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TMF Jeff

That was really awesome. And...really heartfelt. 🙂

It's always cool learning about the history of this place and how it came to be and the people behind it and the work they put into it to keep it running and how much it means to them. Makes me proud/happy to be a part of here. 😀

Thanks man 🙂
That was a really neat story! great Read!
I like this whole member profile/ mod thing. its a great
way to get to know people a bit better!

I finally did mine but I took forever writing it.

Anway nice to learn about how this place came to be.
That was a really neat story! great Read!
I like this whole member profile/ mod thing. its a great
way to get to know people a bit better!

I finally did mine but I took forever writing it.

Anway nice to learn about how this place came to be.

Thanks Chey 🙂 It was actually a lot of fun to write, it's the first time I had ever sort of walked myself through the whole process.
That's a pretty bad ass banner there Jeff Fa Fa....hahah Love you!
I've taken the time to read this thread,and i just wanted too say a few things.Jeff,when i was new here i thought you were completely unapproachable and more then a tad arrogant.It took a long time for me to understand how wrong i was.

Thanks to you,Myriads,and the mods for the TMF.Another poster mentioned how finding the TMF was a life changing experience.It sure was for me.See you in May.🙂
I've taken the time to read this thread,and i just wanted too say a few things.Jeff,when i was new here i thought you were completely unapproachable and more then a tad arrogant.It took a long time for me to understand how wrong i was.

Thanks to you,Myriads,and the mods for the TMF.Another poster mentioned how finding the TMF was a life changing experience.It sure was for me.See you in May.🙂

I really appreciate you saying that, man. See you soon 🙂
I wasn't on the internet until the late 90s and didn't get involved with the message boards, but I did hunt around for the early tickling websites and I remember being blown away when I saw all that the TMF had to offer when I first found it a couple of months after its inception. I lurked for over 4 years, but that's another story. To me Jeff was always this mythical figure, the high and mighty Creator of the premier tickling site on the planet, who certainly appreciated the presence of, but didn't have much other contact with, the common folk.
I was proven very wrong on this count when I met Jeff at a SNOB munch last fall. Jeff, it turns out, is a regular guy who is passionate about his career and this community, talks with everybody, expects excellent restaurant service, and does not put himself above others.
It was a great pleasure to have met you, Mr. TMF, and I hope our paths cross again.
Jeff, it turns out, is a regular guy who is passionate about his career and this community, talks with everybody, expects excellent restaurant service, and does not put himself above others.
It was a great pleasure to have met you, Mr. TMF, and I hope our paths cross again.

hahahahaha 😎

It was great meeting you too, hopefully I'll see you at another munch, eh?
The F did you get sued for?

By the way, MTP was the first tickling video site I ever found. Ahhh the days of patiently waiting for the previews to download on a dial-up connection.
In a Time of Need, a Leader Shall Rise...MTP Jeff

Jeff, tickling fetishists sorely needed a home, a community to call their own. Like you (and no doubt others) I have felt in the past alone in my personal love for tickling, I always thought there must be something wrong with me, I love, no desire to tickle women's barefeet and soles. I could never get enough of it. It was something I always kept to myself like I had some sort of dreaded disease and probably would have stayed that way until the advent of the Global internet. When I first accessed the 'net, the first thing I did was to type-in the word "tickle" or "tickling" to see what "popped" up. To my amazement, I was only expecting to see one or two sites, instead, four dozen sites popped up but their were disappointingly "porn" sites. As time moved on I started to see more and more sophisticated sites and things did get better culminating in the fall of 2000 with the birth of the TMF which completely "centralized" the entire tickling community from all over the America and now Globally. The tickle fetish has come out of the closet at long last and we're starting to see more and more inclusion of tickling in our society thanks to sites like this one. Much like the foot fetish has become a normal part of our current society I see the same thing happening with the tickle fetish.
You're basically the only person in my life who consistently doesn't
make me feel like an asshole (unless I'm being an asshole), who always
shows up when you say you're going to show up, and does exactly what
you say you're going to do. You spend consistent, quality time with me,
and you never act like it's a chore. I can't tell you how appreciative I am.
You're one of my very best friends, and for that I am grateful. If you called
me up at 3am and asked me to make you tacos and bring them right over, I
totally would do it.
Wow. I still remember you contacting me when I was doing the website and videos for Solefully Yours. You'd barely started and had all sorts of questions about the site management, video clip creation (fighting AVI sizes and QuickTime's complexities back then was so fun), and promptly went on to kick ass and take names.

Ya left out an event I remember you hosting for the West Coast Gatherings. Then again, while I had a great time hangin' with ya, it's not so mentionable. 😉

Still glad yer in this, brother. Always glad.
You were, I believe, the second person I purchased tickling videos from, in what was probably 2000. I can even remember that those two videos were Phoenix's First Time and Laura's Feet, both of which I enjoyed hugely. I can remember expressing the same sentiments expressed above, emailing you and saying how great it was to find a producer who didn't make his stuff look like blatant and trashy porn with "the model's legs jacked apart like a sacrifice". Didn't I also say I stopped trying to count how many times Laura said "no" after it reached six figures?

No matter...

Thank God for the TMF, which got most of us started. Certainly without it there would be no UKTF and no BAST and little else on the British scene.

Now get some more of your old VHS's digitised and in your effing clip store! :rockon::siterocks:

By the way... this... -------> :england2: is not the English flag as the code says, it's the British flag. :-D
You were, I believe, the second person I purchased tickling videos from, in what was probably 2000. I can even remember that those two videos were Phoenix's First Time and Laura's Feet, both of which I enjoyed hugely. I can remember expressing the same sentiments expressed above, emailing you and saying how great it was to find a producer who didn't make his stuff look like blatant and trashy porn with "the model's legs jacked apart like a sacrifice". Didn't I also say I stopped trying to count how many times Laura said "no" after it reached six figures?

No matter...

Thank God for the TMF, which got most of us started. Certainly without it there would be no UKTF and no BAST and little else on the British scene.

Now get some more of your old VHS's digitised and in your effing clip store! :rockon::siterocks:

By the way... this... -------> :england2: is not the English flag as the code says, it's the British flag. :-D

Thanks man 😎

Flag is fixed, or at least renamed. If you find an english flag icon, we'll add it :britishflag:
Hey Jeff
Wow, I only read this now. Thanks for being such a pioneer!
Yours were the first videos I bought, and I still have that nostalgia for the chemistry you had with your early videos. It was Farra's First Time and your last one with Jackie that stick out particularly.
Props again!
Hey Jeff
Wow, I only read this now. Thanks for being such a pioneer!
Yours were the first videos I bought, and I still have that nostalgia for the chemistry you had with your early videos. It was Farra's First Time and your last one with Jackie that stick out particularly.
Props again!

Thanks man 😎
Great story!

I love TMF! Is the only forum on the internet that I actually feel at home.
You and the TMF staff have built a great community and use ticklelover owe a lot to TMF.

Keep it up!
I remember you had been shooting in your apartment, and the police showed up after the Farra video. I was wondering, what happened after that? Did your neighbors find out what you were doing? Did you keep on doing it, or try to make it quieter, or move to another location, or what?
I remember you had been shooting in your apartment, and the police showed up after the Farra video. I was wondering, what happened after that? Did your neighbors find out what you were doing? Did you keep on doing it, or try to make it quieter, or move to another location, or what?

That was a great story. I had been shooting with Farra, who was insanely ticklish and very vocal about it. By the end of the video, she was screaming her head off and begging for mercy and thrashing around and just generally having such a great time that the legs of the bed were thumping against the floor and the windows were probably rattling.

So I was doing a post-video interview with her, when there was suddenly a knock at the door... and it was the police... asking what was going on...

So now here I am at the door with two very serious cops who have been called into what they think is a domestic violence incident. They don't quite have their hands on their nightsticks, but there's something like that in their attitude. And of course standing next to me is Farra, trailing ropes from her wrists and ankles while I explain to the two nice policemen about how this is all in good fun.

They heard me out surprisingly good-naturedly, probably because Farra seemed unhurt and cheerful, but they still wanted to talk to her alone. So they asked me to stay in the apartment and took her out into the hall to ask her a few questions.

I interviewed her about that the next day, so I'll let her tell that part of the story in the attached clip.

As for the aftermath, I didn't do anything different. I always assumed the neighbors more or less knew what was going on even before that. I wasn't secretive about it, and anyone who asked I would just tell.

I assumed that about my neighbors in Vegas too, though, and when we later became friends it turned out that they didn't have a clue what I was doing. I could have been an accountant for all they knew.
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