C C CrystalLight Sep 23, 2011 That sounds like something that would be said IN a Disney movie. You secretly love them. You do. It's okay.
That sounds like something that would be said IN a Disney movie. You secretly love them. You do. It's okay.
C C CrystalLight Sep 20, 2011 I was merely allowing you time to reflect on the fact that my superior epic-ness completely outranks yours. You're welcome.
I was merely allowing you time to reflect on the fact that my superior epic-ness completely outranks yours. You're welcome.
C C CrystalLight Sep 14, 2011 No. You prolly can't hear due to the massive amounts of nasty-regular coke clogging up your faceholes.
No. You prolly can't hear due to the massive amounts of nasty-regular coke clogging up your faceholes.
C C CrystalLight Sep 13, 2011 The fact that you posted this on your own wall shows me you were in such a tizzy you couldn't even focus. Thus making me winner & all around Bad Ass.
The fact that you posted this on your own wall shows me you were in such a tizzy you couldn't even focus. Thus making me winner & all around Bad Ass.
Cokecan Sep 13, 2011 Pepsi isn't even worthy of carrying my jockstrap. Diet Pepsi is what they serve in Hell. Along with Diet Coke. And Dr. Pepper.
Pepsi isn't even worthy of carrying my jockstrap. Diet Pepsi is what they serve in Hell. Along with Diet Coke. And Dr. Pepper.
C C CrystalLight Sep 13, 2011 Diet Coke is not present to justify the fatty foods you decide to cram in your maw! Coke is like lard in a bottle. Same after-taste too. Dude, I totally hear you. Mine is so bright that I've gotta wear shades. Brighter than yours.
Diet Coke is not present to justify the fatty foods you decide to cram in your maw! Coke is like lard in a bottle. Same after-taste too. Dude, I totally hear you. Mine is so bright that I've gotta wear shades. Brighter than yours.