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Are you ticklish under extreme pressure?

TMF Jeff

TMF owner and co-founder
Staff member
Apr 2, 2001
A couple of recent threads got me off on this train of thought.

Over the years I've noticed that even though physical ticklishness is fairly constant, the responsiveness to it is completely dependant on the context of the situation. If a person is being tickled by someone they like and trust, not only are they more likely to laugh and smile, but they're also more likely to be unable to stop themselves. On some level, the emotional context gives them permission to surrender to it, even if they don't want to on a more conscious level.

I started noticing the trend when I started noticing that what I said had a direct influence on how hard a model was laughing. If I was completely silent while tickling her, the response was predictable, but I could throw her completely off her game by saying something that made her feel cute, or embarassed, and suddenly, she would start laughing twice as hard. Or if she was managing to be stoic, a single word at the right time could completely destroy her composure.

On the opposite side of that, when someone is pissed off, or scared, or doesn't feel safe, their response to being tickled will tend to change. They're more likely to scream and whimper than laugh and giggle, and instead of a smile, they grimace.

So my question is, who here feels that their ticklishness is not contextual and would be helpless to do anything but laugh and act cute, even if they were being tickled in a negative context, like a complete stranger just grabs you and physically overpowers you and starts tickling you and doesn't stop?

I suspect, without being able to prove it obviously, that most people would not laugh... they would scream, and maybe cry. But that's probably not true of everyone.

I haven't ever been put in a situation where a stranger has randomly attacked me, but I can imagine I would probably scream and cry as opposed to laugh. Everytime I have been tickled it has been by a friend or someone I at least know. I get what you are saying though. I tend to be a lot more sensitive when someone I may have a crush on tickles me as opposed to someone who is just a friend, and I'm not nearly as sensitive if it is someone I have just met or become aquainted with. Reactions vary with each person though, and the situation.
Tis defo a hard thing to be sure about without having been put thru enuf situations, My ticklishness is definalty dependant on my mood however, When nervous or uncomfortable I go pretty numb, When comfortable I get pretty sensitive and when sexually aroused.. I wont go into that 😛

As for extreme pressure I would guess I wouldnt react much more than angrily and cant imagine being very ticklish. I am a bloke after all, many of us cant focus on too many emotions at once 😉 Anger and fear would trump happy and ticklish I would think 🙂

Tis a shame actually, I would prefere it not to matter what situation I was in for it to tickle loads no matter what.
Good question 🙂

My sensitivity isn't contextual. Just as my doctor could be a rat bastard but my knee will still jerk if he hits it with that weird little hammer, my body will convulse no matter who applies pressure to its ticklish areas. It's the reaction that's purely contextual, and my friends observed this before I did; people to whom I'm naturally submissive reduce me to begging and hysteria pretty quickly, probably because I somehow see resistance as inappropriate/disobedient and succumbing is equal to being the "good little girl", while a friend I'd consider an equal (or a dominant who's seeking play but not D/s control) will find that I can last a very, very long time 😎

Edit: I didn't think I'd actually answered the question, and Jeff confirmed that 😛
I've been in situations of being tickled by someone I couldn't stand and my reaction was totally different, I'm definitely not someone who's ticklish and cute no matter what 😉
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Thanks for the responses so far, guys.

I've had this in the back of my mind for years now. I first got the notion while making my very first video. I had this girl Mary tied with her arms over her head, and I was sort of patiently stroking her armpit with a fan-shaped brush, and she was doing what girls do in that situation.

Then I said, "This brush is a perfect fit!" and she instantly shifted gears, going from giggling and laughing lightly, to hard, shrieking guffaws. It was obviously a response to me saying what I said as much as anything else, and during that video I threw out a couple of other lines, and every time they not only got her embarassed (worth doing all by itself,) but they instantly made her laugh harder.
I wouldn't know about extreme pressure, but when I'm tickled when I don't want to be or by someone I don't like, it doesn't tickle so much as it's just an irratating scratch/itch feeling I try to get away from.

As far as being tied up, I'd imagine I'd just get really pissed off and struggle more than laugh.
I guess when I'm being tickled by somebody I know and trust, they can have me reduced to a giggling mess, while being tickled tickled by someone I don't know, I will still laugh, because I am ticklish but not the hysteria the former can cause. But once I get comfortable with someone, if they can find the right spots, can get me howling in seconds

Like I mentioned in the "kidnap tickling" thread, tickling is definitely a social response. The 'lee's response is far greater when the 'ler has established a social rapport and a certain level of psychological understanding.

That's why if you stay silent during a session, not only can the 'lee think about other things to shut off, the level of social engagement is greatly diminished. On the other hand, once you start complimenting them, they will enter a level of social engagement that makes them response to tactile stimulation.

That's why I'm always somewhat sceptical of producers who do not interact with their models in a tickling clip.
I am definitely more ticklish when the ler is woman that I know and trust. 😀
Fortunately I have not experienced the kind of extreme pressure that you describe.
So my question is, who here feels that their ticklishness is not contextual and would be helpless to do anything but laugh and act cute, even if they were being tickled in a negative context, like a complete stranger just grabs you and physically overpowers you and starts tickling you and doesn't stop?

I suspect, without being able to prove it obviously, that most people would not laugh... they would scream, and maybe cry. But that's probably not true of everyone.


I would be too busy trying to punch them in the throat to be focused on my own sensitivity.

I think the brain would kick into fight or flight mode in an extreme situation, thus perhaps dulling the response to touch.. along with probably a lot of other sensations.

I'd be more focused on getting the person off of me, or hurting them to really be focused on the sensation.

If it wasn't such an extreme scenario? I'd respond, but focus on controlling it, especially after realizing it's not someone I know or probably trust. So, my response wouldn't be as complete like it would be if it was a friend, lover or someone I trust.
I found out at Bella's that unless I'm comfortable I shut down, growl, curse, or turn it off completely (ex. gang tickling). Something I've never been able to do before. But if I'm with a friend, or someone I'm intimate with, I lose all inhibitions. So I would definitely say my ticklishness is contextual.
I guess when I'm being tickled by somebody I know and trust, they can have me reduced to a giggling mess, while being tickled tickled by someone I don't know, I will still laugh, because I am ticklish but not the hysteria the former can cause. But once I get comfortable with someone, if they can find the right spots, can get me howling in seconds

Which is why we now call you natural ticklee. 🙂

As for the question, I'd say my ticklishness is consistent, but like some
of the others say, my reactions can be very different. I pretty much
always laugh in some form, but if it's someone who I'm not comfortable
with or don't want to be tickled by, I tend to be a lot more panicked.

Now if it was a complete stranger, I certainly hope my fight or flight
reflex would take over.
I found out at Bella's that unless I'm comfortable I shut down, growl, curse, or turn it off completely (ex. gang tickling). Something I've never been able to do before. But if I'm with a friend, or someone I'm intimate with, I lose all inhibitions. So I would definitely say my ticklishness is contextual.

oh yeah, found that out first hand:sadcry:
Well, actually....

I happen to be one of those people who HAS been tickled in a negative context, in abuse situations. From what I remember, I was just as ticklish...until I totally checked out from fear or pain. It was that ticklishness that was used to keep me under control...which is why it took on a very negative feel for so long.

The responses were obviously different. But, there was still laughter in the mix in spite of all the many negative feelings raging. It's hard to describe. But, the bottom line is that I was just as ticklish. I just wasn't able to enjoy it.

I do find that I allow myself to relax and respond more as I get more comfortable with people though...unless I simply opt to not respond to be a SAM. 😛
I've never been tickled in a negative context, but like alot of the others I tend to think that I'd be more focused on slamming the shit out of whatever stranger was trying to overpower me than on the tickling feelings.

Also, the 1st time I was tickled at Bella's, my ticklishness was definitely dulled, not only because of the number of lers (a little sensory overload lol), but because my level of nervousness at that time was unprecedented! That is NOT to say I didn't want to play - I couldn't have wanted it more! And I had a great time :redheart: - but the anxiety and emotional distractions I was experiencing just by being at my 1st gathering and actually being tickled definitely dulled the sense, unfortunately 🙁 Which also helps explain why I was so much more "pwn-able" on Sunday after I felt more at ease with myself.

I do know, also, that distraction effects my ticklishness alot...which is why if tickles are too light and they start feeling itchy, or breathing becomes uncomfortable, I prefer to readjust, because it takes away from the tickling, and who wants that?
While I have never been tickled by someone who I wasn't at least acquaintances with, I do find that my ticklishness is wildly dependent on both the 'ler and the situation.

If the 'ler is only someone I'm slightly familiar with, or is someone I'm not particularly attracted to, my ticklishness level is pretty low. They might get a squirm or squeak out of me, but a laugh is probably not going to happen. I'm more likely to play it off like I'm not ticklish at all in this case just so I can get out of the situation. However, if there IS a friendly relationship that has already been established, then my guard is much more likely to be down, and as a result, my ticklishness levels will be greater.

But even with a friend, my reactions depend mostly on how he engages in tickle play with me, rather than my own ticklish levels. It is my natural tendency to clam up and fight (playfully) when someone tries to tickle me - I absolutely HATE giving in too easily. But when I'm with a guy who is playful, goofy, and into silly banter, it is ridiculously easy to get me to laugh. If he has gotten me to laugh over something stupid before he starts tickling me, there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to control my laughter when the tickles start (and often times it magnifies my ticklishness ten times)..... much to the dismay of my inner wiseass who happens to love to give my 'ler a good challenge.

i am ticklish with saeria whitch is weard cuz i realy never have been ticklish and now when she tickles me i go crazy i love it:mhorns:
I guess when I'm being tickled by somebody I know and trust, they can have me reduced to a giggling mess, while being tickled tickled by someone I don't know, I will still laugh, because I am ticklish but not the hysteria the former can cause. But once I get comfortable with someone, if they can find the right spots, can get me howling in seconds

As for the question, I'd say my ticklishness is consistent, but like some
of the others say, my reactions can be very different. I pretty much
always laugh in some form, but if it's someone who I'm not comfortable
with or don't want to be tickled by, I tend to be a lot more panicked.

Now if it was a complete stranger, I certainly hope my fight or flight
reflex would take over.

I have to agree with both Natural and Bright eyes, I am gonna react and laugh no matter what. If it is someone I dont really know like at a gathering, I will laugh more of a forced laugh, but not be comfortable or enjoy it.
If it is someone I trust and have a realtionship with, I will be a pile of wiggling gooe in hysterics and loving it not wanting it to end.

If a stranger not from TMF or a gathering setting were to attack me, they better watch it for I will come swinging and defend myself esp with my past personal expereince and I have been know to given men black eyes with there own fist's and had other patrions (men) at the bar ask me to walk them to their cars. I am a very mean lil shit when I have to be. I will go ape nuts on you and not think twice about it. Call it gut reaction or survivor mode.
95% of the tickling encounter i have had, i have been the ler. I know that i'm quite ticklish but i haven't had enough expieriences to really tell.

In short, I have no clue.🙁
hmmmm....random stranger on the street...grabs me...kidnaps..and tickles...i would laugh but with fighting reactions trying to get away and kick the crap out of them....where as a friend tickling me the same way.... I would laugh my ass off knowing that's what his/her intentions were and that there was no harm to come of the situation so yes...not as ticklish under extreme pressure ,,,,survival of the fittest comes out then....
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