and Dangerously addicting, all at the same time.
Sincere congratulations, my good friend. The latest chapter is nothing short of riotously entertaining! Although the naughtier crevices of my gray matter still crave the torrid perky heights of a previous chapter...this newest romp visits such stunning peaks of humor, true drama, and well told story line, that the more enlightened ridges of my cerebral cortex were thoroughly illuminated.
I'm jubilant that this series supplies treats for all regions of your cognitive apparatus, my most excellent Deeto! While the more austere delights (the ones found in Sephie's narrative, for instance) please me the most personally, your good influence has emboldened my taste for out-of-control randiness, the liberating, unapologetic sort you construct so masterfully! It shouldn't be long before I return to such joyful territory… when I do, people will know who to thank for it!
Angie's surprised nudity actually made me chortle out loud, sitting in the privacy of my parked car, during a much needed break from work (as if my co-workers didn't have reason enough to doubt my sanity). XD
Yikes! Hope I haven't imperiled your financial situation (actually, if so, you might be compelled to increase your output of fetish comix to balance the deficit, a boon for us all! Of course, considering the bounty of Deeto titles already in evidence, that barely seems possible!) Seriously, such a confession is enormously flattering! I must find new excuses to strip Angie again soon!
I loved the harrowing description of the bogey war, and the resultant character development.
Thank you! That scene really is the meat of the chapter… an understanding of Sephie's motives is thoroughly dependent on this intelligence; much of Mercy's attitude and drive is explained by its secondary effects. Flashback is a multi-use exposition devise; not only does it proffer needed information, but it breaks up the drudgery of linear storytelling. Similar instances are planned for later… there'll be plenty of plot threads to tie up before the end titles.
The art itself continues to gracefully evolve to greater zeniths, but all within the same landscape. I often find my artistic journey to be a violent, awkward, and not altogether pretty to bear witness to. Your, however, flows like a peaceful brooke becoming a raging river. Increasing power, beauty, and drive are all accomplished so gradually and seemingly effortlessly that one barely notices the process, only the beautiful scenery.
Praise from Caesar, my friend! Gracious heavens, when has your art ever been a chore to enjoy (from the earliest Danneskold passengers to Ozzy's lovely Sonya, your art has captured charming, vivacious spirit as well as form! This element of joie-de-vivre is unmistakable in every lovely figure you etch!) All the same, I couldn't be more complimented by your kind appraisal! I keep my style rather elementary so that the characters are easy to move around… frankly, the coloring saves the sketch-work much of the time! It better… the process demands that I devote endless hours to the rather rote, non-creative activity of cleaning up my lines and filling the spaces with base tints. It's a necessary consequence of my jury-rigged system… the price one pays when he ignores conventional, well-established procedures (or fails to learn them to begin with!)
I especially liked Mercy's look in this chapter. Just wonderful.
A treasured compliment! Mercy must shoulder the narrative burden (despite help from Angie, Sephie and a host of minor characters, it's primarily her load) and I'm most eager she should remain attractive to the reader/viewer. Mercy is one of the story's characters (Sparrow and Jen being others) who've found their inspiration in people I've actually known, rather than being whole-cloth creations… as such, I'm most eager to do her justice!
Thank you tremendously for the wonderful words on Sonya. I hope I can live up to her high reputation. Lord knows the pressure and hype has been difficult to manage. XD
I don't doubt for an instant that you feel tremendous responsibility in taking charge of another legendary artist's character! Neither do I doubt for an instant that you've done her the most mouth-watering justice! Ozzy certainly seems to think so; one couldn't hope for a better recommendation! I soon plan to find out for myself!
And of course, any input you might have on either Origins II or the Veil of Qadesh would be treasured fondly, just as I treasure the opportunity to enjoy your latest masterpiece prior to its grand origin and unveiling! LMAO.
Failing equipment and a month-long system breakdown kept me from enjoying and lauding
Origins II the way it's always deserved; happily, I'm back on track now and straining at the bit to add my voice to those already singing its praises! I was able to scan the wonders within
Veil of Qadesh just prior to my unwilling hiatus… alas, bad timing prevented me from offering a timely appreciation! It's a joyful duty I plan to attend to at the earliest opportunity!
And now I take great pleasure in posting my thoughts, as the Low Roads once again returns to the crest of our fair valley.
You rock in ways that mere mortals can not comprehend.
Your friend,
The Deeto is, among his other stellar qualities, ever gracious! You do me great honor, my friend! I'll constantly do my very best to remain worthy of your good opinion!