I'm a 43 year old English lesbian. I'm on UKTF as 'Dazed' and Fetlife as 'Wildwitch'. Women wanting to play with other women seem to be very rare. I'm not sure why. I'm newly properly 'out' as a tickle-lover since my part-time/long-distance relationship came to an end a couple of months ago. MY girlfriend tied and tickled me severla times a year during those 6 years we were together but was not keen to enter the Scene with me or let mt tickle her. I'm grateful for those wonderful expereinces and have been lucky enough to be welcomed by the core people of the UKTF at a recent munch. My 'I'm so much older than them' worries I've been able tolet go of as they think I'm cute. I've even had a session with one of them -a guy but, hey, a tickle is a tickle and he's a relentless and inventive ler-I was so blissed out afterwards,don't think I've ever laughed so much. So, that's me.Hoping to find out why so few UK lesbians are into tickling.