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Ticklish Thanksgiving Traditions (Many F's / Many M's)


TMF Poster
Dec 31, 2009
Always had a fantasy like this when marrying into my family. I got a little off the walls here with a bunch of characters, as a i'm a huge fan of when lots of people are tickled. I hope it's not too hard to follow!

Ticklish Thanksgiving Traditions
Jason and his wife Jess were on their way to Thanksgiving dinner at Jess's uncle's house. They had been dating for 7 years, and were newly married just a few months earlier. In all of the time they've dated/been engaged they've always spent Thanksgiving dinner with his side of the family, and his parents place. Jess had said once they were married, they'll be going to her family's dinner since he'll be officially part of the family, and they take the holiday very seriously. He never really knew what that meant. Even at their wedding, Jess's sister in her maid of honor speech made a mention about Thanksgiving by saying "And I think we're all a bit excited to finally have Jason as a part of our family traditions on Thanksgiving." which was met by some cheers from Jess's side of the family, mostly high pitch cheers from the women. Jason never questioned it.

They arrived at her uncle's house in Rhode Island, a really large place. "This house is like a mansion! You never told me that they had such a big house." Jason said. Jess just shrugged it off and they went inside to meet everyone. When they walked in the front door they were greeted by everyone already there. Jess's mom Beth, and her dad Rob were two familiar faces. He fit right in with them ever since day 1. They were both about 60 year old lawyers and worked very very hard, and made a great living. They were very stern people most of the time, but they also could throw some back and have fun when they decided to let lose. Jason really liked them.

He made his way through the groups of people exchanging pleasantries. All of these people were from Jess's dad's side of the family. He said hi to the man and woman of the house, Steven and Karen. Steve, Rob’s brother, was the CEO of a software company that he was a part of since the beginning, so he was really bringing in the money. He was a tall guy, about 58, and still very much in shape. His wife stayed at home with their kids as they were growing up, and she took full advantage of the gym in their basement, and it showed. She still looked great at 55. Their kids were Laura and Brian. Jess's cousins, were 25 and 28 respectively. Jason and Jess hung out with them from time to time. Brian was government contractor who had spent some time in Afghanistan recently, and he looked like he could have been over there for deployment. He was a jacked dude, with a really friendly personality. Jason and Brian went to get some beers and walk around the huge house, hopefully finding a tv for the football game.

As they were standing around, Jason scanned the room and saw many more family members. Jess’s other uncle Al was there, a current state cop with a few more years left until retirement. His wife Melody and their kids were here as well. His daughter Anne was a nurse, and his son Adam was following in his footsteps and was currently working his way up the ranks at the local police force. he was still in uniform as he was coming from work as well. Those were the faces he really knew quite well. Other guys around the tv he really just knew names and sort of what they did. Eric was Jess’s cousin, about 23 years old. He had just graduated college from Princeton where he played baseball as a starting pitcher. He noticed Zach, a kid who had just started his first year at Hofstra where he was playing lacrosse. Jess’s aunt Mary, by blood, had married a guy named Jake a little while back, he was the coach of a prep school football team. Jason only met him a few times but he kind of seemed like a prick. There we some neighbors and others that Jason didn’t recognize at all.

As the first football game of the day moved on Jason mingled with the other guys on the coach as the women hustled and bustled around to get dinner ready. They were waiting on the guys hand and foot. Jason was thinking to himself that he could get used to this! Jess’s mom Beth came up with a beer for him and said “So Jason, are you excited for your first ever Thanksgiving??” he just smiled and said that he was. When she snickered and walked away he turned to Brian and said “what’s with this mystery around this holiday? What am i missing?” Brian tried his hardest to shrug it off. He said “You’ll find out later. Just take advantage of the girls being nice while you can. That’s all i’ll say.” Jason thought that was super weird, but he did, asking Jess’s cousin Beth for another plate of shrimp. He figured he’d just sit back, relax and take it all in.

More people came in as dinner time got closer. Jess’s brother Carl was a doctor and just got off of work to make it in time. Her grandparents came right before dinner time. They adored Jason, and the feeling was mutual. Tom was the grandfather’s name, and he made his living as a farmer for a very long time. Eventually started teaching at a school, but since retiring many years back he’s been really into poker, something he and his wife Sharon shared. He was the one to lead the grace as everyone sat round the different tables for a splendid turkey dinner.

Dinner was fantastic, as there were lots of great conversations going on, the food was very good and the beer and wine were pouring non stop. Jason turned to his wife and said “you guys weren’t kidding with your tradition stuff, this may be the best Thanksgiving i’ve ever had!” She looked over at him, and just patted him on the back and said. “hold on to that thought.” Carl looked across at him and shook his head with a regretful smile on his face, knowing what was coming.

Jason made small talk with a bunch of different people after dinner was over, some he knew well, some he didn’t. He was a very personable guy, and as the number one sales rep at his company, he loved interacting with anyone who was around. Then he was broken out of his conversation with a random cousin in the family by Karen, the woman of the house letting everyone know it was time for the tradition to continue. “Ok everyone, we’ll be bringing the first group downstairs to start our favorite part of the day! Buckle up boys, it’s time to pay up!”

That was met with a bunch of moans and groans from a bunch of the men in the room. Random women were approaching different guys and one by one they were led out of the room. About five or six in total were being taken out of the room, Jake and Adam being two of them. Jason made a mental note on how it was weird to see a cop in uniform being led out of the room by a young cousin of Jess’s. He also took note that there were definitely some of the girls missing from the large area of the house that the’ve been in. He tried to spark up more conversation about what the hell was going on.

He went up to Zach and said “Dude, so what’s going on here? Where are they taking them?” Zach, the young college freshman said “Jase, i’m the same way. They don’t take you unless your 18. This is my first year, so all i know is, they started this when i was like 12 and it’s some sort of “payment” or whatever. I’m anxious to see what it is.” This shocked Jason even more. They all kept it so quiet, that a younger member of the family had NO CLUE what this was? How strange.

About 15 minutes had gone by and then some more women came out of the woodwork to pick out some more guys. “Don’t worry boys, you all will get your chance!” said Karen. Out of nowhere Jess’s mom Beth tapped Jason on the shoulder. “Come with me.” she said, as she put some rope around his hands and led him down the hall. He noticed Zach was along with him in this group, along with Rob, Jess’s dad, Al, the state cop uncle, and Carl, Jess’s brother. Jess was leading both her dad and brother down the hall by the same rope.

“So,” Beth said Jason, with Zach within ear shot, “I can finally tell you the details about what goes on here. Years ago, the women of this family became tired of being pushed around all the time by the men. Thanksgiving was the prime small sample size of the whole year. We all bust our asses to put on a great dinner, and the guys don’t life a finger. It’s like that most of the year. We understand a lot of these guys have high paying, stressful jobs, but that’s no excuse for trying to help around the house! So about 6 years ago we decided to take action. Karen had her basement changed around into exactly what we needed. We drugged the turkey and put all the guys to sleep. When they woke up, they were tied up in the stocks we had built.”

Jason’s heart was racing. “So this is some sort of S&M basement haha, you guys are crazy…” Beth just laughed, “Well, maybe a little. But we dominated them that year. We broke them all down using the perfect method. And ever since, it’s just been a simple agreement that we do this on this day ever year to get some payback for the year.” Jason looked confused as they finally approached the door to the basement down a flight of stairs. He looked around at Rob, Carl, Zach and Al, then to his wife and mother in law. “What’s the method you use?” He asked. “You’ll see…” Beth said, lets just say this room is sound proof for a reason.” She and Jess exchanged a smile as they pushed the door open.

As the women led the men into the room by a rope, there were all sorts of different sounds to be heard from inside. As they were walking down a short hallway, Zach looked back at the others and said “Are they laughing? What’s so funny about this?” Jason chimed in “It sounds like a couple of them are begging?” Their group came up to the end of the hall and they laid eyes on the huge room. Zach and Jason were wide eyed, while Rob, Carl and Al all took a glance and put their heads down. The room was alive with energy. Jason looked around the room to find the source of all of the sounds. “Tickling?” he said out loud to no one really. “Holy shit this isn’t good…” said Zach. Rob patted them both on the shoulders as he was pulled past them by his daughter. “Be strong boys. We can do this.”

Jason scanned the room and all of the guys who were part of that first group in a bunch of different positions and states of undress. All of the women were now dressed in sexy outfits. The first person he saw was Adam, the young cop. His standard issued boots were on the floor and one of the female cousins was tickling all over his black socked feet. He was laughing like crazy, quite the ticklish policeman. She was taunting him non stop. “Oh Mr. Officer, what ticklish feet you have!! So sweaty too! Is this all i have to do when you pull me over!?? Tickle tickle tickle!!” He was in hysterics. “AHAHAHHAHAHAHA JESUS NOT THIS HAHAHHAHAHA NOT LIKE THIS HAHAHAHAHAH.

The other guys in the room weren’t doing much better. He noticed two guys who had married into the family to Jess’s aunts. One was hogtied on the ground with a ballgag in his mouth. His captor was Jess’s aunt, and she was digging into his sides, he had already been relieved of his shirt. He was giggling like a mad man and had his eyes squeezed shut. Jason noticed the other uncle, he had met him tonight. A mild mannered guy who was a physics professor at Yale. But here he was locked in a set of stocks with his arms tied above him and his legs out in front of him. He had his wife and daughter at his armpits and feet simultaneously. One sock was on, the other was off and he had tears in his eyes as he laughed, and laughed and laughed. Not so mild mannered now, Jason thought.

The new members of the party were all led to their own set of stocks. They were identical. Beth led Jason to his and locked him in. “These stocks were made after our first year. We lock in your hands and feet. They are flexible, so we can make you seated with your arms raised, standing straight up, lying flat on your back…any way we want you boys.” Jason, his father in law and brother in law, Al the state cop, and Zach were all slowly put into position. Jason noticed that Jake, the high school football coach was sitting in his stocks untouched. “Do we get breaks or something? Is that why he’s ok?” One of the first ticklers heard this and yelled out. “Oh no sweetheart! We do a little game sometimes. You have to decide to get tickled or tell us who to choose. Most of the time you guys try your damndest to not crack and give each other up. This one here though gave up all of the others without even a tickle. Now in order for him to get tickled all of the others must crack and give him up. It’s the best! hehe”

“This is insane” Jason said. “Oh don’t worry, we’ll be playing a similar game with the rest of you. “Jason, Zach. Don’t give in to them!” Said Rob. “We fight like hell, don’t give them the satisfaction!” He watched as his wife and mother in law joined the other women in taking off their jackets/hoodies revealing their french maid outfits. He was blown away how hot his wife looked in her tight dress and black nylon stockings and black heels. Her mom was just as hot. Jess walked up to her dad and said “Well dad, it looks like by saying that, you’re volunteering to go first huh?” The successful lawyer wouldn’t make eye contact and said “Do your worst.” Jess snuck up behind him and dug into his ticklish armpits. “heheheheheheheheheehheheheehehe god damnit heheheheheheh ahahahahahahahahahahaha no hunny hahahahahahahaahahaha hahahahaha stopppppp hahaha h stop it hahahahaha” he was laughing instantly.

Jason was entranced, watching the man who he asked permission to marry his daughter, laughing like a child. He snapped out of the trance when out of nowhere, he heard Adam, who was now barefoot and and his uniform top unbuttoned, screaming laughing as his feet and armpits were tickled by a cousin. “HAHAHAHAHAH JAKE JAKE JAKE HAHAHAHAHAH TICKLE JAKE HAHAHAHAH HE THINKS HE”S SO TOUGH HAHAHAHAHAH.” The young cop was cracking fairly easily, and his cousin was letting him know it. “My goodness Adam, you don’t stand a chance tonight do you?? And with that all of the other guys who he came in with started screaming Jake’s name. Their ticklers slowly stopped tickling him and all sounded the hard nosed football coach. “Come one girls, i thought if i gave them up you’d lay off me?? That was the deal you told……” Jess’s Aunt put her finger over his mouth. Another started tugging off his shoes. His own wife said. “Oh yes, we need to start with his feet. This one doesn’t stand a damn chance” Shortly after, Jake was in tickle hell If only his players could see him now. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I”LL DO ANYTHING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOO HAHAHAHAHA TICKLE THEM HAHAHAHAHA.”

Beth came and sat in between the feet of Jason and Zach. Jason said to her “How long does this go on for? This has to end soon.” She looked at him dead in the eyes and said “We do this until we break all of you. Every, single one.” Then she popped up, jumped over to Carl, her son and dug into his thighs and armpits with one hand each. He and his father were already laughing like idiots. More women had come into the room and approached Al. He had been watching how his son was fairing, and it wasn’t good. Al’s sister was standing over him. “Oh boy oh boy. Such a shame that the cops in our family aren’t as tough as they seem. But i guess you gave that to him…” as she slowly untied his dress shoes. “No, please don’t sis. I had it rough last year!” She looked at him after popping off both shoes and said “That’s the point silly! Laugh copper!” and she dug into his sweaty, blue and grey socked soles. His toes were wiggling like crazy as he laughed his heart out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH JESUS HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAH NO HAHAHAHAH ROB HAHAHAHAHA WE GOTTA GIVE UP THE NEWBIES HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH Rob was getting a short break as Jess began taking off his shoes. Waiting for her were a pair of sheer black socks. “No Al, we need to hold out hahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH JESS hAHAHAHAHAH NO AHAHAHAHAHAHAA I”M YOUR FATHER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP HAHAHAHA. The lawyer was back into his own laughing world.

His son was next to him. Carl was having his feet tickled now by his mom “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN”T DO IT HAHAHAHAHA TICKLE JASON H AHAHAHAHA TICKLE HIS FEET HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” Al cracked right after “HAHAHAHAHAHA AND ZACH HAHAHAHA LETS GET THEM LAUGHING HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. They looked at each other and they knew it was finally time for them to join in the family tradition. Two random aunt’s walked up. “Are you ticklish?” she asked both of them. “Oh that one there with the blue shirt is SUPER TICKLISH. Start at his feet and he’ll be caught up to all of these laughing boys.” Jess said pointing to her husband. The aunt ripped off his Cole Hahn khaki colored shoes and Jason wiggled his toes. “Didn’t you play hockey in college?” The aunt asked. “I did.” Jason said nervously. “I always wanted to see if hockey players were ticklish!” She ran her fingers all over his sweaty socked feet. Jason was lost with the rest of the group HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA I AM HAHAHAHAHAH HOCKEY PLAYERS ARE TICKLISH AHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE STOP HAHAHAHAHAHAH STOPP HAHAHHAHAHA TICKLE ZACH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA “oh wow, this one cracked right away, you were right Jess!” Soon after, Zach, the 18 year old college kid joined the rest of the men with his shirt being removed and his bare stomach behind tickled by his cousin.

It was beginning to get tough to distinguish who was part of the first group of guys who were brought down, and who was part of the second. Jason couldn’t tell just how many total there were but there was at least ten of them, all being played like fiddles. Jess came over to him. “I couldn’t wait to get you in this position. I’ve known you were ticklish since our first date, but i’ve always wanted to see how you’d hold up to this hehe. Clearly not very well!” As she said that, she slid off his stripped socks. As that was happening Jason had a chance to catch his breath and look around. Two of the guys were now laying flat on their devices, and they were being swarmed on by a bunch of the women. One of them was Jake, and the other was a guy he didn’t know. They were both losing it. They were also losing clothing. Jake was now shirtless, and the other, older, guy just had on his boxer shorts and undershirt. Jake could have sworn he saw the girls tickle what looked to be like his boner, but his wife shocked him back to attention by scrambling her fingers up and down his ticklish soles. He was back into la la land. He joined his brother and father n law, who were both being tortured on their feet by Jess’s mom. “Oh look at my two boys. So strong, so dominant, yet soooo damnnnnn ticklishhh!!!!!!! There was nothing they could do but laugh “HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA A MOM STOP HAHAHAH Carl shrieked. “if you want me to stop, tell me you would LOVE to see me tickle your father until he can’t take it.” HAHHAHAHAHA NO I WON”T HAHHAHA I DONT WANT TO SEE THAT HAHAHAHAHAHA. “Oh come on, you certainly did last year, maybe we just have to break out the hair brush. “NOOOOOOO HAHAHA MOM NO HHAHAHAH” With that, she took a hair brush to his smooth soles and the well demenered young guy became unglued. Within minutes he wasn’t just asking to see his mother tickle his father, he was begging for it. “HAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE HAHAHA PPLEASE TICKLE DAD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I BEG YOU HAHAHAHAH I LOVE IT WHEN HE GETS IT HAHAHAHAHAH. “That’s more like it.” Beth said as she now focused on getting her beloved husbands ticklish sides and thighs, knowing what would ‘pop’ up after a while.

Jason was being tickled by multiple women now, he couldn’t even think straight. But just then, a new group of guys was being led into the basement to their respective stocks. He couldn’t believe it, Tom, Jess’s grandfather was about to get this as well. Along with him was Steve, the uncle who owned the house, Eric, the former pitcher and Brian. They were all anxious to see how the rest of the guys were doing, but were clearly disappointed to see how the rest of their family members were falling apart quite easily. Karen, Steve’s wife yelled out to the group. Hey girls, remember when this one here was saying grace before dinner?! Haha, well now he’s about to say some more prayers.” She dug into his sides and the CEO twisted around and giggle as much as the stocks let him. He was trying very hard to stay stoic. “Uh oh, i think we need to pull out the big guns and get him going early.” With that, Laura, Steve’s daughter took off his shoes and said “Ok dad, you get to choose. Heels, arches, soles or toes?” Steve just shook his head trying to avoid the tickles his wife was giving to his sides. “Dad, choose now or else.” Karen dug into his armpits and the tough guy started to spirt out some giggles and gave her what she wanted” hehehehehehhhehe heels heels hahaha heels!” Laura started tickling his heels and his volume when up a level. With all of the new guys in the room watching this unfold, his sadistic daughter was back at it. “Ok dad, that’s not enough. Pick one of the remaining three!” Steve was holding on by a thread. “I don’t want hahahaha to tell you where to tickle me hahahahahahah I WONT hahaha.” Laura shrugged her shoulders, ok then. Suit yourself!” She pretended like she held back the toes on his left foot and dug into the base of his toes. Steve lost all self control and started screaming with laughter HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHhaA YOU WIN HAHAHAHAHHHA MY ARCHES HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH ARCHES HAHAHAHAHA PLESASE HAHAHHAAH “ohhh no dad…i gave you a shot. You’re toes are ALWAYS your weak spot hehe” The man of the house was in deep deep trouble.

His son Brian was watching with shame. His dad was ten feet away and he was dying laughing from his sister scratching at his toes. He didn’t want to be watching when they took his socks off. Then Karen stepped in and said. “Ok Steve, you get to choose again. Who should we tickle next. Your son or you dad!” All of the girls in the room cheered as they still focused tickling the poor bastard in front of them. Karen and Laura picked up the pace on Steve, with Karen stripping him of his nice button down shirt, and Laura peeling off his blue dress socks. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA NO NHAHAHAHA NO HAHAHAHAHAH OK OK HAHAHAHAH OK OK HAHAHAHTICKLE MY DAD HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA The girls in the room cheered once again as Jess’s grandmother took center stage with her husband, Tom.

Tom’s daughter’s and daughter in laws all surrounded Tom as well. Karen spoke over all the laughing going on in the background. “Ok girls, time for he patriarch of this group to get his!” Tom’s wife walked up to him. “Come on babe. You play poker all the time now. Let’s see that poker face!” As she did this she untied his shoes. The old man just looked back at her with an icy stare, trying to remain calm. He was focusing very hard on keeping his face from moving. He was an old farm boy after all! Then his wife ran the first few fingers up his soles. They’ve been married for 61 years. She knew his weak spots, and she didn’t have time to wait around. As she lazily glided her fingers up his feet, his face twitched. He felt like he had two little hooks pulling on his cheeks. He had lots of eyes on him, but even as he tried his hardest to be strong, he couldn’t do it. The grandfather’s stone face turned into a struggling smile, then a toothy one. Followed by him letting out a couple giggles as the guys in the room who were watching had to turn away as to not see the old woman finish him off. Once he was giggling he knew it was over for him. He couldn’t regain control. hehehehehehhehehahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahaha oh no hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah i can’t hahahahhaahaha stop hahahsahahahahhahahahahahah. He hated feeling out of control, so he tried to get some control back, just about the only possible way that was left. By demanding to be tickled worse. hahahahahahah STOP TOYING WITH ME hahahahahaha just FINISH ME OFF!!! heheheheheheh. His wife nodded to the other girls around him and they all dug in. That put Tom out of his misery. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH NO HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I TAKE IT BACK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STOP STOP STOP HAHAHAHAHAH I BEG OF YOU HAHAHAHAHAHHA I”M AN OLD MAN HAHAHAHHAHHA HOW CAN YOU DO THIS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He wasn’t going to last much longer until he was broken entirely.

Jason was now staring straight up in the air, as Jess had laid him out flat. She was digging into his thighs, as he was only down to his boxer shorts. Another tickler came out of nowhere to tickle his armpits. It was while this was happening that he felt Jess’s hand make slight contact with his balls as she was tickling his inner thigh. He screamed “HAHAH WHOOAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. That was all Jess needed to hear. “Oh did i hit a sweet spot?” she kept going. “No hunny you can’t do that!” he tried to whisper. He felt a tingle in his groin. He was in the first stages of a hard on. “Jess you can’t do this to me in front fo your family! Not thathehehehehehehehehehahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Her mom struck fast on his ticklish arches as he talked. Jess came up to him and said “Babe, your fitting right in here. Take a look around you.” He moved his head around as far as the straps would let him but he was able to make out Zach next to him. First. He was strapped just like him, and he was also still wearing his boxers. Except his dick was sticking straight up through the shorts. Then, across the room, his father in law was in a new position. He was strapped standing up almost, with his feet about a foot of the ground. He was stark naked, with a boner you could put a wet towel on. He was being tickled by some random women he didn’t know. It was all coming together now in Jason’s mind how they were about to break them all. He just really didn’t want it to happen to him. Jess moved his stocks back up into the sitting position, just in time for some of the other guys to totally unravel.

Adam and his dad Al were on the floor, hogtied with ball gags in their mouths. They were both naked and having their soles tickled like crazy with brushes and other tools. Their tickler’s were comparing how ticklish father and son’s feet were in different places. When they hit Adam’s toes he officially broke. “GHHHHHFHFHFHHFHFHF he started drooling all over himself in the ball gag. Tears in his eyes. His father quickly followed. Both policemen were a total wreck. Their tickler’s removed their ball gags. “I GIVE, I GIVE …MERCY PLEASE. I’M GIVING IN.” One of Jess’s cousins and Al’s wife came up to them. “I want both of you to tell us how you’re ticklish cops. How the ticklish piggies have ticklish piggies. How you are our slaves to your mistress!” Jason was shocked watching this, how dominant the girls had become. He was even more shocked that Adam and Al followed instructions, with a little help from some foot tickling. “HAHAH OK OK HAHA STOP. I’M A TICKLISH COP! I”M A PIGGIE WITH TICKLISH PIGGIES! HAHAHA I”M YOUR SLAVE. I”LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU MISTRESS!” Adam and his father repeated this a few times. They took them out of the ball gags, and put leashes on the duo. They brought them over to a different area of the room, both walking with hard ons, out of site from Jason.

Seeing the first couple of guys totally crack had spread like wildfire across the room. With a total of over 20 guys now, more and more of them could be heard pledging their allegiance to their mistresses. Random screams repeating what their mistresses had told them could be heard across the room. Stuff like “I’M A TICKLISH PROFESSOR!” or “I’M NOT A TOUGH FOOTBALL COACH! I”M A TICKLISH PUSSY” or “I”LL LET YOU TICKLE ME WHENEVER YOU WANT” could be heard across the room. Jason swore he wouldn’t break like that until he heard. “I”M A TICKLISH BASEBALL PLAYER! PLEASE MISTRESS!! HAHAHAHA” He looked over to see Eric, the recent college grad in utter hysterics. This guy was a beast of a guy. 6’3 220, and his feet were being tickled by two older cousins. “Tell us about some friends you know that we can tickle. heheh” they said. This strong guy, future business man, was now spilling his guts telling these girls about how he knows which friends are ticklish. “I SAW HIS GIRLFRIEND POKE HIS ARMPITS! HAHAHAHA A i HAVE ANOTHER FRIEND HAHAHA HIS GIRLFRIEND TOOK HIM TO GET A PEDICURE, AND HE LAUGHED THE WHOLE TIME HAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE CAN TCKLE THEM ALL He was totally broken. He was soon taken away with a leash as well. He wasn’t even there that long, and he cracked quite quickly.

Grandfather Tom was now being forced to watch as his remaining sons Rob and Steve, and his grandsons Brian and Carl were all tickled at the same time. They were all in the original seated stocks, feet being tickled, forced to smell each other’s socks. Something was working on them, because they all had raging boners, but they were too ticklish to care. Tom’s wife was forcing him to watch, along with Jess and Karen. “You did this to them. You gave them their ticklish feet. Generation after generation, ticklish!” You can stop all of them from being tickled but taking their place, if you want…” his wife said smiling. But as she was taunting him, slowly dragging her fingers over his legs as she looked out on to the group of ticklish offspring, she noticed the 80 year old’s dick start to twitch as well. It takes quite a bit these days. “Oh my, looks like you like seeing this Tommy!?” “Let them get it…mistress.” He said as he smiled back at her. As they were having a moment, Jess snuck in to tickle her grandpa’s feet and he broke into hysteria HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA I GIVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU CAN”T HAHAHAHAHAH MISTRESS I”LL DO ANYTHING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. Even the head of the entire family was taken out on a leash.

Karen found herself focused on manipulating Jason’s hard dick, while tickling his armpits. He was being edged and he liked it. Then he felt someone at his feet HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH OHHHHH THAT FHAHAHAHAHAHA FEEELS GOOD HAHAHAHAHHAHAHFHGGGHGGGGGHGHGGGGGHGH. While his mouth was wide open, they threw a ball gag in there to really let him know he was losing control. He fit in with some of the others in the room. Brian and Zach were both ball gagged. Zach was so revved up, he already shot a load, something he was now being punished for at the moment by being spread eagle in the center of the room with 6 women tickling every inch of his body.

Jason was immediately drooling all over himself through the ball gag. It was humiliating. He never thought he could be any more embarrassed than he’d been a few minutes earlier, but now it was worse. He was breaking down and he knew it. Then, he couldn’t see it, but he heard yelled out “I”M A TICKLISH LAWYER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I”M A TICKLISH BIG BAD LAWYER MISTRESS!!!! HAHAHA I”M YOUR SLAVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I”LL DO IT HAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE I BEG YOU HAHAHAH PUT THE LEASH ON ME HAHAHAHHAHAHA MY TICKLISH LAYWER FEET CAN”T TAKE IT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. He heard Beth cheer that she got her husband to break. Poor Rob, Jason thought. He seemed so strong when this thing started. Now he was a slave like the rest.

Right around that same time, his fellow white collar brother Steve officially broke as well. He was flat on his back, while his daughter, Laura stood above him and tickled his armpits while staring into his eyes, whenever they opened. His wife, Karen had spread peanut butter on his feet and was licking it off of his feet, along with another random guy in the room who had caved earlier, and was being forced to do this by what was probably his wife. At the moment though, she was most certainly his mistress. Steve’s dick was a flag pole, flopping all around as he wiggled at his restraints, but couldn’t get away. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH GET YOUR TONGUE OUF OF MY TOES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I CAN”T TAKE IT HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAh While Karen continued to slobber and lick all over the CEO’s sensitive tootsies, his daughter was taunting him. “Oh my look how ticklish daddy is?! I don’t know if i can’ have such a ticklish guy walk me down the isle next year! You’re so powerful at work…look at you now hehe. Steve was almost in silent laughter mode. The peanut butter was gone now, and Karen was using a brush on his soles, while another woman had come to pay attention to sides/thighs. It was a sensory overload for him. Combined that, with recently seeing his father and brother crack like eggs from also being tickled, and being led out of the room on leash and collars, he knew he was following in their footsteps. He looked over to his right, and saw his son, his pride and joy, laughing like a maniac as a cousin sucked on his toes and tickled his soles. It was this point that the man of the house gave in to his ticklishness. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAA OK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA MISTRESS PLEASE STOP HAHAHAHAHAHA I”LL DO ANYTHING HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH MISTRESS LAURA, I”M YOUR SLAVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA MISTRESS KAREN, PLEASE DO ANYTHING BUT THIS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA COLLAR ME HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Soon after, Steve was let out, and just like most of his family members, was led away on a leash with a raging boner in front of him.

Soon after that Jason was in the middle of getting his balls tickled while someone sucked on his toes, it was almost a break compared to what he was getting, and his dick ached from being so damn hard. He then heard “NO NO NO NOT YOU HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH ANYONE BUT YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAH OK OK HAHAHA Laura IS MY MISTRESS HAHAHAHAHAHAH MY SISTER IS MY TICKLE MISTRESS HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA DEAR GOD HAHAHA NOT MY FEET HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I GIVE HAHAHAHA I”M YOUR SLAVE HAHAHAHAH I”M LAURA”S SLAVE HAHAHAHAH. Brian had broken as well. Laura had been busy. Minutes ago she had her dad pledging his allegiances to her, now she made breaking her tough guy brother look like child’s play as she took him to the next room.

Jess popped into Jason’s point of view. I think i’ve been taking it easy on you. Tell me you’re a ticklish hockey player and I’ll stop.” Jess said as she dug into his feet, while a cousin was tickling her husband’s balls. HAHAHAHAHAHAH NEVER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Jess frowned, hmmmm ok. She waved to another cousin. This one took on his armpits. Come on babe, I know you want to break. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHA OK I”M A TICKLISH HOCKEY PLAYER HAHAHAHAHAHA. “Am i your mistress?” HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA NO HAHAHAH I WON”T CRACK!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

They were interrupted by Zach and Carl breaking once and for all. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I PROMISE I”LL BRING YOU EVERY TICKLISH GUY ON MY LACROSSE TEAM TO TICKLE HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA JUST TELL ME WHEN HAHAHAHAHA I”LL TICKLE THEM FOR YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Carl was right next to him. “HAHAHAHAHAHA MISTRESS I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT HAHAHAHHAHHAHA” It was his cousin Anne who was dominating him. She had an idea. “Stand up slave.” She through the leash on him. They did the same to Zach. Anne spoke loudly. Slaves, tickle Jason with us and get him to break and become a slave just like you pathetic ticklish losers! NOW!”

With the fear of more tickling of their own feet on their minds, Carl and Zach dove into Jason’s ticklish body. Zach took on his mid section while Carl was at his brother in law’s left foot. Jess, Beth, and Annie also joined in. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAH NO GUYS HAHAHAH I THOUGHT WE WERE A TEAM HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Zach and Carl put their heads down and looked away, as they kept tickling harder. “Just break Jason, you know you want to.” Jess said, as she started stroking his dick. HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH JESUS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YES YES HAHAHAHAHAHHAH KEEP IT GOING HAHAHAHHAAHAH Then, Jess pulled back and stopped. She dove into his thighs and balls. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHA OK OK OK HAHAHAHAH MISTRESS PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I”M YOUR SLAVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH He had tears in his eyes and he kept drooling. Jason was broken.

They all cheered. While they were taking him down, all of the remaining men were breaking down as well. “Time for you leash slave” Jess said with a wink, as she put the leash over her husband’s head. Time for you to serve. She lead him to the room around the corner where all of the other tickle-defeated guys were taken. In front of him was another shocking site. All of the men, every single one of them, were in all different positions, worshiping the feet of the woman in front of them. Beth ran up and kicked off her sweaty heels to force her feet into the face of Rob, who was already worshiping her sister’s feet. He was kissing, sucking, licking. Jason looked in amazement as his father law continued to prove he was a broken man. Tom, the grand father was right next to him, doing the same to his wife’s feet. Brian was kissing and licking his sisters feet and she instructed to. He just kept saying “Yes mistress” on repeat. Both policeman on their backs next to each other. Their dick’s straight up in the air as they worshiped one foot of the family member in front of them, while the other stroked their dicks. Every now and then, some of the guys would sneak in a few tickles. You would hear the giggles and high pitched yelps from the women, only to be met with stern looks and sly smiles. A few of the guys were still being manipulated. Steve, his brother Al, Eric the baseball player, and more could be heard saying varying versions of “I admit it mistress, i love feet. You’re feet turn me on. I love my mistress’s feet.”

Jess through him down and the ground. “Knees, now!” she winked. She kicked off her black heels. Her sweaty black nylon foot came to her husband’s face. “Smell it.” She said. Jason did. He was disgusted, but he did it anyway. Then he started to kiss it. Then lick, and eventually settled into his role as a tickled, foot slave. She kicked off the other and started stroking his dick with it. “Looks like you’re starting to like it!” Jason knew that she was right. He looked around the room one more time at all of the men in his new family with leashes around their necks, kissing the feet of the women. What a crazy thought, that all of these guys were so ticklish, they could be led to this point. But i guess this is the truth in the matter. He looked back at his wife feet. He gave her a quick tickle of her own as she pulled away quickly. The dark haired beauty had extremely ticklish feet herself. “Don’t you dare, or i’ll throw you back in there.” Jason’s hard dick twitched. He took the feet back onto his face. “Maybe when we get home you can get some revenge. She said, as she leaned down to stroke his cock rapidly. He leaned back with his wife’s sexy ticklish feet in his face, as he took this hand job. Thanksgiving was his new favorite holiday, as weird as it was.
Incredibly HOT! I love F+/m+ tickling stories and this one ranks high on the list! Thank you for sharing!
What a great story, can't get enough. Really should have a sequel, maybe Beth and grandma tickle some of the ladies for some misdeeds, really great characters, just outstanding. Karen, Laura. Beth, Anne, and some aunts deserve some tickling. :)
Bumping just because tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it's still an awesome story. :) Have a great holiday everyone!
This Story was extremely hot and I would love to read a sequel to this one day! Whether that be another thanksgiving where the boys get tickled or where they get revenge on the girls, either one would be just as hot I'm sure and I would love it. Hopefully you revisit this family again one day :3
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