It would be great if you made the video longer. It looks good, but the final video is only a couple minutes long. I understand that not everyone is up for doing an hour long epic, but I would like to start seeing some 10-15 minute videos instead of 2-3 minute ones. The only clip that should be that short is a preview clip.
I was going to say that you shouldn't make the video 100% foot tickling, but it looks like you already got that covered. Instead, I think it would have been cool if we got to see Blonde Amazon either forcibly strip Sabrina of her clothing down to her underwear (yes, yes I know, that would imply her starting out fully clothed but good things do come to those who wait), and/or dragging her into the restraints herself.
I also think it defeats the purpose of having a muscular amazon tickling a petite girl if you just stick the girl in stocks and tickle her feet. You could have done that yourself or you could have gotten one of your other models to do that. Perhaps you should have Amazon wrestle Sabrina to the ground and tickle her freestyle, or even a tickle wrestling match. I just think that an amazon should be rougher with a petite girl (not violent, of course, just rougher. Otherwise, why did you get a huge muscle woman to do the tickling?). The name of your company IS Tickle Abuse, after all.
I know I say this all the time, but the tickler should also go after all the ticklee's spots, including the neck, legs, knees, groin, thighs, and breasts. I understand some parts may be off limits, but even still, too many producers will have a naked girl tied up completely spreadeagle and only get the armpits, ribs, and feet. In my opinion, any bare skin should be considered OK to be tickled ("If it's bare, it's fair"). Sabrina is showing a LOT of skin. Amazon should be capitalizing on this.
Other that that, awesome job! You've established a great concept here. Now run with it.
Oh, and is there a preview clip for the Eliza video. She looks hot!