melanie2 Aug 25, 2009 bugs hon..i received an email on my yahoo in which you had requested a friendship on the TMF...i'm very flattered...but i haven't been there in ages...anyway thanks hon...hugs
bugs hon..i received an email on my yahoo in which you had requested a friendship on the TMF...i'm very flattered...but i haven't been there in ages...anyway thanks hon...hugs
Zephyrin Oct 9, 2008 Hey. I replied to your cyber lee thread and I added your msn. I'm on if you want to do something now.
Hey. I replied to your cyber lee thread and I added your msn. I'm on if you want to do something now.
R R Reed_7891 Oct 5, 2008 Heya, I just added you on MSN, i'm online now 🙂 I'm also in West London, whereabouts are you? ^^
R R Reed_7891 Oct 5, 2008 Hey there, I saw you're looking for a Cyber ticklee, i'd love to be your 'lee. I've only cyber tickled a few times before but i'm sure we'd both enjoy it ^^ Also whereabouts are you in England? 🙂
Hey there, I saw you're looking for a Cyber ticklee, i'd love to be your 'lee. I've only cyber tickled a few times before but i'm sure we'd both enjoy it ^^ Also whereabouts are you in England? 🙂
Sitr Sep 29, 2008 Thank you for your comment on my story. And yep. That's how Val is. He can wait to tickle his wife. XD
Thank you for your comment on my story. And yep. That's how Val is. He can wait to tickle his wife. XD