say in order to get a reaction). Since when was it ok to make fun of someone for how they look? Btw, this gal doesn't look trashy in the least and it quite beautiful. I'm pretty sure that it was said to gain a reaction in some way. Things like that usually are.

Granted, this is the internet and people will do and say as they please but come on, isn't there a time when enough is enough - especially when it's the same ol' shit?

But why does it come to this every single time someone posts something that others might not agree with? Isn't there a tactful way to get a point across? And not only that, aren't there just times where common sense and a heart will tell you that perhaps this isn't the place to be ignornant to someone?

Can't we all just get along? Well, most of us? This forum has a lot of really great people in it. Oh well, I guess the best thing to do is go back to ignoring crap. Life is too short.

Awww. <3

Yeah. Shit was ridiculous! I'm tired of drama everywhere. Everyone is leaving because it's getting out of hand.
show me 1 person who's leaving the TMF because of drama ?
if you ask me , they need to grown up :) lol

Ray and Tracy left last night. Adam has pulled back from posting because it's getting ridiculous. I left a few months back for it.
The timing on this was incredible because I was thinking similar thoughts last night after reading one particular thread. Sometimes it makes me wonder though what originally happened for people to have such bad blood with one another.

Usually when I walk into a room with someone I don't like, I can acknowledge their presence, be polite, but by no means feel obligated to be his or her friend. And I guess I wonder why that model can't or doesn't function here on either end. Or if someone doesn't like what someone else posted, why can't they either express what they have to say in a constructive way, or simply choose not to respond because it will create hard feelings. It drives me crazy when I see people say, "Well you need to hear this" as if they cared what happens to that person, but you see 4 pages down the line they are insulting them up one side and down the other. Doesn't seem much like "charity" to me. If they NEED to hear it, what's a better way of making someone listen to you? Calling them a crazy bitch? Or explaining your point thoroughly and why you feel that way in a respectful manner? Another thing someone will do is be subtly insulting, and so the receiver, of course, takes it badly, and then is accused of not hearing the medicine they needed to (where as they may have if the thoughts expressed weren't done so in such a jerky way).

It also bewilders me sometimes that people can see someone as a troll, but continuously argue with that person. All I can think is, "News flash! You aren't going to change your mind and neither are they!" You can't beat a troll at trolling, they have more experience. The idea of arguing to me is expressing your viewpoint, they theirs, and perhaps either finding a common middle ground or at the VERY least, seeing someone else's point of view and learning a thing or two. I guess lately it's been an extreme lack of maturity and no one person or set of people is to blame, because someone can't harass others without someone or something they said or did to feed on. I've found as of late the ignore button has worked for me beautifully. I deal with kids all day who can't seem to figure out how to function socially in a way that plays well with others. It's entirely strange to see it here too.
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