".....extreme cliff diving...." 'nuff said.....
bwahahhaha yeah. And "bein 'omantic."
Hmmm ...I believe PurrBast is into video games.
Waddaya say, girl? BigLee is lookin' for some love.
I say...thank god someone found him for me so I don't have to keep scouring the ends of the earth! The search was becoming unbearable. Now we can be cuw-cher-AHL TOGETHA, doing things like lying about what we enjoy doing and what we expect in the other. It's going to be very fulfilling.
he can have sex change too if he likes. no one will complain. nice find. haha
You scour?
I didn't know you scoured.
How long have you been scouring?
We can't be sure one way or another. So we can either err on the side of caution, not laugh at it, and tell anyone who does that they're a big meanie, or we can sit back, take the clip at face value and enjoy it without delving into the possible evil that lies within each of us if we laugh at someone who may or may not have a disability.Are we sure he doesn't have a mental disability or something? >_>
If not - awesome find.
If so - for shame!