(from my FetLife profile at https://fetlife.com/users/3032037/🙂
Attention-Snagging Headline: Shy, nerdy, awkward, straitlaced, dull but loyal 'ler in quietly desperate search of just one woman who longs to be tickled.
The Lowdown: Still struggling with the loss of my wife even after more than three years; she was the closest friend I ever had, and due to my extreme shyness and introversion it's very tough for me to make friends at all, let alone establish any kinds of intimate personal connections. Yet, I haven't entirely given up hope because I know there are so many unfulfilled women out there who desire to be tickled by a man; if I could enter into a relationship with just one such lady, even as just an occasional play partner, I would absolutely adore and treasure her.
many and varied