You didn't respond to my email so I'll put the message on here. I get your situation. My current gf was in an emotionally abusive marriage that she couldn't get out of because of financial dependency. Her parents moved 1500 miles away and she had nowhere else to turn to if she left him. In fact, at one point he was arrested for DV for trying to push her down the stairs during an argument (a third party heard him threaten her and called the police), and her own mother made her get the charges dropped.
He was from Poland and would online chat with local Polish girls right in front of my gf. Eventually she started cheating on him because she felt trapped and didn't want to be with him, but was pretty much stuck with him. She cheated on him for a good 3 years but I don't judge her for that. Everyone has problems in their relationships and sometimes, especially when you feel trapped, the excitement of an affair is the only thing that keeps you feeling good.