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The Haunted Mansion (part 2)


2nd Level Red Feather
Sep 25, 2004
Zach had finished Death Wish, and watched parts 2-4. Not wanting to watch part 5, because the death count was two less than that in the first film. That, and Charlie was just too old, and they were running out of ways for him to kill people. He poisoned a gangster’s canola and blew up another with a remote control soccer ball loaded with C-4. Even his showdown with the film’s main villain was a let down. Bronson popped out of nowhere, hit him on the head with a beer bottle, and then pushed him into a pool of acid.

But regardless, four films were enough, and he needed to do something else besides stare at a T.V. screen. Cat had gone outside to work on her drawing, and that was in the middle of Death Wish 3. So he decided to go out to the garden area and strike up conversation with her.

As he made his way out to the patio area, he noticed a huge maze out by the gardens. It looked almost like the one Jack Torrance chased his son through with an axe in The Shining. Zach thought it’d be fun if he chased Cat through that maze, but minus the axe of course. Cat was sitting over at a table with an umbrella over it, sketching in her notebook.

Zach: Hey, Cat, whatcha drawing?

Cat: I’m drawing a young man sitting in an extravagant living room, watching Charles Bronson blow away muggers and gangsters with an assortment of weaponry.

Zach: Well, that’s over with now, I watched all of them with the exception of the fifth flick.

Cat: Had enough, huh?

Zach: It’s not that, if Death Wish V wasn’t so corny, then I would be watching it now. That, and I thought I’d come out and see what you’re up to.

Cat: Well, I’m actually drawing a picture of the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland.

Zach: Why that?

Cat: Because I love the book so much, and I love Disney movies in general. I already drew Simba, Abu, and Belle. She was hard to draw, because I’m not very good at drawing regular people.

Zach: I see. Well, I was also wondering what you had in mind for dinner.

Cat: Are you cooking?

Zach: Not exactly going out all chef, but I was thinking about throwing chicken wings in that big ass oven. That and maybe some waffle fries, extra crispy of course. I’m telling ya, Cat, having a well stocked ice box is so awesome.

Cat: We’re almost out of bagels though, so we’ll have to pick some up tomorrow. Otherwise we won’t having any to go with breakfast, or you won’t be able to make those steak sandwiches you love so much.

Zach: Ahhh, yes, a toasted steak bagel sandwich, that puts the ones at McDonalds to shame. Grilled onions, melted cheese and a tiny bit of mustard on a nice piece of ribeye.

Cat: You are such a bottomless pit, Zach!

Zach: Yeah Cat, and it wouldn’t kill you to eat more than four or five grapes for breakfast.

Cat: Hey, I eat, but unlike you I eat in moderation.

Zach: Touché, now are you ready to go inside or what?

Cat: Yeah, I need just five more minutes, then we can get dinner going. It’ll be dark in about an hour.

Two hours later….

Zach and Cat sat in the parlor, after a hearty meal of chicken wings and fried potatoes, much to Zach’s dismay. Now they performed their evening ritual, which they did every night after dinner, reading. Even Zach had taken the time to raid the library and find a book that really caught his eye, which was Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne. It was quiet, with nothing but the sound of the fire crackling in the fireplace and the sound of pages being flipped. Even the vast majority of the mansion’s interior was dark with the exception of the fireplace and one lamp by the sofa where the two sat.

Inside the cellar…..

The dark figures gathered around by the stairs which led to the upper level. One figure went in front of them all and clasped her hands together.

Female Figure: Now, let’s give them a tiny taste of things to come. Something that will scare their socks off, he he he!

Other Figure: But if we scare their socks off, then their feet will get dirty.

Female: I didn’t mean literally, you fool. Now keep silent, all of you. Demetrius, release the ghouls!

Back upstairs in the parlor……

Cat was turning pages of her copy of Interview with the Vampire. For some reason, she was fascinated with vampires. They scared her, yet secretly she was turned on by them. It was weird for her to explain, and Zach had always nicknamed her the Bride of Dracula which she found mildly amusing. Cat adjusted her glasses and turned the page, reading the part where Louis suggests that Malloy smoke one of his cigarettes which the interviewer was eagerly ready to do.

Then suddenly she heard footsteps, and her head popped up to look around the room and out in the hallway. Not seeing anyone, Cat just shrugged and continued to read. Then she heard the sounds again, and her head popped up once again.

Cat: Zach, do you hear that?

Zach: Hear what?

Cat: I heard footsteps, I think it’s coming from the cellar.

Zach: It’s your imagination, Cat, there’s no one here but us.

Cat: Are you sure about that?

Zach: Positive, no one has come here since the day we arrived, if there was someone living in the cellar, we would know it by now.

Then both of them heard laughter coming from the chimney, and they instantly dropped their books.

Cat: You heard it too.

Zach: Damn right I did, what the hell?

Then the fire in the chimney went out, and Cat screamed. Zach was shaken too, but he refrained from screaming like his female friend. Then two clouds of vapor emerged from the fireplace and hovered in the air above them. The vapor turned into two giant ghost ghouls who stared down at the two frightened kids.

Ghost 1: Hello children!

Cat screamed again, and Zach gulped nervously.

Ghost 2: It’s time to play, get ready?

Then Zach and Cat jumped from the sofa and ran upstairs to one of the bedrooms, locking the door behind them. Both of them were equally freaked out and couldn’t believe what they just saw.

Zach: Okay, we’ll just wait here, until they leave. I mean, they won’t stay here.

Cat: How can you be sure about that?

Zach was about to answer when he heard footsteps coming from downstairs. Then he heard voices belonging to several owners. Apparently Cat was right about there being strangers in the cellar. Frozen with fear, they stayed where they were and waited. Within minutes, music began to play.

Zach: What the hell, are they having a party?

Cat: Well, if they are, you better go down there and tell them to leave.

Zach: What, why me?

Cat: Because you’re the man of this house, and I’m literally shaking in my shoes right now. Go down there, and tell them to leave.

Zach: Why because I’m a guy, shit, you come down there with me.

Cat: No way, I’m too scared, now you man up and go down there. I mean it, Zachary, do something!

Zach: Okay, chicken shit, you stay here and I’ll go down there and see what is going on. Despite the fact that I don’t have a gun, a knife, or even a sock full of quarters to protect myself with.

Cat: Hell, I’ll give you the socks I’m wearing and my coin collection if that’ll make you feel better. Just go down there and DO SOMETHING!

Zach: Okay, okay, calm down, I was kidding about the sock full of quarters. But nevertheless, I will go down there and deal with this.

Cat: Thank you. Just, please be careful.

Zach: I will, and don’t worry I have a green belt in Tae Kwon Do.

Cat (sarcastically): Thanks, I feel so much better now.

Zach quietly opened the door, and then tip toed down the stairs and headed for the parlor. When he got in the parlor, he saw two zombie looking people, and a large fat woman with short blonde hair. The fat woman almost looked like an ogre, and wore similar clothing to Shrek, but Zach couldn’t be sure. The three of them noticed him and their faces lit up.

Fat Woman: Ahhh, you must be the young man living in this house. What’s your name?

Zach was taken aback by the woman’s smoky, booming voice, and it almost made him cringe but he composed himself

Zach: My name is Zachary Kidman, and might I ask what you’re doing here.

Fat Woman: Hello Zachary, my name is Olga, and my friends and I always come here every Halloween and celebrate this glorious holiday.

Olga took a few steps toward Zach and sized him up, looking up and down from head to toe.

Olga: Hmmmm, you’re quite handsome Zachary, very handsome. Tell me, why aren’t you in costume?

Zach: Because I’m not going trick or treating and I don’t have a costume to wear even if I wanted to wear a costume.

Olga: Oh, I see, such a shame.

Zach: Look, who is the ringleader of your little posse here?

Olga: That would be Elvira, she’s the hostess of this party as she always is. If you’ll follow me, I shall introduce you to her.

Zach: Sounds good, where is she?

Olga: Oh she’s in the ballroom with the others, getting the dance floor ready.

Zach: I see, well, after you.

Olga gave a nod and lead the way down the hallway with Zach following behind her. These uninvited houseguests sure weren’t wasting any time. But Zach would be polite and ask them to leave nicely. If they refused, then he would leave the room and call the police. It was easy as that.

Olga stopped at the twin doors to the ballroom and opened them. Then she made a gesture to let Zach go in first. Zach couldn’t believe his eyes at the sight before him. There were people dressed up as monsters and other freakish creatures. At least he hopped they were in costume. There was a vampire, a werewolf, a mummy, a goblin, and a big Frankenstein monster. A few others were wearing masks that somewhat resembled a Stanley Kubrick movie. Directing everyone was a witch, a really tall witch with long dark hair, pasty complexion, and black fingernail polish. She wore a black dress that almost went down to her ankles, when she saw Zach a smile spread across her face.

Witch: Good, you found one of them, Olga. Come here, my dear.

Zach walked over to the center of the room and stood close to the witch, who was directing the people moving tables.

Witch: Just set those up against the wall, we need all the space we can get, everyone else is still wandering in, continue the good work.

Then she turned to face Zach and placed her hands on her hips.

Witch: Hello there, young man, my name is Elvira and I’ll be hosting this party tonight. What is your name, dear?

Zach: Zachary, maa’m.

Elvira: Ahhh, Zachary, what a nice name for a nice looking young man. Tell me, where is your friend?

Zach: She’s going to the movies, but that’s not important right now. You see, we are the caretakers here, and I understand it’s Halloween and all but we can’t have a party going on here. All due respect, but we just don’t know you. So if you please, can you and your friends pack up and leave.

Elvira: I appreciate your politeness, young man, but I’m afraid I must decline.

Zach: Okay then, I guess I’ll go now.

As Zach turned to leave he noticed that Olga was at the door like a guard dog. Then he felt Elvira grab his arm.

Elvira: Oh do stay, after all, since you a guest at this house, we shall have to make you the guest of honor.

Zach: I appreciate that, but I don’t celebrate Halloween.

Elvira: Listen to you, so young and adorable. Well tonight, Zachary, you will. Now, where is your costume?

Zach: I don’t have a costume, so therefore I can’t party with you even if I want to. Now if you’ll excuse me-

Elvira: Oh fiddlesticks, we have plenty of costumes. In fact, why don’t you come with me, and we’ll find you a costume to wear. Those clothes you have on, simply will not do.

Zach: No thank you, as I said, I don’t want to party and I don’t want to dress up in some silly costume.

He turned around once more, and bumped right into Olga, who towered over the young man.

Olga: And where do you think you’re going, dumpling?

Elvira: He’s going down to the cellar, where we shall find a costume that he can change into. Only he refuses to go willingly, why don’t you escort him down there, Olga.

Olga: My pleasure, come here young man!

And with that, she scooped up Zach and threw him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then she walked out of the ballroom with the young man in tow.

Zach: Hey, put me down, dammit! Help, Cat, help me!

Olga gave his rear a pinch, and then a light smack.

Olga: Come along now, little boy, it’s time to change your clothes.

Elvira heard Zach calling for help, and turned to a werewolf.

Elvira: Wolfy dear, will you please sniff out his little girlfriend and bring her in here. Then if she refuses to cooperate, give her a taste of things to come. Oh and then tell Celina to find her a costume too.

Wolfy: Oh yes, my pleasure, Elvira.

Elvira then exited the ballroom, and saw Olga disappear down some stairs with Zach still stuck to her shoulder. Olga carried him down the stairs and Zach saw that it looked more like a dungeon and had bondage devices, including a pair of wooden stocks. He felt Olga set him down in a chair and push his shoulders down. Then when Elvira came down to met with them, she kneeled down so that she was at eye level with Zach.

Elvira: Now, before I find you a costume, I must measure you to make sure I get the right size. Stand him up, Olga.

The giant hulk of a woman lifted Zach to his feet, which caused him to yelp. Then she raised his arms so they were pointing to the ceiling.

Olga: Remove his sweater, Olga.

Olga gave a nod and seized the hems of Zach’s sweater and lifted it up off his head. Then she threw it to the floor, Zach grimaced as he only had a white wifebeater to cover his upper body. Elvira took out measuring tape, and wrapped it around his waist, his arms and then started to poke his sides.

Zach: Heeheeeeheheeee, don’t do that!

Elvira smiled and was relieved to find that Zach was ticklish.

Elvira: What’s the matter, my dear, are we ticklish?

Then she started to tickle his sides again.

Zach: Heehehehehehee yes, I’m ticklish, eheheheheeee don’t!

As Olga held his arms up, Elvira took advantage and ran her nails up and down Zach’s underarms, making the young man titter some more. Elvira taunted and teased Zach as her fingernails explored his ticklish spots. Then she lightly scratched his armpits.

Elvira: Ha ha ha, tickle, tickle!


Elvira(insistent): Yes, yes, tickle, tickle, tickle!

The more she poked and prodded his armpits, the more Zach howled with laughter. After Elvira grew tired of armpit tickling, she lifted his wifebeater up and swirled a single fingernail around his navel. Zach giggled louder now, as that was his worst spot.

Elvira: Oh my, it seems I’ve found a hot spot, eh little boy!

Zach: Ehehehehheheheeeee I am naahahahahat A LITTLE BOY!

Elvira: Yes you are, little boy, ha ha ha!

The witch tickled his bellybutton some more, causing Zach to screech. Then she spider tickled his tummy for a bit, keeping him in hysterics as he pleaded and begged for her to stop. She finally did, remembering she had a job to do. She moved down to his waist and then realized that it was time to take something else off now.

Elvira: Well, I can’t get a thorough measurement with these pants on, I guess I’ll have to take them off.

Zach: NO, please don’t!

Elvira snickered and then started to whistle a tune as she unbuckled his blue jeans. Then she slowly unfastened and unzipped them. Very carefully she opened the flaps, and yanked them down to his ankles.

Elvira: Well, well, well, what have we here. I believe these are what you humans call, whitey tighties?

Zach blushed with embarrassment as he was caught with his pants down, pun intended. He cringed as Elvira fidgeted with the elastic band around his underwear and let it snap back against his skin.

Zach: Hey!

Elvira: These little underwears are too cute, Zachary.

Olga: Yes they are, the hell with a costume. Let’s have him waltz around the dance floor in just his underwear.

Elvira: No, no, that would excite the ladies too much, Olga. But back to business here, let’s measure this cute waist.

The witch measure his waist thoroughly, and then pulled Zach’s baggy jeans completely off. Then she grabbed hold of his wifebeater.

Elvira: You don’t need this either, handsome!

And on that note, she ripped off Zach’s wifebeater. Now all Zach had on were his tighty whiteys, green socks, and brown shoes. Elvira decided to tickle his thighs before calling it quits. Zach roared with laughter as they were highly ticklish.


Elvira: You're right, no more, at least for now, ha! Olga, bring him over to the stocks.

Olga carried Zach over to a chair attached to a set of wooden stocks and sat him down, then held him in place while Elvira locked his ankles up.

Elvira: Now that I have his measurements, I’m going to find a suitable costume for him. While I do that, why don’t you measure his feet and see what size shoe he wears.

Olga: Oh yes, I’d be glad to.

Elvira went into the back to find a costume. Olga went to the stocks and placed a stool next to them and took a seat. She tapped the tops of Zach’s shoes, which made the young man gulp nervously.

Olga: Hmmmm, scared are we? Well, nothing to be scared of lad, all I’m going to do is remove your shoes and measure your feet.

Zach: That’s all you’re gonna do, take them off and measure my feet?

Olga: Well, I suppose I could play with them while I wait for Elvira to return, hehe.

Zach: No, please don't!

The ogre unlaced his right shoe as if she were opening a present. When the laces were undone, she pulled off his shoe and threw it to the floor. Zach wiggled his toes in his green sock, he had a bad feeling about this. Even more so when Olga bent down and sniffed all over his socked foot.

Olga: Whew, oh my! Your foot odor is quite strong, sonny boy!

She sniffed again, and then waved her hand to her face while wrinkling her nose in disgust.

Olga: Mmmmm, warm, sweaty socks, just the way I like them. I even like the color, matched your sweater nicely.

Then she slowly peeled the sock down to Zach’s heel, and then yanked it off at the toes. Then she held Zach’s bare foot in both her hands and drooled over the sight before her. A large, warm, pale, naked foot, with perfectly trimmed toenails.

Olga: Awwww, look at Zachary’s pretty feet. Ooooh my, look at those toes.

The fat woman seized his toes with both hands and massaged them a bit. Then she held his foot to her nose and sniffed long and hard. Then she let go and pinched her nose.

Olga: Pheeeewwwww, your feet stink, little boy!!

Zach turned his head away in shame, he knew that his feet didn’t smell like roses. But still, this fat cow didn’t have to humiliate him like this. It was humiliating enough for her to see him in his skivvies.

Olga: Hahaha, is the little boy embarrassed about being in his little underwears.

Then she got right in Zach’s face and pinched his cheek.

Olga: Or is he just embarrassed about his smelly foot odor..

Then Olga got out a twelve inch ruler and measured Zach’s barefoot.

Olga: Hmmm, a size ten, eh. What big feet you have Zachary. I’m sure that they’re also a ten on the stink scale too, ha ha!

Zach: Shut up you fat cow, stop making fun of me.

Olga pinched her nose and began to further taunt and tease poor Zach.

Olga: (singing) Stinky feet, stinky feet, Zach-ary has stin-ky feet!

Zach growled and leaned his head back, this so wasn’t the night he was looking forward to. Then he felt Olga run her fingernails along his sole.

Olga: Lighten up there, handsome, laugh a little.

Zach wriggled his feet about to avoid being tickled, but Olga held his foot firmly in her big meaty paw and tickled all over his naked foot with her nails.


Olga: Oh yes, these feet need a good tickling!

Then Olga grabbed hairbrush and began to brush Zach’s heel while tickling each one of his toes. Zach laughed and laughed and wiggled all five of his toes. Olga saw the toe wiggling and then grabbed his big toe and baby toe and made her fingers dance with the trapped toes.

Olga: Ha, ha, ha, dance little piggies, dance!

Then she continued to tickle his toes, all the while still taunting and teasing. Zach didn’t know how much he could take, and was relieved when she finally did stop and he slumped his head forward in exhaustion.

Olga: Goodness, I am so hungry right now. Wait, I know, I’ll eat your little piggies!

That got Zach’s attention and his head pulled right back up.

Zach: No, no, don’t you dare!

Olga: Don’t I dare, ha, of course I will.

Holding his foot with both hands, her big mouth opened and got closer to the five terrified toes that curled in fear at being devoured. Zach closed his eyes and braced himself for the worse. When he felt her mouth around all five toes, he then felt a warm wet tongue glide all over his sensitive digits.


Olga: Mmmmmmm, such tasty little piggy toes.

She continued to lick and nibble his toes, causing Zach to laugh with higher pitched giggles. He couldn't help but wiggle his toes feebly in the ogre's mouth. All he could do now was pray it would end soon.
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Nice first two parts jersey. Looking forward to the next part.

Did you pick these two names at random? I cant help but think they are supposed to be Zach and Caitlin from TMNT.
Thank you DDD! No, actually they are the names of two characters from a roleplay session I did with another TMF member, it's a method I occasionally use with certain stories and it works well too!
Well thank you, but could you be more specific...

Thank you. Finally, someone says something. The one word comment trend that's been running rampant lately is almost starting to feel like an insult to something that might've taken an hour, to a week, to a month, to over two years to complete. And all you get is a wow or a cool.
This was really good.
Excellent build-up and payoff.
I think part three will probably be my favorite.
She should be wearing embarrassing underwear of sorts like Zach was.
Prints or something.
Thank you Modest, although I personally think part 4 will be everyone's favorite and part 3 will be second favorite lol! A little spoiler for ya, in the forth part, Zach and Cat get tickled together.
To be more specific, i like the character development and the forwardness of the posse in the basement. I am really looking forward to part 3.
In answer to modestguy80's question, I should have part 2 done by tonight at the latest!
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