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Insomnia Will Take You to some baaaad Places (F/M)


Registered User
Apr 12, 2014
Uh yeah, so this story has some facesitting too, so if you don't want any of that, that's cool. And if you can't tell from context everyone is over 18. Strong language, sexual stuff, bla bla bla.

Not sure what possessed me to do this (yeah I wrote it). I'm not very comfortable indulging this side of myself. Maybe I'm just tired. Let's keep it on the down low "it's a secret to everybody."


Mark felt his eyelids dropping, but before they closed there was a knock at the door. He sprung up and answered it. A woman stood outside.

“Jess,” He said, smiling “Jess, my one good friend who’s not busy today. Thank you for coming. I-I am in baaad shape.”

“Yeah you look it,” she said, walking inside. “What’s wrong?”

Mark ran a hand through his hair. He knew it was disheveled and messy, and his eyes were red and dark, but he was far too tired to worry about appearances.

“Insomnia. I got it bad, Jess. I’ve been going days without sleep for weeks now. When exhaustion finally overpowers me it happens at like three in the afternoon and I wake up at night so my whole schedule stays fucked up. Have you ever slept all day and stayed up all night? Your mind goes to some dark places. I’ve been going INSANE, man, and I don’t know how much more I can take.”

Jess frowned. “Well that’s not good. I’m not sure I know how I can help you sleep though.”

Mark shook his head. “I need you to do just the opposite. Today is one of my exhaustion days, I can feel it. I could fall asleep any minute now, but I don’t want to do that. If I can stay awake till about 11:30 I might be able to get a normal routine.”

“So my whole day is going to be making sure you don’t fall asleep?” She did not look thrilled.

“C’mon, Jess.” Mark punched her softly in the arm. “We’re pals, we’re buddies. We’ve been through so much together. You gotta’ help me through this.”

“What have we been through together?”

Mark scratched his face and darted his eyes away from her. “Oh, you know, days on planet earth. Every day is a challenge, Jess, appreciate the people you live through it with.”

Jess rolled her eyes. “Alright, whatever. Not exactly like I had much going on anyway.”

Mark beamed. “You’re the best. So what do you want to do? Play some video games or something?”

“I guess that’s fine.”

“Awesome, exceeeept.” Mark bit his bottom lip. “My extra controller is messing up, so you’d just be watching me play.”

“Oh, what? C’mon, Mark! It was your suggestion!”

“Well I can’t watch you play, I need to stay awake and watching will put me to sleep for sure.”

Jess groaned. “Fine, whatever.”

“Once again, you’re the best.” Mark darted over to his shelf. His eyes darted over his games, but as he read each label he felt his eyes growing heavier. He leaned his body against the shelf. “Uh oh, Jess… I don’t… think I… can-” that was the last thing he remembered before darkness overtook him.

Mark awoke to a hard squeeze on his arm.
He groaned and his eyes fluttered open to see Jess sitting over him wearing a robe.

“Damn, you were sleeping hard,” She said.

“Jesssss.” He was still groggy and his eyes were adjusting to the light. “You changed clothes?” He tried to sit up but his arms and legs wouldn’t move. “What the?” He looked down to find his body tied spread eagled to his bed. Furthermore, his clothes were gone save underwear.

“Oh no, oh god.” Mark flung his head back and looked at the ceiling. “Not yet, man, I’m not ready to die. There’s a few things I still wanted to do. I always thought it would be cool to see a pyramid, I never got to do that! Can’t you wait until I’m 65? I don’t really want to live that long anyway.”

“Whoa, whoa, calm down.” Jess sprawled her hands out in front of her. “I’m not going to kill you! Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Don’t be ridic-? Woman, you stripped me and tied me up while I was passed out! It’s a reasonable assumption. I don’t know where you got these ropes from, I guess you brought them with you? Yeah that’s definitely serial killer operandi.”

“Okay, okay.” Jess smiled, showing her top row of teeth. Mark found something devious in that smile. “Fair point, but I’m not going to kill you so you can relax.” She stood up and walked to the foot of the bed.

“Not sure I can relax like this,” He said, tugging on the restraints. “What’s this about?” He thought for a second. “Oh, man, are you going to rape me? Cause I might actually be okay with that.” He smiled, then thought for another second, and stopped smiling, “Well, no, actually that depends on what it entails. I’d rather avoid anything too strange.”

“HA, you should be so lucky to be raped by me.” She smiled and let the robe slip off her shoulders. What was underneath made Mark sharply inhale. She was wearing nothing except a black bra and panties, and it wasn’t the kind of underwear you’d wear around on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

“Oh, what’s wrong, Mark?” She said, smiling as she watched him gaping at her. “No more witty little remarks? Am I just that stunning?”
Mark’s only response was a few deep, heavy breaths.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” She crawled onto the bed and rubbed her body against him as she put his face next to his. “You know it took a lot of work carrying you to your bed. You may be skinny, but I’m not exactly the world’s strongest woman. You’d better make my work worthwhile.”
“So… we are going to have sex?”

Jess laughed, long and hard. Even though she was laughing at him, Mark felt himself getting aroused.
“Ohh, you silly boy. I’m going to have a very different kind of fun with you.” She ran her nails down his chest. “But don’t worry, in the long run it’ll be for your own good.”

Mark swallowed hard. “You’re making me kinda nervous here, Jess.”

She smirked, “Good, you’re cuter when you’re nervous.” She kissed him on the forehead, but it was a dominating, humiliating kiss, like she was marking him as property. “Well, Mark, you said you needed to stay awake, and clearly you were having trouble with that, so I’m going to make sure you don’t drift off again. 11:30 you said? Well it’s about 5 now. Plenty of time for us to have fun.”

“I am so confused right now. Do you, like, hate me or something? I can’t tell what the fuck is going on.”

Jess smiled and rolled her eyes. “No, Mark, I don’t hate you. The thing is, I have kind of a wild side, and I never get to express it. Boyfriends have never been into it, and it’s not the kind of thing you can force on someone.”

“Uhh, what do you call this?” Mark said tugging at the restraints.

Jess smiled with all her teeth. She looked wildly excited. “You’re a special exception. I think you’re one of the few people in the world who won’t hate me for doing this against your will, and in the end I’m helping you out anyway so everybody wins!”

“Oh lucky me, my kind and easygoing nature gets me kidnapped by a girl who’s making my hormones go crazy. Granted, a girl that is fucking smoking, but still…”

Jess leaned close to him and whispered in his ear. “Oh you’re getting your wit is back, let me take care of that.” Jess rubbed her hand over Mark’s crotch, eliciting a long groan from the man. “That’s better.” She laughed. “Now, you know something I like to do that will keep you nice and awake?”

“Ahhhh.” Mark knew he could have said something clever to that, but her hand was still distracting him.

“I loooove watching boys like you squirm and beg for mercy from me. I want you to go so crazy that you’ll look at me as your master, because that’s exactly what I am. One good way to make you totally helpless is to exploit your sensitivity.” She grazed a few fingers over his chest. “A good way to do that is to tickle you into submission.”

“Ahhh” Mark was still groaning from Jess’s groping, but he managed to say, “Sorry to disappoint you there, Jess, but I’m not really very ticklish.”

Jess gave a sly grin. “Not very ticklish, which means you still are. That works for me, because it just so happens one of my specialties is finding the worst spots on some of the more resilient types.” She brushed her fingertips under his armpits, making him laugh softly. Jess laughed in turn. “I can already tell this will be a lot of fun.”

Mark was starting to feel nervous. Jess had a look in her eye like a crazy person. He trembled a little.

“Oh, what’s wrong, Mark? Scared of a girl? Well, you should be!”

Her fingers started attacking him. Mark was surprised to find it was making him laugh, but only a little bit. Jess started softly with her fingers mostly grazing over him mostly making him giggle.

“How’s that Mark? This is how I like to start, making you giggle a little, chipping away your masculinity, but it’s going to get a whole lot worse.”

Suddenly Jess started digging harder into him, thankfully it wasn’t painful, but it definitely got a reaction. Mark found himself laughing louder than he thought possible. His body began bucking around, but he was trapped by the restraints and Jess sitting on his stomach. Breathing was hard and all he wanted to do was get away from her fingers.

“Hoooooooly SHIT! Oh my god! Okay! Okay! Jess, stop, please! You proved your good! PLEASE GOD STOP!”

Jess laughed hard, cackling over him even as she dug her fingers into him. “Ohhh, poor Mark, are you suffering. You wanted me to come over and make sure you stayed awake. I have to do my duty.”

“I’ll stay awake, I promise! You did your job! Pleeeease stop, Jess, c’mon!”

“Poor little Mark, you don’t seem to understand. I’m in control here. You don’t get to tell me when to stop, I’m going to do this as much as I want! Tickle tickle tickle, Mark. Laugh if you think this is a good way to stay awake. Great! Laugh again if you’re so glad I’m doing this for you! Oh, that makes me so happy! Laugh more if you want me to kiss you. Well if you insist.”

Jess leaned forward and kissed Mark all over his face, all the while keeping her fingers busy on his body. Once again the kisses only humiliated Mark, helpless to reciprocate or stop them.

“Let’s try another position.” In a flash she flipped around and started in on his legs. She leaned forward and Mark got a good look and her ass in her extremely revealing panties. He was already hard, but that pushed him even further… and she noticed.

“Mark, are you staring at my ass?” She gasped in mock horror. “Are you getting harder from leering at me like that? You naughty boy. I’ll have to punish you for that.”

Mark didn’t know what that meant, but he certainly didn’t underestimate her now. “Jess, no, please! I didn’t mean too. I couldn’t help it.” Begging didn’t seem to work, so he decided to go with flattery. “You’re just so pretty. I mean, you’ve always been hot. You’re in my top three list, I just can’t help myself! Please don’t punish me for it!”

“Aww, aren’t you sweet.” She turned her head back and grinned at him, but he did not like the look in her eye. “Well since you like it so much let me give you a closer look.”

Jess started sliding back, and Mark realized what she was going to do. “Wait, no, Jess-“ He was cut off as Jess’s panty clad ass covered his face. She laughed hysterically.

“There you go, now you get a nice view, and I get a better position to tickle you!” She resumed her onslaught. Somehow this position made everything worse for Mark. His laughter was muffled under her which made him scream louder as if he had to be heard. Thankfully he was still able to breathe through his nose.

“Oh, Mark, I can’t hear you laughing anymore. Guess I have to tickle you harder!” She stopped briefly and held her fingers over his body. Mark tried to scream at her not to, but only a muffled noise came out. “What’s that? Sounds good? I’m so happy to hear that! I love doing this so much. Get ready, I’m about to go crazy on you!”

And she did. Mark never needed to laugh so hard before, and yet the only laughter that could be heard was hers as she mocked him.
“Oh Mark, such a lucky boy. You get a nice view of my ass, you get my hands all over you, you laugh like the happiest person in the world. It’s all so good for a naughty boy like you.” She wiggled her ass on his face. “Now let’s see, how else can I humiliate you? Oh I know!”

She stood up, and Mark took a few deep breaths as he got a break from his torture. He looked up and saw something that would normally make him jump for joy, but now made him tremble in fear.

Jess was slowly taking off her panties. She brought them down to her foot and slowly dragged them over Mark’s body with her toe.
“How would you like to have a woman’s bare ass on your face?”

“No,” Mark said looking up at her body, which he had to admit was amazing, “Please, Jess, not that. At least put your panties back on! Anything but this!”

Jess just laughed as she slowly lowered her ass back onto his face. Mark was swallowed by her flesh, and while it was nice and clean, it just accentuated his humiliation and helplessness. Jess laughed, extremely amused at his plight.

“Now how’s that? How does it feel to be buried under a woman’s naked ass?” Mark made a muffled noise underneath her. “What was that? I think you said, ‘it’ll be better if you go back to tickling me.’ Sounds good to me!”

She went at him yet again and once more Mark felt like he was going crazy. He struggled and kicked beneath her but couldn’t get away no matter what.

“Cute little Mark, my tickle, smother toy. You’re making me sooo happy. No one has let me do this before. Well I guess you aren’t letting me, but I know you, you’ll forgive me because you’re just so sweet. That’s what makes you so fun to torture.”

Jess leaned forward and took her ass off Mark’s face. Her fingers took a break from tickling him to peel his underwear down. Mark was gasping too hard to say anything.

“But not everything has to be torture.” She leaned forward and slowly licked the tip of his cock.

“Ohhh, my god,” He moaned.

“Look at that,” she said, “Even through all that begging me to stop you still got hard. Wonder how that happened.” She put her lips around his cock and did god knows what, but it made mark feel like he was in heaven. “Do you want me to keep going?” She asked.

“Aghh.” Mark knew what he wanted, but it killed him to say it. “Yesss, yes I do.”

“Well then,” she said looking back at him and smiling devilishly, “Kiss my ass.”


“And beg me to tickle your balls while I suck your cock.”

“Agh, ergh, no way!”

“Well I guess I can go back to just tickling you then,” She said, reaching her hands under his knees.

“NO! Okay, okay!” He leaned forward, closed his eyes, and kissed her ass cheeks.

“Make sure you get both now, and don’t forget to beg.”

“Aggh.” Mark raised his eyes to the ceiling. “Pl… please tickle my balls while you suck my cock.”

Jess laughed long and hard, making Mark’s face turn red. “And how bad do you want me to tickle them?”

“Ugggh. Really, really badly.”

“Say pretty please.”

“Oh c’moooon.”

“Say it!” She gave his knees another tickle.

“Ah! Okay! Pretty please tickle my balls while you suck my cock!”

“Well if you insist.” She grinned before putting her lips around his cock while her fingers went to work on his balls.
Mark’s body went limp. The tickling made the blowjob both worse and better at the same time and he didn’t know how to feel.

“Ohh, wow, Jess.”

“Now then.” She leaned her body back and put her clit in front of him. “Lick me while I lick you.”

“Ah what?” Mark was the rare breed who wasn’t too fond of giving a woman oral. Something about her forcing it on him made him feel funny.
“You don’t want to be selfish do you? Selfish boys get punished real bad.”

“Okay! Okay! I’ll do it.” He started licking her, and he must have been doing something right because she started moaning. Her blowjob got a little sloppier as she moaned, but he dared not stop. No telling what she would do.

That went on for a while, and eventually Jess got so into it she reached her had back and helped him finish her off. She panted heavily, happily, and slowly stroked his cock.

Jess laughed gently. “See I can be nice, but I’m afraid your torture isn’t over. We’ve still got an hour to kill before you can sleep.”
“Oh Jess, please, you’ve done enough. Haven’t you had enough fun?”

“Not yet, Mark. You’re doing what I say, but you haven’t given yourself to me. I want you to be so delirious that agree to anything I say without any of those annoyed grunts.”

“I really don’t like the sound of that.”

Jess sat upright next to him and pushed her arms in a way that squeezed her breasts together. “Don’t worry, this will be great.” She reached underneath the bed and pulled out a tube. “This is a special lube designed to increase your sensitivity. I’m going to be super nice and give you a handjob with it.”

“So, like, do you just carry this stuff around with you all the time? I’m pretty sure you weren’t planning all this when you came over today.”

“Oh, Mark, sweetie, don’t worry about stuff like that. Now let’s get to it.” She squeezed out the gel and put her hands around her cock.

Mark jumped at the cold sensation and laughed a little because for some horrible reason this tickled a little, but as she went on he got used to the sensation and let himself enjoy it. He started to groan.

“Mmm, sounds like you’re enjoying it.” Jess said, smiling at him.

Something about the way she said that made him afraid to answer.

“Don’t worry, that’s what I want.” She smiled wider. “You see the more you enjoy it the more you want it, and that makes it worse if I stop.” She took snatched her hands away and Mark missed the feeling so much that he screamed a little. Jess laughed hard and put her hands back around him, making him calm down.

“That got quite a reaction, but I know how to get an even better one. She took the flat of her palm and rubbed it against his head. Suddenly Mark felt like he was going to explode. His midsection surged into the air and he screamed with laughter. It was the most intense ticklish sensation he had ever experienced.


Jess laughed harder than she ever had before as she watched him thrash and scream.

“Hahaha, Mark, this is the best reaction I’ve ever seen! Is your little head sensitive? Aw you poor little boy.” She stopped circling his head and returned to the handjob. Somehow it felt even better than before and Mark felt all his rationality leave his head.

“Now, tell me who your mistress is.”

He was so delirious he couldn’t even think about fighting it. “You are, Jess, you’re my mistress.”

“And how wonderful am I?”

“You’re great, you’re spectacular, you’re the prettiest most wonderful woman on the entire planet! FUCK!”

“And are you my slave?”

“YES! I’m yours! I will do whatever you waaaant.”

“Good boy.”

And with that he released, and once again everything went dark.

Mark woke up who knows how many hours later. He was untied and his head was in Jess’s lap and she was gently stroking his hair. She stopped when she realized he was awake.
She looked down at him nervously and said, “uhh… hey.”


They were both quiet for a moment, and avoided each other’s eyes.

“Mark, please don’t hate me. I’m not sure what came over me. You always seem so cool with everything, for some reason I thought that would be okay. I think went a little overboard. Please forgive me. Suppressing that side of myself for so long made me… explode I guess.”
Mark was quiet. He bit his bottom lip and looked away.

“Oh no…” She covered her face with her hand.

Mark gently grabbed her hand and pulled it towards him. He looked directly at her. “There’s nothing to forgive, Jess. I… I…” He sighed. “I loved it. There. Crap. I don’t know why I loved it, I hate that I loved it, but I did. I loved every friggin’ part of it. I guess it’s just part of me too… faaaaaantastic.” He sighed.

Jess smiled slightly. “Ah, Mark, thank you.” She put a hand on his cheek. “You don’t need to be embarrassed with me. It’s just a little game.”

“Hmm.” Mark grinned. “Somehow I feel like it’s a little easier for you to say that, given the role you take, but whatever. But know this!” He pointed a finger at her. “This stays between us. I don’t want anyone knowing what I’m into. Frankly, I don’t even want to know. It has to be a secret to everybody.”

Jess grinned. “Are you trying to get me to take something seriously while using a lame video game reference?”

Mark punched her softly on the chin. “It was the only way I could think to phrase it.”

“You can trust me.”

He sighed, but it was a happy sigh. “I know. And I guess… if you ever want to do it again… I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”

Jess smiled. “Good, because there are a few other things I didn’t get to try.”

“Wonderful…” His eyes darted away from her.
And they both fell asleep then- A deep, easy sleep with both feeling very content.
Haha, I love stories like this, where they both learn something new about themselves and what they love 😀
Excellent story, can't beat tickle torture, tease and delay with good verbal teasing. Thanks for sharing
wow just wow. I have a hard time sleeping but after reading this I was like ohh god imagine >,<
This is one awesome story! I really enjoyed the fact that they both learned new things about themselves.
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