Oh my goodness! Best party EVER!!!
19 attendees - that's a record for us!
6 women - I think that may be a record for our region!! We had two beds going for most of the evening, not to mention the couches and the living room floor! And every single guest had the chance to play a little (and in some cases, A LOT!
). Bagelfather and I are incredibly thrilled to be hosting in such a growing and thriving community.
My thanks go out to... everyone!!! Itemized, that would be:
asutickler, for coming all the way out here from Arizona! I'm glad you had a great time, and we hope to see you again soon.
Daniel, for remembering a five-month-old conversation, and for making your way into our world! And for appreciating the stickers on my toes.
simulated, for holding me down, and then letting me win at tickle-wrestling even though you're like twice my size.
Joel, for wielding a feather with precision.
AquaFeline, for brightening our day with your presence, and for being a fun 'lee.
Purvis, for all your stories! It's always wonderful to see you.
Big John, for stopping by, even with your cold!
😱 I'm really glad you did.
Phineas, for securing my left arm, and being an all-around fun 'ler.
Nevertheless, Bagel and I have discussed providing all our future guests with ping-pong balls, so they can pelt you whenever you broach the topic of video games.
sfticklegirl, for finally making it to your first gathering, and being such a fun 'lee! I know our guys
totally loved you!
J and M, for having the courage to attend your first gathering, and to let a new person into your lives. That was a first for me, and I am honored by your trust.
cal_tickler, for reminding me how tickling and blues go hand in hand, and for initiating that tickling match on the floor!
MK, for agreeing to come to our gathering in spite of all your initial worries, and for letting us introduce you to the joys of tickling. Your performance was truly inspiring.
Icycle, for that Diet-Coke-and-ice cream run, and for taking good care of me and my friends, as always.
Redmage, for your rope expertise (even when it turned geeky), and for showing all those 'lers how to tickle me. You are a truly evil individual.
Nightshade, for making my cohost's evening so special. It makes me happy to see him so happy.
starfires, for being our "cooler head," whose better judgement we can always trust to prevail. Your concern for the well-being of our guests is paramount, and invaluable for the rest of our hosting team.
Me, for being such a tickle trouper (you know I do it for you guys
) and for maxing out the use of smilies in a post without repeating a single one.
And last, but certainly not least, Bagelfather, for the planning, the shopping, the setup, the wrapup... for making all of this possible. I can't imagine how we'd do this without you.
And for those of you who missed out, or who can't wait to do this again - Bagel and I figuring on January for our next big event, and we'll also plan a munch for December. That would be a great opportunity to meet some folks who are into tickling, in an even-less-scary environment than a full-on gathering.
😉 I know December is busy for people, but hopefully at least some of you can make it. You know you want to!
Until next time, everyone.
You're the best!