*double gasp*
*and the unbeatable triple gasp*
So few things you can count on these days. Even the moons nightly burden seems unpredictable in times like these. The Low Roads series then, is one of the few aspects of awesomeness that can be counted on to deliver pure joy upon every new chapter.
Imagine how shocked I was at this particular installment when the entire endeavor seemed to catapult into new zenethic heights of wonder and bliss.
You, sir, are a master purveyor of loquacious delight! If English literature contained half the polished invention you lavish on these simple sentiments of praise, we'd have no need for Dickens or Wilde! How pleased I am, then, to return this favor with story material cleaving closer to your acknowledged preference than any I've heretofore submitted! To be fair, I needed a guide; a Fox shall lead them! XD
Now I fully realize that I am biased, and am a huge fan of bouncing ticklish topless taunting ticklelees...and that fact is compounded by my adoration of both your and Kitchenaut's lovely characters...but this may well be the very best chapter of the Low Roads EVAR!
Or, to be fair to individual tastes, I'll say that this may well be MY personal favorite chapter of your matchless series.
Aw, you say that
every chapter! XD Your constant gracious encouragement aside, I suspected this fresh aspect of Low Roads naughtiness would suit you to a "T"! It's the sort you express and share so expertly yourself! As far as rendering overtly erogenous play is concerned, I'm a tyro; much of this has to do with my special fetish for the well-formed female foot, an appendage which may be displayed (even pestered) without regard to taboo. The social prejudice is empty, of course... personally, I find a barefoot lass far more arousing that a topless one (just a cross I'll have to bear... sigh!) Even so, the bared tootsie innately seems more eloquent of innocence than the bared breast. I will endeavor to combat my prejudice in this regard and provide more balance. If not here on an adult forum... where?
The tickling is pure erotic smexyness...and couldn't have pushed my particular buttons more effectively. Which I mean as the most sincere compliment. As a tickle artist myself, I have the advantage of being able to regard other tickle art from a variety of vantage points. To be able to look at it's artistic components, storytelling aspects, visual devices, thematic execution, plotting mechanisms, etc ad infinitum. But before I was a tickle artist I was a tickle art fan. And not very many pieces resonate on that special erotic level. So finding such a deliciously delightful chapter in a series which I already adore was pure magic.
"There if I grow, the harvest is your own", to quote Shakespeare or some such hack! You've encouraged me for ages to expand my horizons into the more overt expressions of sensuality! Trouble's been, the Low Roads is rather frosty by design... its characters are lousy with hang-ups, which they can't compromise if they're to fulfill their narrative functions. Opportunities, then, for instances of full-frontal nudity, nipple or genital stimulation (and
that's a line I'm still determined not to cross) have been very rare and mostly wrong for the series' tone. Happily, the frequent cameo guest shots have offered me a way out! Kitchenaut was most insistent that I let my hair down and go wild with his girls; and, while I likely didn't push the boundaries quite as far as he himself or you would have done (I look to you both as masters of non-exploitive, unapologetic carnal kinkiness), for prim Tabor County it does tear down a few walls! I was going to have to get there eventually... once Angie nears the end of her particular quest, she's destined to enter a realm in which sensual appetite approaches Tiberius-like levels of license. But that's still at least a good dozen chapters away... thanks to your excellent example and that of Kitch, I'm able to provide needed foreshadowing of these distant lands beyond crossed knees! The Low Roads were meant to be reserved (as it's creator tends to be), but not necessarily prudish. If further chances for a gay topless romp come along, I'll jump on 'em! I may not go out of my way to create them (not any more than I'd do for knee or facial tickling), but neither will I shun them! Appropriateness is the watchword.
Not only that but the artwork itself DOES seem to have reached a new height in this issue. Something about the confidence of stroke, mixed with a greater variety of perspectives, and poses. It's difficult to distinguish individual pages and panels since the change and evolution is so prolific through out the entire installment. But page 30 particularly caught my eye as a fantastic example of the degree to which your artistic skills continue to improve.
I benefit from your fine example! Just when one believes that your superb TIS has summitted to the ceiling of artistic excellence, along comes the unthinkably awesome "Origins" to prove there are no upper limits! When space is all used up, you'll be jamming further quality into the space between spaces!
You're most kind to suggest that my drafting skills continue to improve! I hope they do... there's room, certainly, as I've never buttoned-down to any professional training (as our good friend Scav has done so successfully). The result is that my style will always have a raw edge to it. That's not altogether bad... folk-art quirkiness manages to have its own charms... but it will never attain a patina of professional quality. Which is okay; it doesn't aspire to that. I do other things to earn my bread... practicing graphic art is what I do for relaxation purposes, and because my storytelling hunger has been shaped around it (nuts as I am for comix form!) That doesn't mean I've got no desire to improve. I'm mightily eager to sand clunky composition and perspective errors from my technique. Such distractions divert reader attention from story points. For me, though, progress will always be more organic than deliberate... all the more reason keep the page-count high!
I am so enthralled that I risk babbling incoherently. So I shall simply resume my default setting, and humbly beg for more of the same in future issues.
This community even in its best moments doesn't deserve your kindness, your skill, or your generosity - but we will continue to try our damndest, tirelessly earning, beating on, boats against the current, borne forward ceaselessly into the future. LMAO.
Your incoherent babbling would still better my best efforts at gratitude, my most eloquent friend! I'd feel inadequate and ungrateful, if your grand ego-inflating graciousness didn't make such simpering impossible! Let me say simply that I consider the opportunity to offer my attempts at self-expression to this ever-appreciative Community the most treasured of privileges; to be able to do so in the mighty company of an unparalleled Deeto feels more like giddy daydreaming than reality!
Cheers my friend,
The humbled Deet
To lift a line from the recent film adaptation of "The Return of the King": my friend... you bow to no one! The Deet is humble by dint of a generous temperament... his modesty, like everything else about him, is a plus! To know you, alone, is a great joy; to be allowed to bask in all the wonder you create for our world is a special blessing!