3rd Level Violet Feather
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Written by Ticklishscribe,
Inspired by playgirl031383
c. 2006.
Jacklyn’s skin was crawling, her heart was pounding and she was sweating like crazy, as four girls who had it in for her were chasing her. Scrambling over the wooden fence she landed crouched on two feet only to look straight in the face of one of the four girls. She heard a bang against the fence and it made her jump. Looking behind her she saw the other three girls who were chasing her, leaning over the fence.
“Nice of you to drop in to my place J.” Randi spoke. “I’ve been waiting for this moment when you would give yourself up to me.”
Jacklyn suddenly felt someone grab her hair and pull her back against the fence. Hitting the fence almost knocked out what was left of the wind in her and she tried to pull herself free, but it hurt when her hair was pulled.
“Getting me fucking arrested is going to cost you big time sweetheart.”
Jacklyn continued to struggle but the grip on her hair was strong and she was still weak from running. Suddenly two girls scrambled over the fence and dived on her pinning her to it. The other girl who was grabbing her hair let go and also scrambled over.
Randi calmly, coolly and coldly walked over and firmly gripped Jacklyn by the chin. “It’s playtime my finky kinky one. And you will fink no more.”
“You want her in the operating room?”
Randi smiled evilly and let go of her face.” I definitely want her in the operating room.”
Jacklyn suddenly froze. She had heard of this operating room, as it was the place that Randi took the girls that she didn’t like and tortured them. She opened her mouth to scream but a cloth was quickly pushed in and she couldn’t scream for help. Struggling she was dragged across the lawn and down some back steps. She barely moved as she was roughly pushed against the concrete floor and then pulled into a kneeling position. Her arms were roughly pulled behind her back and her ankles crossed. She struggled as she felt ropes being wrapped around her wrists and ankles.
"Well well now. Look who's on her knees beggin' to me." Randi spoke. “Remove the gag.”
The gag was removed and Jacklyn sucked in as much air as she could get.
“You goona beg me for mercy, as if you’ll get it.”
"I aint beggin' to no one, least of all you bitch." Jacklyn looked straight at her. “And you deserve to be arrested, stealing from me.”
Randi came forward and firmly gripped Jacklyn's chin again. "Oh you will be, you will be." She then jerked her hand away, giggled gutturally and quietly then stood up.
"Hey. She's wearin' them new Nike airsharks!" Maya spoke
"Now who you steal them from girl." Sheena asked.
"I don't steal nothin' I bought em."
"Yeah right." Randi replied. "And you're so good you're goona go straight to heaven too."
"Hey Randi." Sheena asked, wriggling Jacklyn's right sneakered foot. "Don't they look your size?"
Randi looked down at the sneakers. "What size feet you got girl?"
Jacklyn remained silent, defiantly boring her eyes into Randi's.
Sheena slapped her across the back of the head. "She asked you a question bitch!"
Randi smiled sweetly then grinned and giggled once more. "I think her and I got the same foot size. Gettem off Sheena, as I need some new sneaks too. Save me having to roll some wimpy sports type anyway."
Maya knelt down and grabbed Jacklyn's ankles then roughly lifted her tied feet in the air and Sheena began to unlace the sneakers. Jacklyn tried not to show any fear and twisted and turned her feet to get them away from Sheena's hands. She was again slapped across the back of the head and told not to move and to give them up. Sheena slowly removed the sneakers one by one and then smelled the inside of each one, wincing only slightly with each whiff.
"They're wearable." She announced. "They hardly smell at all."
"Well that's good." Randi replied, accepting the sneakers and holding one against the sole of one of her beat up sneakers. "Cause I ain't wearing no stinky shoes from this bitch,"
The girls all stood around deciding what to do with Jacklyn and all taunted her with suggestions. Sheena crouched down beside her again; to really taunt her with her suggestion then laughed and stood up. In doing so she accidentally stroked Jacklyn's right upturned sole, and Jacklyn jerked and grunted. Everyone stopped and looked at the sudden and unexpected reaction out of the tied girl.
"Whad' you just do to her." Randi asked
"Dunno. Sheen replied. "Just accidentally touched her foot."
"Do it again."
Sheena knelt down once more stroked Jacklyn's sole again, only slower and Jacklyn tried not to flinch, but did and again grunted as well. Suddenly the girls could suddenly see a possible weakness in her and they smiled at each other, and then looked back at Jacklyn.
Sheena now wriggled a single finger in the centre of Jacklyn's right arch, which caused her to once again jerk; grunt and this time wriggle her foot and toes.
"Now what's say you girl. you gotta ticklish foot?" Randi asked, crouching down in front her. "Do that again Sheena, only really test this girl."
Sheena now used five fingers and spider tickled the arch, causing Jacklyn to firmly bite her lip. But she couldn’t stop the jerking and her foot wriggled all over.
Jacklyn was intensely ticklish and especially on her feet and that was a secret that she had kept so well hidden until now. Now her secret was out and in the worst possible situation too. She could tell by the expressions on their faces, what they were thinking and what they now had in mind for her.
Sheena placed her left hand on Jacklyn's heel and raked and revved her fingers up and down the sole. The poor girl writhed intensely and nearly fell over, but two hands came out from behind her and gripped her shoulders.
"Now what you tryin' not to say girl." Randi gripped Jacklyn's chin then let go. "We got a laughing policy in this place,; if we say you laugh, you laugh."
Jacklyn stared back at Randi, unmoving and trying not to show any expression on her face, still faintly hoping that she could keep her secret a secret. Inside she was writhing all over and her lungs ready to burst with laughter.
Sheena slapped Jacklyn at the back of the head again. "Randi told you to laugh bitch!" This time she gripped the girl's foot from the top, holding it in place and raked and revved five fingers the length of the sole once more.
The tickling was so unbearable that Jacklyn wanted to close her eyes to not show any emotion, but she knew that if she did, she would be showing emotion nevertheless. The fingers were so horrible on her socked foot and she prayed she could hold out, at least until the girls got tired of trying to make her laugh.
Sheena now began stroking different parts of Jacklyn's right sole, trying to find that mother lode in that one spot that was more sensitive than the rest. That she did find when she stroked just above and a shade to the right of the instep and just below the big toe. As she stroked this spot, Jacklyn was hit with a bolt of lightning and went wilder than before. her foot feverously jerking and writhing in Sheena's grip, with the rest of her body desperately trying to hold in any reaction. The other girls giggled and laughed and Randi look at her and grinned evilly.
Sheena burrowed and worked her finger into that spot and short stroked fast. This made Jacklyn jumpy and again she desperately tried to hold in any and all reactions. But her now tortured right foot was on the run from the tickling and it had betrayed her secret in doing so.
"Why don't you peel that sock off." Randi suggested. "And take your sweet time about it to." With that she laughed and Jacklyn shivered inside.
Sheena slowly tugged at the toe of the sock and again Jacklyn's foot writhed all over, causing all the girls to laugh. She then slid a single finger between the side of the sock and the side of her foot and slowly began to slide the sock down. Jacklyn tried everything to keep her sock on but slowly it was coming down her foot. Sheena took this moment to give one yank and the sock popped off completely and she held it high in trophy fashion. Now all the girls looked at Jacklyn's bare and twitching foot and Sheena tweaked its big toe.
They then tickled her socked foot for what seemed like an eternity, and then stopped. Jacklyn felt her right sock slowly being peeled off and scrunched her foot to keep it on. The centre of her arch was tickled once more and she reacted by wriggling her toes once more. The rest of her sock was now easily removed and the girls took a moment to examine her foot.
Jacklyn was very uneasy at feeling her naked feet and knowing that they were theirs to torment at will
The girl now began tickling Jacklyn's right foot and it tickled even more with the sock off. She couldn't fight the laughter and it came out in full bore guttural cackles. The girls all laughed and then informed her that she will be tickled to death or as close as they can get.
“I want this one on the love bed.” Randi commanded, then leaned close to Jacklyn. “I’ve always liked your looks girl and that’s the, shall I say naked truth.”
Jacklyn struggled intensely as she was roughly lifted off the floor and carried over to a king sized bed. She could feel the ropes being untied and managed to kick Sheena in the thigh, causing her to yell in pain and fall back. Jacklyn seized the opportunity to make a break for it, but was quickly grabbed again, then forced on her back and tied spread eagle and regagged.
Sheena picked up a ruler lying on a nearby table and calmly walked over to the foot of the bed. With a lightning fast snap of her hand, she slapped it against Jacklyn’s left foot and she screamed through the gag. Sheena smiled sweetly and evilly and slapped it again, causing another scream to come out of Jacklyn.
“Hey careful…” Randi commanded. “I want those ticklish feet in one piece. And the more ticklish the better.” She giggled gutturally and tweaked Jacklyn’s right big toe, causing it to flinch. Then she quietly climbed onto the bed, straddled the poor girl, leaned forward and began to nuzzle Jacklyn’s left cheek with hers. Jacklyn jerked and turned her head away, but Randi gripped her chin again, held her head still and continued nuzzling. Then without warning she lowered the gag and began kissing Jacklyn on the lips and again the poor girl began to pull her head away.
“Oh you fight me all the way bitch, it just makes it even more fun.” With that she replaced the gag, leaned back, and ripped Jacklyn’s flannel shirt open. Smiling sweetly but evilly, she reached over to the table and picked up a rather large and sharp looking knife, then brought it over and hovered it over Jacklyn’s face. Lowering the blade she lightly touch the poor girl’s tummy with it and Jacklyn flinched at the sharpness of the blade and the coldness of the steel. This made Randi smile sweetly and evilly again and she slowly slid it under Jacklyn’s yellow and black everlast halter-top. Gripping the top with one hand she turned the blade and began to cut the front of the top in half, thereby exposing the girl’s breasts. Smiling sweetly and evilly as the now exposed small mounds of plump flesh lay before her, she leaned forward and began to kiss the left one.
This sudden show of sensual physical affection unnerved Jacklyn and while she had had sensual physical affection from girls in the past, this was coming from a girl who hated her guts. Randi now used both hands to feel the plump soft breasts and began to kiss and nibble Jacklyn’s throat. She screamed through the gag and the girls all laughed at her sensual predicament.
Suddenly Jacklyn jerked as a hand easily slipped between her legs and began to massage her groin area. This was going too far and she now repeatedly screamed and yelled through the gag. This made Randi giggle gutturally once again and she continued to grope the breasts and groin area. Jacklyn’s jeans offered her no protection and to a small degree even enhanced the sensations that the groping of her groin was producing. Randi was now feeling one breast, nibbling kissing and licking the other and continuing to massage the poor girl’s groin.
Suddenly Randi stopped and smiled evilly, then turned around and sat at the foot of the bed straddling Jacklyn’s left leg. Cupping the heel of the foot she began to wriggle each of the toes on the foot.
“This little piggy was a fink. This little piggy got caught for finking. This little piggy got tied taught. This little piggy is going to get tortured. And this little piggy, this little scared shitless piggy, GOT TICKLED OUT F HER FUCKING MIND!” With that she raked and revved five fingers with lightning speed up and down the sole.
Instantly Jacklyn’s eyes got as big as hubcaps and she screamed louder then before, then intensely thrashed and cackled. The other girls laughed at her predicament and asked Randi to tickle harder and faster. Randi did increase her speed and now used a nylon brush to torture the tender sole. The bulbous points of the bristles scraped and scratched every nerve ending of the sole from heel to toes and this continued to make Jacklyn scream with cackles.
“Fuck you’re awesome bitch.” Randi commented, raking the brush from side to side as well as up and down. “I can’t wait to see how you react to a gang tickle torture. But for the next little while bitch, I‘m going to blow your fucking mind.”
The brush was pressed firmer over the sole and it caused Jacklyn to thrash and cackle more intensely then try to scream words through the gag.
“What did she say?” Randi asked.
“I think she said fuck shit you’re a fucking bitch.” Sheena replied.
“Sorry girl but no fuck yet. But if you’re really good you’ll get one.”
“Yeah.” Sheena added. “Lets make her orgasm! Lets have a REAL gang tickling. Lets invite everyone who hates her and give it to her good and long. We’ll gang tickle torture her senseless and we’ll lez her out sensually senseless.”
“She’s fucking ours and she’s going to be fucking senseless.” Randi responded. Better get some booze in, we’ll make a party of it.”
Jacklyn once more screamed and screamed words through the gag but they came out illegible. Sheena held the phone in front of her, slightly waving it, then began dialing. Jacklyn closed her eyes tight and tried to scream words each time Sheena spoke to someone, but the tickling was dividing her senses. The smile on Sheena’s face after each phone call wasn’t helping her either and she continued to write intensely.
“Lets get her drunk too.” Sheena replied.
“Yea tickle drunk.” Randi added.
Randi stopped the horrible foot tickling and came up beside her. Smiling sweetly she sat on the side of the bed and hovered her fingers over the now wide-open armpits. Slowly she lowered her hands and her fingernails began to lightly tease the tender skin of the deep hollows of and Jacklyn’s started screaming and violently writhing. Randi smiled and continued the teasing. Then with a lightning swiftness she dug all ten fingers into the deep hollows and Jacklyn rocketed off the bed with off the wall and off the scale screaming and writhing. Randi’s relentless and torturous tickling fingers were everywhere, stroking and teasing, digging in and wrenching and wrecking those pits.
“I’m going to make you suffer through pure hell bitch. I’m going to make you pay for your crime of finking on me. This will be worse than the death penalty”
She then stopped tickling the armpits and smiled evilly. Taking a feather she eyed it all over, sighting methodically down the quills with precision, then carefully adjusted a few of the tendrils, eyed it again and smiled evilly. She then blew gently on the feather to see how the tendrils moved, as if to see which would be the best way to stroke it.
Jacklyn was really unnerved by this display of cold, cruel efficiency and now began whimpering and begging for mercy again.
Randi began dragging the feather down Jacklyn’s forearm and she immediately began to scream again. The closer Randi got to her armpits, the more she screamed, the louder her screams got and the more she violently writhed, trying to escape the feather’s touch. With one quick simultaneous flick in the armpits, Jacklyn was off and screaming non-stop. Randi was having great fun tormenting her armpits with a diabolical and methodical fiendishness and she expertly picked away at them, demolishing them one millimetre at a time.
Jacklyn was in total panic and was on the verge of going insane. While she had been tickled before, this was far beyond even her wildest nightmares and what she had experienced before. She felt sure that she would be wrecked; that her sanity would be thoroughly demolished.
Randi increased the pace of the tickling, thoroughly torturing her armpits non-stop and enjoying every second of her torment. And the torment was increasing even more as Randi now added Jacklyn’s top ribs into the tickling. There were assaulted and firmly rubbed all over and under. She had a way of getting under the ribs and tickling from below and this torture was driving Jacklyn thoroughly crazy.
Jacklyn bucked, writhed and screamed relentlessly, trying desperately to avoid the fiendishly torturous and relentless fingers. Her entire body ached and her writhing now came in almost non-stop jerks. Her laughter went from screaming to guttural to silent, but she never stopped laughing.
She left the tender ribs and now spider tickled Jacklyn’s milky-white tummy. Like the armpits and ribs, each stroke was pure torture and she tried squirming out of reach. But Randi just kept on tickling and tickling and tickling.
“AHHH, have you had a fuckin’ belly full bitch? Well I haven’t had a belly full yet.” And with that she dug her fingers into the tummy once more, setting off another round of screams. The more Jacklyn screamed the more Randi tickled.
“You don’t like my tickling your tummy hmm. Well that’s no problem, I’ll just go to your feet!”
Jacklyn screamed through the gag again then went ballistic and violently writhed all over, practically shaking the bed
“Yes sweetheart the feet.”
Randi dug her fingers into Jacklyn’s arches and tickled and tickled and tickled, rape tickling her arches for all they were worth. The soft, sensitive skin was really turning Randi on and the more Jacklyn writhed and screamed with laughter, the more she tickled. Her fingers flew over the arches revving, raking and relentlessly and thoroughly tickling.
Jacklyn’s feet volcanically burned with tickles and they writhed all over. While Randi was able to follow Jacklyn’s soles wherever they went, she still felt they had too much movement and felt that something should be done about it.
“It looks as though I shall have to tie your toes back my dear.” Randi ignored her and set about tying her toes back starting with the big toes. As each toe was tied, Jacklyn got more violent in her writhing and louder in her screaming. Randi delighted in tying the toes back and she played a slow and torturous game of piggies as she did so. She almost couldn’t tell which drove Jacklyn crazier, the game of piggies or tying her toes back.
”You know bitch I have to be honest. Your fucking feet stink and I think they need a fucking good scrubbing.”
Randi left the room and returned with some water and a stiff scrub brush, and then proceeded to dive into every nook and cranny that she had written on and scrubbed thoroughly and like crazy. This was pure torture for Jacklyn and she shrieked and screamed as the scrubbing went on and on and on. Randi took her time scrubbing, again getting every little nook and cranny.
“AHHH, what’s the matter bitch? Don’t you want your feet to be clean and stink free. Of course you do, and so I have to scrub every inch of skin; even under your toes. Randi could see that the scrubbing of her arches was really getting to her and causing her extreme suffering. Her head snapped from side to side, her whole body contorted and twisted, trying to avoid the torturous fingers. To Randi, this was pure heaven and it was getting better and better. Jacklyn was the tickler’s dream to the finite degree. There wasn’t a millimetre on her entire body that wasn’t intensely ticklish and Randi was having a heavenly time exploring.
“You want some more tickling of the feet? Oh the agony I am putting you through is just exquisite; at least from my point of view. I’d love to go double or nothing; I get double the time for tickling you, and you get the nothing in the way of freedom.”
The two words” big tickles” sent Jacklyn further into a writhing frenzy and she strained at and fought the bonds even more than before and now tried to form words. She was hysterical in every sense of the word and beyond.
“Lets give your feet a rest and tickle your armpits and ribs again shall we?”
Again Jacklyn screamed through the gag and tried to form words.
“Oh, I wish you’d speak plainly so that I could understand you. Then I would know what it is you want.” Randi smiled and let her fingers ballet over Jacklyn’s tender spasming ribs. They went from tip to tip and back again, following the soft smooth contours of her tender skin. Then she really dug in and let fly.
Jacklyn practically rocketed off the bed and writhed as much as she could. She was in the worst agony she had ever experienced and it was getting worse and it looked like it would never end.
Randi dug into the left armpit with ten fingers and was delighted as Jacklyn screamed incoherently and volcanically shook the bed. The bed was getting a good workout and so was Jacklyn and this delighted Randi no end. She looked at Jacklyn to see her eyes clenched tightly shut and her mouth clenched hard around the gag. She violently rocketed off the bed and screamed for all she was worth. Randi’s fingers were everywhere, digging into and probing the deep recesses, spider tickling the fringes. And her fingers were merciless, relentless and torturous, really working her into frenzy.
“AHH, your armpits are exquisite but let’s not forget those ribs shall we?” Immediately her fingers dove on the helpless, defenceless, ticklish ribs and she dug in between them.
Jacklyn arched her back and screamed once more, followed by peels of guttural laughter. Like the armpits, Randi’s fingers were all over and in between the ribs, playing accordion and piano at the same time. Jacklyn tried every which way to get away from the relentless and torturous fingers but her struggles were useless.
”What say we get you sensual now. You guys hold her legs still and I’ll get her jeans and panties off.”
Jacklyn fought like a tiger as her legs were untied and brought together. Randi slowly and easily unbuckled the belt and even more slowly unzipped the jeans. Jacklyn knew full well what was coming next and tried desperately to keep her jeans on. But very slowly they were pulled down and off, followed slowly and quietly by her panties. She squealed in fear through the gag and shook her head no, and this made Randi giggle evilly and hold the jeans and panties over her like a trophy.
“I’m gonna get you so hot, so horny and so sensually deprived you’re gonna wish for death.”
Jacklyn didn’t like the death reference, but what could Randi mean that was worse than death?
The two girls holding her legs spread them wide and Randi began retying her ankles to the corners of the bed. At that moment the two girls who had gone to make phone calls returned and they both evilly grinned at their naked victim.
“Fuck cell phones are awesome.” One girl commented, closing her phone.”
“Did you guys get everyone on your list?” Randi asked.
“Everyone’s coming.” Maya announced. “It’s going to be an awesome weekend, but will anyone miss her?”
“She’s a bitch.” Randi replied. “Who’d miss her.”
“It’s going to be party time soon bitch.” Sheena announced. “When they heard that you were the party favour, they all gladly said they’d come.”
Written by Ticklishscribe,
Inspired by playgirl031383
c. 2006.
Jacklyn’s skin was crawling, her heart was pounding and she was sweating like crazy, as four girls who had it in for her were chasing her. Scrambling over the wooden fence she landed crouched on two feet only to look straight in the face of one of the four girls. She heard a bang against the fence and it made her jump. Looking behind her she saw the other three girls who were chasing her, leaning over the fence.
“Nice of you to drop in to my place J.” Randi spoke. “I’ve been waiting for this moment when you would give yourself up to me.”
Jacklyn suddenly felt someone grab her hair and pull her back against the fence. Hitting the fence almost knocked out what was left of the wind in her and she tried to pull herself free, but it hurt when her hair was pulled.
“Getting me fucking arrested is going to cost you big time sweetheart.”
Jacklyn continued to struggle but the grip on her hair was strong and she was still weak from running. Suddenly two girls scrambled over the fence and dived on her pinning her to it. The other girl who was grabbing her hair let go and also scrambled over.
Randi calmly, coolly and coldly walked over and firmly gripped Jacklyn by the chin. “It’s playtime my finky kinky one. And you will fink no more.”
“You want her in the operating room?”
Randi smiled evilly and let go of her face.” I definitely want her in the operating room.”
Jacklyn suddenly froze. She had heard of this operating room, as it was the place that Randi took the girls that she didn’t like and tortured them. She opened her mouth to scream but a cloth was quickly pushed in and she couldn’t scream for help. Struggling she was dragged across the lawn and down some back steps. She barely moved as she was roughly pushed against the concrete floor and then pulled into a kneeling position. Her arms were roughly pulled behind her back and her ankles crossed. She struggled as she felt ropes being wrapped around her wrists and ankles.
"Well well now. Look who's on her knees beggin' to me." Randi spoke. “Remove the gag.”
The gag was removed and Jacklyn sucked in as much air as she could get.
“You goona beg me for mercy, as if you’ll get it.”
"I aint beggin' to no one, least of all you bitch." Jacklyn looked straight at her. “And you deserve to be arrested, stealing from me.”
Randi came forward and firmly gripped Jacklyn's chin again. "Oh you will be, you will be." She then jerked her hand away, giggled gutturally and quietly then stood up.
"Hey. She's wearin' them new Nike airsharks!" Maya spoke
"Now who you steal them from girl." Sheena asked.
"I don't steal nothin' I bought em."
"Yeah right." Randi replied. "And you're so good you're goona go straight to heaven too."
"Hey Randi." Sheena asked, wriggling Jacklyn's right sneakered foot. "Don't they look your size?"
Randi looked down at the sneakers. "What size feet you got girl?"
Jacklyn remained silent, defiantly boring her eyes into Randi's.
Sheena slapped her across the back of the head. "She asked you a question bitch!"
Randi smiled sweetly then grinned and giggled once more. "I think her and I got the same foot size. Gettem off Sheena, as I need some new sneaks too. Save me having to roll some wimpy sports type anyway."
Maya knelt down and grabbed Jacklyn's ankles then roughly lifted her tied feet in the air and Sheena began to unlace the sneakers. Jacklyn tried not to show any fear and twisted and turned her feet to get them away from Sheena's hands. She was again slapped across the back of the head and told not to move and to give them up. Sheena slowly removed the sneakers one by one and then smelled the inside of each one, wincing only slightly with each whiff.
"They're wearable." She announced. "They hardly smell at all."
"Well that's good." Randi replied, accepting the sneakers and holding one against the sole of one of her beat up sneakers. "Cause I ain't wearing no stinky shoes from this bitch,"
The girls all stood around deciding what to do with Jacklyn and all taunted her with suggestions. Sheena crouched down beside her again; to really taunt her with her suggestion then laughed and stood up. In doing so she accidentally stroked Jacklyn's right upturned sole, and Jacklyn jerked and grunted. Everyone stopped and looked at the sudden and unexpected reaction out of the tied girl.
"Whad' you just do to her." Randi asked
"Dunno. Sheen replied. "Just accidentally touched her foot."
"Do it again."
Sheena knelt down once more stroked Jacklyn's sole again, only slower and Jacklyn tried not to flinch, but did and again grunted as well. Suddenly the girls could suddenly see a possible weakness in her and they smiled at each other, and then looked back at Jacklyn.
Sheena now wriggled a single finger in the centre of Jacklyn's right arch, which caused her to once again jerk; grunt and this time wriggle her foot and toes.
"Now what's say you girl. you gotta ticklish foot?" Randi asked, crouching down in front her. "Do that again Sheena, only really test this girl."
Sheena now used five fingers and spider tickled the arch, causing Jacklyn to firmly bite her lip. But she couldn’t stop the jerking and her foot wriggled all over.
Jacklyn was intensely ticklish and especially on her feet and that was a secret that she had kept so well hidden until now. Now her secret was out and in the worst possible situation too. She could tell by the expressions on their faces, what they were thinking and what they now had in mind for her.
Sheena placed her left hand on Jacklyn's heel and raked and revved her fingers up and down the sole. The poor girl writhed intensely and nearly fell over, but two hands came out from behind her and gripped her shoulders.
"Now what you tryin' not to say girl." Randi gripped Jacklyn's chin then let go. "We got a laughing policy in this place,; if we say you laugh, you laugh."
Jacklyn stared back at Randi, unmoving and trying not to show any expression on her face, still faintly hoping that she could keep her secret a secret. Inside she was writhing all over and her lungs ready to burst with laughter.
Sheena slapped Jacklyn at the back of the head again. "Randi told you to laugh bitch!" This time she gripped the girl's foot from the top, holding it in place and raked and revved five fingers the length of the sole once more.
The tickling was so unbearable that Jacklyn wanted to close her eyes to not show any emotion, but she knew that if she did, she would be showing emotion nevertheless. The fingers were so horrible on her socked foot and she prayed she could hold out, at least until the girls got tired of trying to make her laugh.
Sheena now began stroking different parts of Jacklyn's right sole, trying to find that mother lode in that one spot that was more sensitive than the rest. That she did find when she stroked just above and a shade to the right of the instep and just below the big toe. As she stroked this spot, Jacklyn was hit with a bolt of lightning and went wilder than before. her foot feverously jerking and writhing in Sheena's grip, with the rest of her body desperately trying to hold in any reaction. The other girls giggled and laughed and Randi look at her and grinned evilly.
Sheena burrowed and worked her finger into that spot and short stroked fast. This made Jacklyn jumpy and again she desperately tried to hold in any and all reactions. But her now tortured right foot was on the run from the tickling and it had betrayed her secret in doing so.
"Why don't you peel that sock off." Randi suggested. "And take your sweet time about it to." With that she laughed and Jacklyn shivered inside.
Sheena slowly tugged at the toe of the sock and again Jacklyn's foot writhed all over, causing all the girls to laugh. She then slid a single finger between the side of the sock and the side of her foot and slowly began to slide the sock down. Jacklyn tried everything to keep her sock on but slowly it was coming down her foot. Sheena took this moment to give one yank and the sock popped off completely and she held it high in trophy fashion. Now all the girls looked at Jacklyn's bare and twitching foot and Sheena tweaked its big toe.
They then tickled her socked foot for what seemed like an eternity, and then stopped. Jacklyn felt her right sock slowly being peeled off and scrunched her foot to keep it on. The centre of her arch was tickled once more and she reacted by wriggling her toes once more. The rest of her sock was now easily removed and the girls took a moment to examine her foot.
Jacklyn was very uneasy at feeling her naked feet and knowing that they were theirs to torment at will
The girl now began tickling Jacklyn's right foot and it tickled even more with the sock off. She couldn't fight the laughter and it came out in full bore guttural cackles. The girls all laughed and then informed her that she will be tickled to death or as close as they can get.
“I want this one on the love bed.” Randi commanded, then leaned close to Jacklyn. “I’ve always liked your looks girl and that’s the, shall I say naked truth.”
Jacklyn struggled intensely as she was roughly lifted off the floor and carried over to a king sized bed. She could feel the ropes being untied and managed to kick Sheena in the thigh, causing her to yell in pain and fall back. Jacklyn seized the opportunity to make a break for it, but was quickly grabbed again, then forced on her back and tied spread eagle and regagged.
Sheena picked up a ruler lying on a nearby table and calmly walked over to the foot of the bed. With a lightning fast snap of her hand, she slapped it against Jacklyn’s left foot and she screamed through the gag. Sheena smiled sweetly and evilly and slapped it again, causing another scream to come out of Jacklyn.
“Hey careful…” Randi commanded. “I want those ticklish feet in one piece. And the more ticklish the better.” She giggled gutturally and tweaked Jacklyn’s right big toe, causing it to flinch. Then she quietly climbed onto the bed, straddled the poor girl, leaned forward and began to nuzzle Jacklyn’s left cheek with hers. Jacklyn jerked and turned her head away, but Randi gripped her chin again, held her head still and continued nuzzling. Then without warning she lowered the gag and began kissing Jacklyn on the lips and again the poor girl began to pull her head away.
“Oh you fight me all the way bitch, it just makes it even more fun.” With that she replaced the gag, leaned back, and ripped Jacklyn’s flannel shirt open. Smiling sweetly but evilly, she reached over to the table and picked up a rather large and sharp looking knife, then brought it over and hovered it over Jacklyn’s face. Lowering the blade she lightly touch the poor girl’s tummy with it and Jacklyn flinched at the sharpness of the blade and the coldness of the steel. This made Randi smile sweetly and evilly again and she slowly slid it under Jacklyn’s yellow and black everlast halter-top. Gripping the top with one hand she turned the blade and began to cut the front of the top in half, thereby exposing the girl’s breasts. Smiling sweetly and evilly as the now exposed small mounds of plump flesh lay before her, she leaned forward and began to kiss the left one.
This sudden show of sensual physical affection unnerved Jacklyn and while she had had sensual physical affection from girls in the past, this was coming from a girl who hated her guts. Randi now used both hands to feel the plump soft breasts and began to kiss and nibble Jacklyn’s throat. She screamed through the gag and the girls all laughed at her sensual predicament.
Suddenly Jacklyn jerked as a hand easily slipped between her legs and began to massage her groin area. This was going too far and she now repeatedly screamed and yelled through the gag. This made Randi giggle gutturally once again and she continued to grope the breasts and groin area. Jacklyn’s jeans offered her no protection and to a small degree even enhanced the sensations that the groping of her groin was producing. Randi was now feeling one breast, nibbling kissing and licking the other and continuing to massage the poor girl’s groin.
Suddenly Randi stopped and smiled evilly, then turned around and sat at the foot of the bed straddling Jacklyn’s left leg. Cupping the heel of the foot she began to wriggle each of the toes on the foot.
“This little piggy was a fink. This little piggy got caught for finking. This little piggy got tied taught. This little piggy is going to get tortured. And this little piggy, this little scared shitless piggy, GOT TICKLED OUT F HER FUCKING MIND!” With that she raked and revved five fingers with lightning speed up and down the sole.
Instantly Jacklyn’s eyes got as big as hubcaps and she screamed louder then before, then intensely thrashed and cackled. The other girls laughed at her predicament and asked Randi to tickle harder and faster. Randi did increase her speed and now used a nylon brush to torture the tender sole. The bulbous points of the bristles scraped and scratched every nerve ending of the sole from heel to toes and this continued to make Jacklyn scream with cackles.
“Fuck you’re awesome bitch.” Randi commented, raking the brush from side to side as well as up and down. “I can’t wait to see how you react to a gang tickle torture. But for the next little while bitch, I‘m going to blow your fucking mind.”
The brush was pressed firmer over the sole and it caused Jacklyn to thrash and cackle more intensely then try to scream words through the gag.
“What did she say?” Randi asked.
“I think she said fuck shit you’re a fucking bitch.” Sheena replied.
“Sorry girl but no fuck yet. But if you’re really good you’ll get one.”
“Yeah.” Sheena added. “Lets make her orgasm! Lets have a REAL gang tickling. Lets invite everyone who hates her and give it to her good and long. We’ll gang tickle torture her senseless and we’ll lez her out sensually senseless.”
“She’s fucking ours and she’s going to be fucking senseless.” Randi responded. Better get some booze in, we’ll make a party of it.”
Jacklyn once more screamed and screamed words through the gag but they came out illegible. Sheena held the phone in front of her, slightly waving it, then began dialing. Jacklyn closed her eyes tight and tried to scream words each time Sheena spoke to someone, but the tickling was dividing her senses. The smile on Sheena’s face after each phone call wasn’t helping her either and she continued to write intensely.
“Lets get her drunk too.” Sheena replied.
“Yea tickle drunk.” Randi added.
Randi stopped the horrible foot tickling and came up beside her. Smiling sweetly she sat on the side of the bed and hovered her fingers over the now wide-open armpits. Slowly she lowered her hands and her fingernails began to lightly tease the tender skin of the deep hollows of and Jacklyn’s started screaming and violently writhing. Randi smiled and continued the teasing. Then with a lightning swiftness she dug all ten fingers into the deep hollows and Jacklyn rocketed off the bed with off the wall and off the scale screaming and writhing. Randi’s relentless and torturous tickling fingers were everywhere, stroking and teasing, digging in and wrenching and wrecking those pits.
“I’m going to make you suffer through pure hell bitch. I’m going to make you pay for your crime of finking on me. This will be worse than the death penalty”
She then stopped tickling the armpits and smiled evilly. Taking a feather she eyed it all over, sighting methodically down the quills with precision, then carefully adjusted a few of the tendrils, eyed it again and smiled evilly. She then blew gently on the feather to see how the tendrils moved, as if to see which would be the best way to stroke it.
Jacklyn was really unnerved by this display of cold, cruel efficiency and now began whimpering and begging for mercy again.
Randi began dragging the feather down Jacklyn’s forearm and she immediately began to scream again. The closer Randi got to her armpits, the more she screamed, the louder her screams got and the more she violently writhed, trying to escape the feather’s touch. With one quick simultaneous flick in the armpits, Jacklyn was off and screaming non-stop. Randi was having great fun tormenting her armpits with a diabolical and methodical fiendishness and she expertly picked away at them, demolishing them one millimetre at a time.
Jacklyn was in total panic and was on the verge of going insane. While she had been tickled before, this was far beyond even her wildest nightmares and what she had experienced before. She felt sure that she would be wrecked; that her sanity would be thoroughly demolished.
Randi increased the pace of the tickling, thoroughly torturing her armpits non-stop and enjoying every second of her torment. And the torment was increasing even more as Randi now added Jacklyn’s top ribs into the tickling. There were assaulted and firmly rubbed all over and under. She had a way of getting under the ribs and tickling from below and this torture was driving Jacklyn thoroughly crazy.
Jacklyn bucked, writhed and screamed relentlessly, trying desperately to avoid the fiendishly torturous and relentless fingers. Her entire body ached and her writhing now came in almost non-stop jerks. Her laughter went from screaming to guttural to silent, but she never stopped laughing.
She left the tender ribs and now spider tickled Jacklyn’s milky-white tummy. Like the armpits and ribs, each stroke was pure torture and she tried squirming out of reach. But Randi just kept on tickling and tickling and tickling.
“AHHH, have you had a fuckin’ belly full bitch? Well I haven’t had a belly full yet.” And with that she dug her fingers into the tummy once more, setting off another round of screams. The more Jacklyn screamed the more Randi tickled.
“You don’t like my tickling your tummy hmm. Well that’s no problem, I’ll just go to your feet!”
Jacklyn screamed through the gag again then went ballistic and violently writhed all over, practically shaking the bed
“Yes sweetheart the feet.”
Randi dug her fingers into Jacklyn’s arches and tickled and tickled and tickled, rape tickling her arches for all they were worth. The soft, sensitive skin was really turning Randi on and the more Jacklyn writhed and screamed with laughter, the more she tickled. Her fingers flew over the arches revving, raking and relentlessly and thoroughly tickling.
Jacklyn’s feet volcanically burned with tickles and they writhed all over. While Randi was able to follow Jacklyn’s soles wherever they went, she still felt they had too much movement and felt that something should be done about it.
“It looks as though I shall have to tie your toes back my dear.” Randi ignored her and set about tying her toes back starting with the big toes. As each toe was tied, Jacklyn got more violent in her writhing and louder in her screaming. Randi delighted in tying the toes back and she played a slow and torturous game of piggies as she did so. She almost couldn’t tell which drove Jacklyn crazier, the game of piggies or tying her toes back.
”You know bitch I have to be honest. Your fucking feet stink and I think they need a fucking good scrubbing.”
Randi left the room and returned with some water and a stiff scrub brush, and then proceeded to dive into every nook and cranny that she had written on and scrubbed thoroughly and like crazy. This was pure torture for Jacklyn and she shrieked and screamed as the scrubbing went on and on and on. Randi took her time scrubbing, again getting every little nook and cranny.
“AHHH, what’s the matter bitch? Don’t you want your feet to be clean and stink free. Of course you do, and so I have to scrub every inch of skin; even under your toes. Randi could see that the scrubbing of her arches was really getting to her and causing her extreme suffering. Her head snapped from side to side, her whole body contorted and twisted, trying to avoid the torturous fingers. To Randi, this was pure heaven and it was getting better and better. Jacklyn was the tickler’s dream to the finite degree. There wasn’t a millimetre on her entire body that wasn’t intensely ticklish and Randi was having a heavenly time exploring.
“You want some more tickling of the feet? Oh the agony I am putting you through is just exquisite; at least from my point of view. I’d love to go double or nothing; I get double the time for tickling you, and you get the nothing in the way of freedom.”
The two words” big tickles” sent Jacklyn further into a writhing frenzy and she strained at and fought the bonds even more than before and now tried to form words. She was hysterical in every sense of the word and beyond.
“Lets give your feet a rest and tickle your armpits and ribs again shall we?”
Again Jacklyn screamed through the gag and tried to form words.
“Oh, I wish you’d speak plainly so that I could understand you. Then I would know what it is you want.” Randi smiled and let her fingers ballet over Jacklyn’s tender spasming ribs. They went from tip to tip and back again, following the soft smooth contours of her tender skin. Then she really dug in and let fly.
Jacklyn practically rocketed off the bed and writhed as much as she could. She was in the worst agony she had ever experienced and it was getting worse and it looked like it would never end.
Randi dug into the left armpit with ten fingers and was delighted as Jacklyn screamed incoherently and volcanically shook the bed. The bed was getting a good workout and so was Jacklyn and this delighted Randi no end. She looked at Jacklyn to see her eyes clenched tightly shut and her mouth clenched hard around the gag. She violently rocketed off the bed and screamed for all she was worth. Randi’s fingers were everywhere, digging into and probing the deep recesses, spider tickling the fringes. And her fingers were merciless, relentless and torturous, really working her into frenzy.
“AHH, your armpits are exquisite but let’s not forget those ribs shall we?” Immediately her fingers dove on the helpless, defenceless, ticklish ribs and she dug in between them.
Jacklyn arched her back and screamed once more, followed by peels of guttural laughter. Like the armpits, Randi’s fingers were all over and in between the ribs, playing accordion and piano at the same time. Jacklyn tried every which way to get away from the relentless and torturous fingers but her struggles were useless.
”What say we get you sensual now. You guys hold her legs still and I’ll get her jeans and panties off.”
Jacklyn fought like a tiger as her legs were untied and brought together. Randi slowly and easily unbuckled the belt and even more slowly unzipped the jeans. Jacklyn knew full well what was coming next and tried desperately to keep her jeans on. But very slowly they were pulled down and off, followed slowly and quietly by her panties. She squealed in fear through the gag and shook her head no, and this made Randi giggle evilly and hold the jeans and panties over her like a trophy.
“I’m gonna get you so hot, so horny and so sensually deprived you’re gonna wish for death.”
Jacklyn didn’t like the death reference, but what could Randi mean that was worse than death?
The two girls holding her legs spread them wide and Randi began retying her ankles to the corners of the bed. At that moment the two girls who had gone to make phone calls returned and they both evilly grinned at their naked victim.
“Fuck cell phones are awesome.” One girl commented, closing her phone.”
“Did you guys get everyone on your list?” Randi asked.
“Everyone’s coming.” Maya announced. “It’s going to be an awesome weekend, but will anyone miss her?”
“She’s a bitch.” Randi replied. “Who’d miss her.”
“It’s going to be party time soon bitch.” Sheena announced. “When they heard that you were the party favour, they all gladly said they’d come.”
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