You know, I often would hold back tickling someone out of fear of them making a big deal about it...but for some reason it hasn't bothered me as much the last year or so. Maybe if someone DID make a big deal I would go back into my hole and be afraid, but it hasn't happened in quite awhile.
In fact, I kind of know who won't make a big deal and they are the targets of most tickle attacks.
The last time anyone made a deal at all it the same sister-in-law...but I was tickling someone else. I had my wife's sister down on the floor tickling the heck out of her to find out what my wife bought me for Christmas and my sister-in-law was laughing and asking my wife what I was doing to her. 🙄 Like it wasn't completely obivous!
Maybe you have to pick and choose your shots, but I have been very fortunate lately and hope it continues for some time.