C C CMartin Feb 26, 2009 So what are the chances of you, Jay, Dave, Katie, Sanna and whomever else wnats to come with making a Cheesecake Factory "run" during NEST.... 😀
So what are the chances of you, Jay, Dave, Katie, Sanna and whomever else wnats to come with making a Cheesecake Factory "run" during NEST.... 😀
M M MrLegacy Feb 19, 2009 LOL No need, your a friend so if anyone hurts you or Dave just give me a call 😉 Hope you guys are well!
LOL No need, your a friend so if anyone hurts you or Dave just give me a call 😉 Hope you guys are well!
M M MrLegacy Feb 16, 2009 Hey! Spinning isn't so bad. Here are ten other ways that could have ended... and yes I have executed most of these in the ring. So Nah! :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiXiY2R1p_s&feature=related
Hey! Spinning isn't so bad. Here are ten other ways that could have ended... and yes I have executed most of these in the ring. So Nah! :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiXiY2R1p_s&feature=related
B B Bugman Feb 12, 2009 You have a week off?I don't like you anymore.😛 I hope you have some fun things lined up.😀
K K KrazieDog Feb 8, 2009 OMG don't even get me started! Next time I'm just ordering 2 helpings of that and that will be my meal. Hmmm Cheesecake Factory here is only 20 mins away. 😉
OMG don't even get me started! Next time I'm just ordering 2 helpings of that and that will be my meal. Hmmm Cheesecake Factory here is only 20 mins away. 😉
S S Sharkiegirl Feb 8, 2009 LMAOROFL!!!! Oh my god I just died laughing. I fuckin love you gurrrl, that's where you go when da white be bleachin out yo brain or sumfin, 😛
LMAOROFL!!!! Oh my god I just died laughing. I fuckin love you gurrrl, that's where you go when da white be bleachin out yo brain or sumfin, 😛
C C CMartin Feb 6, 2009 If that hadn't have been Aura's food next to me, I'd have been able to escape... 😛
R R Radiohead 7140 Jan 28, 2009 thanks dude, it was fun. a lot more fun than the chatroom. Im gonna be so frustrated when im still at work past 11 and have to miss it
thanks dude, it was fun. a lot more fun than the chatroom. Im gonna be so frustrated when im still at work past 11 and have to miss it
B B BostonTickling Jan 26, 2009 Just wanted to say, it was very nice meeting you, I hope our paths will cross again in the future 🙂