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College Dorm Tickling (f/m)


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
College Dorm Tickling

College Dorm Tickles

Sheldon was trying to study at his desk in his cramped dorm room. The sounds of
high-pitched voices, hair dryers and Alannis Morisette music were coming through the
walls. In his three years of college, Sheldon had thought he’d learned how to block out
the constant background noise that came with dorm living. But those noises were
different if Featherton Hall. That was because Featherton Hall was an all-girls dorm, and
the sounds its residents made were subtly different than in the dorms Sheldon was use to.
Well, Featherton was almost an all-girls dorm. The current housing shortage at
Plains State University, as well as the slight dip in female enrollment had caused the
University to make two small sections, one on the first floor, and the one on the fifth floor
that contained Sheldon’s room, co-ed.
Their had been a big fight among the guys for a chance at living in Featherton Hall,
of course. Every male had wanted it. Sheldon had been one of the lucky ones, though
only because his scholarship guaranteed him University Housing.
Right now, however, he didn’t feel lucky. He felt disturbed. Just because it was
Friday night didn’t mean those girls couldn’t show a little respect!
Just then a knock came at the door. More distractions! Who could it be? His
friends, and he didn’t have that many, would have called before stopping by. It was most
likely some drunk Freshman at the wrong door.
Sheldon was wrong. It was Tina.
She looked fantastic. A tight fitting green sweater highlighted her short, flaming
red hair while still managing to show off her hazel eyes. Between the sweater and her
equally clinging jeans, every curve of her shapely body was shown. Being over 5’9” tall,
several inches taller that Sheldon, made her practically a goddess.
Sheldon looked shabby compared to her, wearing a plain white T-shirt and black
sweatpants. He wasn’t even wearing shoes or socks! He was too thin, too short and felt
more than a little embarrassed. He just stared at her, not knowing what to say.
“May I come in,” she said sweetly.
He shouldn’t let her. Sheldon knew this was trouble. But when Tina looked at
him with her long eyelashes fluttering, he never could turn her down. He nodded yes.
“For a co-ed dorm,” Tina said in way of making conversation, “I sure didn’t see
any guys on the way up.”
“There are maybe only 30 of us in the whole place,” Sheldon answered, glad to
have something neutral to talk about, “The rest other 29 are all jocks or fraternity
wanna-be’s. They all had parties or dates tonight.”
Tina sat down on Sheldon’s bed, “I want you back,” she said simply, no further
preamble necessary.
Sheldon had been afraid of that. “We broke up for a reason, Tina. You know
that.” They had been the most illogical couple in all of Plains State University. He was a
nerd from a poor family, only able to attend school because he’d won the prestigious
Mantle Tyler Jones scholarship. She had been a jock from one of the richest families in
the state, a star swimmer and a member of the gymnastics team. It should never have
worked. But somehow, for a while, it had. He had attended her meets, and she his chess
club meetings. They had studied together, eaten together and loved together. It had been
fabulous! Then, just as quickly as it started, it all fell apart.
Tina had changed during the relationship. She became more and more controlling
over Sheldon. She found ways of making him do what she wanted, horrible ways. Tina
had wanted to dominate him, and Sheldon had had to break it off. It had been the most
painful thing world.
“No,’ he said, “I just can’t do that anymore.” A skinny nerd like him turning down
a woman like Tina. It was laughable! But he had no choice.
“I’m sorry, slugger,” Tina said in a not apologetic tone at all, “but I just can’t
accept that for an answer.” She stood up and took Sheldon in her arms, plastering her
body next to his. “I am a Van Doyne, after all, and Van Doyne’s never hear the word
The thing Sheldon had always excited his the most about Tina was that no matter
how much iron she lifted in the gym, no matter how many laps she swan around the pool,
her body retained its curvaceous, feminine look. No masculine sinew for her. Yet when
her body was close, like right now, he could feel the tight bands of iron beneath her skin.
It was a combination that made his head spin.
Tina nibbled his ear, and Sheldon felt a warm glow come over him. Had he been a
man use to giving in to the needs of his body, he would have tumbled into bed with her
that second. But Sheldon was a creature of intellect. He remembered the intense pain
their last break up had caused him, and the months it had taken him to get over. No
matter how much pleasure the moment offered him, that pain was worse.
Sheldon pushed Tina away. “No, Tina!” he said in a voice made huskier by the
warring emotions inside him. “We are finished!” He pointed to the door. “Get out now!”
That didn’t seem to phase Tina. In fact she grinned mischievously as if she this
action played right into her hands. Quick as a snake, she reached out and tickled the
underarm that had been uncovered by Sheldon’s gesturing arm.
Sheldon let out an almost feminine squeal, and pulled his hand down. He
instinctively took a step away from Tina.
“So, my teady bear is still ticklish, is he?” Tina said continued gleefully, then
continued the attack. She reached out and tickled the ribs on his left side with a quick
poke. When Sheldon’s arms moved to shield that part of his body, Tina reached out with
her other hand to his right side.
A couple more giggles escaped Sheldon’s lips. “No, Tina please,” he muttered,
but it was too late. Tina’s fingers arms were moving like lightning now, bringing wiggling
fingers to attack all of Sheldon’s vulnerable spots. Sheldon tried to defend himself, but
just couldn’t get his arms to move fast enough. By the time Sheldon could cover up ribs,
Tina’s hands would be lower on his sides, digging into his hip bone. By the time Sheldon
could reach out to knock the hands away from his hips, dancing fingers would be
tantalizing his belly through his thin T-shirt.
The problem was that Sheldon just had too many ticklish spots, and Tina knew
them all from their long time dating. His T-shirt and sweatpants offered seemingly no
protection what so ever. In the beginning, Sheldon held back his laughter. The longer the
tickling went on, the more that became impossible.
“He ehe aheh no no not theehe not there he eh please ehe ee eheh no ahhh eheh
Tina Tina stophehe ehee ehehh eheh.” the giggles were bouncing from Sheldon’s mouth
now. He kept moving backing away further and further, trying to escape those tickling
Soon, Sheldon felt his back hit cold, solid wall. Looking from side to side for a
moment, he realized that Tina had steered him into the corner. Now he was trapped.
Tina’s grin went from mischievous to pure evil, and her hands went into a kind of
hyperspeed. This time, however, they slipped under Sheldon’s T-shirt. The tickling on his
bare skin was twice as bad now, and Sheldon flailed around wildly, trying to grab hands
that he could not see.
“Hee eheh eheheh he heehe eheheh TINNNAAAAA ehaaahehehe ehe e ehe eheh
epoplleeee PLLEEEAassseee ehehehehe no not TheereeeeeNOT THERREEE whehehe
ehe eh eheh eh ehehe eheh ooohhhh staaawppppheheheheheh!!!!”
If Tina would have described Sheldon’s first attempts to protect himself as slow
and uncoordinated, they were now childlike. She was able to tickle harder now, really
bare down on his ribs, to find those magic spots she remembered from their many playful
sessions, and exploit them fully.
For Sheldon, it was a nightmare. He was laughing so hard now, his face was red.
He felt his knees start to turn to jelly now, and himself starting to slide to the floor. That
was bad. He knew what Tina would do to him if she got him on the floor. Sheldon started
reaching out for the wall, trying to hold himself up with his arms. The problem was that
only opened up more flesh for Tina to tickle.
Ten fingers were now wiggling across Sheldon’s torso wherever they would.
They poked, they grabbed, they drove him insane. He felt like his ribs were being played
like a piano. One finger was in his belly-button now, twisting and turning. He couldn’t he
Then the tickling stopped. It took Sheldon a few minutes to realize that was
because he was on the floor, with Tina towering over him. He always had to look up at
her. Right now, she was a giant.
“Now then Sheldon,” she said triumphantly, “Do you want to go out again, or
shall I start over?”
Was Tina really serious? Was she going to tickle him until he said she could be his
girlfriend? Maybe this was some kind of joke. Tina always had a weird sense of humor.
Still...he couldn’t take the chance. Sheldon knew he had to get Tina out of his dorm room
before she could start in on him again. Slowly, Sheldon nodded yes.
“Now your thinking, teddy bear,” Tina said using that nickname he’d always hated.
Then she surprised him. She picked up his cordless phone and handed it to him. “Now
you are going to call Adrian and tell her you two are finished.”
Sheldon looked up in surprise. “Adrian!” he exclaimed, “How did you...” He had
only been going out with Adrian for a few weeks, and didn’t think anyone outside of
Adrian’s closest friends even knew about the relationship. Adrian was a nerd like himself,
a ‘nerdette’ if you will. They had much more in common than and Tina ever would. They
had been getting along wonderfully. Still...
Sheldon didn’t want anymore tickling. If Tina had bothered to find out about
Adrian this might be more serious than he thought! Well, this would be simple enough.
He’d just dial his friend Tony’s number and pretend it was Adrian. But as soon as he
dialed the first number, Tina snatched the phone away from him.
“No way, sport. I don’t think I trust you enough for that. You tell me Adrian’s
number, and I’ll dial it.”
Uh oh. If Tina dialed the number, she’d probably make sure it was Adrian on the
other end before she handed the phone over! What would she do if Sheldon gave her a
bum number? It would be very unpleasant, no doubt.
“Tina,” Sheldon said, stalling for time, “Why are you doing this to MEEAHAH!!!”
Tina had quickly squeezed his knee, another of his tickle spots, letting the giggles
that followed choke off his attempt at speech. “All I want is Adrian’s number, no games.
Give it to me now, or we wrestle for it. In fact, if the next thing out of your mouth isn’t a
number, it’s go time.”
Sheldon shuttered. They had wrestled many times when they were going out. He
supposed that many couples wrestled around as part of their sex play. The problem was
Tina was embarrassingly stronger than he was. As a gymnast she was more flexible. She
even had an older brother who had taught her several wrestling moves. The end result
was Tina always won.
Do you know how humiliating it was to lose a wrestling match to your girlfriend
and lose badly at that?! He always felt like a little boy in her arms, struggling to get free
but unable no matter how hard he tried. To make matters worse, it was in those wrestling
matches that Tina had learned how ticklish Sheldon was.
Sheldon could remember being put in a half-nelson, or some other move he
couldn’t even name, lying their helpless as Tina’s crawling fingers explored his body,
searching for tickle spots. And she had found them. Big time. She would force him to
say anything, promise anything, just to get away from those probing digits. It was awful.
Tina had learned her the wrestling and Sheldon’s ticklishness had given her power
over Sheldon. She loved that and wanted to wrestle every chance she got.
“Now Tina,” Sheldon said slowly, hoping for a chance to talk her out of this,
“Why don’t we just AHAHHH!!!!!”
Tina hadn’t been willing to listen. She had jumped on top of Sheldon, and the two
were now rolling around on the floor. Sheldon tried to get a grip on her, tried to throw
her off of him, but it was impossible. She was taller and heavier. He could get no
Tina cheated horribly, giving tiny tickles here and there. Each tickle distracted
Sheldon, made him move his hands to defend himself and let Tina get a better grip on him.
It didn’t take long for Sheldon’s T-shirt to be ripped from his body. Next, he felt his
sweatpants being pulled down. Sheldon was in his underwear, more vulnerable than ever.
Then Sheldon was on his back. Tina was straddling him, her strong thighs around
his waist. Both his wrists were in her firm grasp, being held above his head. Sheldon
pulled with all his might, he twisted and turned his body, but nothing he could do could
shake Tina off.
Tina, however seemed to be in no hurry. She held him there, as if letting Sheldon
feel his helplessness. “Stop squirming, teady bear,” she said smiling, “Do you know how
many men would kill to be in your position?”
“This isn’t funny, Tina!” Sheldon said, trying to use rage to hide his fear, “Let me
up, Now!” Sheldon’s only saving grace was that it took both of Tina’s hands to hold his
wrists. She had nothing left to tickle him with.
But Tina had the answer for everything. She lowered Sheldon’s left arm, bring it
down to around his waist. Then she planted her knee on his forearm, right below the
wrist, pinning it firmly to the ground. This freed one of Tina’s hands. Sheldon swallowed
“Now laughing boy, lets see how badly you want to protect Adrian’s number,”
She flexed her fingers in front of Sheldon’s face, letting her long red fingernails settle into
a hooked shape.
“No,” Sheldon said, realizing what she was about to do, “Not that! Not the claw!”
“Yes!” Tina cried out almost orgasmically, then plunged her fingernails into
Sheldon’s bare belly. Sheldon erupted with laughter as she dragged those fingernails
across, from one side to another. Then she started using a scratching motion, moving her
hand rapidly up and down his abs.
EHEH E EHEHEHEH!!!!!” Sheldon was laughing louder than before in a matter of
minutes. Tears were streaming down his face. He tried pull his one hand free from under
Tina’s knee, but no matter how he tried, Tina kept shifting her weight to make it
“Tickle, tickle teady bear,” Tina started to sing, now playing with Sheldon’s
helpless belly button, slipping a nail into it and swirling it around and around. “Coochie
coochie coo, my tickly wickly old bear.” The nail danced and dived, dipped into
Sheldon’s ticklish sea. It scraped delicately, threatening Sheldon’s sanity.
Sheldon’s laughter was now bouncing off the walls. It could be clearly heard in
the neighboring rooms now, despite the loud music and TV’s. More than one freshman
girl looked up from whatever she was doing, curiosity starting to build.
“Give me the number,” Tina whispered in Sheldon’s ear, “Or I’m going for the
fuzzies!” She began tickling the ribs on his right side now. Sheldon’s right arm was still
being held high above his head in Tina’s iron grip. That entire side was exposed and
stretched tight.
screamed, trying to make himself be heard through his own laughter. Tina’s wiggling
hand, now doing a spider imitation, kept slowly working up.
“I don’t want to hear words,” Tina said, inching her hand higher and higher on
Sheldon’s ribcage, “I want numbers or its gitchie gitchie goo for the poor fuzzies!”
NUMMBERRRSSS AHAHAH STAAAWPPPPP!!!!” 555 was the first 3 numbers of all
on-campus phone numbers, so it didn’t hurt to much to tell Tina that. But Sheldon dared
go no farther.
That did stop Tina’s tickling, climbing hand, but just for a second. “Let’s go,
Sheldon, just four more.” But instead of talking, Sheldon clenched his jaw, preparing for
what was to come.
“OK teddy bear, you asked for it...” Tina took in a deep breath, and plunged her
fingers into Sheldon’s downy underarm.
Tina stroked lightly, using all five fingers to gently caress Sheldon’s underarm.
She played with his thin underarm hair, the fuzzies, and ran her nails down his skin like
rain. It never ceased to amaze her how such tiny movement could bring Sheldon such
agony and herself such control.
And agony it did bring poor Sheldon. His face was now the same shade as a
tomato, and tears flowed down his cheeks like a river. His body was bucking like a
bronco, and it took all of the strength of Tina’s thighs, built up by years of gymnastics and
swimming, to keep him under control. Once or twice, Sheldon’s left hand slipped free
from under Tina’s knee, but he was too mindless to realize it, and his hand was quickly
“Uh oh, widdle tickwish teady bear,” Tina said in her little girl voice, “I think it’s
time for the coochie coo corkscrew! Yes I do, yes I do!”
“ARRGGHHHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!” Sheldon made more of
an tormented grunt that laughter as Tina began spinning her finger in what she called the
corkscrew, in a tighter and tighter circle in the dead center of Sheldon’s underarm hollow.
Sheldon screamed in hysterics over and over again. Finally, lack of oxygen cut
him off, and Sheldon entered that rarefied stage known as silent laughter. He flopped like
a fish for several minutes before even the energy to do that left him. Finally, all he could
do was suffer.
At long last it was over. Sheldon lay their gasping for air, struggling to get enough
to speak, to tell Tina whatever she wanted to know. He nodded yes frantically,
desperately trying to let Tina know he was giving in before she started tickling again.
When Tina released his hands (But stayed straddled on top of him) he held up his fingers
showing the numbers 7 1 7 3.
While Sheldon waited until he could talk to make the call, Tina wrote out exactly
what he was supposed to say. It was cold and more than a little insulting. After Sheldon
read it word for word, he heard Adrian crying. Before he could add anything, Tina
snatched the phone from his hand and hung it up.
“Now you’ve ruined my life,” Sheldon said simply, still lying on the ground
between Tina’s legs, “Thank you. Shall I call up my parents and insult them for you now,
or can I stand up.”
“Don’t be silly, Sheldon” Tina said not moving, “We’re going to be very happy
together, especially after you move in with me.”
Silence hung in the room. If Sheldon had been thinking clearly, he would have
realized that it was far too quiet for a dorm room at 11:30 on a Friday night. The Allanis
Morisette was gone, and the Jay Leno had never started. All the usual background noises
had simply vanished. But Sheldon was too shell-shocked by Tina’s casual statement to
even notice.
“I’m not moving in with you, Tina and that’s final,” Sheldon said, trying to sound
firm. Unfortunately you can only sound so tough lying on your back with a woman sitting
on your waist.
“You are,” Tina shifted her weight forward a bit and pulled a piece of paper out of
her back pocket and handed it to Sheldon. “Sign this and you give up your dorm room for
the rest of the semester. Then you move in with me.” She gave him a pen.
Sheldon read the form. Tina was right, it was the official Dorm Release form sent
out by University Housing. By signing it, he lost all rights to his dorm room.. With the
housing shortage, their was nowhere else on campus to live, not that he could afford
anyway. The only friends he might be able to move in with lived in dorms themselves, and
couldn’t take extra roommates. He’d have to leave college, live with his parents in Iowa,
fail his classes, forfeit his scholarship, lose his only chance at college, and work in the
factory for the rest of his life.
Or, as Tina said, move in with her. She rented a house with a few friends. They
could take him in. It would most likely be his only chance to stay in school. But what
would the price be for such a living arraignment. Sheldon didn’t want to even guess.
Sheldon ripped the paper in half. “Does that answer your question?” he asked.
“So, you’d chose Featherton Hall over me?” Tina asked in a dangerous voice.
“In a New York minute,” Sheldon answered.
“Fine,” Tina answered, “I think you need to meet some of your neighbors before
making a choice like that.” She bounced off of Sheldon, grabbed his ankles, flipped him
over onto his stomach, and started pulling him across the room to the front door.
Sheldon’s body felt like a rag doll after the prolonged tickling. His voice may have
come back, but not his strength. Sheldon found he could do nothing to break free. All he
could do was grab at the carpeting or hook the leg of his bed, try to get a firm grip on
something to stop his slide.
Nothing worked. Looking over his shoulder, he could see Tina opening the door.
To Sheldon’s embarrassment, their were at least a dozen girls in the hallway, all now
staring at him in his underwear! The fact that they were mostly freshman (who else would
be home on a Friday evening), some just turning 18, made it even more humiliating.
“No!” Sheldon cried, and made one last attempt to get free. Before he could, Tina
was back on top of him. This time, instead of straddling him, she slipped one of her legs
underneath his legs, and the other above them. When Tina hooked her ankles together,
Sheldon felt his legs held together in a tight embrace. A leg lock!
Sheldon pulled, but it was no use. Tina’s calf muscles, almost as strong as her
thighs, were gripping tightly right above his ankles. They were like an anchor. On his
belly like a snake, Sheldon didn’t have much pulling power. He tried to crawl away,
digging his fingers into the floor, but it was hopeless.
“Ladies,” Sheldon heard Tina’s voice addressing the girls out in the hall, “would
anyone like to tickle my boyfriend?”
Lying as he was, it was hard for Sheldon to get a good look at the door or the
freshman girls standing on the other side, but he could hear their excited reaction. These
girls had been listening to Sheldon’s hysterical laughter for almost an hour now, and were
most eager to join in. In fact, they’d been hanging around the hallway in front of his room
just for such a chance.
Sheldon’s soles, with the heels pointing up and the toes touching the floor, made
an inviting target. For a second, the world seemed to stop spinning as the freshman drank
in the sight. But who would start? Who would make the first move. Finally, one brave
freshman stepped forward. Kelly was her name. She had long been tickle tortured by her
brothers, and finally had the chance at payback.
Kelly started scrapping her long nails over Sheldon’s arches. She always hated it
when her brothers did that to her. First, the freshman used long, teasing strokes, than
short faster ones. She would suddenly dig in, using pressure, than back off to an almost
feathery touch. Kelly was good.
Sheldon bit his lip, trying not to make a sound. If he could hold off, the rest of the
girls might not be able to get up the nerve to start, Sheldon realized, but the slightest noise
would be like blood to sharks.
But it tickled so much! Sheldon’s body quivered as Kelly’s knowing fingers
worked his sole with such skill. Light than hard, slow than fast! It was more than
Sheldon’s overworked nervous system could handle! Finally, one flick of a nail went to
low, over that spot where his arch runs closest to the heel, and Sheldon lost it. Giggles
started pouring from his mouth.
It didn’t matter to the freshmen in the hall that these were light giggles, not the
deep belly laughs they’d heard earlier. Kelly had drawn blood. Now they pounced.
The rest of the evening was a blur. At no point was there less than four hands
tickling Sheldon’s defenseless bare soles. Some hands were highly skilled, while others
seemed to be novices, but it didn’t matter. They got Sheldon howling by sheers numbers
if nothing else. No inch of his foot was left without a tickly nail tantalizing it. They got
between his toes and underneath them. They danced over the balls of his feet.
The more Sheldon laughed, the more girls it drew into the halls. Some would only
want to watch, but many dove right in. There was never a shortage of willing, energetic
ticklers. If one person got tired, three more would want to start.
As the night went on, they would start experimenting with different methods.
being college students, the girls started making notes of Sheldon’s different reactions.
Ball point pens and markers would make Sheldon shriek like a girl. A hot, wet tongue,
however, would make him cackle like the witch from The Wizard of OZ, especially is it
got near his toes.
The stiff bristles from combs and brushes would make Sheldon cry out, begging in
words no one could understand. A soft, soapy toothbrush made his body spasm as if he
were being electrocuted. Sucking his toes while doing any of the above would make the
reaction twice as bad.
The tickling didn’t stop at Sheldon’s feet, however. Their were too many girls for
that. Soon, sharp fingernails were digging into the backs of his thighs, and the backs of
Sheldon’s knees were being licked like a saucer of milk.
It became a wild tickling orgy. Shy freshman were willing to do things to this
helpless male they wouldn’t have dreamed of otherwise. Had Tina not been their to keep
order, who knows what would have happened. She forced the girls to give Sheldon
short breaks, made them keep their tickling hands and tongues from going underneath his
underwear. That part was hers, after all.
And it was Tina who ended it. After more than an hour, she released Sheldon and
politely but sternly asked the freshman girls to leave. It was all Sheldon could do to pull
himself two or three feet forward so Tina could close the door.
“You know, Sheldon,” Tina said coyly while he was trying to pull his sanity
together, “Now that those girls know just how ticklish you are, do you really think they’ll
leave you alone? Think how badly they outnumber you here. What if they jump you while
you’re in your robe, headed for the shower? or using the bathroom at midnight? Do you
really think they’ll give you a minutes peace?”
Sheldon said nothing. he just lie their, trying to breath, occasionally twitching or
giggling as if the tickling weren’t quite finished. but when Tina pulled out another copy of
the Dorm Release Form, he signed it quickly.
“Good,” Tina kissed Sheldon on the lips, “The other girls and I have always
wanted a manservant, someone to cook meals and clean up. Someone to...punish when
the mood strikes us. A whipping boy. or should I say a tickling boy.” She folded the
paper up and put it in her pocket.
“I’ll give this to the University Housing office as soon as it opens. You might
want to start packing, because tomorrow is moving day.” With that, Tina walked out of
the room, leaving Sheldon alone and exhausted.
It took all of Sheldon’s strength to crawl to the door and make sure it was locked.
he wasn’t beaten yet. The office opened at 7am, but he knew some people who worked
there. They got in around 6 to set things up. He’d call them, explain the situation (leaving
out as many humiliating details as he could.) They’d understand he hadn’t signed it of his
own free will. They’d let him stay.
Sheldon was crawling to his bed when he heard the unmistakable sound of a key in
his lock. What! He lived alone. Who could...Then he looked to the hook near his desk
where he kept his key. It was gone.
The door opened. Kelly stood in the doorway, key in hand. “Sheldon,” she said
with a hungry look in her eye, “We’ve come to play.” Behind her stood what looked like
every freshman girl in Featherton Hall.
Tina stood down the hall, listening to Sheldon’s frantic laughter echoing
everywhere. She was talking to the dorm director, the person in charge of security and
discipline at Featherton Hall.
“Don’t let them hurt Sheldon, “ Tina was saying, slipping a hundred dollar bill into
the other woman’s hand, “I just want him...distracted until I get his eviction notice
The dorm director. nodded, pocketing the money. “Sure thing Tina, anything for
you. How long do you plan on keeping this boytoy?”
“Oh, Sheldon’s one of a kind. He’s the cutest, most ticklish, helpless man I’ve
ever met. I couldn’t give him up. He may be with me for a long while. I might even
bring him home to meet mom and dad...with a collar around his neck!”
Tina and the dorm director started laughing, but were soon drowned out by
another of Sheldon’s cries for mercy.


Part 2 is halfway done, let me know if you want me to finish it.
Very well done, i6. I liked the gang tickling of Sheldon and you did a good job describing him trying to resist and thwart Tina's plan.

Is there any chance that in part 2 Tina could get paid back at the hands of Sheldon and Adrian? (Or perhaps you prefer the f/m scenario.)

Again, good work!
Thanks for the feedback. I'll see what i can do about a part wto.
I also would like to see a part 2. Nice story, i6, and good work, DGF, for dredging up this old thread! 🙂
That's what I'm here for. This is a great story and we need a part two.

This is my favourite story on the TMF, so I thought I'd bump it back to the beginning again.

Does anyone know if i64ever got round to writing part two?
Melmotte said:
This is my favourite story on the TMF, so I thought I'd bump it back to the beginning again.

Does anyone know if i64ever got round to writing part two?

I don't think he ever did. He starts a lot of stories, but never finishes them. Of course, they're generally always so good that you don't want them to end, so I guess that's not really totally a bad thing...
This story is why I am no longer in college

No woman shall ever take Jersey_tickler as slave livestock, and if they try then they'll find themselves in a Quentin Tarantino movie.
This is a great classic.:couch: Thanks for bumping it back to page one so people who never saw it can read it. 😀
This is probably a silly question, seeing as this was posted more than a decade ago, but was the sequel ever completed or posted? Even a partially complete version would be cool to read.
that was awesome!! encore encore!!! Love Tina's tickling techniques...
I hope you do a sequel to this some day. It's extreme, but it's really good.
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