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Underwater tickling story


Registered User
Oct 15, 2002
After the senior girls team’s stunning success in the county swimming tournament, coach Miss Cartwright decided that, by way of celebration, the girls’ next session in the privately- hired pool should be dedicated to some leisure time rather than the usual rigorous training. She told Tracey - one of the butterfly stroke exponents - to relay her decision to all team members, but the blonde girl, for reasons of her own, neglected to tell the other girls that the next pool session was to be informal. Consequently, she was virtually the only swimmer to know about this in advance, and she turned up wearing a very brief bikini. Tracey looked absolutely stunning, and the other girls, almost all of whom were clad in their usual functional Speedo one-piece costumes, were - to say the least - envious. The only way they could assert any sort of individuality themselves was by discarding their swim caps and goggles (which they all did) as they dived and swam noisily around the pool, revelling in the rare freedom to do as they pleased in the water.

As Tracey climbed dripping out of the pool after performing a particularly impressive pike dive from the side of the pool into the deep end, the petite, brunette Jane, a fellow team member, approached her.

“Your diving is brilliant!” Jane exclaimed enthusiastically. “Could you give me a few hints on your technique?”

Tracey was puzzled. “But your speciality is backstroke,” she responded. “Why should you be bothered about diving?” Anyone with the slightest knowledge of swimming knew that backstroke swimmers started their races in the water rather than with a dive.

“I’m thinking of diversifying a little,” explained Jane, smiling appealingly. “Into breast stroke, perhaps. It was Miss Cartwright’s idea. I’d be able to act as a back-up swimmer in case of emergency. Remember what happened to Janet” - she gestured towards a good-looking redhead who was swimming easily across the breadth of the pool - “in that competition last January?” Janet was the team’s breast stroke swimmer, but had pulled an arm muscle during her second race of the night. A girl from the diving squad, Nicola, had volunteered to substitute for her in the relay events but she’d slowed the four-girl team’s times down considerably. After that, none of the other girls had felt confident to take Janet’s place in the subsequent individual races in her category, so, in desperation, Miss Cartwright had decided to act as her replacement. Lacking a swimsuit, she was forced to compete in her underwear; she was also without goggles or swim cap, had had no time for a proper warm-up and at the age of 30 was twelve years senior to the next-oldest swimmer in the tournament. Given the circumstances, Miss Cartwright’s finishing places of 6th and 7th (out of eight competitors) in the two remaining breast stroke races had represented minor victories, but the team had finished a mere three points short of winning the overall competition and there was no doubt that a fully-fit Janet would have been capable of claiming those points, and more. It was an experience the team wasn’t keen to repeat - especially Miss Cartwright, whose photograph appeared on the sports page of the local newspaper wearing only incongruously saucy (if thoroughly wet) black bra and briefs. Together with her long, honey-blonde hair, slim figure and pretty face, her state of (un)dress as exposed by the published photo more-or-less guaranteed that an abundance of rather strange letters were delivered to her via the swim team’s address over the next few weeks, including several offers from some rather dubious national publications.

“Oh, all right,” agreed Tracey, secretly pleased that she’d impressed Jane. A pity she couldn’t impress the cute, petite girl’s best friend, Henrietta, as well. Henrietta was the swim team’s captain; her area of expertise was freestyle, which, for all practical purposes, was the front crawl. Tracey occasionally had feelings about the stunningly beautiful Henrietta that she felt she dared not discuss with anyone.

The two girls padded to a central position on the pool side at the deep end. “The best thing I can do at first,” declared Tracey, “is to demonstrate a pike dive. Now, I know that we’d usually use a racing dive at the beginning of a breast stroke event, but I want to emphasize the positioning of my feet, and with a pike dive you sort of hang in the air for a fraction of a second longer.”

Jane nodded meekly.

“What I want you to do,” continued Tracey, putting on an authoritive voice, “is watch the soles of my bare feet as I dive in. It’s vitally important that they remain absolutely symmetrical, so if you want to learn, don’t take your eyes off them.”

“I assure you I will be the most attentive audience you‘ve ever had,” Jane replied, mock-solemnly.

Tracey looked to the far end of the pool and noticed that Henrietta was looking in their direction. She was the only other girl to be wearing a bikini, due to the fact that she was Miss Cartwright’s next-door neighbour and had been informed by the swimming coach about the informal nature of the session. She looked incredibly sexy in her yellow bikini, and Tracey suddenly felt nervous. She realised that Jane might not be the only one watching her… and if she wanted to impress Henrietta, Tracey couldn’t really afford to mess up her diving demonstration. She padded to the edge of the pool and paused, strange thoughts running through her mind…

“…Jane’s waiting. She’s watching me. And Henrietta may be watching me… Right. I must remember to breathe properly.” She took a few deep breaths and rose to the tips of her bare toes. “And once I’m in the air, I’ve got to keep my legs and ankles clamped together without crossing them. And it’s important to get my hands in front of me before I hit the surface. OK. I’m gonna do it. I’m going in. One more deep breath. 3...2...1...”

And then she was at the point of no return.

Almost in slow motion, she leapt into the air, jack-knifed her bikini-clad body spectacularly as she reached the highest point of her jump and immediately straightened out, entering the water in a streamlined, perpendicular position. Even as her hands hit the water she knew it was a good dive. Her buttocks clenched and her bare toes curled as she held her legs and ankles together, and as she felt her bare feet slide below the surface behind her she felt totally exhilarated!

Just to milk the occasion - and to experience the feel of the cool, clear water - she continued to swim downwards until she was able to touch the bottom of the pool, a full five meters down at that point. Twisting her bikini-clad body upright she pushed her bare toes against the pool floor to increase the speed she rose through the water, arms by her sides and her legs and feet waggling to propel her to the surface.

She emerged about ten meters from the side of the pool where Jane was standing, smiling and applauding as Tracey shook her head fiercely to clear her ears of water.

“That was wonderful!” Jane gushed. “Olympic standard!”

“Yes, it was rather good,” said Tracey immodestly, swimming towards the edge of the pool. She looked back over her shoulder to where Henrietta had been, in order to ascertain whether she had witnessed the dive. Disappointingly, she was nowhere to be seen. “Did you keep your eyes on the soles of my feet?”

“Yes,” giggled Jane. “They’re very nicely shaped.”

“I didn’t mean that,” retorted the blonde girl, concealing a slight thrill that Jane’s unusual compliment had caused her to experience. “I meant…”

“Yes, I know what you meant,” interrupted Jane, with a grin. “They were like mirror images of each other as you hit the water.”

“Good!” Tracey declared. She reached out for the side of the pool. “What I want to do now is HAHAHAHAHA…” For no apparent reason, she suddenly started laughing helplessly.

“What’s wrong? What are you laughing at?” asked Jane.

“HahaHAHAHA…Someone’s…HAHAHA…..tickling…..HAAAhahaHA….my feetHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” gasped Tracey, twisting her head from side to side before suddenly disappearing into the depths of the water as though she’d been pulled down.

Jane leaned forward slightly to see what was happening in the pool. Through the diffusion caused by the water, she observed two bikini-clad figures struggling with each other. And she gave a slight smile…

After about twenty seconds, Tracey surfaced about five meters from the pool side, laughing hysterically. So desperate was she to escape from the tickling torture that she’d thrust her body upwards, arms by her sides, so that at her highest point the surface of the water was level with her bikini bottoms. It was almost as though she was trying to jump, or even fly, out of the pool - a vain ambition, as she slid back downwards so that the water reached just below her bikini top as she splashed around in a panic.

“HAHAHAHA! Jane! Help meeeeeeEEEhahaHAHAHAHAHA…” Tracey’s laughter turned into a gurgle as she once again vanished below the surface, her wildly-waving arms and hands the last parts of her to disappear from view.

Another twenty seconds passed before she bobbed up again in the same dramatic fashion. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was now in disarray, and she had to brush it from her upturned face with her hands as she continued gasping and laughing. Her eyes met Jane’s but she couldn’t form the words to plead for assistance.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” It was almost as though Tracey was directing her hearty, involuntary laughter at Jane, but it was only a matter of four or five seconds before the blonde was pulled back down into the depths again.

Jane grinned wickedly, her cute bare toes curling with excitement and anticipation. She knew what was about to happen next. After all, she’d been involved in the planning of it…

The two soft female bodies struggled together underwater for a further twenty seconds - the only two two bikini-clad girls in the pool, one of whom was demonstrating her complete tickling dominance over her writhing, twisting victim whose legs bicycled uselessly in her frantic attempts to escape the ruthless tickling and swim to the surface. Henrietta - the tickler - was being particularly cruel in occasionally letting Tracey struggle free, but then grasping her bare ankles, pulling her back, pinning her feet together against her boobs and tickling her feet as she was heading up for air. Not that Tracey was in any danger of drowning; Henrietta, as the swim team captain, knew the blonde girl’s underwater capabilities as well as she knew her own. (And her own were very impressive; she could stay submerged for over three-and-a half minutes.) She knew if she allowed Tracey a few lungfuls of air every twenty seconds, she would be safe. So that’s what she did, following in the wake of the blonde girl up to the surface and tickling the hyper-sensitive bare feet all the way - which is why Tracey emerged from the water laughing helplessly.

Henrietta allowed Tracey to break away again, once more persistently tickling the bikini-clad girl’s feet as she floated up for air. As her upper body burst from the water she looked at Jane and saw that she was smiling, but again she was too overwhelmed with laughter to make any comment.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” On this occasion, Henrietta only permitted Tracey one or two seconds above the surface before pulling swiftly her down towards the bottom of the pool by her bare ankles. It was an important part of the plan that Henrietta and Jane had concocted that Tracey should be slightly short of air and would have to head for the surface as a matter of urgency.

This time, Henrietta didn’t tickle Tracey at first. But what she did do caused the struggling, twisting blonde girl’s expression to change to one of wide-eyed disbelief which, even underwater, Henrietta was able to discern.

Once she’d completed the next stage of the plan, Henrietta let go her hold on Tracey; but for once the blonde girl was reluctant to float up to the surface. Instead, she tried to swim towards the grinning Henrietta, whose reply was to duck down and begin tickling Tracey’s feet again. Inexorably, a burst of bubbles escaped from Tracey’s mouth. She needed air! Once again, she started swimming swiftly upwards, her bare feet unable to avoid Henrietta’s unremitting tickling.

And eventually, a mere five seconds after she’d been pulled under, and in the spectacular way Jane was by now expecting, she surfaced. Topless.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Despite her forced laughter and half-nakedness, Tracey still managed to look up at Jane accusingly, having by now realised she was part of the plot; but she was pulled underwater again after another two seconds before Henrietta gave her squirming, writhing soft body a last, lingering tickle before letting her go and swimming off with her bikini top.

The bare-breasted Tracey bobbed up and swam to the poolside in front of Jane‘s bare feet, almost embracing it as she breathed heavily after her ordeal. She looked up at the petite girl who was now openly giggling.

“You knew about this,” snarled Tracey, angrily. “You set me up.”

“So I did,” tittered Jane. “But what did you expect? You didn’t tell us this wasn’t going to be a training session. You didn’t spread the word that we could wear any swimwear we wanted. Then you turn up showing off your body in that bikini…”

“Just wait until I get out of this pool and get my hands on you!” scowled the livid Tracey, swimming towards the ladder in the corner of the pool which was there for swimmers to use to climb out of the deep end.

“Well… that’s hardly wise,” Jane opined, padding alongside her. “There may only be females here today, but there are CCTV cameras all around the poolside - although, as far as I know, they haven’t installed them underwater yet…”

Tracey hurriedly sank into the pool down to her neck, anxious not to be filmed topless.

“… so perhaps it would be best if you concentrated on getting the part of the swimming costume you lost back,” concluded Jane, pointing to the middle of the pool. Tracey turned her head to see that Henrietta was looking over at them, laughing and waving the blonde girl’s bikini top in the air.

Knowing that, because of the CCTV, she would have to swim underwater in order to recover the errant garment from Henrietta, Tracey immediately performed an immaculate surface dive. She swept her arms back, bent her knees, tucked her legs towards her magnificent naked boobs and bent her waist forward so that her head was pointing towards the bottom of the pool. Then she straightened her legs and body until she was upside-down and at right angles to the surface, with her legs and ankles tight together and extending vertically out of the water. At this point she extended her arms downwards and pointed her toes, unconsciously wrinkling the soles of her lovely bare feet. Once in this upside-down position, the weight of her slender, locked-together legs in the air above her allowed her to slide gracefully underwater.

Furiously, she swam towards Henrietta, who was easy to identify even underwater due to her yellow bikini, since all the other girls were wearing Speedos. Although Tracey thought she was unaware of her submerged approach, she was wrong; as soon as the blonde girl was within ten metres of her, Henrietta performed a surface dive herself, gave Tracey a cheeky wave and swam off below the surface. The topless girl had no choice but to pursue her.

A fascinating underwater chase developed, with Tracey being cruelly teased by Henrietta. Still holding the bikini top, she deliberately swam so that her drifting bare feet were just out of reach of Tracey’s vainly clutching hands. If Tracey had never seen much of Henrietta’s feet before, she certainly had the opportunity to make up for that omission now - and even in the heat of the chase she couldn’t help but notice that her tormentor had a pair of beautiful bare paws, with soles that, as Jane would say, were mirror images of each other. The fact that Henrietta’s feet were so temptingly lovely only made matters more frustrating for the livid Tracey, who again and again found herself swimming closely underwater behind Henrietta, reaching out for her bare feet and grasping nothing but water before being forced to surface with her lungs bursting after a minute or so. And once or twice, in her anger, she forgot that she was trying to keep her naked breasts below the water line and concealed from the security cameras as she launched herself into surface dive after surface dive in her incensed pursuit of Henrietta. Immaculate though Tracey’s repeated dives were, they were ineffective in her vain attempts to catch up with the swim team’s captain.

And then, at last, it appeared that the topless blonde girl had trapped her tormentor; Tracey had manoeuvred Henrietta into a corner of the deep end in such a manner that there was no way she could swim past her. The two girls faced each other underwater, standing on the pool floor, waiting for the other to make a move. Suddenly, Tracey launched herself horizontally towards her tormentor using a powerful dolphin kick. At last, she was within reach of Henrietta… who, much to her amusement, noticed an incongruous smile cross Tracey’s face for a fraction of a second. The reason for this was that, unexpectedly, Tracey felt the soles of her soft bare feet being tickled again; Jane had dived in behind her and had swam to Henrietta’s aid.

Tracey’s smile immediately turned into involuntary giggling and then into outright helpless underwater laughter, her mirth forcing her to emit a stream of air bubbles from her mouth. Her bare toes involuntarily curled and she wrinkled the soles of her sensitive feet as a result of Jane’s tickling. Instinctively, she twisted her body into a vertical position in order to strike out for the surface. As she did so, the grinning Henrietta let Tracey’s bikini top drift slowly to the pool floor and hooked her thumbs into the topless girl’s briefs. So desperate was Tracey for air that she could do nothing but simply wriggle her hips and swim upwards out of the garment, her bare toes inadvertently brushing softly against Jane’s cheek as she did so. The blonde surfaced breathless and absolutely naked as, below the surface, Henrietta took delighted possession of the bottom half of Tracey’s swimsuit, which she passed to Jane before scooping up the bikini top.

Having once more had to shake her head ferociously after surfacing to clear her eyes and ears of water, Tracey brushed her hair back from her face with her hands and looked downwards. Below the surface, she could discern the mischievous Henrietta and Jane swimming away in separate directions, each girl clutching an article of her clothing. Realisation struck her almost like a physical blow. She was totally nude!

Out of necessity, she quickly gathered her thoughts. She was about to embark on yet another of her exemplary head-first surface dives when she remembered that this would mean she would be exposing her uncovered vagina and backside to the CCTV cameras.

She thrust herself as high as she could out of the water with her legs (inadvertently exposing her bare breasts to the cameras momentarily). Streamlining her naked body as best she could by keeping her arms tight against her sides with her legs straight and bare feet together, she let gravity pull her downwards towards the bottom of the pool.

Having completed her feet-first surface dive, she looked around underwater in frantic desperation and spotted Jane about fifteen metres away and still clutching her bikini bottoms. With grim determination she began swimming towards the diminutive, brown-haired girl, who noticed her approaching and started to flee.

Jane swam away as quickly as she could underwater, but despite her best efforts Tracey began gaining on her, grim determination etched on both their faces as the gap between them decreased. Tracey’s blonde hair streamed behind her as, with both girls swimming horizontally deep beneath the surface, she positioned herself behind the soles of Jane’s neat little feet, feeling a sense of déjà vu as she recalled swimming in the wake of Henrietta’s lovely bare feet a few minutes earlier. This time, though, she was sure the outcome would be different…

At her third attempt, she reached out and successfully grasped both of Jane’s ankles and hugged them to her nude body. As the soft, totally-symmetrical bare feet struggled, waggled and rubbed together in her grasp, Tracey felt an almost-sexual thrill of triumph - a thrill that suddenly diminished as Henrietta drifted in from her left and began tickling her ribs.

Automatically, Tracey tried to clasp her arms tightly to her sides, inevitably releasing her hold on Jane’s feet as she did so and allowing the brown-haired girl to bob up to the surface. Henrietta held on to the giggling Tracey with one hand and tickled her with the other for a few seconds before freeing her; rising through the water, Tracey surfaced just in time to see Jane’s inverted legs and feet rise vertically and slide below the water as she executed a perfect surface dive, bare toes pointing upwards. “And that“, thought Tracey to herself miserably, “is the girl who claimed she wanted me to teach her how to dive.”

And then - “NO! Not again!” - Tracey dissolved into paroxysmal laughter as Henrietta and Jane launched a furious combined tickling assault on the soles of her bare feet.

Somewhat weakened by her underwater exertions and - especially - with laughter, Tracey couldn’t offer as much resistance as she would have wanted against being pulled below the surface by her ankles again. The result was that Tracey, Henrietta and Jane ended up pushing and pressing together underwater in a tight, writhing three-girl bunch, with the nude Tracey squirming, wriggling and twisting as the other two hugged and embraced her naked body as they struggled to overcome her resistance. Eventually, she did surface…

And the expression on her face was one of stunned, open-mouthed shock. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. Henrietta and Jane had deliberately concentrated their tickling on her boobs and nipples, between her buttocks… and on her vagina.

It took a few seconds to recover from her amazement at being stroked and tickled in her sexual areas by two other females. When she did, though, she was overcome with rage. “How DARE they…!?”

Her energy replenished by fury, and noticing that Henrietta and Jane were swimming together about thirty metres away, she performed another feet-first surface dive and began swimming strongly underwater in their direction, intent now on vicious revenge as well as the recovery of her bikini. However, as she approached within ten metres of them she found they had executed surface dives of their own and were swimming around facing her. Jane pointed to Tracey: Henrietta smiled wickedly and nodded; and they both began swimming towards her. Tracey’s rage was almost instantly replaced by fear. They were going to tickle her nether regions again!

Frantically she twisted her bare body and began swimming in the opposite direction, desperate to escape. Deeper and deeper she went in her attempt to avoid capture and torment by the two girls, even though she knew that Henrietta was a better underwater swimmer that she was and that her situation was hopeless - all she was doing was delaying the inevitable. Bizarrely, it suddenly struck her that Henrietta and Jane were getting the same view of the soles of her bare feet as she had had of theirs when she was pursuing them, and it was a vision she couldn’t get out of her mind. She swam faster and faster, but in her mind pictured Henrietta still catching up with her with her eyes on the soles of Tracey’s nicely-shaped bare feet as she got closer and closer to them at every stroke…

And, at exactly the same time Tracey imagined Henrietta grabbing her ankles, the swim team captain did so in real life.

Tracey jerked to and fro violently as Jane caught up with them a few seconds later and the two girls subjected her nude, helpless body to a ruthless, underwater, all-over tickling, and again Tracey’s sensitive sexual parts received special attention. But after a few seconds the naked blonde’s fierce struggles reduced, albeit slightly; despite herself, the naked blonde was actually partly enjoying the experience, and her bare toes curled with passion as the two girls pressed their bodies against hers and tenderly stroked her vagina and breasts.

Calculating that Tracey’s lungs were running short of air, the two girls released her and she bobbed up through the water as swiftly as a cork, surfacing breathless, flushed… and strangely thrilled…

It was at that point, however, that she realised she had no chance of recovering her bikini from Jane and Henrietta. Reluctantly decided to accept the inevitable, she swam to the ladder in the corner of the pool and pulled her nude, dripping body out of the water. Despite her attempt to maintain a shred of dignity by making her exit walking rather than running, she couldn’t help but turn red with humiliation as the rest of the girls wolf-whistled merrily at the sight of Tracey’s wiggling bare buttocks disappearing through the door that led to the changing rooms.


That evening, Henrietta phoned Tracey as the blonde was dressing to go to her shift at work as a barmaid. She invited her to call around to her home later that night if she wanted her bikini returned. Tracey calculated that visiting Henrietta would only mean a minor detour on her route to the pub; more importantly, after the day’s events in the pool, she sensed a chance of revenge - and, further more, said vengeance could be sex-related. So she turned up at the appointed time.

Henrietta answered the door barefoot and led her into the main room of the house, the two girls passing en route a huge framed photograph of Miss Cartwright sunbathing on the lawn in her garden wearing only a pair of very brief white briefs, with her bare feet blissfully pawing the short grass. (“I took it from my bedroom window,” Henrietta explained, a little breathlessly “Excellent boobs for a woman in her thirties.”) There was a DVD playing on the television; it was the CCTV coverage of Tracey’s nude swim from earlier that day.

Upon noticing the DVD, Tracey was simultaneously stunned, ashamed and furious. “How on earth did you…?” Fists raised, she was about to turn on Henrietta when Jane and the red-haired breast-stroker Janet, who had both been hiding in an adjacent room, crept up behind her on soft, silent bare feet and quickly tied a very effective gag over the blonde girl’s mouth from the back - although the petite Jane had to stand on the tips of her bare toes to assist in this act.

Tracey tried to flee, running back in the direction from which she came - but she was wearing high-heeled shoes and the other three girls were barefoot, so they easily caught up with her before she got anywhere near the door. Those same bare feet afforded them far better grip on the carpet than decorative shoes as they dragged the hapless and still-gagged Tracey back into the room and, despite her fierce struggles, stripped her bare; the impractical shoes, partially the cause of her downfall, were the last items they removed from her. After binding her wrists securely behind her back, Henrietta, Jane and Janet carried the wriggling, kicking nude blonde upstairs, lay her on her stomach on Henrietta’s double bed and tied her ankles together.

“So,” grinned Henrietta, glorying in the situation where she was clothed and Tracey was totally naked. “You may’ve thought we’d finished tickling you today, but in reality we haven’t even started…”

Tracey blue eyes widened with horror above the gag as the three girls advanced on her with the wickedest of smiles on their pretty faces. She began thrashing about violently on the bed, pulling uselessly at her bonds in terrified anticipation of what was about to happen to her.

Rolling the nude girl on her on to her stomach, Janet sat on the backs of Tracey’s legs, pinning them down, while the other two kneeled on cushions at the foot of the bed and gleefully tickled the soles of Tracey’s bare feet. It was torture! She desperately tried to pull her legs out from under Janet, wrinkled the soles of her feet defensively in a futile attempt to reduce her ticklishness and attempted to plead for mercy between prolonged bursts of hysterical, convulsive, muffled laughter through the gag, but it was no use. She experienced no breathlessness - her experience in diving underwater had caused her lungs to develop in such a way that she could breathe easily, even through the gag - and, due to the upper body strength her swimming training had provided her with, her constant, involuntary laughter didn’t cause her ribs or torso to ache. All she could feel was an intense, unbearable pleasure combined with panic. Her sensitive bare feet were being tickled, and she couldn’t do a thing about it!

And then… whether or not it was down to her enforced, helpless vulnerability, or being at the mercy of Henrietta - for whom her vague sexual feelings remained, despite her ordeal - Tracey began to enjoy the painless torture. A ripple of pleasure ran through her, then another, gradually increasing in intensity until huge waves of libido were coursing around her writhing nude body. Her struggling gradually became more focused and rhythmic…

Tracey’s joyful, passionate feminine roar as she was overwhelmed by the most powerful and wonderful orgasm she’d ever experienced could be perceived clearly even through the gag. Her upper body arched up dramatically from the waist to expose a pair of impressive breasts with fully-erect nipples before she slumped back on to the bed.

Henrietta and Jane ceased their tickling, glaring in wonder at each other.

“Was that…?” gasped Henrietta.

“Did she…?” replied the brunette.

“I think she did,” replied the red-haired Janet, climbing off the bed and allowing Tracey’s legs a little freedom. “In fact, I know she did. She’s trembling and shuddering in a rather contented way. I could hardly hold her down, she was getting that excited.”

Henrietta looked into Tracey’s blue eyes. Her expression was blissful.

“An orgasm? By having her feet tickled? By other females?” Henrietta was incredulous.

The other two girls nodded, silently.

“Well…” Henrietta’s voice was thoughtful, “if she has an interest in bedroom activities with girls…” She kneeled next to Tracey, looked her in the face and tousled her blonde hair. The tied and helpless girl nodded her head enthusiastically, her eyes shining. She certainly craved more sex after that sublime experience! And she’d fantasised about the lovely Henrietta for some time now…

Henrietta stood up and turned to Jane and the astonished Janet. “Would you excuse us, please, girls?” she said, unbuttoning the top two buttons of her blouse. “Tracey and I would rather continue this experiment as, well, a twosome.”

Tracey emitted a muffled squeal of anticipated joy as the two girls padded into the room they’d previously been hiding in before putting their shoes on and leaving via a back exit.


Having left Henrietta’s house, Jane and Janet were at a loose end; they’d been expecting to be tickling Tracey all night. They decided to visit a pub half a mile away, but found the place in chaos.

“We‘re short staffed,” explained the overworked manageress when she finally got around to serving them. “One of the barmaids hasn’t turned up.”

“Really?” responded Jane, as she paid for the drinks. “Is her name Tracey?”

“Yes,” said the manageress. “How did you know?” But instead of replying, the brunette exchanged a knowing smile with Janet before the two girls made their way through the crowd of impatient customers to a tiny table in the corner.

“I bet Henrietta and Tracey are getting on very well by now,” grinned Jane, as they sat down beside each other. “I wonder if she’s untied her yet?”

Janet sipped her drink reflectively.

“Still, I envy them in a way,” continued Jane. “Having fun in bed while we’re stuck in the corner of a crowded pub…”

“I never would have suspected,” interrupted Janet.

“What? That Henrietta was a lesbian?”

“Either of them,” the redhead murmured, uncomfortably. Taking part in the tickling of Tracey’s helpless bare body had aroused passions within her of which she’d been previously unaware.

“Haven’t you noticed?” Jane seemed almost amazed at Janet’s naivety. “In the changing rooms? Henrietta always singles out the girls who are stripped naked to talk to in there. But she tries not to be nude in front of other women herself. She changes behind a partition.”

“I don’t blame her,” mumbled Janet. “So do I.”

“Really?” gasped Jane, struggling to keep a smile from her face. She found it hard to believe that the outwardly-confident Janet could be so self-conscious. “But you’ve got a lovely body,” she continued, accurately. “Your boobs, for instance. Bigger than mine.” To demonstrate, she undid the three buttons of her t-shirt. “See?”

Janet, thus invited, could not resist looking at Jane’s cleavage. The sight of those lovely, sweet-looking boobs snug in the white bra only went to enhance her newly-found desires. “Mmm. Very nice,” she commented, before she could stop herself. Involuntarily but consciously, she slipped her feet out of her shoes and began pawing passionately at the carpet with her bare toes.

“Do you think so?” said Jane, pleased. She didn‘t bother to re-fasten the buttons. “Anyway, as regards Tracey, I’ve caught her looking longingly at Henrietta but I don’t think she’s experienced girl-on-girl sex. Not until tonight, anyway,” she concluded, wickedly.

“But having an orgasm? Through having her feet tickled?”

“Heaven knows what was going through her mind as we were tormenting her,” the brunette reasoned. “She may have liked the idea of being naked and at Henrietta’s mercy. The biggest sexual organ in the body is the brain, you know.”

“A fantasy, then,” surmised the redhead. A sudden vision flashed through Janet’s mind in which she was nude and tied in front of Jane. Surprisingly, she found the idea dizzily attractive. “I doubt whether it could happen to many girls,” she continued, a little breathlessly. “I simply can’t bear having my feet tickled.”

“Neither could Tracey at first,” pointed out Jane. “But, eventually, it got her so aroused that she found the idea of sex with another female very appealing. Not that I’ve tried it myself, but there may be circumstances in which I would find myself wanting to make love to another woman. I can’t totally rule it out - who knows what will happen in the future?”

“Quite,” replied Janet. She was fascinated and excited by Jane’s mischievous allusions to taking part in lesbian sex, and the smaller girl knew it. “But would you know exactly what to do in that… situation?”

“No,” admitted Jane, “but it would probably be fun finding out. Especially with someone else who hadn’t done it before.” She leaned forward slightly, exposing more of her cleavage to her red-haired companion. “It might be… ooOOOh, I love that!” A look of amused pleasure crossed her pretty face. Janet, her imagination suddenly going into overdrive at the sight of her companion’s boobs and the memory of what had happened to Tracey, was stroking the sole of her bare foot against the petite girl’s shin under the table.

“Do you?” said Janet, a note of naughtiness in her voice. “I’d better carry on doing it, hadn’t I?” So saying, she continued to slide her foot slowly up and down Jane’s lower leg, causing her to breathe unevenly with pleasure.

“Don’t, Janet,” she croaked, unconvincingly. “It turns me on, It-turns-me-on, stop, stop, I want sssssSEX…” Luckily, the disorganisation at the bar meant that none of the other customers were paying them any attention at all.

Jane was tossing her shoulder-length hair back and gently thudding her fists on the table, unable to decide in her mind whether or not she wanted this blissfully erotic sensation in a public place to continue or cease. Finally, she leaned forward and applied her tickling fingers to Janet’s soft bare foot, causing her to laugh and pull her foot away.

Janet pouted sulkily. “Why did you do that? I told you my feet are very ticklish. And you were enjoying it.”

“It was my version of using the emergency brake,” said Jane. “You were turning me on so much. I didn’t want to make too much noise in the pub…”

“Are you coming back to my house after we’ve finished our drinks?” asked Janet, suddenly very brazen.

“Hmmm. Might do. I’d like to find out if we can replicate what happened to Tracey, though. Will there be bondage and tickling? Are you willing to be the subject? We can both strip off together if you‘re really shy about it.”

“Oh, no. No.” The redhead’s voice was resolute. “I actually felt a little sorry for Tracey. Having to be naked in front of another woman… or women… No. I wouldn’t like that. And you know that the soles of my feet are really, really ticklish mmmMMMMmm…” She was interrupted by Jane, who, noticing that the attention of everyone else in the pub was focussed on the bar or their own conversations, leaned to give Janet a long, gentle, lingering, passionate and loving kiss on her soft lips.

Jane eventually pulled away. “I’m asking you again - If I go back to your place, will you agree to being tied up and having your bare feet tickled?”

“Can we make love together afterwards?” Janet’s eyes were pleading.

“If you want to,” said the brunette. “I certainly do. But we’ll both have to be completely naked to do that…” Janet blushed, but nodded submissively.

“So the bondage and tickling is on, then?”

“Would I lie face-down on the bed, like Tracey was?” asked the redhead


“Will I be allowed to struggle and wriggle like she did?”

“You won’t be able not to,” Jane assured her.

“I’m sure there’ll be a few silks scarves hanging around in a wardrobe,” replied Janet, her eyes shining with excitement.
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