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The Tickle Shoppe's Inspection (Long/Contains some F/M)


TMF Poster
Nov 15, 2006
Fair warning this story contains some F/M portions.

Melinda stepped out of Her car at about 11 O'Clock and began to walk down the street. The City had hired Her to investigate a local business called The Tickle Shoppe, She wasn't exactly sure what to expect but the lady Rachel, that She had spoken to on the phone seemed very nice and had invited Her to take a tour of the facility. She agreed to the tour but Rachel had insisted that She come in on a Saturday, although Melinda didn't mind the overtime She still found it odd that they would want to have this done on a weekend. As She approached the building She noticed the large sign over the door, it was shaped like a feather and had flowing text that read "The Tickle Shoppe". After studying the sign for a while Melinda looked down to see a brown haired Girl standing there smiling at Her.

"Hello, are you Melinda?" The Girl asked.

"Oh, um yes I am." Melinda answered.

"I'm Rachel we spoke on the phone." Rachel said still smiling. "Come on in and we can start your tour."

"Oh, thank you." Melinda said walking through the door into the Shoppe. Melinda looked around the room and saw magazines and DVDs' with pictures of girls being tickled on them, a large assortment of clothing including an entire wall of socks, apparently sorted by ticklishness, as well as rows and rows of different tickling implements and restraint devices.

"Here we have our store." Rachel began to explain as She led Melinda to the back of the room. "We have a large selection of clothing, bondage equipment, and fetish materials."

"Fetish materials?" Melinda asked cautiously.

"Yes, mostly centered around tickling fetishists." Rachel answered.

"I see." Melinda said looking over the selection of DVD's.

"Well if you'll just take off your shoes we can continue to tour." Rachel said pointing to a set of lockers behind the counter.

"My shoes?" Melinda answered.

"Yes, we don't allow shoes to be worn in the back." Rachel said smiling.

Melinda reluctantly removed Her shoes and placed them into one of the lockers and proceeded to follow Rachel into the back of the Shoppe. The hallway was very dimly lit, unlike the front store which was bright and cheery, this room felt more like a dungeon. Once Melinda's eyes had adjusted, She found Herself in a long hallway with multiple doors on both sides.

"Alright, we have set up quite a few demonstrations for you today, that will show you what we do here." Rachel said walking up to the first door.

Melinda watched as Rachel opened the door, suddenly She heard what sounded like two Girls giggling. Curious She walked over next to Rachel and looked into the room, the room inside was brightly lit and all of the furniture was colorful with crazy patterns. In the center of the room a Girl that Melinda guessed to be around 18 or 19 sat cross legged on a brightly colored pillow giggling, a huge smile on Her face. In front of Her was another Girl sitting in some sort of chair that held Her pink socked feet out in front of Her between two boards with holes for Her ankles. This Girl was also giggling as the Girl on the pillow lightly tickled Her socked feet. The Girl who was being tickled also seemed to have Her wrists secured down to the restraint device right near Her hips with thick leather straps.

"These are a few of our customers, Jen and Kim." Rachel began. "There are two options you can take when you come into the back room, you can choose to be a Tickler and pay per hour of tickle time, or you can volunteer to be a Ticklee. If you choose to be tickled then you don't have to pay anything, you fill out a form indicating what kind of tickling you want, the intensity and any area that are off limits."

"So people actually volunteer to be tickled by strangers?" Melinda asked still watching the two Girls.

"More than you'd think actually. Most of the volunteers are like Kim here and only want to be lightly tickled, some even refuse restraints." Rachel explained. "But I'm guessing that's not what the City has taken issue with."

"No." Melinda said remembering the allegations of torture that She was supposed to be investigating.

"Alright why don't we move on to something a little more intense then." Rachel said walking out of the room.

Melinda took one last look at the two giggling Girls before shutting the door behind Her. Rachel walked down to the next door and pulled a clip board off the door.

"Ah, this is a good one." Rachel said smiling. "Not all of our Ticklee services are free of charge. There are some cases that you have to pay in order to receive certain treatments. Before we go in here I need to ask do you have any aversion to nudity?"

"Umm.. well I suppose not." Melinda answered. Rachel's face grew concerned.

"I feel I need to preface this next room with a reminder of an ordinance we had approved through the city a few years ago stating that as long as there was no actual intercourse that certain sexual acts could be performed by this establishment." Rachel said still holding the door knob.

"Yes, I'm aware of the ordinance." Melinda said. "I was warned that I would be seeing these acts as part of my investigation."

"Alright, so rather than go directly into this room and disturb the session we are going to go to an observation room next door to it. You will be able to see through one way glass as well as on some video monitors in the room." Rachel said opening the door.

Melinda entered the room which was full of comfortable looking couches, there were a total of five tv's hanging around the room and one wall was completely made of frosted glass. Rachel flipped a switch and the white frost on the glass disappeared revealing the scene in the next room. Rachel flipped another switch and the tv's all turned on as well as a sound system feeding the audio from the room next door.

"Hahahahahahahaaa! Please! Hahahahahahahahaaaa! Oh God!" A Man's voice begged.

Melinda stood looking through the glass into the room next door. In the center of the room was a completely naked Man strapped into a device that held His arms and legs out in a spread eagle fashion, only His legs were slightly bent at the knees. The Man was laughing heartily and pulling at His restraints as four Women tickled Him all over His naked body. The Women appeared to be dressed up in maid outfits complete with short skirts and white stockings.

"Hahahahahahahaa! Stop! Hahahahahahaa! Oh please!" The Man begged.

"Stooooop? But you're having so much fun! Tickle, tickle, tickle!" One of the Girls teased.

"You can't fool us, you're loving every second of this." Another of the Girls added quickly running Her fingers over the Mans erect penis.

"Ah! AH! Ahhhahahahahahahahahahaa!" The man cried out as the Girl switched from playing with the Man's cock to squeezing His hips.

"Cooochie coochie coochie coochie." The Girl teased before breaking out into laughter.

"A little more intense huh?" Rachel said joining Melinda at the window.

"He's begging for them to stop." Melinda said.

"Yep." Rachel answered.

"But they're not." Melinda said looking over at Rachel.

"Nope." Rachel smiled.

"That's terrible. He's going insane." Melinda said looking back to the squealing man in the other room.

"You want to see insane?" Rachel said giggling.

Melinda watched as Rachel quickly knocked on the window three times. One of the Girls turned around to face the window as a huge smile grew on Her face, suddenly all four of the Girls quickly switched their positions. One of the Girls stood between the Man's arms looking down into His laughing face as She tickled up and down His restrained arms. Two of the other girls knelt at the Man's feet quickly scribbling their nails over His bare soles. The last Girl walked across the room and grabbed a small box before taking Her place between the Man's legs.

"Sorry Tony, there's been a slight change of plans." The Girl between the Man's legs said rubbing Her hands along His them.

"Wh-what? What are you doing?" Tony yelled out as the Girls at His feet started to tie back His toes while giggling. "Hey wait! Hahaha! Don't do that!"

"What are they doing?" Melinda asked concerned.

"They're putting on toe ties." Rachel answered. "They keep the Victim from being able to move their feet around or scrunch their toes, that way the Ticklers can more easily get into the super sensitive areas just below and in between the toes."

"That's horrible." Melinda said watching the Girls tie back each toe individually. Once the Girls had finished tying back all ten of Tony's toes the Girl between His legs pulled out a large ring and slid it over Tony's manhood.

"Is that..." Melinda asked shocked.

"A cock ring? Yes." Rachel answered.the unfinished question. "Now the real fun begins."

Slowly the two Girls at Tony's feet and the one on His arms began to tickle Him. Melinda watched as Tony grew more and more erect with each stroke of His tormentors fingers. Before long the Girls had Him worked up into a frenzy.

"Hahahahahaha! Oh God! No! Hahahahahaha! Let me out!" Tony begged.

Rachel knocked on the window again and suddenly the two Girls at Tony's feet began to rub some kind of clear liquid onto Tony's soles.

"What is that?" Melinda asked.

"Baby oil, it increases the ticklishness." Rachel answered. Melinda watched as the two Girl set down the bottles of oil and picked up hairbrushes.

"What are they going to do with those?" Melinda asked.

"Watch." Rachel answered pointing through the glass. Melinda watched as the two Girls began to scrub the brushes over Tony's oiled soles causing Him to thrash violently within His restraints. All four Girls laughed as Tony began to squeal with laughter at the intense sensations.

"Atta boy Tony! Laugh for us!" One of the Girls teased.

Melinda looked up to one of the large tv's above Her head to see a closeup of one of Tony's feet. She watched as the brush glided over His glistening soles, She watched as Tony's toes pulled desperately at the toe ties in an attempt to wrinkle His soles in hopes it would inhibit the brushes movement.

"Those toes aren't going anywhere honey, they're aaaallll mine." One of the Girls taunted, Melinda watched as She took Her brush and began to scrub it over Tony's tied toes causing Him to laugh even louder and pull desperately with His legs.

"Ohes noes, are Tony's tootsies tickiwish?" The Girl between Tony's legs teased. "Let me try to take your mind off of those mean old brushes."

"Oh my God." Melinda said as the Girl between Tony's legs poured a large portion of baby oil in Her hand, squeezed Tony's erect cock and began to slowly run Her hand up and down it.

"OH GOD! OH GOD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" Tony laughed as the Girls tormented. Him. Before very long Tony came and Melinda assumed that was the end of it, that is until the Girl between His legs produced a large white device.

"What is that?" Melinda asked afraid of the answer.

"That's a Hitachi." Rachel answered still smiling. Melinda didn't need to ask what was going to be done with the device, She watched as the Girl held the device against Tony's still erect penis just below the head while the other three Girls ramped up their tickling, Tony began to cry out between His laughter.

"We're not going to stop until you come again." The Girl between Tony's legs said moving the Hitachi up and down the shaft of Tony's penis.

"Well we should be moving on, we'll leave the Girls to their work." Rachel said flipping the switch causing the glass to frost over once again and the sound to cut out. Melinda followed Rachel back out into the hallway.
"Is He going to be ok?" Melinda asked genuinely concerned.

"He'll be fine, He loves when those Girls push Him over the edge." Rachel said smiling. "We're only fulfilling our Customers fantasies after all."

Melinda thought about that for a few seconds as Rachel read over the next rooms clipboard.

"It's your lucky day." Rachel said looking up from the paperwork. "We don't get very many of these sessions and it looks like this one just started."

Melinda followed Rachel into another observation room like the one they had watched Tony's ordeal from.

"This is one of our more controversial packages." Rachel said handing the clipboard to Melinda. "This is what we call an "Outing Session". Basically this Customer signed up to have their fetish outed to all of their family and friends, as you can see these sessions come with quite a bit of paperwork but the two big points of all that legal jargon are that we get full access to all of their social media accounts and are allowed to post whatever we want, and they wave any rights to stop their session no matter what."

Melinda looked over the paperwork and found it all to be completely legal. She looked up through the window as Rachel flipped the switch and saw the 21 year old Girl She knew was named Barbara because of all of the paperwork. She was wearing pajama pants and a white spaghetti strap tank top that had "I <3 being Tickled!" written on it and was locked in a set of heavy wooden stocks with Her arms held up over Her head exposing Her bare underarms. Her small feet stuck through the stocks out in front of Her and She wore a pair of white socks with "Please Tickle Me!" written in pink lettering on the soles. On the screens above the window Melinda could see a closeup Barbara's socked feet, a closeup of Her face, and a shot of the entire scene. On the last two monitors were what appeared to be Barbara's Facebook and Twitter pages, both of which had recently posted "I have a BIG announcement coming up in just a few minutes! You don't want to miss this!" Melinda's attention was drawn back to the room Barbara was in as the door opened and two Girls walked in.

"Are you ready to start?" One of the Girls asked. Barbara took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright Justine start recording. Just like we practiced Barbara." Melinda watched as Barbara looked into the camera and began to speak.

"Hello everybody, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm all tied up like this," Barbara began moving Her arms as much as the bonds would allow to emphasize Her current predicament. "Well, for a long time I've had this secret desire to be tied up like this and tickled. A few months ago I found a video on the internet of a Girl who, like me, loved being tickled, and as part of Her ordeal, Her entire session was posted onto Her Facebook. After thinking about it for a long time I've decided that I want to do the same thing so I've come here to the Tickle Shoppe, and given them full access to my Facebook and Twitter, that way you'll be able to get updates about my ordeal as I go through it, and even be able to affect what happens to me. As part of this deal I have given up all rights to be released from the stocks until my captors decide to release me, that could be in a few hours, or even a few days."

Melinda noticed Barbara's sock covered feet shift nervously in the stocks as She spoke that last sentence.

"I want to make it very clear that I signed up for this, and no matter what I may say in future videos at no point should anyone feel sorry for me. I am going to be pushed far beyond my limits and I'm sure you will see plenty of pictures and videos of me begging to be let go, just remember that I asked for this. I hope that you will all enjoy watching me get tickle tortured, and the Tickle Shoppe has assured me that they have a lot of devious things planned for me now that I'm locked in their stocks. Lastly the Tickle Shoppe has told me that my current maximum tickle time is 72 hours, but you can extend that limit by completing certain tasks. The first thing you can do is like, comment, and share this video. For every like my tickle time will be increased by 1 minute, for every comment 5 minutes and for every share 10 minutes."

After a few minutes Melinda saw a photo of Barbara locked in the stocks a huge smile on Her face posted to Her Facebook with a link to the video She had just recorded. Before long the comments and likes started to pour in, Melinda began to read through some of the comments.

"Oh My God Barb! You're crazy! You're soooooooo ticklish!" One comment read.

"Make sure you get Her feet." Another added.

"You look so cute in those socks." The comments continued to pour in as Melinda's focus returned to the room.

"Eeeeek!" Barbara squealed as one of the girls ran Her long nail along Her socked sole.

"Uh oh, you really are ticklish." The girl said with a smile before continuing to tickle.

Melinda couldn't help but giggle to Herself as She watched Barbara scrunch Her toes in response to the Girls tickling fingers. She had shut Her eyes and was leaning Her head against one of Her outstretched arms as She giggled steadily at Her ticklish treatment. Soon Melinda noticed a new photo on Barbara's Facebook page showing Her reactions with the caption, "Things are just getting started". This treatment continued for about 10 minutes or so before another post was made with a link to another site. On the site people could vote on different things that could be done to Barbara, each item had a minimum number of required votes before it would be carried out. Melinda took out Her phone and went to the site to look over the list Herself.

Socks Off - 50 Votes
Shirt Off - 100 Votes
Toe Ties - 250 Votes
Baby Oil - 150 Votes
Flossers - 300 Votes
Dual Hairbrushes - 500 Votes
Itching Powder - 750 Votes
Ice Torture - 100 Votes
Heat Torture 500 Votes
Sensitizing Lotion - 1000 Votes

Melinda looked back to Barbara's socked soles, and watched at they wiggled around, easily escaping the tickling fingers of the Girl at the foot of the stocks. Melinda looked to see if anyone was watching Her and when She saw there wasn't She checked the boxes for Socks Off and Toe Ties, She was about to submit Her choices when another one of the options jumped out at Her. Melinda paused for a moment remembering how Tony had reacted to the Hairbrushes, and then with a smile on Her face She checked the box for Dual Hairbrushes and submitted Her votes.

"Alright well, we should move on to our next demonstration, but if you follow Barbara's profile you will be able to keep up with whats happening to Her throughout Her session." Rachel said walking towards the door.

Melinda looked one more time at the giggling blonde in the other room before reluctantly following Rachel out into the hallway.

"While watching our Victims writhe in ticklish agony is always fun, we've found that sometimes the threat of being tickled can be more torturous than actually being tickled." Rachel began to explain, "That's why we've invented this next room."

Rachel opened a door and Melinda followed Her into the room, in the next room over were eight Girls each locked into a set of stocks.

"Each set of Stocks is fitted with two devices, one that tickles the Victims feet and one that tickles their underarms. Out in the store portion of the Shoppe there are sixteen pressure plates hidden throughout the floor. Every time someone steps onto one of these plates it will trigger one of the devices to tickle it's Victim without warning, that way there is no way for the Victim to predict when they will be tickled."

Suddenly one of the Girl let out a squeal as a quill like device was scratched along Her bare sole. Melinda watched as the Girl flexed Her foot pulling the toes away from the stocks before quickly snapping them back into position, holding them there quivering as the quill continued to trace Her sole.

"As you can see the Victims are free to move their feet as much as the stocks will allow or drop their arms, but every time they pull against the Toe Ties or lower their arms points are taken away from their total." Rachel said pointing to the scores displayed for each Girl.

"What happens if they run out of points." Melinda asked.

"It looks as though Brittany is about to run out, what say we help Her along with that." Rachel said picking up a phone in the room. "Hey Kelly, can you do me a favor and go stand on plate three for a little bit, our Guest want to see what happens when the Girls loose."

After a few seconds one of the Girls, who Melinda assumed was Brittany let out a squeal as the quill began to stroke Her feet. Unlike with the other Girl though the quill continued to stroke up and down. Before long Brittany began to pull at Her toe ties causing points to disappear from Her screen.

"OH MY GOD MOOOOOOVE HAHAHAHAHA!" Brittany screamed as some of the other Girls began to giggle at Her unfortunate circumstance.

"As long as the pressure plate is depressed the tickling continues." Rachel said with a smile.

"OH FUCK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Brittany cried out as two more devices began to tickle Her underarms.

"Uh oh, someone must have gone to the other plate too." Rachel said with a giggle. "Won't be long now."

Melinda watched as Brittany struggled to keep Her toes back and arms up throughout the tickling.

"Oh God! Hahahahaha! Move! Please, for the love of God mooooooooohooohoohoohooooooove!" Brittany laughed. After a few minutes of this a loud siren was heard and the devices stopped tickling Brittany.

"Oh NO!" Brittany yelled out. "HELP!"

Melinda watched as the ropes securing Brittany's arms were slowly raised up until the were tight over Her head, next She saw the toe ties begin to slowly pull the Girls feet back against the stocks stretching them tight. All of the other Girls watched in amusement as Brittany's stocks were slowly moved into another room. Melinda and Rachel moved as well and showed up just in time to see the stocks lock into position in the new venue. Melinda watched as a piece of the floor began to rise at Brittany's feet, She then watched as two devices began to extend from it towards Brittany's helpless soles. The two devices began to spray some kind of liquid over Brittany's feet, that Rachel explained was sensitizing lotion. Each of the devices was made up of four thin wheels with small bumps on them over what appeared to be a hairbrush like device.

"NO! NO! NO!" Brittany yelled as the wheels began to spin and the brushes began to move up and down. It wasn't long until the devices made contact with Brittany's feet causing Her to begin to laugh uncontrollably. Each of the wheels has taken it's place between Her tied toes the bumps obviously causing a very ticklish sensation as the automatic brushes continuously scrubbed their Victims soles often changing pattern so as to prevent the Victim getting used to them. Soon Brittany's situation worsened as more devices began to descend on Her other sensitive areas. Two spinning brushes tickled Her underarms and multiple finger like devices poked at Her torso.

"How long will this go on?" Melinda asked.

"Until all but one of the Girls loose and then for 15 minutes more." Rachel explained. "Anyway, I don't know about you but I am ready for lunch." Rachel began to walk into the hall again, Melinda took one last look at the laughing Girl behind Her before following Rachel out into the hallway.


Rachel had brought Melinda to one of the local restaurants located on the pier close to the Shoppe. After they had ordered Rachel excused Herself to use the restroom leaving Melinda alone at the table. Melinda started to look through Her paperwork but kept finding Herself distracted by Her phone sitting on the table. Finally She picked up Her phone and opened up Her Facebook app, as She began to scroll She saw a post that made Her laugh out loud. Once the restaurants other patrons had stopped staring at Melinda's outburst She began to examine the post more closely. The post showed a picture of Barbara, Her hair disheveled, with a worried look on Her face. Across the picture the caption "Bye Bye Sockies!" was written in a playful font. The rest of the picture showed a Girl holding up Barbara's socks for Her too see as well as Her now bare feet the toes scrunched nervously. Melinda began to read through the comments on the post when one in particular caught Her eye.

"Oh goodness! My little Barbie's feet are so ticklish! Stealing those sockies away will surely drive Her CRAZY! I can't wait to see Her reaction! - Barb's Mom"

Melinda clicked on the comment to see the replies and found another image showing Barbara's head thrown back in laughter as the Girl tickled Her bare feet which were somewhat blurry in the image. Below the image was another comment, "Sorry for the blurry picture but Her feet are just squirming around to much."

"Oh yes She always was a squirmier. It's to bad you can't use something to hold those tootsies still, then She'd really be in trouble." Barbara's Mother replied.

"Actually it just so happens we do, we haven't reached the vote goal on it yet but if you say so we'll go ahead and trap Barbie's little tootsies. What do you say Mom?" The Shoppe replied.

"Go for it!" Barbara's Mother commented.

The next post was another image, this time it showed Barbara's hunched over in laughter obviously pulling desperately at Her restraints. Each of Her toes had been tied holding Her feet perfectly still as not one but two ticklers danced their nails just below Barbara's toes. The comment with the photo read "Ten tied Tootsies courtesy of Mommy Dearest"

"Oh no, Her poor toes can't move an inch! That's so cruel! I bet She's going crazy! Maybe I'll have to make my way down there and have a turn at those feet myself." Barbara's Mother replied.

"We'd love to have you! And yes, She is going insane now thanks to you." The Shoppe replied.

"Glad I could help!" Barbara's Mother replied.

Melinda put away Her phone as Rachel returned to the table just in time for their food to arrive, the two Girls made small talk as they ate their lunch and then ordered desert.

"So what do you think of the tour so far?" Rachel asked once they had finished desert.

"Oh, well it's certainly unique." Melinda answered.

"Have you found anything that concerns you so far?" Rachel continued to pry.

"Well, nothing from a legal standpoint." Melinda answered. "Everything I've seen so far shows that you are operating within the confines of your contracts."

"But.." Rachel lead Melinda.

"But, I'm also supposed to make a determination as to whether or not your establishment is well suited for this city. The Council is worried that an establishment such as yours may negativity effect our downtown." Melinda explained.

"I see." Rachel said looking concerned. "I would like to show you something."

The two Girls walked over towards the shopping mall area of the pier, when Melinda started to hear laughter. As they turned the corner Melinda saw a group of Girls giggling and pointing towards another Girl who was locked in a set of stocks inside of a plexiglas display case, Her feet prominently on display. A sign above the case read, "Tickle a Thief!"

"You see that?" Rachel asked pointing to the stocks. "That's one of our newest programs, we've worked with the local business owners as well as the Police Commissioner, to offer an alternative to criminal charges for petty crime. When someone is caught shoplifting or committing any other minor crimes they are given the option in court to avoid fines and jail time by agreeing to spend a certain amount of time in one of these devices. If they agree then their records are wiped clean and they are sentenced to a certain amount of time locked in the stocks."

Melinda watched as the group of Girls near the device giggled and pointed at the laughing Girl within. After a minute or so the Girl stopped laughing Her body hanging limp from Her bound arms overhead. One of the Girls approached the device and knocked on the window holding up a quarter. The Girl within the device began to plead with the giggling group of Girls as the coin was slid into a slot much like that of a vending machine. After a few seconds the Girl inside the device began to laugh loudly again much to the delight of the giggling group of Girls who all blew kisses to the begging Girl as they walked away. Melinda and Rachel approached the device so that Melinda was able to get a closer look, shortly thereafter the Girl stopped laughing once again and hung there obviously exhausted. Melinda looked to where the Girls had inserted the coin and saw that not only was there a coin slot but also a bill reader capable of accepting up to a $20 bill. Just below the two slots was a sign.

Automatic Tickle Machine
Options only available if lit below.

Melinda began to read through the Options

Standard Intensity $0.25 per minute
High Intensity (Brush) $5.00 (One time charge per session)
Toe Teasers $5.00 (One time charge per session)
Oil $1.00 (One time charge per session)

Upper Body
Standard Intensity $0.25 per minute
High Intensity $2.00 (One time charge per session)

All proceeds benefit local charity groups!

Melinda noticed a small light next to each of the options indicating that they were all available.

"Depending on the crime committed not all of the options are always available, each month we choose a different charity to benefit from all the machines in the city." Rachel explained.

"How many of these are there?" Melinda asked looking inside the machine at the Girls tightly bound feet, pink from all the tickling She had been receiving throughout the day.

"Five, currently but we are planning on rolling out another three by the end of the year. One at each of the malls and another on the plaza downtown." Rachel said smiling. "Want to give it a try? It's for a good cause."

Melinda looked at the young Girl sitting in the stocks before Her, Her tightly bound toes wiggling nervously as Melinda eyed them.

"What did She do?" Melinda asked.

"Shoplifting, over $150." Rachel said still smiling. "The Judge wanted to give Her jail time but She begged to be put in here instead."

Melinda reached into Her purse and pulled out a $20 bill.

"No! Miss please you don't understand!" The Girl begged.

Melinda ignored the Girls pleas and began to select the options by hitting the buttons next to each item while reading them aloud.

"Let's see, for the feet we're going to go with the Brushes and oil definitely oh and Toe Teasers sound interesting." Melinda said holding Her finger over the button.

"NO! Not that please anything but that! They tickle so much!" The Girl screamed.

"Well with a reaction like that I have to see the Toe Teasers." Melinda teased enjoying Herself a little to much. "Let's see obviously we're going to do the high intensity on your upper body as well, that leaves $7.00 so at 50 cents per minute for both upper and lower body that comes out to about 14 minutes."

"FOURTEEN!" The Girl screamed. "Please you can't!"

"Of course I can sweetie," Melinda said looking up into the Girls eyes. "And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

With that Melinda hit the button to start the machine and watched as a thick coating of baby oil was applied to the young Girls feet. Soon after two hair brushes began to scrub the helpless Girls dripping soles as eight electric flossers began to move in between Her tied toes. Two spinning brushes had taken their place in the hallows of the Girls underarms as finger like appendages tickled Her sides and ribs.


"These machines are quite effective." Melinda commented as the Girl continued to struggle against Her bonds.

"Yes, we seem to have found the perfect settings for them." Rachel agreed.

"How much money do you raise with these things?" Melinda asked looking back at Her paperwork.

"Nearly $10,000 a month." Rachel answered proudly.

"And that all goes to charity?" Melinda asked skeptically.

"Every single penny." Rachel answered.

"Well then, it would seem loosing your business would actually hurt the City." Melinda said making some marks on Her paperwork. "Besides it does seem to add a fun vibe to the area." Melinda looked around and watched as people passed by the booth giggling and pointing at the squealing Girl inside the stocks. Some people even stopped and posed for pictures with Her before moving on.

"I'm glad you agree," Rachel said with a smile. "Now we should get back to the Shoppe, we still have a lot to get done before we can call this little audit complete."


Melinda and Rachel walked into the front of the Shoppe and were suddenly met with the sound of two Girls giggling. Melinda looked towards the back of the store to see Two young Girls sitting facing each other inside of a large display case. A large plexiglass wall separated the two Girls from one another and both Girls were unrestrained with the exception of their legs, which were strapped to the floor of the display. As Melinda got closer She soon realized the Girls true peril, each Girls legs stuck through the dividing wall, one foot of each girl between the other Girls restrained legs and the other just to the outside of them so as not to offer either an advantage.

"This is another one of my favorite attractions." Rachel said with a smile. "Both Girls feet are at the mercy of the other Girl, so long as neither one of the decides to tickle the other then no one get tickled."

"I feel as though there is some kind of catch." Melinda said eyeing Rachel skeptically.

"No catch, so long as the other Girl chooses not to tickle you, you won't be tickled. I've just never seen anyone in there be able to resist playing with the feet in front of them. " Rachel said with a smile.

Melinda looked the two Girls over, the Girl on the left was blonde and was wearing a tank top and short blue jean shorts along with a pair of white ankle socks. The Girl on the right was a brunette and was wearing a sporty t-shirt along with yoga pants and a pair of brightly patterned socks. Each Girl was smiling nervously, occasionally looking down to the trapped feet in front of them.

"I have to say this seems kind of boring." Melinda commented.

"Well we have a little trick to move things along in there." Rachel said walking over to the side of the attraction.

"So there is a catch." Melinda said as Rachel smiled back to Her mischievously.

Rachel pushed a button and two monitors just in front and over the Girls heads began to play a video. Melinda watched as the monitor in front of the blonde Girl began to show a video of the brunette.

"So on a scale of 1 to 10 how ticklish are your feet?" A voice asked.

"Oh 10 definitely!" She giggled

"Oh and where are they MOST ticklish?" The voice asked.

"Right here." The brunette said pointing to the outer edge of Her sole.

"So if you had someone else's feet trapped right in front of you right now would you tickle them?" The voice asked.

"Of course!" The brunette said giggling.

"And what if your feet were trapped for someone else to tickle?" The voice continued.

"I suppose they'd probably tickle them." The brunette giggled nervously.

Melinda looked over to see that the brunette was watching a similar video of the blonde Girl. Once both videos had ended the two Girls began to stare at each other through the glass that separated them. Suddenly the blonde girl looked down at the brightly colored socks in front of Her and began to reach for them.

"NO! NO!" The brunette girl yelled as the blondes well manicured hands approached Her feet. The blonde began to rub Her hands over the tops of the brunette girls socked feet causing Her to jump at first. The blonde began to look back and forth between the other girls soles and Her face, smiling all the while. After a minute of so of gentle massaging the blonde girl raised a single manicured finger up in front of Her showing off Her pointy talon like fingernails.

"Wait! No don't!" The brunette cried out as the blonde touched the tip of Her nail to the heel of Her socked sole. With an evil smile the blonde slowly ran Her nail up along the fabric exactly where the brunette had indicated was Her weak spot. The brunette Girl tried to stifle Her giggles as She desperately attempted to free Her legs from the straps that held them in place. The blonde Girl continued to run Her nail up and down the brunette's socked sole until She couldn't hold back the giggles any longer, then She began to run one of Her nails up and down along the other sole. The brunette's legs bounced up and down as much as the tight bondage would allow, and having given up on trying to act not ticklish Her socked feet began to thrash around making it difficult for the blonde to keep Her fingers on Her feet.

"Please! Please!" The brunette begged but the blonde girl simply wouldn't stop. Suddenly the brunette Girl looked down at the blondes soles trapped right in front of Her, quickly She reached down and began to quickly tickle them causing the blonde Girl to squeal and stop Her slow torture for a short time. Before long though each of the Girls were using all ten fingers to tickle their opponents feet while laughing madly at their own soles being tickled. Customers would stop and watch as the battle would go back and forth with one Girl gaining the upper hand for a time then loosing to the other a few minutes later. After about five minutes both of the Girls had stripped the other of Her socks and were now tickling their opponents bare soles.

"Clever using them against each other" Melinda said enjoying the show. "But whats this for?" She asked pointing to another bill reader like on the Tickle Machine from before.

"See these buttons here?' Rachel asked pointing to two rows of buttons on each Girls side of the display. "Each on of them unlocks either a tool for that Girl to use or a disadvantage for that Girl to suffer."

Melinda looked over the row of large buttons on the blonde Girls side of the display and saw that each one had a picture on it representing the options with the price just below it. The first four buttons were green and seemed pretty straight forward $1 with a picture of a Feather, $3 with a Pinwheel, $5 with a Hair Brush, and $5 with an Oil Can. But the last two interested Melinda the most as they were red, one of the buttons had a price of $10 and showed what appeared to be a bare foot with string tied around the toes, Melinda knew exactly what that button did but the other one She wasn't so sure. The last button had a high price of $20 and seemed to show a figure laughing with tears dripping down their cheeks as their arms were held up over their head.

"What does this button do?" Melinda asked curiously.

"Why don't you find out?" Rachel asked handing Melinda a $20 bill.

Melinda slid the bill into the slot and pushed the button on the brunette Girls side. Suddenly the brunette Girls arms started to raise over Her head, Melinda looked closer to see the each of the Girl had leather cuffs locked around their wrists attached to cables that when activated lifted their arms up over their head. In addition to the brunettes arms being lifted Her entire side of the display began to flash red, as the screen in front of Her displayed a devil horned emoticon which switched between smiling, laughing complete with sound, and sticking it's tongue out at the brunette. Meanwhile the blonde girl was taking full advantage of the fact that Her opponent was unable to fight back and was raking Her nails along the brunettes bare soles mercilessly.

"NO FAIR! Hahahahahahahaha!' The brunette complained.

"How long does that last for?" Melinda asked as the brunette tried desperately to pull Her arms down.

"Ten minutes." Rachel answered. "It's really is a terrible situation to be in, not only can you not tickle you opponent the entire time your arms are up, but the fact that they aren't being tickled means they can focus even more energy on tickling you more effectively, and even once the times up your opponent has had a ten minute rest while you've been tickled even harder then normal for the entire ten minutes."

"That really is unfair." Melinda said as She watched the brunette laugh.

"That's the point," Rachel started. "The customers are encouraged to interfere, either to give one side the advantage or even the odds."

Melinda looked at the other buttons and then opened Her purse and looked inside frowning.

"There's an ATM right over there," Rachel said pointing to the corner of the Shoppe. "No surcharge."

Melinda looked at the ATM and then back at the laughing brunette, before walking over to the ATM and taking out cash. Rachel giggled as Melinda started to feed Her cash into the slot. Melinda walked over to the blondes side of the attraction and pushed the buttons for the Brush and the Oil can, suddenly two compartments within the blonde girls reach opened to reveal the newly available tools. The devil faced emoticon appeared on the blondes screen and demonstrated applying the oil to the brunettes soles as well as how to utilize the hairbrush.

"If you hit the hairbrush one again you can actually give Her a second brush as well." Rachel added with a smile.

Melinda took the suggestion providing the blonde Girl with a second brush to wield much to Her delight. The brunette girl watched in horror, shaking Her head no, as Melinda walked over and hovered Her finger over the other red button on Her side of the attraction. After teasing for a few seconds Melinda pushed the button and began to watch what happened next. The screen in front of the brunette switched to show a pair of animated feet flapping back and forth and side to side, after a few seconds of this the devil faced emoticon began to laugh again in the corner of the screen as strings appeared around the toes of the animated feet and began to pull them back into place. On the blondes side of the attraction, two parts of the floor began to raise next to the brunettes feet, rotating in a way that they ended up sitting just behind Her toes with ten long strings dangling from them. The blondes monitor began to demonstrate putting the loops of string over each of the brunettes toes along with a countdown timer. Melinda and Rachel giggled as the blonde one by one caught each of the girls toes finishing just before the time ran out. Once the clock hit zero the loose strings began to slowly retract pulling the brunettes feet back against the devices completely immobilizing them. The blonde Girl quickly picked up Her brushes and began to scrub them over the brunettes now completely helpless soles.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! NOT FAIR!" The brunette screamed.

"Watch what happens when you do this." Rachel said putting another $10 into the attraction and hitting all the remaining rewards on the blonde girls side.

After a few seconds the doors for the remaining items opened giving the blonde access to the full arsenal of tickling tools, but what was much more interesting was what happened on the brunettes side of the attraction. The red lights began to flash again for a few seconds and the screen turned back on, only this time underneath the devil emoticon were the words "Total Domination!" Melinda heard a loud thunk and noticed that a new button had been revealed on the brunettes side of the attraction, flashing in red. The button had no price on it and simply showed a picture of the devil emoticon.

"What happens if I push it?" Melinda asked, Rachel just smiled at Her and before long Melinda went ahead and pushed the button.

The lights on the brunettes side stopped flashing and simply stayed red and a siren began to wail on the attraction. On the screen in front of the brunette Melinda saw that "Ultimate Punishment Activated!" was written on the screen.

"She's in for it now." Rachel said with a giggle.

Melinda watched as the floor behind the brunette began to lift up eventually enclosing Her entire torso, the blonde Girl meanwhile had stopped tickling in order to watch what was happening to Her opponent. Suddenly the brunette started laughing hysterically.

"Is that thing tickling Her?" Melinda asked in amazement.

"Yup, I've been told it feels like a thousand hands tickling you all at once." Rachel answered. Suddenly two spinning brushes began to rise up out of the device settling deep in the hallows of the brunettes underarms.

"Oh no." Melinda said with a giggle.

"That's not even the worst of it." Rachel said pointing to the blonde girl, who was holding a small pink bottle.

"What is that?" Melinda asked.

"That's sensitizing lotion, it makes the victim 10 times more ticklish." Rachel answered.

Melinda watched as the blonde girls face lit up with excitement, She began to apply the lotion to the brunettes bare feet before picking up Her brushes again and scrubbing the soles of the helpless girl across from Her.


"How long will this go for?" Melinda asked.

"Well the upper body tickling will last for 15 minutes, and the arms restraints will end along with that unless they are reactivated, but the toe ties are permanent until the end of the session, and they'll both keep access to any tools they're given." Rachel explained.

Melinda watched as the Brunette girl squealed madly, while the blonde girl took great pleasure in tormenting Her feet running the brushes up and down along the spot that the brunette had indicated was the most sensitive in the earlier video. Meanwhile on the brunettes side of the attraction the monitor continued to cycle through different images, such as the laughing devil emoticon, or an animation of a girl restrained in the same way as the brunette laughing hysterically, as well as different messages that Melinda was sure had to be adding to the brunettes suffering, such as, "HA! HA! HA!", "TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE!" "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE THE TICKLING!", "YOU'RE POOR LITTLE TOES!", "HOW DO YOU LIKE THE LOTION?", "NO MERCY!", "I BET THOSE BRUSHES TICKLE, DON'T THEY?", and "YOU MUST BE GOING CRAZY!".and while Melinda knew them not to be true She was sure that the brunette would believe some of the most cruel taunts like, "WE'RE NEVER GOING TO LET YOU GO!", "THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!", and "IT'S ABOUT TO GET SO MUCH WORSE!"

Once Melinda was sure She had seen all of the messages on the brunettes side of the attraction She made Her way over to watch the blondes view, and couldn't help but giggle at the contrast in the messages with things like, "Keep Tickling!", "Listen to Her laugh!", "She's going crazy!", "Make sure you get Her toes!", "You're so mean!", "Isn't this FUN!", "She can't stand it!", "Don't stop yet!", "I bet She's begging now!", "No Mercy!", "Her poor ticklish feet!", "They can't escape your tickling!", "There's nothing She can do but laugh.", "She's so helpless!", "You are an EVIL Tickler!"

After the 15 minutes were up the device around the brunettes upper body retracted and Her arms were lowered, but the blonde continued to tickle the brunettes super sensitive feet with the brushes causing Her to bang madly on the glass in an attempt to reach Her bare soles. Melinda allowed this to continue for a few more minutes until She decided to have a little more fun, She walked over and put in some more cash to the machine, the brunette began to plead for mercy as the blonde got ready to watch Her opponent writhe in ticklish agony once again. Suddenly the blondes hands began to lift up over Her head, the brunette watched in amazement as the blonde dropped Her two brushes. Before long Melinda had unlocked all of the tools for the brunette as well and once She was sure that the brunette had sufficient rest She activated the toe ties for the blondes feet, once they were tied back the brunette began to scrub Her own set of dual hairbrushes over the blonde girls soles producing desperate laughter from Her opponent. After a few minutes of this Melinda activated the upper body tickling and the Ultimate Punishment, both Her and Rachel watched as the brunette got some much deserved revenge on Her opponent before they both moved on with the tour.

"You certainly seemed to enjoy that attraction." Rachel said with a knowing smile.

"I may have gotten caught up in the excitement..." Melinda admitted walking into the back part of the Shoppe.

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone about it." Rachel said reassuringly. "I'm just glad you are enjoying yourself. Now this next room is fairly simple but utterly cruel."

Rachel opened a door to another observation room, Melinda walked in and looked through the one way glass into the other room. Inside the room were a group of eleven Girls all laying on their stomachs, each of the Girls feet were secured into a set of horizontal stocks, complete with toe ties, that left the soles of their feet pointing towards the roof. A large Plexiglas wall was built around the stocks to prevent the Girls from getting to their feet.

"Let's see here we have a local Girls soccer team that decided to come as a team building exercise." Rachel began.

"Alright." Melinda said looking the Girl over.

"So do you see the button in front of each Girl?" Rachel said pointing just in front of each Girl. "If they hit that button then the tickling stops."

"That seems pretty straight forward." Melinda said slightly disappointed.

"Well, we'll see." Rachel said flipping a switch.

Behind the eleven sets of stocks what looked like a long circular hairbrush began to spin, all the Girls began to giggle in anticipation and position themselves to hit the button as soon as needed. Suddenly all eleven sets of stocks began to pull the Girls backward into the spinning brush.

"You see the fun little part of our game is that we make sure that button is juuuuuuuust out of reach." Rachel said flipping another switch turning on eleven monitors inside the room, each showing one of the eleven pairs of stocked bare feet slowly approaching the spinning brush. All of the Girls were now desperately reaching for their button unable to reach it their panicked cries for help soon replaced by helpless laughter. Melinda watched as the long circular brush quickly spun over the heel of each of the eleven Girls.

"Isn't that a violation of the games terms? Paragraph one states that pushing the button is the only way to stop the tickling before the set time." Melinda asked looking at the contracts.

"Page 3, paragraph 2, line 6." Rachel said holding out a copy of the contract with the line highlighted. "'While hitting the stop button will release the victim from the tickling, the undersigned understands that this is simply a method to taunt them as the button will be moved out of the victims reach once the tickling begins.' People really need to read these contracts before signing them."

"That's a little misleading." Melinda said looking up at Rachel.

"Each and every contract here at the Tickle Shoppe starts with the same sentence, 'Before signing, you must read this contract in it's entirety, failure to do so may result in a misunderstanding of the terms of your contract.'" Rachel said with a smile.

"And how would you feel if you fell for a dirty trick like that?" Melinda asked gruffly.

"I did fall for it, and I spent the entire day being tickled without mercy at the county fair." Rachel said with a smile.

Melinda looked over the contract again and then out at the eleven squealing Girls reaching desperately for their buttons.

"So should I let them out?" Rachel asked with that knowing smile again.

"Well, they did sign the contract." Melinda said setting it down and watching one of the monitors.

"Perfect then let's move on to phase two." Rachel said flipping another switch. Melinda watched as the spinning brush began to move itself up and down the Girls toe tied soles from heel to toe all while continuously spinning. Part of Her felt sorry for the trapped Girls, but a bigger part of Her was actually enjoying their torment. She watched intently as the brush approached the Girls toes, enjoying the way they wiggled within their bondage, She then looked out to see the eleven mouths open wide with ticklish laughter.

"Ready for phase 3?" Rachel asked.

"There's more?" Melinda asked in disbelief. "I'm not sure they can take any more."

"Well, unfortunately for them they don't have a choice." Rachel said flipping yet another switch.

Melinda looked up to the monitors and giggled as She saw what was happening, now the brush was not only spinning and moving from heel to toe, but was also moving back and forth across the Girls soles. This extra movement seemed to make the pattern unpredictable increasing the ticklish effect of the device. Melinda watched as the eleven Girls laughed and squealed some of them not even attempting to reach their buttons any longer realizing they would never be able to reach them.

"Is there a phase 4?" Melinda asked jokingly.

"As a matter of fact there is." Rachel said flipping the last switch.

Melinda watched as the brush began to continuously spray out some kind of liquid coating each of the Girls feet allowing the brush to glide even more freely over their trapped soles.

"Is that baby oil!" Melinda asked in shock.

"Oh no, that's sensitizing lotion." Rachel said with an evil grin. "Those Girls are in for a loooooong afternoon."

"How long are they in there for?" Melinda asked trying to speak over the eleven Girls squeals.

"Let's see here 10PM so that's eight hours." Rachel answered.

"Their poor feet!" Melinda said unable to stop Herself from giggling.

"Well we do have one thing that might take their mind off of their feet for a while." Rachel said with a smile. "You want to see?"

Melinda wasn't sure that She wanted the Girls to be able to take their minds of the tortures that were being applied to their bare soles, but something about Rachel's smile made Her nod Her head in agreement. Rachel picked up the rooms phone and told someone on the other end to "Send them in." Rachel hung up the phone and turned to Melinda with Her evil grin.

"It just so happens that we were able to find out who the Girls in there will be playing this weekend." Rachel began. "When we contacted them they were very eager to come in and help us tire their opponents our before the big game."

Melinda watched as the door opened and eleven Girls wearing soccer uniforms complete with brightly colored soccer socks entered the room with huge smiles on their faces. Melinda couldn't help but laugh as the eleven trapped Girls suddenly realized who had entered the room.

"Please! Hahahahahaha! Push the button!" One of the Girls begged.

"This button?" One of the Girls asked pointing to the big red "Stop" button just out of the other Girls reach.

"Yeeeheheheheheheees!" The Girl laughed.

"But I'd much rather push this button!" The unrestrained Girl teased as She reached over and began to tickle the trapped Girls belly button.

"Yeah, we're here to push all of your tickle buttons!" Another Girl added squeezing the hips of another trapped Girl.

All of the restrained Girl began attempting to fight off the team of other Girls as the tickling on their feet continued relentlessly.

"You ladies are putting up waaaaay to much of a fight, we'll need to fix that." The unrestrained teams captain said holding up a bag.

Melinda watched with excitement as two of the unrestrained Girls each grabbed one of the restrained Girls wrists as the Captain placed thick leather cuffs around them. A heavy chain was connected to the wrist cuffs and then pulled tight stretching the restrained Girl out unable to move Her upper body. Finally the other end of the chain was secured to a ring in the floor obviously put there for this exact purpose, this was repeated with each of the Girls until all eleven were completely immobilized.

"There now that, that's finished we can have some fun." The Team Captain said straddling the other teams Captain with Her knees facing up towards Her head. "Coochie coochie coo Captain." The Girl teased as She began to tickle Her vulnerable sides. "Let me take your mind off of that mean old brush."

Soon each of the eleven restrained Girls had a member of the other team tickling them without mercy, all while the brush continued it's torment still coating their soles in the sensitizing lotion. The room was filled with two types of laughter, the desperate involuntary laughter of the eleven Girls being tickled, and the joyous laughter of the eleven Girls administering the torture. Tears streamed down the faces of the Girls, their mouths open wide unable to control any part of themselves.

"You should give some lotion to the other Girls to use on their upper body." Melinda said looking to Rachel.

"You think so?" Rachel asked with a smile before picking up the phone. A few minutes later a cute black haired Girl walked into the room carrying eleven small bottles of sensitizing lotion, after She explained how it worked the eleven free Girls set to work coating their opponents in the substance before returning to their ticklish assault. Melinda noticed a definite uptick in the Girls laughter after the lotion was applied, but She noticed something else as well. The black haired Girl who had delivered the lotion would occasionally break out in laughter nearly loosing Her balance, not only that but She seemed to be wearing a pair of shoes, which Melinda had been told was absolutely forbidden.

"Her name is Amber." Rachel said as if reading Melinda's mind. "She works here as a Tickle Slave."

"Tickle Slave?" Melinda asked unsure about the term.

"Yes we have a few Girls on the staff that are very much into being pushed far beyond their limits, they get the title of Tickle Slave. No matter what they have to submit to any kind of Tickling at any time and are not allowed any kind of safe word or maximum time limit."

"But She's wearing shoes!" Melinda said confused.

"Oh those?" Rachel said smiling. "Those are special shoes made for our Tickle Slaves. I don't understand exactly how they work myself, but it has something to do with electrical signals from the shoes stimulating the nerves in their feet to create intense tickling sensations."

"So they're like tickle shoes?" Melinda asked looking at them again.

"Exactly," Rachel said. "Once and a while we make the Girls wear them, they're set to continuously tickle at a very low intensity throughout the day."

"That must drive them crazy." Melinda added as the black haired Girl left the room.

"Not as crazy as if they were all the way up." Rachel said smiling and pulling out Her phone. Rachel tapped on the screen of Her phone and suddenly Melinda could hear squeals of laughter outside in the hallway. Rachel walked over and opened the door to reveal the black haired girl sitting on the ground laughing loudly as She tried desperately to pull the shoes off of Her feet. As Melinda looked closer at the shoes She realized that each of the shoes was secured onto the black haired girls feet with a padlock.

"Now, now Amber, you know that's no use." Rachel said tapping on Her phone again. Melinda watched in amusement as the black haired girl, apparently named Amber, rolled onto Her stomach and began to pound Her legs and arms against the ground like a child having a temper tantrum.

"I've been told these things are pure torture when on the full setting." Rachel said ignoring Amber's pleas for mercy. "We're only at about 60% right now, would you like to see 100%?

Melinda looked down at Amber who was already writhing in ticklish agony, could She really subject this girl to more tickling? Rachel noticed Melinda's hesitation and smiled at Her.

"It's ok, I won't make you be the bad guy." Rachel said tapping Her phone again. "The truth is that Amber loves these things up until about 80% but any more than that and even She can't take it. Not that She has much of a choice in the matter." Rachel giggled.


"Because the shoes directly stimulate the nerves they are actually much more effective then any kind of physical contact could ever be. Basically every nerve in Her entire foot is sending the signal that it is being tickled continuously, and because of the way they stimulate the nerves it takes much longer for Her to get used to the sensations meaning She stays ticklish even longer." Rachel said looking down at Amber. "Isn't that right Hun?"

Amber could only laugh as She curled into a ball on the floor. Rachel tapped Her phone once again and slowly Amber began to regain Her composure.

"Alright, we've had our fun." Rachel said handing Amber a key. Amber took the key and unlocked the shoes pulling them off and revealing Her socked feet. "Want to try them on?" Rachel teased.

"I think I'm all set." Melinda answered curling Her toes.

"Alright then, shall we continue our tour?" Rachel asked pointing down the hallway. Rachel led Melinda down the hallway past the rooms She had been in earlier that day, as they passed by the room Barbara was in She could hear Her squeals of laughter through the partially open door.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheee! No! Not there!" Barbara squealed.

"Not where? Not right here?" She heard another voice tease. "You hear that everyone She doesn't want us to tickle riiiiiiiiiight heeeere." Barbara continued to squeal as other peoples laughter filled the room. Melinda managed to sneak a quick glance inside the room and was able to see Barbara's Mother sitting at the foot of the stocks using Her long nails to scratch between Her daughters tied toes.

"C'mon Sis, Mom's barley even tickling you!" Another Girl said kneeling down at the stocks. "What are you going to do once it's MY turn?"

Melinda continued to follow Rachel but took out Her phone and opened up Her Facebook, She went to Barbara's page and saw a few pictures of Her Mother tickling Her had been posted along with another one of the other Girl She had seen giggling in the background as Barbara laughed. When She clicked on the picture the caption read "100 likes and Marcie gets to Tickle Torture Her Big Sis!" Melinda liked the image and put away Her phone as Her and Rachel reached the end of the hallway.

"Next we are going to go up to our newest area, we call it the playroom." Rachel said opening up a door and walking up a set of stairs. Melinda followed Rachel to the top of the stairs and into what seemed to be a coat room at the top. "You'll need to put this on." Rachel said handing Melinda a bright red arm band.

"What is this for?" Melinda asked putting the band on as Rachel did.

"It marks you as off limits." Rachel said smiling. "You're welcome to remove it at any time though."

Rachel reached over and opened up the door to the next room. Melinda looked into to the brightly colored room, complete with a large ball pit and jungle gym structure. As She stepped into the room She noticed that all the floors were padded as well as the walls, had She not known better She might have thought She was in one of those play places that parents would bring their kids too.

"We are nearly at capacity for the space today, but I'm sure they won't mind us taking a look around." Rachel said walking further into the large maze of a room. Melinda looked around the room as they walked and noticed a small group of Girl giggling as they sat around some tables in an area marked "Safe Zone".

"Having fun Ladies?" Rachel asked entering the Safe Zone.

"Totally!" One of the Girls said with a huge smile.

"Wonderful!" Rachel said warmly. "My friend here was hoping She could look around the space for a while, you don't mind do you?" Rachel asked pointing to Melinda.

"Not at all." The Girl said smiling to Melinda. "It's a lot of fun!"

"Oh, ok thanks." Melinda said not wanting to divulge to the Girl the actual reason for Her tour.

Melinda began to explore the room, first encountering a pair of Girls who were thrashing around in the ball pit in the midst of a tickle fight, after watching them for a while She continued to explore the multi level play structure which was filled with laughter. Melinda slowly made Her way toward what She thought to be the closest sounding laughter, and soon came to a narrow tube going through the wall from which She could hear desperate laughter, after a short crawl through the tube She came out into a small room. Although Melinda could clearly hear the laughter She wasn't able to see where it was coming from, as it seemed to fill the entire room.

"Hahahahahahahahaaa! No! Hahahahaha! Let me down!" A Girl laughed above Melinda's head, looking up Melinda couldn't help but let out a shocked gasp followed by laughter as She saw a young Girl hanging upside down from the ceiling of the room. The Girl was thrashing around and laughing as She tried to reach up to Her ankles, Melinda noticed a small ladder on the side of the room and began to make Her way up it coming out into another small room just above where the Girl hung. Once in the room Melinda found two other Girls giggling happily as they danced their fingers over a pair of bare feet sticking up through the floor.

"How's Meg?" One of the Girls asked Melinda.

"Who?" Melinda asked unsure of who the Girl was referring to. The Girl pointed down at the pair of bare feet in front of Her. "Oh, Her, She's going pretty crazy." Melinda answered. The two Girls giggled at Her answer as they continued to rake their nails over the trapped bare feet.

"My name's Kate and this is Lindsey, that's Meg down there." One of the Girls began. "We tried to warn Her about the traps but She didn't listen."

"Traps?" Melinda asked confused.

"Yeah this place is full of them!" Kate answered. "Like this one for instance, before it's tripped it just looks like all of the other floors, but once you step in a certain spot you sink in up to your ankles. Before you know it air fills up the bags here around your ankles and you can't pull them back up, then the floor opens up and it turns you upside down so that you end up hung upside down in the room below us."

"Yeah and then, you're feet are left trapped up here for anyone else to tickle them. The only way to get out is if someone hits the release button over there, then the air bags empty and you get dropped onto the mats below you and the trap resets." Lindsey added.

"That's insane." Melinda said looking around the room. "And you said there are other traps too?"

"Oh loads of them!" Kate said smiling. "Want us to show you?"

"Sure." Melinda answered.

"Alright, we'd better let Meg go before She passes out from hanging like that too long." Lindsey said hitting the release button, suddenly Meg's feet disappeared through the floor and it was as if the trap was not there at all.

"See all reset and ready for it's next victim." Kate said walking out of the room. "I'm sure Meg will catch up with us later."

Melinda followed the two Girls through the maze of tunnels and padded rooms, ticklish laughter being ever present all around them.

"Hold on." Kate said putting Her hand up in front of Melinda and Lindsey. "Ooooh, this is one of my favorites. Look over there."

Melinda looked through a window into the next room and saw a bikini clad girl looking around the room nervously.

"So, what happens with this one is that once you go into that room the door shuts and locks behind you." Kate began to explain. "The only way to unlock it is to put your arms into a set of those holes in the wall, the catch is that there are always three sets of holes and only one set will unlock the doors, the other two will..."

Kate's explanation was cut short as the bikini clad girl stuck Her wrists into a set of holes, suddenly a burst of air was heard.

"Got Her!" Kate said with a giggle. Melinda watched Kate's excitement as the bikini girls arms were slowly raised up over Her head in the middle of the room. "C'mon this way!" Melinda and Lindsey followed Kate through a door and into another few rooms before they finally came to where the bikini clad girl was trapped. Melinda noticed that Her arms were held so far over Her head She was forced to stand on Her toes in order to reach the floor at all.

"Please, no. Please let me out please." The Girl began to beg, but Kate didn't waste any time and within a few seconds the Girls pleas dissolved into laughter. "Hahahahahahahaahhaaa! Not my armpits please! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaa!"

Melinda watched as Lindsey joined in on the fun by squeezing the Girls hips causing Her to buck wildly.

"NO! Hahahahahahahahaha! Stop! Hahahahahahahahhahaha!" The Girl laughed.

"Coochie coo!" Kate said in a cute little voice. "My, my you're arms are veeeeery ticklish, and with all that bare skin exposed you must really like to suffer."

Kate and Lindsey continued to torment the poor Girl for a few more minutes before letting up on Her.

"Well let's go see if we can find another trap to show you." Kate said starting to walk off.

"Aren't you going to let Her go?" Melinda asked looking back at the bikini clad Girl.

"No, we'll leave Her for someone else." Lindsey said giving the Girls ribs one last tickle.

Melinda followed the two Girls out of the room and the trapped Girl pleaded for them to release Her. It wasn't long before Kate stopped them once again.

"You see that tube right there?" Kate said pointing to one of the many tubes leading out of a central hub room. "Watch what happens when that Girl goes to climb through it."

Melinda watched as the Girl began to climb into the tube, once She was completely into the tube Melinda heard a small thud come from the tube.

"SHIT!" The Girl in the tube yelled trying to back out of the tube as fast as She could, but as soon as Her feet were out of the tube the familiar sound of the air bags filling began and in less than a second the Girls feet were sticking out of the tube.

"Hehehe, She didn't see it until to late." Lindsey giggled. "See once the sensors saw She had gotten all the way into the tube, it closed the other end, then as soon as the sensors saw Her feet stick back out of the tube it trapped them in place.

"Yeah and this is pretty much the worst trap to get caught in too." Kate said walking toward the tube. "See some of the tubes are really narrow and long so that you have to put your arms up over your head to reach the other side and make it through, but once you're in the tube you can't put your arms back down until you get out the other side."

As the trio approached the tube Melinda watched as the trapped Girls socked feet wiggled around practically inviting someone to tickle them. As they got closer suddenly a part of the wall next to the tube opened revealing another small room along the side of the tube.

"Check it out." Kate said pointing to the tube.

Melinda looked closer at the tube which had a picture of an anime looking Girl trapped in a tube laughing as disembodied hands tickled Her feet and sides, Melinda also noticed a few hatches along the outside of the tube with the words "Open Here to Tickle!" Written on them.

"Once your feet are trapped a few other parts of the tube blow up too to hold your upper body more still, then people can open these hatches to get access to your sides and underarms." Lindsey said opening one of the hatches. "Hello in there!" Lindsey yelled into the tube. "Seems you're a little stuck, maybe I can help you out."

Melinda giggled as Lindsey began to poke at the trapped Girls rib cage causing Her to squeak.

"Ha-ha-HEY! I though you were going to Ha-ha-ha-help me!" The Girl complained.

"I am Ha-ha-ha-helping," Lindsey teased. "If a little tickling doesn't motivate you to get yourself out of there then nothing will."

"C'mon, hehehe, cut it out, haha, just get me outta heheheheHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" The Girl started to say before descending into laughter. Kate looked as Lindsey slightly confused.

"I'm not even touching Her?" Lindsey said with a shrug.

"No, but they are." Melinda said pointing to a group of Girls who had found the socked feet sticking out of the tube. One of the Girls crawled over to Kate Lindsey and Melinda and began to shout into the open hatch.

"Heather!" The Girl yelled in a teasing tone. "Is that you in there?"

"Hahahahahahahaha! Yes!" The Girl answered.

"Oh good! looks like we've finally got those feet right where we want them!" The Girl said poking Heather in the sides. "Maybe we'll finally even take off those socks of yours."

"Hahahahaha! No! You promised! Hahahahaha" Heather yelled back.

"Yeah, you're right we promised to leave them on." The Girl said in a disappointed tone.

"Excuse me, Heather is it?" Kate began to yell into the tube over the Girl laughter.

"Yes! Hahahahahaha!" Heather answered.

"I think I found a solution to your friends problem," Kate continued. "You see your friends might have promised not to take your socks off... But they never said that someone else wouldn't."

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Uh oh Heather looks like you're in trouble!" Heather Friend teased as Kate made Her way towards the socked feet sticking out from the tube, pausing for a few seconds to watch them squirm in anticipation before finally peeling the fabric away revealing a pair of soft bare feet complete with bright blue toe nail polish.

"Have fun Girls." Kate said giving the feet a quick scribble with Her nails.

The three Girls stepped back and watched as Heather's friends spread out around Her ensuing that She received the most tickling possible. Melinda particular enjoyed watching as two of the Girls pulled back on Heather's toes as another two tickled Her now bared soles to great effect.

"Well, it looks like Heather's in good hands, let's keep going." Kate said crawling through one of the tunnels, Melinda and Lindsey followed behind Her into the next room where they found another Girl hanging upside down from the ceiling obviously having Her feet tickled by someone in the room above. Melinda stood back and watched intently as Lindsey approached the flailing Girl and grabbed Her by the wrists, and pulled them downward stretching the Girls body out taught. Next Kate walked over to the Girl, Her eyes lining up perfectly with the upside down Girls, Melinda could only imagine what it must have been like to have a Girl like Kate staring Her directly in the eyes as She tickled the upside down girls helpless upper body.

"Tickle tickle tickle tickle...... Tiiiiiiiiiiiickle tickle tickle tickle." Kate teased the poor Girl. "Oh you're sooooo cute! So who's the better tickler, Me or the people upstairs?"

"Hahahahahahahahaa! YOU! Hahahahahahahahahaa!" The Girl laughed.

"Awwwwww, thanks honey." Kate said scribbling Her nails in the Girls bare underarms. "Oh I could just tickle you all day long, Coochie coochie coochie! Tiiiiiickle tickle tickle!"

"Hahahahahahahaa! Stop that!" The Girl complained.

"Stop? But we're having so much fun!" Kate answered as tears began to flow from the upside down girls eyes.

"My Ha-ha-ha-hips!" The Girl laughed bucking as much as Lindsey's grip would allow Her.

"Oh reeeeeeallly?" Kate said with a mischievous smile. "You mean right HERE!" Kate began to squeeze the upside down Girls hips causing Her to thrash wildly nearly escaping from Lindsey's grasp.


"Ooooooh! Listen to you, you're loving this aren't you sweetie! Tickle tickle tickle tickle!" Kate continued to tease while driving Her thumbs deep into the Girls hip bones and kneading them.

Suddenly Melinda heard a loud horn blast three times.

"Uh-oh sweetie, you're in for it now!" Kate said stopping Her assault.

"Hahaha! What? Hahaha!" The Girl asked confused but obviously still being tickled on Her feet.

"You'll see." Kate said pulling a marker out of Her pocket. "Here let me do you a favor though." Kate looked at the Girls stomach, which was exposed due to Her being hung upside down, and wrote "HIPS!" upside down in big bold letters with arrows pointing to the Girls sensitive spot. "Have fun sweetie!" Kate said before planting a long kiss on the Girls lips. Both Melinda and the Girl were to shocked by this to say anything before the giggling Kate had disappeared through another tube. When Melinda and Lindsey finally caught up with Her, She was sitting in another "Safe Area".

"About time you two catch up!" Kate said smiling.

"What's going on? What was that horn?" Melinda asked taking a seat next to Kate.

"Oh, you don't know?" Kate said turning to Melinda. "So once every hour the horn goes off and all of the traps lock on, no one can let you out once that happens except the Trap Keepers."

"Trap Keepers?" Melinda asked just as confused as before.

"Yeah, they go around and collect all of the people who were still in a trap when the alarm went off and bring them to the Hall of Shame." Kate continued.

"What is the Hall of Shame?" Melinda asked.

"C'mon I'll show you." Kate said jumping up. "They should all be there by now, and I want to go watch anyway."

"Well I'm going to head back out." Lindsey said waving to Kate.

"Alright see you later." Kate said giving Lindsey a hug.

Melinda followed Kate around the outside of the large multi level play structure that She had been exploring before and realized just how massive it actually was. After a few minutes the two Girls came to another large structure, on either side of the large entryway was what appeared to be a jester holding a large feather. Above the entrance in large bold letters "Hall of Shame" was written, Melinda followed Kate through the entryway where a man dressed as a jester greeted them.

"Greetings Ladies! Have you come to witness the plight of those who were unable to navigate our labyrinth?" The Jester said with a silly smile.

"Yes." Kate answered politely.

"Wonderful! Feel free to help us with their punishments if you so desire, the more the merrier!" The Jester said opening a small door allowing Kate and Melinda to enter the room beyond.

Once inside Melinda began to look around the room in awe, down the middle of the long room was multiple sets of couches, chairs and tables for the visitors to relax on, Melinda noticed the some of the guests were even being served drinks. While Melinda was certainly interested in the legality of the drink service as part of Her audit She was very quickly distracted by what She saw along both sides of the hall. Melinda's jaw dropped as She looked down the two rows of people restrained in various forms of bondage, all of them laughing as they were tickled by either people dressed as jesters, other guests or in some cases both.

"Awesome isn't it?" Kate said taking a seat on one of the couches, a woman dressed as a medieval wench came up and took Her drink order and offered Melinda the same service but She refused. "So, basically what happens is that once the alarm goes off if you are still in a trap then it locks you in there until you are gathered by the Trap Keepers. They go around and collect everyone who was still in a trap and bring them here to be punished until the next time the alarm goes off."

"I see." Melinda said looking around the room. "And other people come here to watch?"

"Watch, help, beg for their friends to be released." Kate said with a shrug. "One time I saw a bunch of first timers who's friend was stuck in a trap, once the alarm went off they tried desperately to let Her out. No use though, the Trap Keepers got Her and brought Her here. Her friends tried to get them to let Her go but all they managed to do was attract a huge crowd that wanted a piece of Her. Poor little thing."

"So you knew this would happen when you left Heather stuck in that tube?" Melinda asked.

"Yep. I'm willing to bet if you walked around you'd find Her somewhere in here." Kate said taking Her drink. "Go check it out, I'll be here when you're done."

Melinda began to walk around the large hall looking at all the different victims when one caught Her eye. Melinda walked over and stood in front of the victim who had been locked into a set of heavy wooden stocks with their toes tied back tightly, and their hands poking through the front on either side of their feet. Two girls dressed like jesters sat at the foot of the stocks taunting their victim.

"You know, it's not often we get to tickle a guy around here." One of the girl said running Her hand along the restrained mans leg.

"Oh God!" The man said trying to escape the stocks.

"Now, now save your energy sweet heart, you're going to need it." The other girls said running Her long fingernail over the man's bare sole.

"Hahahahaha!" The man laughed.

"Oh no, His feet are His worst spot too." A woman said walking up next to Melinda.

"Do you know Him?" Melinda asked looking to the woman next to Her.

"Yes, He's my husband." The Woman said smiling as the other girl began to run Her finger over Her husbands other foot. "Look at Him trying to pretend He's not turned on by all of this."

"You're not upset they're doing this to your Husband?" Melinda asked concerned.

"Are you kidding? I love watching Him get tickled." The Woman answered.

"Oh." Melinda said suddenly realizing what a dumb question that must have been in a place like this.

"They're just teasing Him right now," The Woman said before taking a sip of Her drink. "Wait until they really get going."

Melinda watched as the two jester girls used one finger each to trace the edge of the mans trapped feet while using their other hands to pick up two hairbrushes that were chained to the stocks. Suddenly without warning the both began to scrub the brushes over the mans feet causing Him to explode into desperate laughter.

"Oh I just love when we can surprise them with the brushes like that!" One of the girls said running Her brush over the Man's tied toes.

"Me too, Hahaha! Scrub, scrub, scrub!" The other girl teased.

"My, my His feet are certainly sensitive aren't they?" The first girl commented.

"They sure are, but what do you think would happen of we made them even MORE sensitive?" The second girl added.

"Oh no!" The Woman next to Melinda said covering Her mouth.

"Oh yes!" The first girl said spreading a thick layer of sensitizing lotion over the mans sole.

"NO! NO! AHHHHHHHHH! LET ME OUT!" The Man started to scream, but both the girls just started to laugh as the picked their hairbrushes back up. Melinda would have almost felt sorry for the man in the stocks had it not been for the constant taunts delivered by the two jester girls.

"Hahaha! Listen to Him squeal." The first girl said.

"I know, and look at Him try to bend those toes." The other girl added before sticking Her fingers into the spaces between His tied toes. "They're not going anywhere dear, they're ours to tickle forever and ever!"

"Hahahahahahaha! Hon! Hahahahahahahahaaa! Help!" The Man yelled looking to His Wife.

"If you insist Dear." The Woman said walking over to the stocks and standing between the two jester girls. The two girls looked at Her nervously stopping their brushes for a moment, when suddenly the Woman knelt down and lifted two electric flossers that were attached to the stocks as well and began to poke them in and out of between Her Husbands toes.

"Hahahahahahaha! No! What are you doing!" The Man yelled trying to escape.

"I'm helping." The Woman said plainly. "Now these two can focus on brushing your soles while I get your toes for them."

The two jester girls started to laugh loudly as they went back to scrubbing their brushes over the poor mans bare soles. Melinda watched the trio of Women torment the Man for a while before moving on to see what the other victims were going through. It didn't take long before Melinda came across a familiar face, the Girl that Kate had written on was now stretched tight out on a rack Her shirt removed to reveal Her black sports bra. The word "Hips" along with the arrows were still clearly visible on Her stomach and on either side of Her another set of jester girls were kneading at Her sides and hips.

"You're doing great Ladies! You sure you haven't done this before?" One of the jesters asked. Melinda looked to see who the girl was talking too and noticed a small group of regularly clothed girls sitting at the foot end of the rack.

"Never." One of the Girls answered. "This is our first time here."

"Well what do you think so far?" The other jester asked.

"It's great!" One of the other girls answered. "I've never gotten to tickle someone who couldn't get away before."

"It's fun isn't it." The first jester commented.

"Alright, now try using your fingernails and scrubbing them up and down Her feet." The other Jester said before blowing a raspberry on the Girls stomach.

"Like this?" One of the Girls asked scrubbing Her whole hand over the Girls feet with Her fingers slightly spread and Her nails raking along the skin.

"Exactly!" The Jester Girl said as the Girl on the rack began to buck wildly. "Yeah that tickles huh sweetie?" The Jester teased. "Now one of you come up here and tickle Her armpits!"

One of the Girls standing by the foot end of the rack ran around to stand next to the Jester Girl.

"Just use your nails to lightly scribble in there, She'll go crazy." The Jester Girl said smiling.

"Okay!" The Girl said happily obliging.

Melinda watched as the poor Girl bucked wildly under the assault of the girls noting how much fun the Girls doing the tickling seemed to be having. After a while Melinda left the giggling Girls to their new tickle coaches but not before smiling and waving to their poor Victim. Melinda walked further down the room to where a large group had gathered.

"I thought you promised Her you wouldn't take off Her socks!" Melinda heard one girl say to another.

"We didn't, some other girl did it." The Girl answered.

"How did She end up in that thing!" The first Girl asked pointing to the other side of the crowd.

"She was stuck in a tube and then some people just came and carried Her off." The Girl said. "We didn't know this was going to happen honest!"

"Well it's to late now." The first Girl said looking through the crowd. "Poor thing..."

"You gotta admit though," The other Girl said looking through the crows as well "It's going to be kind of fun to watch."

The two Girls began to laugh as Melinda passed them heading to see what all the commotion was about, once She had made Her way to the front of the crowd She couldn't help but gasp at the sight in front of Her. On the floor in front of Her laid Heather, the Girl who's socks Kate had stolen earlier. She was strapped to the floor with Her head pointing toward the center of the room, with Her arms out above Her head. Her hips were secured to the floor with a multitude of straps and Her legs were strapped tightly to a pillar that pointed Her legs at a 90 degree angle up into the air. At the top of the pillar Heather's bare feet disappeared into a clear box. A few feet above the top of the pillar was a large sign that read, "The Not My Feet Machine!".

"Ladies and Gentlemen, every once and a while while the Trap Keepers are cleaning out the traps, they come across a Victim who will plead with them to spare their feet from punishment." A Jester Girl next to the pillar began to announce. "Of course once they are brought back here we bring them directly to the Not My Feet Machine!" People in the crowd began to giggle and whisper amongst themselves as the Jester Girl spoke.

"Please! Not my feet! Anything but that please!" Heather begged trying to escape Her bondage, the crowd began to laugh at Heather's pleas for mercy.

"I promise no one is going to lay a single finger on your feet." The Jester Girl said, Heather looked at the Girl suspiciously as She approached a large crank attached to the side of the pillar. Slowly the Jester Girl began to turn the crank.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO! HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Heather began to laugh. The Jester Girl scrunched up Her nose and bit the tip of Her tongue obviously enjoying Heather's reaction.

Melinda looked closer at the box that Heather's feet were in and was amazed at what She saw. Both of Heather's ankles were being tightly held in place by large metal rings, while each of Heather's toes had been tied to a series of thin metal bars spreading them out as far as possible without causing Her pain. Other than those points of contact the rest Heather's feet were suspended inside of the box, as for what was causing Heather's desperate laughter, Melinda watched in horror as four separate brushes scrubbed independently over each of Heather's bare soles, and it wasn't only Heather's soles that were getting the evil treatment, another set of brushes were scrubbing along both the outer and inner edges of Her feet while softer bristled brushes lightly stroked the tops. On the pad of each of Heather's tied toes sat the head of an electric toothbrush buzzing away, but what really made Melinda cringe were the devices being flossed between Heather's tied tootsies, each device was a long cord about the width of a pencil, this cord was covered in little nubs that jutted out randomly along it as well as long feathery like tendrils, both of which seemed to be doing an excellent job of tickling the exposed flesh between each and every one of Heather's toes.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! OH MY GOD! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" Heather laughed shaking Her knees against the pillar, but no matter how much Her knee's flexed Her feet didn't move a millimeter. The Jester Girl sat in a chair obviously meant for the person who was turning the crank and stuck Her striped stocking clad feet up on a stool in front of Her exposing Her own soles to the crowd.

"I bet you wish you could do this." The Jester Girl teased as She kicked Her feet up and down on the stool. "Or this," She continued moving Her feet side to side. "Or even just this." The Jester added scrunching and unscrunching Her toes. The crowd was loving the Jester Girls antics almost as much as they were loving Heather's desperate laughter.

"Hahahahahaa! Fuuhuhuuck You!" Heather yelled at the Jester Girl.

"Now, now that wasn't very nice." The Jester Girl said. "Hey you two, come here for a second." The Jester Girl said pointing to the two Girls who had been talking as Melinda approached the crowd, the two Girls walked up in front of the Jester Girl nervously. "Can you two keep turning this for a little bit? I need to teach you're friend here some manners. The two Girls looked at each other nervously before finally taking over for the Jester Girl. "Perfect just like that." The Jester Girl said as She walked up to the side of the pillar. "Now, Heather is it? I'm going to teach you what happens to people who aren't nice to me." The Jester Girl flipped a switch on the side of the box and suddenly a slightly pink liquid began to spray onto Heather's feet.

"Oh no! Is that sensitizing lotion?" One of the Girls now turning the crank asked in horror.

"No, no, no." The Jester Girl said walking back over to the crank, and taking over for the two relieved looking Girls. "It's muuuuuuch worse than that."


"The lotion only makes you ten times as ticklish." The Jester Girl said. "This is our new super concentrated sensitizing spray, it makes you 100 times more ticklish. Hahahahahahahaha!"

The two Girls watched with concern as their trapped friend screamed in ticklish agony as the Jester Girl took over Her crank as She once again and began to speak in a sing-songy voice.

"Stuck in a trap when the alarm did sound,
Now in the Hall of Shame I am found.

I begged them not to touch my feet,
And now you're all in for a treat.

Instead of heeding my request,
They ignored my loud protest.

Now my feet are held so tight,
There's no way to escape my plight

And as the crank begins to spin,
My tickle torture will begin.

Soon my laughter fills the room,
As I endure my ticklish doom.

And as the brushes do their work,
They'll have me going quite berserk.

But now matter how I beg or plead,
There is no chance that I will be freed.

My Jester truly loves Her tasks
And in my suffering She basks.

She takes great pleasure in my squeals,
As those mean old brushes scrub my heels.

And don't get me started on my toes,
Whatever those are got me in throes.

The worst part about the cruel device,
Is that the bondage is so precise.

Not even a single nerve is spared,
As no tools access is impaired."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! PLEASE! PLEASE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! NOT MY FEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEET!" Heather howled causing the Jester Girl to giggle cruelly for a few seconds before beginning to turn the crank even faster than before and continue Her rhyme.

"Even the tops of my feet join the fun,
As soft bristled brushes dance over each one.

For a person who's feet are they're worst tickle spot,
I can't think of a worse place for them to be caught.

But that is the point of this evil machine,
To force all it's Victims into causing a scene.

The embarrass me publicly that is their goal,
For telling them that they cannot touch my soles.

So my torture continues without even a break,
Getting caught in that trap was a dire mistake.

Now I am simply my Jesters new Tickle Toy,
And making me squeal always brings Her joy.

I'll laugh and I'll beg and I'll scream and I'll shout,
But there's no way in Hell that She's letting me out.

She'll keep turning and turning no chance of Her slowing,
And out of my mouth the laughter will keep flowing.

And you'll hear Her laugh at me with such delight,
For She knows She is causing my ticklish plight.

She'll taunt me and tease me and treat me so cruel,
She takes pleasure in making me look like a fool.

My only real comfort is that this torture will end,
But on that thought maybe I shouldn't depend.

For hopefully once this hour is done,
The Jester has truly had all of Her fun.

For I'm not a the mercy of only the clock,
The Crowd must decide if my feet get unlocked.

At the end of the hour She'll ask all of you,
What it is that you truly want Her to do."

The crowd began to stir as the Jester smiled toward them continuing Her rhyme in a playful tone.

"Should She release my poor feet and give me back my socks,
Or should my tootsies stay trapped in Her mean Tickle Box.

And if it ends up that the Crowd votes is so,
My Jester never has to let my feet go."

Melinda watched as the Girl writhed desperately on the floor in front of Her trying to move Her feet even a little bit.

"Please you have to stop!" One of Heather's friends pleaded with the Jester Girl. "She can't take it anymore!"

"Hahahahahaha! Can't take any more?" The Jester Girl laughed. "Well we'll see about that."

Melinda watched as the Jester Girl began to turn the crank faster and faster increasing the pitch of Heather's laughter with every turn.

"AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! NO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" Heather laughed shaking Her head back and forth.

"Hehehehe! It seems She could take more." The Jester Girl giggled. "Look how pink Her cute little feet are getting too!"


"See? She loves it, just listen to Her laugh!" The Jester Girl said before breaking into a series of verbal teasing.

Melinda decided to move on down the Hall to see what else was happening, making a note to come back and see if Heather would be released at the end of the hour. Melinda didn't get far before She saw something that caught Her attention, about half way down the hallway was a large open area in which a group of 10 or so girls were tied spread eagle to the floor. Melinda watched as other patrons of the Hall would walk around the girls, tickling them as they thrashed about on the padded ground, as Melinda got closer She walked by a large wooden crate with the words "Toy Box" written on it, She looked inside the box and saw a multitude of different tickling tools available for use. Melinda watched in amusement as the trapped Girls were tickled some playfully and some cruelly when She noticed one particular Girl who had on a pair of socks that were black and yellow stripped. As Melinda got closer to the Girl She was able to read what was written on the socks, "No Foot Tickling! Per Management!" Melinda looked around at all the other Girls who were barefoot most with at least one person tickling their soles, when She remembered something She saw in the toy box. After retrieving the items from the box She walked back over to the Girl and sat at Her head.

"Open up." Melinda said calmly.

"Wha-" The Girl began but was stopped as Melinda stuck a ball gag in Her mouth. Melinda then crawled over the the Girls feet and began to lightly tickle the socked soles.

"MMMMPHH! MMMMMPPPPPHHH!" The Girl screamed into Her gag.

"Oh no, you're feet are veeeeery ticklish huh sweetie?" Melinda cooed. "It doesn't seem fair to me that you get to keep your socks when everyone else had to give theirs up." Melinda began to peel the Girls socks off revealing Her well manicured toes that wiggled in the fresh air. "Now, now can't have those toes wiggling like that can we." Melinda teased as She attached something to the Girls ankles, once She had the ankle straps secured tightly She began to tie each of the Girls toes back with the device essentially toe tying Her to Her own ankles.

"There no more wiggly little piggies." Melinda said satisfied with Her handiwork. As She began to walk away carrying Her new found socks She turned back to see the a group of Girls who had witnessed the exchange had already descended upon the Girl and had Her pleading desperately into Her gag.

Melinda continued to walk along the Hall coming to the end, there two Girls sat next to each other in a pair of what appeared to be tickling machines. Each device had multiple tickling tools attached to it including a spinning brush like the one Melinda had seen used on the soccer team earlier in the day. It looked as if every possible tickle spot was accounted for by the machines, but surprisingly only one of the two girls was laughing.

"Hahahahahaha! SAM! PLEASE!" The laughing girl begged.

Melinda looked above the laughing girls head and saw the laughing devil faced emoticon on a large screen, while the screen over the other girl simply showed a smiley face. Melinda looked closer at the machine that held the laughing girl, each of the girls toes were tied while electric flossers tickled between each of them, meanwhile a spinning brush moved up and down along her bare feet. Her stomach was covered in some kind of electrodes that seemed to be tickling her quite a bit judging by the way her muscles were flexing, while two mechanical hands seemed to switch between poking her ribs and running themselves up and down along them both of which seemed to be causing the girl quite a bit of distress. Next Melinda noticed what looked to be an electric toothbrush in each of the girls underarms moving around covering the entire area, lastly Melinda noticed a large red button with the word "Mercy" on it positioned withing the Girl reach.

"What's going on?" Melinda asked another girl who was sitting and watching the show. "Why is only one machine working?"

"That's part of the game," The girl answered with a giggle. "See those mercy buttons near their hands?"

"Yeah." Melinda answered looking to see that both girls had their own mercy button.

"Well if they push it then the other girl's machine will stop tickling them, buuuuuuut then their machine will start tickling them instead. Then the only way to make it stop tickling them is if the other girl hits her button and makes her machine tickle her again." The Girl said wiggling her fingers at Melinda.


"Damnit Marie!" The girl who wasn't being tickled yelled before hitting her mercy button.

Melinda watched as Marie's machine switched off and Sam's machine began to come alive.

"Shit, Shit SHIIIIIT! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAA!" Sam laughed as She thrashed inside the confines of the machine.

"I'm sorry Sam." Marie said obviously exhausted. "I'm so sorry, I needed a break."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh God!" Sam laughed as the machine tickled her mercilessly.

Before long Melinda could tell Sam had reached her breaking point, as tear streamed down her cheeks.


Marie looked over at her friend nervously obviously not wanting to take over her torment.

"Uh oh, looks like Marie might not push the button again." The Girl Melinda had spoken to earlier said with a smile. "C'mon Maire! Push the button! Are you just going to let poor Sammy take all the punishment?"

Marie closed her eyes and reluctantly hit the button causing the machine to begin to tickle her once again, and within a few minutes she was already begging Sam to take over.


"I can't Marie," Sam answered looking at her friend thrashing around next to her. "I can't take anymore."


Melinda watched for a while longer as Marie continued to beg Sam to take over for her.

"See now Sam is worried that if she does take over that Marie won't take it back." The girl said now sitting cross legged on a chair across from the two girls.

Melinda watched for a few more minutes before she saw that the hour was almost up. She hurried back to where Heather was being kept in the Not My Feet Machine..


"Ha ha ha. He he he. Please don't tickle my poor little feet." The Jester teased.

Suddenly a loud buzzer went of, Melinda looked around the room as all of the other victims were let out of their punishments.

"Alrighty, looks like our time is up." The Jester girl said continuing to turn the crank. "That is unless everyone wants me to keep going?"

Melinda watched as the crowd cheered.

"Oh goodie!" The Jester Girl said kicking Her stocking feet. "We get to keep playing!"

"No! You can't!" One of Heather friends shouted as the two of them pushed their way up to the device and tried to free Heather. Suddenly two more Jesters grabbed the girls and held them tightly as two devices were dragged over next to the device that held Heather. Before long both girls were secured upright in the new devices, that held in girls in the shape of a T with their ankles tied to the device leaving their feet to dangle together at the bottom.

"Silly girls." The Jester said still turning her crank. "If you wanted a turn you could have just asked."

Suddenly another group of Jesters approached the new devices and began to attach things and further secure the two girls into the machines before producing another two large cranks and inserting them into the machines. Once the cranks began to turn Melinda could see that each of the girls upper bodies was getting thoroughly tickled causing them to squeal. A sign was hung over the girls that read, "This is what awaits you if you try to help others escape!".

"Now we have three ticklish girl to play with." The Jester said before giggling again.

Melinda watched as the two girls socked feet wriggled around as their upper bodies got tickled.

"You." The Jester girl said pointing to Melinda. "You right there."

"M-me?" Melinda said worried.

"Y-yes, y-you." The Jester said smiling. "Come up here and take thirteen cards from this deck."

Melinda did as she was asked worried that if she didn't she'd end up locked into one of the tickle machines herself.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, since we've already spent an hour just tickling Heather, we're going to play a quick game to keep things interesting until all the new victims arrive." The Jester girl explained. "Our volunteer here is going to choose thirteen cards and then she can choose to apply them to any of the girls."

Melinda pulled thirteen cards and began to look through them, Two of the cards had "Knock my Socks off!" written across the top and had artwork of a pair of feet wearing stripped socks, with one of the socks pulled halfway off. The description on the card read "Remove one players socks, this card can be played regardless of restrictions ." Three of the cards had "Shirts and Skins" written across the top and had artwork of a T-shirt with a big red X through it. The description read "Remove one players shirt, this card can be played regardless of restrictions." One of the cards read "Freedom" and had a picture of an Angel on it, the description read "Release one player from the game" Three more of the cards read "Triple Play" and had a Jester with the number 3 next to it, the description read, "Three times the Jesters, Three times the fun! One player will be tickled by 3 Jesters for the remainder of their time." Another Three cards read "I'l be here all day" and showed artwork of an hourglass with a Jester inside of it holding the sand up in the top portion, the caption read "Keep one player locked up until closing time." The last card had "Maxed out" written on it and showed another devil emoticon on it with a caption the read, "Applies to all players, you truly are sadistic."

Melinda looked up from the cards to the Jester girl.

"So, if you want to play a certain card for a girl just walk up and give her Jester the card." The Jester explained.

"Alright." Melinda said walking up to one the two girls who had tried to save Heather and handing each of their Jesters and handing them 2 cards.

"What cards are you playing?" The Jester girl asked Melinda.

"Knock my socks off and Shirts and Skins on both of them." Melinda answered.

"Hahaha! Wonderful! Why don't you get rid of those pesky socks while the ladies take care of those shirts." The Jester laughed.

Melinda walked up to one of the two girls and pinched the toe of her ankle sock and began to slowly pull it. She couldn't help but giggle as the girls toes tried desperately to hold onto the thin fabric that was the only bit of protection her feet had left. She gave the girls heel a quick scribble with her long fingernails causing her toes to loose their grip and the sock to slide off revealing her cute little toes. Melinda repeated this slow torturous removal on the three remaining feet leaving the girls bare feet exposed to whatever the Jesters had in store for them. Once She was done she looked up to see that both girls had also been stripped down to their bras and were now even more susceptible to the tickling machines that held them.

Melinda then walked over to Heather's Jester and gave her another shirts and skins card and within a few seconds Heather too was wearing only a bra.

"Would you like to play any more cards?" The Jester asked with a smile.

"Yes," Melinda began. "I have 3 Triple play cards and 3 I'll be here all day cards I want to play on all three."

"Alright," The Jester said giddily. "Why don't you tell the audience what those cards do for me."

"One of them increases the number of Jesters tickling to 3 and the other traps all of them in the machines until closing time tonight." Melinda explained to the delight of the crowd. "I do have one more card I want to play." Melinda said looking back at the Jester girl.

"Oh?" The Jester asked playfully.

"I want to play my Maxed out card." Melinda said holding the card up. All 9 Jesters began to laugh as they saw the card Melinda was holding.

"Are you sure?" The Jester asked through her giggles.

"I'm sure." Melinda said wanting to see what would happen to the girls as a result.

"Oh goodie!" The Jester girl yelled.

Melinda watched as all of the Jesters began to turn on sprayers on the two girls who had tried to rescue Heather coating them in the concentrated sensitizing solution that Heather's feet were getting, at the same time Heather's upper body was getting the same treatment as two more Jesters sat on the floor next to her and began to tickle her upper body while the crank running the machine at her feet continued to be turned at the maximum setting. Next four Jesters sat at the other two girls feet Melinda watched as two of the Jesters would pull back on the Girls toes while the other two would scrub brushes along their stretched out soles. Melinda had a thought and ran off coming back moments later and handing two sets of the ankle restraint toe ties she'd used earlier to the Jesters.

All the Jesters started to giggle as the applied the toe ties and then proceeded to continue their brushes on the girls soles while adding in two sets of electric flossers in between their now tied toes. All three girls were now hysterical unable to do anything but laugh as they were tickled mercilessly by the army of Jesters.

"You seem to have forgotten something?" The Jester girl said with an evil grin.

"What's that." Melinda asked.

"That card applies to ALL of the players. EVEN YOU!." The Jester Girl laughed as more Jesters approached Melinda.

"WAIT!" Melinda yelled holding up the last card in Her hand. "I want to play this card on myself."

The Jester Girl frowned as She saw the Freedom Card in Melinda's hand.

"Fine, we'll just have to settle for these three then." The Jester said. "Oh well, Only twelve more hours to go girls! Hahahahaha!"

All of the Jesters continued to laugh and tease their victims as their desperate laughter filled the room.


Melinda finally met up again with Rachel to continue the tour.

"Enjoy your time in the playroom?" Rachel asked with a smile.

"Yes it was very entertaining." Melinda answered.

"Did you get to see the Hall of Shame?" Rachel asked now walking down the stairs.

"I did." Melinda answered following Rachel.

"Oh and what was your favorite punishment?" Rachel asked as the reached the bottom of the stairs.

"I would have to say the Not my Feet Machine." Melinda said smiling.

"Ooooh yes," Rachel said smiling. "So did they let the poor thing out after her hour or is she still stuck in there?"

"Nope the crowd voted to keep her in there," Melinda said curling her toes. "The last I saw, she had one Jester turning the crank at full speed while two others tickled her sides and underarms."

"Poor little thing. I'm sure they were teasing her pretty good as well" Rachel said still smiling.

"Yeah, and when two of her friends tried to get her out they were locked up too ." Melinda said omitting the portion of the story where she had doomed the ticklish trio to another 12 hours of torment.

"Well let's check in on Barb before we move on." Rachel said walking into the observation room for Barb. "I believe that Marcie is about to get some tickle time with her sister."

Melinda sat down in the observation room just in time to hear the explanation of what was about to take place.

"Alright so the name of the game is Tickle-tac-toe, as you can see there are ten game boards drawn on Barb's feet, Marcie you will go first and write in an X on one of the boards. For every game the Marcie wins one of Barb's toes will get colored in, if all the toes on one foot get colored in then Marcie gets to tickle you for 30 minutes, if all ten get colored in then she get's an hour." A woman explained.

"Alright, I'll go right here." Marcie said scribbling an X on her sisters bare foot causing her to laugh loudly, making sure to go over it multiple times.

"Wait! I don't know where she played?" Barb yelled out once her sister had stopped using the pen on her.

"You have to tell by feeling," The woman said with a sly smile.

"That's not fair!" Barb objected.

"You can forfeit if you like." The woman answered.

"Ugh whatever I'll go on the top in the middle." Barb said annoyed. Marcie began to trace a circle in the space her sister had chosen causing her to laugh again.

"Alright I'll go here." Marcie said drawing an X on the board without giving Barb any kind of break in between.

"Haha, top left." Barb said between giggles Marcie drew in the circle as Barb continued to laugh.

"Three in a row I win!" Marcie shouted as she made her X and then began to draw a thick line through the winning trio of X's.

"Hahahaha! Ok! Ok! You won that one enough with the pen you little twirp!" Barb laughed.

"Alright Marcie why don't you go ahead and color in your sisters toe." The woman said pointing to Barb's small toe. "The toe ties should keep them from wiggling too much."

Marcie began to scribble her pen all over Barb's tied toe completely covering it, even making sure to get the sensitive spot she had found where the toe met the rest of the foot. Once she had done that She went ahead and started the next game.

"Hehehe! Your turn." Marcie said with a giggle.

"Middle." Barb said slightly out of breath.

"Ummmm... That's where I went." Marcie said to the woman.

"Well then that means Barb looses that game." The woman said smiling. 'Why don't you color in her next toe."

"WHAT!? NO FAIR! HOLD ON A HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Barb started to complain as her sister set to work coloring in her toe.

The rest of the games went about the same, Melinda wondered if it was even possible to tell where Marcie made her mark by feeling alone, but judging by the fact Barb lost all ten games, Melinda assumed it wasn't.

"That's all ten! I win!" Marcie cheered.

"Alright let's get a picture of you with your sisters feet for Facebook and then you can help us clean them off." The woman said snapping a picture of Marcie smiling next to Barb's ink covered soles.

Marcie's eyes lit up as another woman brought over a bucket full of warm soapy water and a scrub brush. Melinda watched in amusement as Marcie rolled up her sleeves and dipped the brush into the water and began to scrub her sisters soles.

"Hahahahahaha! Marcie! Hahahahahaha! Ahhh that tickles!" Barb laughed trying to move her feet away from the brush. Marcie just giggled as she scrubbed her sisters feet clean with the soft brush, after about 15 minutes of this the woman came back into the room and handed something to Marcie.

"A toothbrush? What am I going to brush her teeth too?" Marcie asked taking the brush.

"No silly, it for getting in between her toes." The woman said pointing to Barb's tied toes. "Make sure you turn it on."

Marcie pushed the button on the electric toothbrush and dipped it in the soapy water and began to poke it in between her sisters toes causing her to laugh and beg.

"Marcie please! Hahahahahaha! I need a break!" Barb begged.

"No way! I'm having way to much fun!" Marcie said now using her free hand to tickle Barbs still soapy soles while she continued the buzzing toothbrush between her toes. Once Barbs feet were completely clean Marcie took a towel and dried them off.

"So Marcie, your Mom says you're quite the artist, is that true?" The woman asked Marcie.

"Yeah! I love drawing!" Marcie exclaimed.

"Well you have two fresh canvases right there in front of you." The woman said handing Marcie a box of pens.

Marcie took great pleasure in tormenting her sister with the pens, as she filled her feet with various artwork.

"It's a good thing you can't move your feet sis or this would probably be impossible." Marcie teased.

"Hahahahaha! But you just washed them!" Barb complained through her laughter.

By the end of the hour Marcie had completed her masterpiece, along the outer edge of Barb's right sole she had drawn a large intricate feather the point of which rested right between her two outermost toes. On the rest of Barb's right sole Marcie had drawn an intricate pattern that made it look almost as if Barb was wearing patterned stockings on only a portion of her foot. In between the feather and the pattern Marcie had written "OMG! This drove Her INSANE!!!! XD". On her sisters left heel Marcie had drawn a crying laughing emoji with a speech bubble saying "No more drawing! Hahaha! Please stop!" then next to it was a small arrow pointing to the bubble with "Stop? Yeah right!" In the arch of Barb's left foot Marcie had drawn a half circle spider web design complete with a spider. Down along the outer blade of Barb's left foot Marcie had written "Tickle Tickle Sis! This is so much FUN! -Love Marcie" With the I in her name dotted with a completely colored in heart. Just below Barb's toes Marcie had written "Thank goodness for Toe Ties! She can't escape my pen!" complete with a winking smiley with it's tongue out. Between the spiderweb and writing on the blade of Barb's foot Marcie had written a small poem.

As my Sister keeps drawing all over my feet,
My poor little toes can not even retreat,
They tied them all up so they can't get away,
And then told my Sister She is free to play.

They invited Her down here to the Tickle Shoppe,
And now there is no way of me making Her stop.
She'll just keep on drawing there's no end in sight,
The more that I beg the more She laughs in delight.

Her pen drives me crazy as She does Her work,
Even as She writes this I am going berserk!
She's tickled me before but never like this,
Have I made a Monster out of my little Sis?

"Alright that's an hour." The Woman said smiling at Marcie's handiwork. "You're quite skilled with that pen, not only is your artwork beautiful, but you kept your poor Sister in hysterics the entire time."

"Thanks. Hehehe. It was a lot of fun." Marcie answered.

"So, did Barb here really make a Monster out of you?" The Woman asked.

"Oh, ummm." Marcie said shifting nervously.

"It's ok." The Woman said. "We'll talk after you get out."

"Get out of wha-" Marcie started when She was suddenly lifted into the air and pushed into a waiting set of stocks that had been brought in behind Her.

"Your Mother thought it would be cute to have you both tickled for a little while." The Woman said as Marcie's arms and legs were secured in the same way as Her Sister.

"Get Her arrmpits! Hahaha!" Barb began to laugh as Her Sister protested.

"BARB!" Marcie yelled out.

Melinda watched as one of the Girls in the room took a picture of the two and a few moments later it was up on Facebook The picture showed Barb's bare feet complete with the added artwork along with Marcie's newly stocked soles still in their purple and pink stripped socks. The caption for the image was "Sole Sisters!" After about a minute or so two more girls walked into the room.

"Alright Ladies go ahead." The Woman said, and with that the two Girls sat Indian style at Barb and Marcie's feet and began to lightly tickle their soles. After a few minutes of this a short clip was uploaded to Barb's Facebook and Melinda watched as the comments started to roll in.

"It doesn't seem fair that Marcie get to keep Her socks on!"

"Yeah! She should be barefoot too!"

"They should tie up Her toes! Look at how much more She can wiggle Her feet than Barb!"

"Yeah that's no fair! Marcie's toes need to be tied!"

Melinda watched as one of the Girls handed the Woman who seemed to be in charge a tablet computer. The Woman smiled and nodded and then whispered to the girl tickling Marcie's feet. Melinda laughed to herself as the girl began to remove Marcie's socks and the proceeded to tie back each toe. Soon another picture was posted to Facebook showing the newly tied toes pulling against the restraints as Marcie's soles were tickled by the long sharp nails of her tickler below the image someone had written "Marcie really liked the Toe Ties on Her Sister, but not so much when it's Her Tootsies that are trapped!" Melinda watched the comments start to pour in again.

"Oh man! Look at Her Toes pull at those strings!"

"Yeah but it's not doing Her any good lol"

"OMG! That's so CRUEL! Her poor feet, She must be going insane! Hahaha!"

The two sisters laughed and struggled within the stocks as the group of ticklers worked them over.

After a while of this Marcie was finally let out of the stocks.

"Oh my GOD!" That was pure torture!" Marcie said rubbing Her bare feet.

"Much more fun to give then to receive huh?" The woman from before asked with a smile.

"Definitely" Marcie said putting Her socks back on.

"I've spoken with your Mother and She told me that you don't currently have a job, is that correct?" The Woman asked.

"Well.. I mean... I just got laid off and..." Marcie began ashamed.

"Well, I was wondering if you would consider a position with us here at the Tickle Shoppe?"

"Position?" Marcie asked unsure what the woman meant.

"Yes, you're obviously a very skilled artist, and tickler. We have no doubt that your skills could be put to use here at the Shoppe." The Woman said.

"Wait..." Marcie said standing up. "So you mean that I get to get paid to draw on peoples feet?"

"Yes." The Woman answered. "We would have you come with us to events and write on the soles of the people that are locked in the stocks, we also believe that we will be able to sell image sets of your work on the website for people to download."

"So, you're saying that it would be my job to tickle peoples bare feet by drawing on them?" Marcie asked smiling. "Like I will get paid to do that everyday?"

"Well it would only be three days a week, but it would be long hours. Friday 2PM-2AM, Saturday 11AM-3AM, and Sunday 11AM-11PM. You'd get a full 40 hours and benefits. Also if we have special events you may be expected to attend those as well or instead of your regular scheduled time.

"I'd have to give up my weekends.." Marcie asked frowning.

"Yes, but...." The Woman said handing Marcie a piece of paper. "We're willing to offer you one of these payment packages if you will come on board. Plus you'll be getting paid to tickle people every weekend and still have 5 day's off a week to do whatever you'd like.

Marcie looked down at the paper and Her mouth dropped open. "You're kidding right?"

"Not at all, why don't you look these over and let me know when you decide." The Woman said smiling.

"Al-alright" Marcie said walking out of the room.

"Well, that's not something you see everyday around here." Rachel said obviously surprised.

"Would I be able to see a copy of those job offerings?" Melinda asked.

"Possibly... But why? Are our employment contracts being investigated as well?" Rachel asked concerned.

"Oh... Well no... I'm just.... Well curious." Melinda said blushing.

"Oh, hahaha" Rachel laughed. "Let me check and see if I can get a copy for you, follow me to our conference room where you can start going through the rest of the requested paperwork."

Melinda followed Rachel into a small conference room in the back of the Tickle Shoppe and took a drink of the iced water that Rachel had left for her as She went to obtain a copy of Marcie's contract.

After about 15 minutes Rachel returned with a folder labeled Marcie dropping it on the table in front of Melinda. Melinda opened the folder and began to sift through the papers, on the top of the packet were a set of pictures, one of Marcie's socked soles in the stocks and another of Her bare toe tied soles, there was also a picture of Her whole body as She laughed whilst Her feet were tickled, lastly there were some pictures of Barb's soles with Marcie's artwork all over them. The next few pages contained the various job offers that Marcie had been offered.

Position: Sole Artist
Description: The Sole Artist will use a multitude of implements to apply designs to the skin of Victims feet and other ticklish areas, using the method that will cause the most ticklish reactions possible.

Requirements: Must be well skilled in artwork, Must be willing to mercilessly tickle Victims, Must be available on weekends.

Salary Options:

Option 1:

Part time 20 Hrs/week Sat/Sun

Tickle Artist will work 10 hour shifts Saturday and Sunday, working on assigned Victims. Her face and name will be kept secret from the Victims
and She will not be used in promotional items for the Shoppe to preserve Her privacy

Pay: Hourly: $12 Annual: $12,480

Option 2:

Full Time 40 Hours/Week Friday 2PM-2AM, Saturday 11AM-3AM, and Sunday 11AM-11PM

Tickle Artist will work above hours, Her face and name will be kept secret from the Victims and She will not be used in promotional items for the Shoppe to preserve Her privacy.

Pay: Hourly $15 Annual: $31,200 Plus full benefits.

Option 3:

Full Time 40 Hours/Week Friday 2PM-2AM, Saturday 11AM-3AM, and Sunday 11AM-11PM

Tickle Artist will work above hours, Her face, name and artwork will be used in promotional materials for the Shoppe.

Pay: Hourly: $20 Annual: $41,600

Option 4:

Full Time 40 Hours/Week Friday 2PM-2AM, Saturday 11AM-3AM, and Sunday 11AM-11PM (Additional hours may be required upon Shoppe's request)

Tickle Artist will work above hours, plus any additional hours required by management. Her face, name and artwork will be used in promotional materials for the Shoppe, The employee will also receive a 5% commission on any image or video of Her work sold by the Shoppe.

Tickle Artist will also be expected to participate as one of the on staff Victims when requested. The Tickle Artist will have no rights to restrictions in Her tickling and will be expected to comply with all management requests regarding being tickled.

Pay: Annual Salary: $52,000 Equivalent to $25/Hour but no extra pay for Overtime if worked. Additional 5% Commission on all of their artwork/videos sold.

"Did She accept one of these yet?" Melinda asked.

"No, She wanted to think it over tonight and will stop back in tomorrow if She's interested." Rachel said.

"I see, well it seems like she would be crazy not to accept." Melinda said matter of factually.

"She would." Rachel agreed. "So shall we get started on the rest of this paperwork?"

Melinda sat for what seemed like hours and looked through page after page of financial records and contracts. She was amazed at how much some of the Victims had allowed to be done to them in their sessions. Still no matter how many contracts She looked through everything seemed to be in perfect order, but something was still bothering Her.

"Rachel?" Melinda said looking to the Girl across the table from Her.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" Rachel asked slightly worried.

"Well, no..." Melinda started setting down the papers She was holding. "It's just.... I've heard some rumors about this place."

"Rumors?" Rachel asked seeming even more nervous.

"Yes." Melinda continued. "Something about the basement."

Rachel's eyes glazed over in disbelief.

"Umm well, I mean haven't we proven that we, ummm benefit the City and...' Rachel stammered. Melinda was in shock as well, Rachel's dominating demeanor was gone and suddenly She looked as if She was going to be sick at any moment.

"Rachel, I'm going to need to see the basement." Melinda said coldly.

"I, umm... Well I can't... You see I'm not supposed to..." Rachel stumbled over Her words.

"Not supposed to? Aren't you the owner here?" Melinda asked confused.

"Well I mean I own this store yes, but ummmm." Rachel continued to frantically look around the room.

"Then let me in the basement." Melinda said slightly angry.

"I can't! She told me I can't! You have no idea what She'd do to me!" Rachel said tears welling up in Her eyes.

"She? Who is She?" Melinda asked now very confused.

Suddenly the phone on the table began to ring. For a long time Rachel just stared at the ringing phone.

"H-hello?" Rachel said after finally picking up the phone. "W-wait are you sure? Speaker phone? Ok, hold on one second" Rachel put the receiver back on the hook and hit a few buttons on the phone.

"Hello, Melinda. My name is Ms. Green." A voice from the phone began to speak. "I understand you are interested in looking into the basement portion of our facility."

"Yes I am, and who are you exactly?" Melinda asked quickly returning to Her role as an Auditor.

"I am the owner of the Tickle Shoppe, Rachel here is my General Manager and handles all of the business in my place." Ms. Green explained.

"And why am I just now learning about you?" Melinda asked.

"I'm sorry there was no offense meant. Rachel is just far more knowledgeable with the day to day operation of this facility. I believed that making Her available to you would be much more beneficial to your investigation. To be honest I have very little involvement in this facilities operation these days." Ms. Green explained.

"I see." Melinda said annoyed.

"Anyway, about the basement." Ms. Green continued. "Rachel here will grant you full access to any areas you like within this facility."

"Very good." Melinda said standing up. "Shall we go now?"

Rachel just sat with a terrified expression on Her face.

"Rachel." Ms. Green said through the phone.

"Y-yes?" Rachel answered.

"Relax, you aren't going to be punished." Ms. Green said in a loving tone. "Take a deep breath and relax, remember you're supposed to be the confident dominatrix."

"R-right." Rachel said standing up and clearing Her throat before facing Melinda. "If you would follow me."

Melinda followed Rachel to the far end of the Shoppe and through a door marked "Staff Only" then down a set of stairs.

"This is the Tickle Shoppe's Basement." Rachel said as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Melinda looked around at what seemed to be some kind of cross between a prison and a hospital. "Feel free to look around and I will answer any questions you have." Rachel said waving Melinda into the facility.

The first room the Melinda came to had a young girl tied to what looked to be a massage table being tickled by two women. The girl was squealing with ticklish laughter as She thrashed around within her bonds.

"Subject 1, 19 Year old Female, checked in by Her Mother for behavioral correction." Rachel said picking up the chart.

"Behavioral correction?" Melinda asked concerned.

"Yes, She's to be tickled until it is believed that she will no longer exhibit behavior that is troublesome." Rachel answered.

"I see...:" Melinda said moving on to the next room. Melinda gasped as she looked into the room where she saw a woman tied completely naked spread eagle in strict bondage. Two girls sat at the woman's feet lightly tickling Her bare toe tied soles, another two stood next to them massaging the woman's legs. Another two girls sat on either side of the woman playing with the woman's perky breasts while occasionally tickling her sides and underarms. Lastly another girl stood next to the woman holding a large vibrator between the woman's thighs rubbing it slowly up and down against her.

"Subject 2, voluntarily checked herself in for association treatment." Rachel said.

"What is association treatment?" Melinda asked transfixed on the scene in the other room.

"Well her husband has a tickle fetish, but she did not. So she agreed to be tickled while being forced to orgasm repeatedly until she begins to associate the sensation of being tickled with that of orgasm. This subject in particular is interesting because she requested not to be released until she is able to achieve orgasm via tickling alone." Rachel said.

Melinda watched as the woman began to moan loudly between giggles, the girl holding the vibrator began to move it more vigorously, before long the woman arched Her back and cried out obviously having a powerful orgasm. The girls allowed a few moments for the woman to enjoy her orgasm but after a few seconds Melinda noticed the evil smiles on the faces of the girls at the woman's feet as the picked up hairbrushes and began to scrub at her toe tied soles. At the same time the other two girls picked up electric flossers and began to poke them around the woman's tied toes, the two girls at the woman's side began to vigorously tickled the woman's upper body and the girl who had be wielding the vibrator began to squeeze the woman's hips.


"Tickle tickle tickle!" One of the girls teased.

"Oh stop, you know you love it!" Another said.


"Alright hun." The Girl squeezing the woman's hips said moving the vibrator back between the woman's thighs and pressing her own body into it to hold it in place as she continued to use her hands to tickle the woman's hips.

"I think she's almost ready to go home." One of the girls said smiling as she scrubbed her brush over the woman's sole.

"Yeah Her husbands coming in today for a conjugal visit." Another girl said as they all started laughing.

"What's a conjugal visit?" Melinda asked looking to Rachel.

"The Subjects husband will often come in and have sex with his wife as the girls tickle her." Rachel said. "At first She only did it to make her husband happy but now she begs to be tickled harder when the girls begin to lighten up on her. She especially loves it when they ruin her orgasms and make her start all over. She's become somewhat of a masochist." Rachel said.

Melinda moved on to the next room in which a young woman was sitting on a Sybian while a large TV in front of Her played a video of a Woman locked in a set of stocks with Her bare feet being tickled by two other girls.

"Subject 3, She's been brought in by Her husband who caught Her watching some of our videos. She is tied up and stimulated while She is forced to watch Tickle Videos, every time She achieves Orgasm She is violently tickled for 15 minutes. She has gotten very good at holding off Her orgasms as a result although She is still very turned on by tickling in general." Rachel said putting the Girls chart back.

Melinda continued to walk down the hallway looking into the rooms seeing various men and women either being tickled or waiting to be, each of them had either been admitted by a loved one in order to achieve a goal or had volunteered to "Test" new tickling methods and devices. Melinda noticed one of the rooms had one of the "Not My Feet" Devices in it in which a young Girl was squealing as a motor turned the part where the crank would have connected. Melinda walked up to the last door in the hallway and let out a loud gasp as She looked into the room.

"What is going on!" Melinda yelled.

Inside the room a young Girl was tightly strapped to a table with padded leather restraints and an IV ran into Her arm.

"That's Subject X" Rachel said picking up Her chart. "She volunteered to test out a new version of our sensitizing formula, it was meant to be injected into the subject and would temporarily increase Her sensitivity to tickling to an unknown degree. Within minutes of Her injection She began uncontrollably laughing without so much as being touched. Our scientists estimate that She is approximately 1000 times more ticklish than before the injection and the air movement and Her own blood flow are enough to tickle Her. It's also taking much longer for the serum to leave Her body, She's been like this for about 2 weeks, Hence the IV. She is sedated in order to allow Her to sleep at night." Rachel said.

"That's horrible." Melinda said.

"She knew the risks." Rachel said. "Plus the $50,000 payment."

Melinda stood staring into the room at the screaming Girl.

"I could have you shut down for this." Melinda said.

"I know." Rachel said sadly.

"I could...." Melinda said before turning around the Rachel. "But I'm not going to."

Rachel looked up at Melinda with a confused look on Her face.

"I would like to make a deal, I want to be able to come in and tickle people here whenever I like without paying." Melinda said.

"Done." Rachel said before seeing the look on Melinda's face. "Anything else?"

"Yes..." Melinda began. "My Niece has always loved to tickle me no matter how much I beg Her to stop. I'd like to see Her locked up here and given a good tickle torturing."

"No problem, just get Her to come in and we'll take care of the rest." Rachel said with a smile.

"Perfect." Melinda said walking back up the stairway to the main floor of the Tickle Shoppe. "I'll submit my report to the City on Monday stating that loosing this business would be detrimental to the Cities economy and culture and the the facility attracts a large number of people to our downtown area and offers some wonderfully fun attractions for our visitors. Thank you very much for my tour."

"Of course, can't wait until we see you again." Rachel said as they reached the front of the store.

"Oh it won't be long." Melinda said putting Her shoes back on.


Later that evening Melinda sat writing Her report to the City on Her computer while on Her other monitor She had Barbara's Facebook and Twitter feeds up, She clicked on a link to the voting page and was happy to see the numbers had gone up since She had last checked them.

Socks Off - 50 of 50 Votes
Shirt Off - 100 of 100 Votes
Toe Ties - 250 Votes (Requested by Mother)
Baby Oil - 150 of 150 Votes
Flossers - 300 of 300 Votes
Dual Hairbrushes - 490 of 500 Votes
Itching Powder - 400 of 750 Votes
Ice Torture - 100 of 100 Votes
Heat Torture 350 of 500 Votes
Sensitizing Lotion - 940 of 1000 Votes

After reading all the numbers Melinda began to click through an album on Barbara's Facebook marked "Tickling" She saw images taken throughout the day including the artwork done by Marcie. Later in the album She got to images of some of the goals that had been unlocked after she had left the Shoppe. One of the pictures showed Barb wearing only Her bra as Her bare underarms and belly were tickled. Melinda couldn't help but notice how fit Barb was, 'Good thing' She thought as she was having nearly naked pictures posted to the internet. Another Image showed electric flossers being placed between Barb's tied toes, which from the look on Her screaming face were having the desired effect. Another Image showed two Girls giggling happily as they rubbed Ice cubes over Barb's bare soles and toes. Barbs toes had begun to turn blue leading Melinda to believe that they had been at it quite a while.


That next Monday after work Melinda decided to stop by the Tickle Shoppe for a visit. As She walked in the door She saw Rachel walking around the store front in a pair of neon colored mismatched socks, short shorts and a tank top. It didn't take long for Rachel to notice Melinda and walk right over to Her.

"Hi there!" Rachel said with a smile. "Welcome back, here on business?"

"Actually.... no." Melinda said a little ashamed.

"Yay!" Rachel said bouncing up and down on Her toes. "Well if you aren't busy I have something you might like to see."

"Really?" Melinda said unsure what Rachel could be talking about.

"Yeah, come with me." Rachel said leading Melinda into the back of the Shoppe waiting for Her to store Her shoes.

Melinda followed Rachel into one of the observation rooms that She had spent a lot of time in the previous weekend, once Rachel flipped a switch on the wall allowing them to see into the other room Melinda saw a total of 7 Girls locked into stocks that held their feet and their hands out in front of them. All seven girls were dressed the same wearing only a bra and panties however the four Girls on the right were wearing plain white ankle socks while the remainder of the Girls feet were bare. Melinda looked at the two Girls on the far left and noticed that not only had their toes been tied but their fingers as well leaving their palms facing out forward. She also noticed that each of the two Girls on the left had had their feet and palms written on. Melinda looked to the third Girl in from the left and was surprised to see a familiar face tying back the poor Girls toes and fingers.

"Is that Marcie?" Melinda asked looking to Rachel.

"Mmhmm, She signed on this morning." Rachel said. "Lucky for us too because we wanted to do something special for these ladies here.

"Who are they?" Melinda asked looking back to the Seven Girls in the other room.

"Pledges from one of the local Sororities, they send their new Girls every year." Rachel said with a smile.

"Hazing?" Melinda asked. "Isn't that illegal."

"They sign the paperwork just like everyone else." Rachel said holding up the folders. "Besides, are you going to stop Her?"

Melinda looked into the other room just in time to see Marcie quickly scribble Her long nails over the soles of Her newly toe tied victim. The Girl let out a satisfying squeal and giggled as Marcie picked up Her pen and moved it towards Her bare sole. Melinda couldn't help but enjoy Herself as Marcie skillfully moved Her pen about the taught canvas of the Girls bare sole, and the young college co-ed couldn't help but laugh and thrash about in the stocks as the ticklish sensations shot like lightning from Her feet up Her entire body.

"Squirm all you want sweetie you aren't going anywhere." Marcie said without stopping Her pens movements.

"She's taken to Her new job quite well." Rachel said with a smile.

"What is She writing anyway?" Melinda asked straining to see the Girls feet.

"Oh, here." Rachel said switching on few monitors above their head showing closeups of the Girls feet and hands.

Melinda looked at Marcie's work and first noticed the Sororities Greek letters written across each of the Girls right palms with "PLEDGE" in bold caps written below it. On the left palm of each of the Girls Marcie had written "Final Test 2016" with another poem below it.

Next to my new Sisters I now sit,
It's far to late for me to quit,
I set my ankles in the Stocks,
and heard the cold click of the locks,
Now there's truly no way out,
No matter how I scream and shout,
My toes and fingers all tied back,
Leaving me open for attack,
and as I'm tickled on my soles,
I will surely loose control,
I'll be tickled well into the night,
There is no way for me to fight,
And if somehow I don't succumb,
Then a true Sister I'll become.

On the Girls who's soles had already been decorated Melinda saw various drawings and notes covering them. One of the Girls entire left sole was covered in a very intricate lace pattern that obviously had taken quite some time to complete, while Her right sole was covered with what looked to be drawings of cats. The next Girl over looked as if Her entire right foot had been colored in completely, while on Her left foot Marcie had written a few quotes that Melinda assumed that the Girl had said whilst having Her other foot colored in, such as, "I WANT TO QUIT!" while below it Marcie had written "It's to late to quit now sweetie!". On the Girls heel Melinda noticed another quote that made Her heart skip a beat. "THEY PROMISED THEY WOULDN'T TICKLE MY FEET!" was written in bold letters and underlined three times. Below that Marcie had simply written, "They lied! Hahaha!" Melinda watched as Marcie continued Her work on the third Girl as the rest of the Girls still wearing socks to Her right shifted their feet nervously as their companion howled with laughter next to them.

"She's really good at this." Melinda said admiring the reactions that Marcie was getting using only a pen.

"She's amazing." Rachel said. "And merciless."

"Obviously." Melinda said looking back to Marcie as She began to use the nails on Her free hand to rake up and down Her victims other sole, all the time keeping Her pen in motion.

"So, would you like to keep watching this or would you like to see something else?" Rachel asked.

"Do you have anything interesting?" Melinda asked hopeful.

"Always." Rachel said beckoning Melinda to follow Her. "You're actually just in time to see one of our cruelest attractions." Rachel said walking back into the front of the Shoppe. Melinda followed Rachel to the checkout counter where she picked up a plastic container before walking out to the front of the Shoppe where a set of heavy wooden stocks had been placed. Sitting already locked in the stocks was a petite blonde Girl, She was already barefoot and Her shoes and socks had been hung above Her head between Her arms.

"My, my what tiny little feet we have here." Rachel said slipping on a pair of rubber gloves. "I hope we can find a pair of socks in your size."

"Socks?" The blonde asked confused, obviously assuming She would remain barefoot for Her tickling.

"Yes, you're going to be part of our regular Monday night attraction." Rachel said pulling out a pair of rainbow colored toe socks and sliding them onto the tiny pale feet of the blonde Girl before tying back each of Her toes. A few seconds after the last toe had been tied Melinda began to notice the young Girls feet begin to squirm within the stocks. Before long the young Girl was trying desperately to move Her feet or toes in any way possible.

"OH GOD!" She screamed. Melinda noticed something written on the soles of the brightly colored socks and after reading it understood the reason for the Girls squirming. On the sole of each sock was written "CAUTION: Itching Powder Infused Socks"

Rachel reached up over the young blondes head and flipped over a sign that hung on the top of the stocks above the Girls now thrashing hands, Melinda read the sign with a huge smile on Her face.

A terrible choice I have to make,
Of which kind of torture I will take,
First they locked me in these Stocks,
Then put ITCHING POWDER inside my socks!
I'd love to give my feet a scratch,
but you see there is a little catch,
My hands are high above my head,
My predicament leaves me full of dread,
For the only ones who can scratch my feet,
Are people passing on the street,
But if I let them touch my soles,
Then I will soon loose all control,
I'm so sensitive to every touch,
Your nails on my soles will be to much,
If you scratch it will tickle so bad,
But if you don't I will go mad,
Either way I'm really screwed,
So with this thought I will conclude,
No matter what you decide to do,
It will be torture through and through.

Melinda looked back to the blonde Girl's squirming feet trapped within their colorful itchy socks, mesmerized by their constant squirming in an attempt to relieve some of the itching that the powder was causing. Melinda then saw Rachel setting out some items on a little table attached to the stocks just below the blonde Girls feet.

"Are those backscratchers?" Melinda asked as Rachel set down a pair of them.

"Yes, they may be good for scratching your back but when someone else uses them on your feet, even with socks on they're torture." Rachel said. "Obviously if she was barefoot then we could get a lot more out of tickling Her but the socks provide a barrier so that people can use their fingers to tickle Her without getting the itching powder on themselves. Plus they look so cute!" Rachel said raking Her talon like nails over the blonde Girls socked soles.

"Hahahahahaha!" The blonde Girl laughed. "Dohohon't stop! It itchessss hahahahahahaha!" The Blonde laughed.

"Oh and another cool thing about these socks is that every time Her feet do get scratched it releases even more itching powder into Her feet making the itching even worse." Rachel smiled stopping Her tickling.

"OH GOD!" The Blonde yelled.

Before long people walking by the Shoppe began to take notice of the young Blonde Girl, some simply looked at Her and then walked on, while others would stop and read the signs or take pictures, a few would even give a few quick scratches to the blonde Girls soles before moving on with their day.

Melinda watched as the blonde Girl suffered begging the people passing by to scratch Her trapped feet and then immediately descending into ticklish agony once they did.

"We have another special treat today if you would like to see it?" Rachel said smiling.

"Lead the way." Melinda said smiling evilly.


Sam awoke in complete darkness She wasn't sure where She was but it quickly became apparent to Her that She couldn't move an inch. Around Her neck was some kind of padded board and Her wrists seemed to be held in place by it as well She could move Her head and wiggle Her wrists but not much else. Her forearms also seemed to be attached to another padded bar of some kind preventing Her from moving Her arms at all. She could also feel a strap around Her chest that held Her back against a padded board as well as a strap that held Her bottom firmly against the padded seat on which She sat and yet another belt was fastened just above Her knees preventing them from lifting. Her feet were straight out in front of Her and seemed to be held by another padded piece of wood and strangely each of Her toes were tied to the board restricting any and all movement of Her inexplicably bare feet.

"Where am I, and what happened to my Shoes?" Sam asked aloud to no one in particular. The last thing She remembered She had been at the bars drinking with some friends. "Hello?" Sam called out hoping for a response as She tried again to wiggle free from the restraints. Suddenly a light came on temporarily blinding Sam, once She had regained Her vision She began to look around, on either side of Her head Sam could see Her hands poking up through the padded board that also held Her neck, Her wrists held in a way that prevented Her hands to fit back through the holes. Other than that Sam was unable to see anything else, as Her head and hands seemed to be in some kind of box only slightly bigger than needed to fit them.

"This isn't funny!" Sam yelled. Suddenly Sam heard a click and the wall of the box in front of Her began to glow, She quickly realized that it wasn't a wooden wall like She had at first thought but rather some kind of television screen. After a few moments a Girl's head and wrists appeared on the screen restrained in the same way as Sam was now. Sam looked above the screen and saw a small camera.

"Somebody let me out of here!" The Girl on screen yelled wiggling Her fingers. Suddenly the camera switched to show the Girls torso Her head and wrists disappearing into the box above. Sam could tell from the video that this She was held in the same manor as this Girl. The video again switched to a shot of the Girls toe tied bare feet wiggling as much as the stocks would allow. Sam watched confused as the camera switched back to the Girls face and hands in the box. Suddenly the Girl burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahaha! Don't!" The Girl laughed becoming slightly panicked. The screen then began to show a picture in picture shot of both the Girls bare feet as well as Her face. Sam watched as a pair of well manicured hands slowly approached the Girls bare feet pausing briefly before scribbling along the creamy white soles. The Girl exploded into more laughter as the hand did their work, after about thirty seconds the tickling stopped and the shot changed to show the Girls torso. Again a set of hands appeared and began to run their fingers up and down the trapped Girls ribs as She screamed into the camera.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" She screamed as the hands continued their work. After a minute or so the hands retreated yet again. Sam watched silently as the shot once again returned to showing the Girls bare soles and Her face and hands. Suddenly two hands entered the shot from opposite sides each holding what appeared to be a hairbrush. On the bottom of the screen the words "She has no idea this is coming."appeared. Suddenly both hands began to scrub their brushes over the poor Girls trapped soles. The Girls face's were actually somewhat amusing as She laughed desperately into the camera, and Sam was fairly certain She would be enjoying the show if She didn't appear to be in the same predicament.

After another minute of this the video switched views now showing the Girls face and hands across the top half of the screen with the alternate shots of Her feet and torso split between the lower half. The brushes on the Girls feet were still hard at work but were now joined by two sets of hands working Her upper body over as well. Sam read the text at the top of the screen, "Elapsed time 1 Hour 58 minutes" The Girls hair was drenched in sweat and Her head was thrown back in desperate laughter as the ticklers continued their assault. Once the elapsed time hit 2 hours the video jumped ahead yet again to hour 4. Now the Girl's feet were being treated to a pair of hairbrushes each as well as what looked to be electric flossers between the Girl's toes. Her torso had also gotten an upgrade as She now had two sets of hands on each side working Her over from Her hips to Her ribs while another set reached around from behind Her and tickled Her underarms. Sam watched as the Girl screamed into the camera while using Her nails to claw at the bottom of the box that held Her wrists and Head. Sam looked down and Her heart skipped a beat as She saw the claw marks gouged into the wood in front of where Her wrists were held.

After another minute of watching the poor Girls torment the video switched to show only the Girls face. She was no longer laughing but was breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

"Congratulations, you are the first player in our little game." A females voice said as the Girl looked up. "As such you have a special decision to make for all of our future players. With you we slowly built the tickling over a period of time but if you wish you can rob our future players of the luxury and force them to endure the full torture the entire time."

"All at once." The Girl said smiling at the screen.

"Perfect." The female voice said sounding pleased. "Now for the most important part of our little game. You can either choose to endure another round of tickling or you can force another Girl to suffer in your place. The next player has already been chosen and they may be someone you know very well or a complete stranger to you. You will never know unless they choose to reveal themselves to you once they are released. However every player that comes after you will be shown video of every player before them including your decision to force them to endure the full torture from the beginning. So do you accept the rest of the tickling or would you force another to endure this?"

The Girl looked at the screen and smiled again. "I pass."

After a few seconds the video cut to a shot of a pair of bare feet being tickled relentlessly, as desperate laughter could be heard, at the bottom of the screen Sam read "Katie Age: 24". After a few more seconds the video showed the face of the Girl who was producing the laughter, shortly after that a view of long fingernails dancing in Katie's underarms was shown followed by Her face and hands as She pleaded with Her ticklers.

"No! Not there please! Hahahahahahahaa!" Katie laughed.

The next shot was of another pair of feet pulling against their bonds as they received their ticklish treatment, this time the text at the bottom of the screen read "Becca Age: 22". After a few seconds the camera switched to show a young Girl who's makeup was running down Her face due to tears.


The next video showed a pair of tiny bare feet wiggling in their toe ties as electric flossers where poked around between the petite little toes. This time Sam noticed the text at the bottom of the screen was a bit longer than it had been in the previous two videos reading "Summer, on Her 18th Birthday!" Summer's laughter was comprised of the cutest giggling that Sam had ever heard unlike the desperate laughter and begging She had heard from the other Girls. After a little while the video switched to show Summer's face, Her hair was braided in pigtails, and as She smiled and giggled Sam noticed that She even had braces. Next the video showed Her upperbody covered in a tiny little bikini, as multiple hands squeezed and poked around over Her bare skin causing Her to jump and squeak. Sam noticed Her bellybutton was pierced and watched almost hypnotized as the dangley piercing swung back and forth over Her flat toned tummy.

This continued for quite some time as Sam watched Girl after Girl being tickled, so many that She lost count, but finally after a while something different happened. The screen showed another pair of bare feet but no one was tickling them. Sam waited for the hands to appear and another Girls laughter to fill the box once again but nothing happened. Sam began to shift nervously in Her bonds and Her heart skipped a beat once again. Sam began to try to wiggle Her toes and watched as the toes on the screen did the same.

"Oh God." Sam said once the realization finally hit Her. Suddenly the screen switched to Her own face reflected back at Her.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaaa!" Sam laughed as Her entire body was suddenly engulfed in tickles. "Oh God! Oh God! Hahahahahahahahahahaa!"

After a while the screen went black for a few seconds and suddenly there was a young Girl on the screen sitting on a couch with Her socked feet up on a coffee table in front of Her soles facing the camera.

"Would you like to leave a message for our next Player?" The same Female voice asked.

"Um... Sure..." The Girl on the couch answered.

"Go ahead." The Voice said.

"Umm.. Hi." The Girl began. "I'm really sorry about this, it's not that I wanted you to have to go through this or anything I just couldn't take another second of it. I'm sure by now they're tickling you pretty good, they had me begging after like two minutes. They just had me watch the replay of myself and it's actually pretty embarrassing. I feel really bad for making you go through this, please don't be angry I just couldn't stand it anymore. I hope you'll understand."

The video cut to the same Girl now restrained in the device squealing as She shook Her head back and forth.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! I NEEED TO BE DONE! I NEEEEEEED TO BE DOOOONE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" The video then cut to Her bare feet as two bottles labeled "Sensitizing Lotion" were poured over the Girls soles before the brushes began again.


"You can have a ten minute break if you let us take your clothes off." A voice said.


The video then cut ahead a few hours showing the Girl now wearing only Her bra and panties Her body glistening with what Sam assumed was sensitizing lotion as She screamed even louder as the Ticklers abused Her now bare skin.


"We'll let you out on one condition." The voice began again. "You have to give us rights to sell a video of your session, you'll get 10 percent of the profit for each sale of course."


The screen went black again and Sam was left to endure Her own torment without any distractions. Sam laughed and pulled at Her restraints involuntarily but didn't yet feel the need to beg like She had seen the other Girls do in their videos. Suddenly She felt something cold and wet on Her feet, after a few seconds it began to tingle slightly as the brushes spread it around Her soles, but within minutes Sam saw the reason that all the other Girls were begging so desperately.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Sam laughed determined not to beg now that a thick layer of sensitizing lotion had been applied to Her bare soles.

The screen switched to a view of Sam's bare feet as a pair of hairbrushes scrubbed over Her now pink soles. Sam tried desperately to move Her feet away from the tickling, but only grew more frustrated as She watched Her own feet squirm against their bonds only to see them being held tightly in place as Her tormentors scrub their cruel brushes over Her sensitive soles.

"OH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sam screamed. Suddenly the brushes on Her soles increased their effort causing Her laughter to increase.


Melinda watched the monitors from the comfortable couch as Sam's torture was conducted in the next room.

"So, they're just picked at random?" Melinda asked.

"Yep." Rachel answered.

"Interesting." Melinda said obviously turned on by the thought. "She seems to be pretty resistant."

"Yeah, She's doing really well, most Girls start begging right off, She may even make it to the bonus game." Rachel said smiling.


After a long while Sam was still able to hold in Her begging and the screen came to life once again showing a young blonde Girl.

"Hello, my name is Victoria and I'm one of the Girls tickling you today." Victoria started. "If you are seeing this then congratulations you are about to reach the 30 minute mark and still haven't' started begging. That's not good for me however since if you get to the 30 minute mark without begging then I have to spend the rest of the day being tickled as well. Good luck."

A countdown timer started on the screen in front of Sam, She watched as it ticked closer and closer to zero, trying desperately to hold in Her begging and the tickling on Her left foot grew more and more feverish. Finally the timer Hit zero and Sam felt the tickling on Her left foot pause for a few seconds before resuming.

After a few minutes the screen came to life again.

"Can you hear me?" Victoria asked. Sam looked up to see Victoria had been locked in a set of stocks wearing a tank top short shorts and mismatched socks and Her arms where held high over Her head.

"Hahaha! Yes! Haha!" Sam answered through Her laughter.

"Haha Good." Victoria laughed. "Congrats on making it the half hour, you're the first one since I've been here to manage it."

Sam just continued to laugh as Her Ticklers had not let up.

"I've actually never been locked up in one of these before, I've tickled plenty of people in them but this will be my first time being tickled." Victoria continued.

"Mine Tooohohohooo!" Sam laughed.

"That's true. I guess I shouldn't be complaining seeing as how I was just tickling you a few minutes ago. Heck you probably want to see me get it even worse than you." Victoria said wiggling nervously. "Well you'll be happy to find out I'm insanely ticklish myself. Anyway I think I hear my tormentors coming now so I probably won't be doing much talking for a while. Good luck on your end."

Sam watched as two women entered the room and stood in front of Victoria.

"N-NICOLE!?!" Victoria stuttered and began to pull desperately at Her bindings.

"Hello Victoria, me and Sarah saw that you were available to play today. What an unusual treat." Nicole cooed.

"NO THIS WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL!" Victoria yelled still trying to escape.

"Deal? The only ones who get to make any deals are the players." Nicole said turning to the camera. "So Sam, here is the deal, if you agree to let Victoria here go free then you get to have one hour cut off of your own play time."

"Hahahahahahahaa! No deal! Hahahahahaha!" Sam laughed.

"SAM!" Victoria cried out.

"Well then, I guess you're all mine then aren't you." Nicole said sitting at Victoria's feet.

"No! No! NO!" Victoria screamed as Nicole's well manicured nails approached Her fabric covered soles.


Shortly after Sarah began to tickle Victoria's other foot.


"Tisk Tisk, Sam has been at it for nearly an hour and you can't even last two minutes without begging." Nicole teased.

As the time passed the two Girls laughed and laughed as they both endured their own torment at the hand of the skilled ticklers.


"Well let's hear it then." Nicole said without stopping Her tickling.


"WHAT?!?!" Victoria screamed in disbelief.

"Deal." Nicole said with a smile. "Now how about you're pants for some toe ties for our little friend here?" Nicole added.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! DEAL! AHAHAHAHAAA!" Sam laughed as She felt Her clothing being cut off of Her.

"HAHAHAHAHA! THIS ISN'T FAIR! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Victoria yelled trying once again to escape the stocks.

"You heard the player, no more sockies." Nicole teased as She hooked the socks with Her fingers and peeled them off of Victoria's feet.

Sam watched the screen as Victoria switched between screaming obscenities and pleading for mercy as Nicole tied back each one of Her toes. By the time the tenth one was tied Victoria was sobbing uncontrollably.


Nicole just smiled looking into the camera.

"Is that sympathy?" Nicole asked before hitting a button. Suddenly all of the tickling stopped and Sam was able to catch Her breath.

"Let me tell you something about little Victoria here. She is one of the most sadistic ticklers that I have ever seen, myself included. Here watch this clip of Her and then decide if you really want to spare Her or not."

The screen went black for a few seconds before a video of a Girl strapped down to a padded table with foot stocks at the end started to play. The Girl was wearing only a Bra, panties and socks and was laughing hysterically trying to break out of Her bonds as Victoria danced Her hands up and down the Girls ribcage.

"Hahahahahaha! Please please!" The Girl laughed.

"Ooooh, pwease pwease stop ticklewing me." Victoria cooed in baby talk.

"Hahahahahaha! You have to stop!" The Girl continued to beg.

"I don't have to do anything sweetie." Victoria said squeezing the Girls hips causing Her to thrash.

"LAMPSHADE!" The Girl screamed. Victoria stopped tickling and looked down at the Girl.

"Did you just use a safeword?" Victoria asked.

"Yes." The Girl said trying to catch Her breath.

"Well I don't believe in safewords sweetie." Victoria said angrily.

"But, but it's in my contract." The Girl stammered.

"Oh this contract?" Victoria said picking up the paper from a nearby table. "Hmmm let's see yup there it is, lampshade, oh and what's this under restrictions? Feet are off limits."

Victoria ripped up the paper and threw it into the air. "Oopsie."

Victoria walked over to the Girl and put Her face nose to nose with the Girl.

"You only had two minutes left in your session, but now I'm going to keep you here for the rest of the day." Victoria said coldly.

"Y-you can't do that." The Girl said nervously.

"Oh but I can, see you're all tied up and can't do anything to stop me." Victoria said.

"I'll scream for help!" The Girl threatened.

"Hahaha! You and every other person here. Even if they heard you begging they aren't going to stop me." Victoria continued. "And they aren't going to hear you."

Victoria stuck a gag into the Girls mouth and secured it behind Her head. She ran Her fingers down the Girls body as She got closer and closer to Her feet. The Girl began to whimper as Her socks were pulled off Her feet. Victoria grabbed a hairbrush from the toolbox under the table and grabbed one of the Girls big toes, just as She was about to begin the door opened and another Girl walked in. The Girl let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Her friend enter the room

"Oh sorry I thought it was time to go?" The Friend said confused.

"Oh didn't they tell you?" Victoria said sweetly. "She decided to book another session."

"Oh really." The Friend said confused. "Wait I thought She had said no foot tickling?"

"Yeah She said something about wanting to give up all control to you. She even tore up Her contract. They didn't tell you this?" Victoria lied expertly.

"Oh, no they didn't." The Friend said walking over to the table. "So I'm calling the shots?"

"That's right." Victoria said.

"She's always put no foot tickling on Her paperwork, I've never even seen Her without socks on." The Friend said frowning. "You're lying aren't you?"

Victoria set down the brush and looked at the Girl's friend.

"I knew it! She would never agree to this!" The Friend said moving to untie Her Friend.

Suddenly Victoria grabbed the Girls wrist and put a leather cuff around it, within a minute Victoria had overpowered the Girl and She now lay trapped alongside Her friend.

"You should have just gone with it sweetie, now I have to forge two signatures. Erica and Grace." Victoria said holding up two pieces of red paper. "This is called Red tag, once a customer signs one of these they give up all power. If you have one of these in your file then no matter how much you beg or try to convince them otherwise you won't be released without the consent of the person at the bottom of the tag. Let's go down the options shall we? Area's not to be tickled, not applicable. Safeword, not applicable. Maximum number of ticklers, no maximum. Sensory enhancements allowed, yes. Who can tickle, both staff and customers. Other techniques to be utilized, hmm let's see, itching powder, yes, erroneous zone stimulation, yes. Forced Orgasm, yes. There now I'll go hand these in and then we'll have some fun."

The video cut to Victoria locked in the stocks.

"See?" Said Nicole. "Sadistic."

"No Mercy." Sam said with a smile and with that both Her and Victoria's tickling resumed full force.


"That was a clear violation of a contract..." Melinda said looking at Rachel.

"Oh... yeah... Oops I forgot that you were an auditor." Rachel said nervously. "If it's any consultation we compensated those two Girls nicely and they still come back about once a month or so."

"Well I suppose She's paying for it now, and it's certainly not the worst thing in the world." Melinda said remembering the girl who's socks She had stolen on Her last visit.

Melinda continued to watch for the rest of the day as Sam and Victoria were tickled without mercy, at the end of the day Victoria was let out and Marcie entered the room pushing a large cart.

"Oh this is one of my favorite parts about these sessions." Rachel said with a smile as Marcie picked up a large syringe and injected it into the middle toe of the Girls left foot.

"OW! HEY!" Sam yelled.

"Sorry just a little pin prick, it's for the serum." Marcie said.

"What serum?" Sam asked nervously.

"It's a special medicine that tricks your brain into registering pain sensations at tickling ones." Marcie explained. "That way your tattoo won't hurt."

"TATTOO!" Sam screamed.

"Oh don't worry you will only be able to see it under a black light, all of the Girls who have been through this have the same one." Marcie explained before starting Her work .

Melinda watched the feed that Sam was able to see from withing the box which showed Marcie's tattoo gun permanently marking Sam's middle on Her left foot.

"So each of these Girls gets a tattoo?" Melinda asked.

"Yes, it's part of a new program we started about a year ago, we have selected 10 of our cruelest treatments, and anyone who goes through those treatments gets a special symbol tattooed on their foot with special ink that only showed with black light so that they can prove that they have endured it." Rachel explained. "Hold on I'll show you the list."

Rachel left the room for a few minutes before returning with a folder labeled "The Ten Trials" Melinda opened the folder and began to read through it.

Trail 1
Right Pinky Toe
Box of Torment

Trail 2
Right Ring Toe
Be Featured in one of our Videos

Trial 3
Right Middle Toe
Escape Artist

Trial 4
Right Index Toe
Public Tickling (Fair, Convention)

Trial 5
Right Big Toe
Outing Session

Trial 6
Left Big Toe
Family Package

Trial 7
Left Index Toe
Itching Powder Socks (Public in front of store)

Trail 8
Left Middle Toe
Non-Con Kidnap Tickle

Trial 9
Left Ring Toe
Sensory Deprivation

Trial 10
Left Pinky Toe
Sensitivity Serum

Melinda looked up from the paper work. "So you must have one then for that time at the fair?"

"Mmmhmmm." Rachel said pulling off Her right sock and shining a small black light on Her Foot, what appeared to be a small feather lit up on both Her Ring and Index toes. "I have two actually."

"Wow those are very detailed!" Melinda said looking closer.

"Yeah thank god for Marcie! Although She didn't spare me any tickling." Rachel said giggling. "Oh and you'll never guess who's going for all ten of them!" Rachel said with a smile.

"Who?" Melinda asked very interested.

"Marcie's Sister, Barb!" Rachel said happily. "When Marcie told Her about it while She was doing Her Tattoo She started asking how She could collect all of them."

"Really?" Melinda asked. "That seems like it would be pure torture!"

"Oh it is trust me. You couldn't get me to do some of the things on that list, but She says She's going to do every single one!" Rachel said. "Hell, we aren't going to talk Her out of it! If She wants us to bring Her to tickle hell and back we will be more than happy to oblige."

"Rachel, would you do me a favor?" Melinda asked.

"What's that?" Rachel asked slipping Her sock back on.

"Will you let me know every time that Barb is coming in for a trial? I'd really like to watch." Melinda said with an evil grin.

"No problem!" Rachel answered.


Stay tuned for the 10 trials of Barbara! Hopefully I'll be putting these out more regularly again, I'm going to try for at least one a month or so.
Thank you for this contribution. I'm so glad your back in action. I love this series of stories! Keep up the amazing work!! Can't wait for 10 trials
Yet another amazing story, worth ten shorter tales!

Not a fan of /m tickling but is worth scrolling on for the /f stuff. And each to their own!
Wonderful! Loved the frequent usage of hairbrushes and especially scrubbing brushes?
I enjoyed the work, and can tell it probably took a long time to put all this together. I really enjoyed the large number of people tickled, and the different ways it happened. Some were very imaginative. I admit, I would have preferred more /M, but that's more personal preference than anything else. I would like to offer some advice, though take it with a grain of salt.

A bit of advice would be to break it down more. Putting large stories into one big chunk can actually dissuade people from reading them, not to mention it can be more time consuming to read one huge block in a go. I would suggest cutting the story into 5 to 10 page blocks, which makes it smaller and quicker for people to read the story, as well as allowing you to identify a little more specifically what is going to happen in each part of the story. Ie, f/f, machine/ff, f/m, etc.
This story was so good. So many different methods and settings. It flowed well and I feel like each section could have its own story attached to it. The Not-My-feet and soccer team were especially hot for me. Thanks for writing it.
Exciting to see you posting another story. I very much enjoyed this one just like all the others.
I'll fully admit that this one got away from me, it just kept growing and growing and I didn't feel like I could find a good place to cut it down. My future stories will be more broken up, ten trials, ten stories.
The FFF.../m sessions were the best for me, as that's my preference. Well written! Thank you for sharing.
Amazing amazing work! THX THX for writing this. This could have been Even longer! Amazing! Loved every scene, every setting And every Kind of tickling. I wished the basement Part was longer And more grafic at this Kind of tickling is just My Favorite Kind of tickling!

Please Continue this Story And get barb into the basement. She clearly loves tickles as much as we Do.

Again: amazing, Outstanding, fantastic!
What I found most intriguing was the girl with the "no tickling by order of management socks". I figured Melinda would get some comeuppance for that stunt.
Okay Iam just stunned right now..... amazing......simply amazing......after all that you have too get Melinda tight up and tickled from head too toe in the future.....an absolute must......your stories are simply at the top of the forum right now....
Aww I wanted to see our little auditor get hers
Incredible story! I was hoping for Melinda to be tickled, but, oh well....
See now you have 2 sequel hooks: the 10 trials, and Melinda actually managing to get tricked into some tickling.
I just read this to the end waiting and waiting for Melinda to get her's! Did I miss it?? She needs to beg for mercy!! Tell me where this part is??! ;p
This is a great story. I would love to read about the ten trials of Barabara. Please continue writing.
What for a story !!!

I read all of this series beginning with Rachel's predicament at the fair.

But this Part topped it all!
:) :) :)

Was it in the Last Story where it was told they would catch unsuspecting girl's from the Street?
I thought: "Please a story about that"
Tada! Sam wakes up to find herself in a cruel predicament.
How evil to let them first all victims who had to go through it before!

The duel in the Plexiglas box!
I Wonder how they get girls to go in that thing.
Maybe tricked like one girl who is tricked into the stocks in one of the former Stories. ;-)

The soccer team!
I guess the one girl of them who had the idea to go there will be soon back in the Shoppe to receive some good treatment by ten girls. ;-)

The playroon!
;-) ;-) ;-)
The hall of shame!
;-) ;-) ;-)
What an idea!
The only thing missing: What happened to the Bikini Girl in the Hall of shame!
I think she was wandering along alone. And I guess there no one would rescue a stranger who got trapped!
Well, I would have some tickling fun - and leaving Even turn around to say "See you in the Hall of Shame" ;-)
What evil especially for first-timers! ;-)
The tube trap! ;-)
The upside down trap! ;-)
Would like to read more of that with more evil traps and especially first-timers being trapped!
Well - let some frequently visiting Girls have some fun! ;-)
But - maybe the save and trap tubes could change places from time to time! :)
If I had to pick a favorite story from you, Tyusio, this might be it, but any visit to the Tickle Shoppe is usually a good one.
If I had to pick a favorite story from you, Tyusio, this might be it, but any visit to the Tickle Shoppe is usually a good one.

You're right all Tickle Shoppe stuff is just fantastic!

But here the insepctions features so much cool ideas.

The ordeal of the soccer team.
The Plexiglass Battle Box
The Automatic Tickle Machine
And of Course the Labyrinth and the Hall of Shame

Referring the soccer team - how mean of the Shoppe to invite the opponent team to joing the fun. I guess I know ho will win the match the next day. They should have been more careful in planning the team activities.

The Plexiglas Box. I still wonder how to manage to get two girls in that evil device.
Mhmmm - perhaps not telling them about the features of the display before.

Automatic Tickle Machine - interersting Entertainment at the wall. Send the criminal to the tickle torture and when you've seen enough leave. She can't get away from the tortures you sent her to anyway.
Modified a nice party entertainment (as well as the Battle Box) - let out the need to pay and play an evil prank to one of the guests who has to spend the entire party in it.

The playroom
:) ;-)
That's the top!
You first have to go through hell yourself - but when you know where al the traps are - you can have quite a fun with newbies.
Even send them directly right into a trap.
Have some tickle fun - and then decide wether to let them go (perhaps only your friends you brought) or leave them for others (the keepers) to find.
And then have more fun seeing what happens to them in the Hall of Shame.

Nice idea for a Sequel:
Melinda visits the Shoppe right the next day and being so exited she directly heads for the Labyrinth - and gets trapped - and Heather and her two friends Melinda sent to hell the day before find her ...
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