That is an interesting bit of information.
I visited clips4sale yesterday to look at the data, never having thought to do this before. I guess you are right in your assessment, but the exercise itself is quite illuminating. The popular sites here on the forum (those that sell there at all) are also their best performers of all the fetish sites they carry. TC Video seems to be their best seller, but up in the top range there, are also Ticklecentral, Paradise Vision and a few others. Interesting!
And then there are a heap of fetish sites for whom tickling is clearly just a diversion to corner some small sector of the market.
Amazing titles like "The Old Hag Gets it" and "Granny Tickled" had me shaking my head, as well as a site that seems to speciallise in the tickling of really obese women. Just how fetish can you get?
But your point is well taken - a mention here, and some kind of participation, is certainly an indication of some quality. Here they have to hold up to the real or potential critcism that they get, and that in itself povides a guarantee.
And on the other hand, some of the other top sites: MTP,, Tickling-bondage and The Last Laugh, among others, don't deal there at all.
Thanks for the information and my condolences for the garbage you now own.