Good heavens, Kindred! You're amazingly well versed in the series, to be able to recall an incident so peripheral and so long past! I'm most impressed and flattered! No, Aye isn't exactly the innocent little lamb her sunny appearance might suggest! Let me hasten to add that I didn't create the character myself; she's on loan from Relent, one of my buddies over at the TTC and a very fine artist who specializes in extremely intricate poses (I believe he also has a dA account, but I don't get over there often enough to check). He's concocted an intricate back-story for his woolly starlet: Aye's sister, Bah-Bah (the black sheep of the family), is considerably more aggressive than her sibling, but it's Ms. Muffette, her landlady, who really grabs your attention; a sadist who'd prefer to exact the rent in fetish abuse, partnered with a pair of pet spiders adept at spinning silky restraints! Thus far, Ms. Muffette has rated only shadowy mention in the Low Roads universe (I haven't asked Relent for permission to actually feature her), but even this vague nod manages to raise a chill!
Thanks so much for sending in this unique perspective! It pleases me no end when a reader can key on a small, specific moment in the story and make it vividly his own!