In the recent thread entitled "I ran into one of MTP Jeff's tickling models yesterday," things were said and ideas were presented that utterly floored me. I wanted to respond, but I didn't want my response buried in a thread on the 3rd or 4th page. This is soemthing that is serious enough to call together the attentions of all 3955 members of the forum. I think we should have these each year, and/or additionally whenever something very, very important comes up. Well, something important enough has come up that warrants a general meeting more than a mere response.
The essense of the thread was, Yaqi was at a bar and happened to run into a model from one of Magic Touch Production's videos. Was it really Yaqi, was it an imposter? Who know, who cares. His attitude was, "Ha, she's busted, I recognize her!" I'm asking.."busted?" Was she a criminal? She was very embarrassed. Then he went on, basically,... ha, she's got some explaining to do. Woo Hoo!
Other people chimed in. She shouldn't have been "embarassed" like that. Go easy on her. Or, these models should know what they're getting into. They signed a waiver, so tough! If they later regretted making the video, they could ask for it to be pulled, of course they'll still have copies floating around, so it's their tough luck. Some one thanked Narin for making one - a point to be discussed later. I of course noticed that Narin, nor any of the models who did a video, and who might frequent this forum, chimed in. (I can't blame them.) I notice many people didn't chime in at all.
I have an idea they didn't chime in because they, too, felt embarassed.
What is this forum about? Finding acceptance. We are ticklephiles, whether we like it or not, you could say. The point of this forum, is that WE LIKE IT People come here assuming they are wierd, but after they find this place, they discover many people share their fetish. They are not insane, or a mistake of nature, or wierd. They are perfectly normal. They see the Member's Pics section, and notice there are faces behind the names, a lot of them. Some young, some old. They see people contributing, saying what they like, and realizing there are different degrees to all this, that they may never have even realized. They were doubley vindicated. Soem people like tickling barefoot girls, some like tickling pantyhose feet, some like tickling the belly, some like tickling the armpits. Some like to be tickled themselves, some in barefeet, some in pantyhose, some on the tummy. They tell themselves "Wow, I'm more normal than I thought! This is great!" They become better people, because they aren't worried anymore about feeling wierd. They have found a place in the world. They found a place where they can open up to people who are just like them, who know EXACTLY where they are coming from. I, for example, say, I like pantyhose tickling, and someone comes by and says, "yeah, me too!" Soemone say, "No, I prefer barefeet." Someone else say, "I like both." A conversation that we could never have in the real world, with all the bigots in one form or another, -unless you are lucky enough to know a fellow ticklephile in your day to day non-internet life.
Article 1: This forum is acceptance of ourselves, for who we are, just as we are, and we no longer have to feel ashamed and lonely. We belong to a group that contains thousands of members, and one that is growing daily.
Article 2: Because of this forum, we become more open minded to other people's differences, and become less like the bigots who inhabit the outside world and make life hell for everyone else. We become better people.
Article 3: This forum helps us CELEBRATE who we are. We realize that we are SO MUCH LUCKIER than those not in this group of people.
While someone else watching a person being tickled could care less, we get excited. Some of us get an added excitement if the person is then tickled on their barefeet, or their pantyhose clad feet, or on their armpits, or whatever else you here are excited about. Some get turned by the laughter itself, also. Don't you feel blessed to be born this way? Do any of you ever thank God He made you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE?! Everytime I see a gorgeous woman dangling her pantyhose feet, or taking her shoes off and walking around on the carpet in her hose, I sure do. I tell myself, "God, I don't even know if you exist or not, but if you do, you did GOOD!" I am happy you made me this way, and I accept it. Other people may look down on me, but I am like this for a purpose, and am so utterly FORTUNATE to be this way, I am estatic! When others may be bored, I am happy.
As many of you know, if you are lucky enough to be a ticklephile, you always were, and always will be. Some of you had attempted what's called the "purge," where you dispose of all your tickling material...only to go back and get it all again. Scott had his famous departure a while back, yet appears to still lurk in the general discussion area. I believe he lurks all over, just is silent about it. A person may try to "get rid" of their tickling fetish, but it will always be there. One day, you will see someone tickled. It will excite you. You won't be able to help it. You will dream about it. Just like a guy who says he is through with girls for good will be be excited if a beautiful girl walks into the room after his announcement. He just can't help it, he's a guy. You're a ticklephile, deal with it. You can't change, you can bury it, you can forget about it, but it will always be there. You had better learn to accept it, and celebrate it. If that is a curse, then I for one am happy to have such a curse. I won't let any witch doctor take that away from me.
Yes, there are bigots who would probably think we're wierd. SO! They're the ones who are wrong. They're the close-minded ones. They're the ones who must change. We shouldn't, and won't change. Why should we change, after all, to make someone who thinks we're wierd accept us? Why do you want THAT acceptance, from that person? Who CARES what they think!?
Article 4: We should celebrate our selves and our uniqueness.
When the attack of Sept 11 happened, some mistakenly said we had better give up some freedoms so the terrorists will be happy. many more said NO, we should celebrate our freedom, relish it, glorify it every second of the day. We shouldn't chaneg who we are, as free people, and as ticklephiles, because some among us are bigots, and hate freedom. Screw them! We're right, they're wrong! But not only that, we are happy and content, they are not, because they are close-minded and would rather wallow in judgmentalism.
The point:
Why are so many of you agreeing with them? These models do these videos, for our enjoyment, yet, many have expressed the feeling that they should be ashamed. If you would happen to run into one, you look down or her, or laugh at her as being wierd. "My God, look, it's that girl who was in a tickle video. For shame..." I can't believe I'm hearing this! You are missing the whole point of what this whole forum, and community here, is about! Are you ashamed of George Lucas or Steven Speilberg because they make movies with wierd creatures in them? No, you enjoy those movies, and look up to them. You know that those who flame them are meaningless, because THEY PRODUCE NOTHING. It's easy to rip Star Wars, you look like the big man on campus. But none of those flamers will go out and actually try to create something on their own. They don't even have ideas on how to.
I will agree with Sunday_10pm, Narin has starred in a video for our enjoyment, and deserves an award for her contribution to this forum and community. She did it twice! (Of course, I'm still waiting for Narin 3: The tan Pantyhose Tickle, or Tan Pantyhose Office Secretary Tickle, so here's praying...) Thank you Narin, what do you request for your award?
Why have some of you embraced bigotry and close-mindedness, by saying these models should be embarrassed because they did a tickling video that WE enjoyed? If they deserve to feel ashamed, then WE deserve to feel ashamed even more, because they did it for US. If they're bad, then we're worse, according to that train of thought.
I say, they should be celebrated. They should get awards. Narin did two videos. Maybe she'll do more. (If she read that thread, and bought into to it, she certainly won't!) Lets hope not. Lets hope NONE of the models read it, or bought into it.
Maybe some of the other girls on this forum will volunteer to do videos. They too, deserve to be praised and cheered on, at great length. And they will be, so don't worry. We have the added thought that they really enjoy it, and aren't looking down on US. Why then should we cast them in a unfavorable light?
It appears that thread displayed the Stockholm Syndrome. "Maybe those bigots are right, maybe they know what's best." How in history has that attitude accomplished anything of substance? What if that was our attitude in this war on terror? "Maybe Osama is right, lets just give up all our freedoms and force everybody to adhere to radical Islam." Yeah, right. We must stand up and fight for our freedoms, not bend to the will of those who would judge us UNFAIRLY and look down on us. The prevailing attitude of that thread was that this whole tickling thing should be put in a box and forgotten about, it should be laughed at and impuned.
To the models, this is what must be said: We appreciate your work. You are not looked down upon, on the contrary, you are the stars, you are the Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta-Jones, or whatever star you think is famous and wonderful. They should come here all dressed up in fancy clothes walking on a red carpet. (In pantyhosed feet of course, carrying a feather🙂 Or we'll just take her shoes off later...🙄) We appreciate it, and will continue to appreciate it as long as you do it.
Here's what you do when offered the role in a tickle video - the best job you can.
That's all you can do, and all we ask for. Do the best. Laugh like there's no tomorrow, just sit back and enjoy it. f the director sucks, if you are worried about your future, DO THE BEST JOB YOU CAN. That way, you won't have to feel bad. Many movie stars worked on crappy or odd pictures early on. (Many of these models don't want to become movie stars, this is just an example.) George Clooney was in a killer tomato movie, I mean, COME ON! Do the best job you can, and you won't have to worry about someone "discovering you." If they do, what can you do? Be happy, someone knows you. Brag about it. If they are a cruel person, and want to embarass you, the more you brag and act like you did this great production, the more they will be defeated in their attempts. You will be the winner. If your boss finds out about it, said, "yeah, that was great! I worked hard on that video, and am glad I did it." You can't undo history, and besides, you did want to do it in the first place.
Why do you think Clinton was so popular? He had sex, and was proud of it. Those unhappy, sexually repressed Republicans came to look like old biddies. I know, I am a Republican. I got it, when no one else did. It's how you handle it. Now, don't be like Clinton, he really wasn't that great of a guy, but just be honest. Do the videos, have fun, do your best. Then, be proud of your work. WE all are.
To the members, you are what you are. If someone "Finds out" about you, defend yourself! You are you. Why hide it? Of course, why is it any of their business? They may have a fetish too. Try to find out what it is, and that will probably shut them up, or piss them off and change the course of the conversation in your favor. If your parents find out you like tickling, and they are somehow ashamed, just remind them that THEY brought you into this world, you liked it since you were a kid, so therefore, it must be THEIR fault you are like that. Or, offer to never see them again. Are they willing to throw away their love, and a child, just so they can sit in a corner and be pissed off becaquse you are not bending to their will? Come on, I doubt it. If someone uses religion against you, tell them you were always like this, it's genetic, so they can just shut up and deal with it. Yes, they will disagree. Keep telling them you're right, and they're wrong. Insist until their true colors come out, that of hatred. Then ask them if God aproves of hatred. Remind them of the verse about "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." Didn't Jesus say that was his GREATEST commandment? If this is from THE MOUTH of God, that is far greater than some obscure verse buried in some Old Testament book. You will have to remind them of that too. You can always use the line about noticing the splinter in someones eye rather than the plank in their own, but that will piss them off too. Good! Tell them "Well, this isn't a splinter, it's a great gift. Man, I am SO MUCH LUCKIER THAN YOU. I guess God just loves me a little bit more..."
If you're significant other has a problem with it, you will have tell them this is you. If they can't accept you as you are, over that LITTLE thing, that is in THEIR benefit, do you really want them around? With all the stresses and problems in our world, tickling doesn't even register on the scale. If they think you're wierd, you will feel bad, and never be able to be that close to them. There will always be a barrier there. Love is acceptance. We look for people to love who will accept us for who we are, not who we will expect us to change to fit their ideals. That's control, not love. And again, tickling is in THEIR favor, they have one more way to turn you on that she couldn't use on other guys, or vice versa.
In conclusion, we are all so lucky. We should be so THANKFUL to those models who have given us entertainment and helped us forget all our problems that we face in the real world with all the mean people. We give them laughter, and they give us laughter back. They should be praised, not riduculed and told "You signed the waiver, so tough luck!" They should be getting awards! I recently wrote about the future of this community, but was speaking in terms of technology. That is an important aspect but it seems there are more important areas we should also be working on. Like acceptance of each other, open mindedness, kindness, and love. Gratitude, to the video companies that produce our entertainment, but more importantly, to the models who star in them. And, most importantly, acceptance of ourselves.
Any more thoughts, ideas, etc.?
In the recent thread entitled "I ran into one of MTP Jeff's tickling models yesterday," things were said and ideas were presented that utterly floored me. I wanted to respond, but I didn't want my response buried in a thread on the 3rd or 4th page. This is soemthing that is serious enough to call together the attentions of all 3955 members of the forum. I think we should have these each year, and/or additionally whenever something very, very important comes up. Well, something important enough has come up that warrants a general meeting more than a mere response.
The essense of the thread was, Yaqi was at a bar and happened to run into a model from one of Magic Touch Production's videos. Was it really Yaqi, was it an imposter? Who know, who cares. His attitude was, "Ha, she's busted, I recognize her!" I'm asking.."busted?" Was she a criminal? She was very embarrassed. Then he went on, basically,... ha, she's got some explaining to do. Woo Hoo!
Other people chimed in. She shouldn't have been "embarassed" like that. Go easy on her. Or, these models should know what they're getting into. They signed a waiver, so tough! If they later regretted making the video, they could ask for it to be pulled, of course they'll still have copies floating around, so it's their tough luck. Some one thanked Narin for making one - a point to be discussed later. I of course noticed that Narin, nor any of the models who did a video, and who might frequent this forum, chimed in. (I can't blame them.) I notice many people didn't chime in at all.
I have an idea they didn't chime in because they, too, felt embarassed.
What is this forum about? Finding acceptance. We are ticklephiles, whether we like it or not, you could say. The point of this forum, is that WE LIKE IT People come here assuming they are wierd, but after they find this place, they discover many people share their fetish. They are not insane, or a mistake of nature, or wierd. They are perfectly normal. They see the Member's Pics section, and notice there are faces behind the names, a lot of them. Some young, some old. They see people contributing, saying what they like, and realizing there are different degrees to all this, that they may never have even realized. They were doubley vindicated. Soem people like tickling barefoot girls, some like tickling pantyhose feet, some like tickling the belly, some like tickling the armpits. Some like to be tickled themselves, some in barefeet, some in pantyhose, some on the tummy. They tell themselves "Wow, I'm more normal than I thought! This is great!" They become better people, because they aren't worried anymore about feeling wierd. They have found a place in the world. They found a place where they can open up to people who are just like them, who know EXACTLY where they are coming from. I, for example, say, I like pantyhose tickling, and someone comes by and says, "yeah, me too!" Soemone say, "No, I prefer barefeet." Someone else say, "I like both." A conversation that we could never have in the real world, with all the bigots in one form or another, -unless you are lucky enough to know a fellow ticklephile in your day to day non-internet life.
Article 1: This forum is acceptance of ourselves, for who we are, just as we are, and we no longer have to feel ashamed and lonely. We belong to a group that contains thousands of members, and one that is growing daily.
Article 2: Because of this forum, we become more open minded to other people's differences, and become less like the bigots who inhabit the outside world and make life hell for everyone else. We become better people.
Article 3: This forum helps us CELEBRATE who we are. We realize that we are SO MUCH LUCKIER than those not in this group of people.
While someone else watching a person being tickled could care less, we get excited. Some of us get an added excitement if the person is then tickled on their barefeet, or their pantyhose clad feet, or on their armpits, or whatever else you here are excited about. Some get turned by the laughter itself, also. Don't you feel blessed to be born this way? Do any of you ever thank God He made you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE?! Everytime I see a gorgeous woman dangling her pantyhose feet, or taking her shoes off and walking around on the carpet in her hose, I sure do. I tell myself, "God, I don't even know if you exist or not, but if you do, you did GOOD!" I am happy you made me this way, and I accept it. Other people may look down on me, but I am like this for a purpose, and am so utterly FORTUNATE to be this way, I am estatic! When others may be bored, I am happy.
As many of you know, if you are lucky enough to be a ticklephile, you always were, and always will be. Some of you had attempted what's called the "purge," where you dispose of all your tickling material...only to go back and get it all again. Scott had his famous departure a while back, yet appears to still lurk in the general discussion area. I believe he lurks all over, just is silent about it. A person may try to "get rid" of their tickling fetish, but it will always be there. One day, you will see someone tickled. It will excite you. You won't be able to help it. You will dream about it. Just like a guy who says he is through with girls for good will be be excited if a beautiful girl walks into the room after his announcement. He just can't help it, he's a guy. You're a ticklephile, deal with it. You can't change, you can bury it, you can forget about it, but it will always be there. You had better learn to accept it, and celebrate it. If that is a curse, then I for one am happy to have such a curse. I won't let any witch doctor take that away from me.
Yes, there are bigots who would probably think we're wierd. SO! They're the ones who are wrong. They're the close-minded ones. They're the ones who must change. We shouldn't, and won't change. Why should we change, after all, to make someone who thinks we're wierd accept us? Why do you want THAT acceptance, from that person? Who CARES what they think!?
Article 4: We should celebrate our selves and our uniqueness.
When the attack of Sept 11 happened, some mistakenly said we had better give up some freedoms so the terrorists will be happy. many more said NO, we should celebrate our freedom, relish it, glorify it every second of the day. We shouldn't chaneg who we are, as free people, and as ticklephiles, because some among us are bigots, and hate freedom. Screw them! We're right, they're wrong! But not only that, we are happy and content, they are not, because they are close-minded and would rather wallow in judgmentalism.
The point:
Why are so many of you agreeing with them? These models do these videos, for our enjoyment, yet, many have expressed the feeling that they should be ashamed. If you would happen to run into one, you look down or her, or laugh at her as being wierd. "My God, look, it's that girl who was in a tickle video. For shame..." I can't believe I'm hearing this! You are missing the whole point of what this whole forum, and community here, is about! Are you ashamed of George Lucas or Steven Speilberg because they make movies with wierd creatures in them? No, you enjoy those movies, and look up to them. You know that those who flame them are meaningless, because THEY PRODUCE NOTHING. It's easy to rip Star Wars, you look like the big man on campus. But none of those flamers will go out and actually try to create something on their own. They don't even have ideas on how to.
I will agree with Sunday_10pm, Narin has starred in a video for our enjoyment, and deserves an award for her contribution to this forum and community. She did it twice! (Of course, I'm still waiting for Narin 3: The tan Pantyhose Tickle, or Tan Pantyhose Office Secretary Tickle, so here's praying...) Thank you Narin, what do you request for your award?
Why have some of you embraced bigotry and close-mindedness, by saying these models should be embarrassed because they did a tickling video that WE enjoyed? If they deserve to feel ashamed, then WE deserve to feel ashamed even more, because they did it for US. If they're bad, then we're worse, according to that train of thought.
I say, they should be celebrated. They should get awards. Narin did two videos. Maybe she'll do more. (If she read that thread, and bought into to it, she certainly won't!) Lets hope not. Lets hope NONE of the models read it, or bought into it.
Maybe some of the other girls on this forum will volunteer to do videos. They too, deserve to be praised and cheered on, at great length. And they will be, so don't worry. We have the added thought that they really enjoy it, and aren't looking down on US. Why then should we cast them in a unfavorable light?
It appears that thread displayed the Stockholm Syndrome. "Maybe those bigots are right, maybe they know what's best." How in history has that attitude accomplished anything of substance? What if that was our attitude in this war on terror? "Maybe Osama is right, lets just give up all our freedoms and force everybody to adhere to radical Islam." Yeah, right. We must stand up and fight for our freedoms, not bend to the will of those who would judge us UNFAIRLY and look down on us. The prevailing attitude of that thread was that this whole tickling thing should be put in a box and forgotten about, it should be laughed at and impuned.
To the models, this is what must be said: We appreciate your work. You are not looked down upon, on the contrary, you are the stars, you are the Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta-Jones, or whatever star you think is famous and wonderful. They should come here all dressed up in fancy clothes walking on a red carpet. (In pantyhosed feet of course, carrying a feather🙂 Or we'll just take her shoes off later...🙄) We appreciate it, and will continue to appreciate it as long as you do it.
Here's what you do when offered the role in a tickle video - the best job you can.
That's all you can do, and all we ask for. Do the best. Laugh like there's no tomorrow, just sit back and enjoy it. f the director sucks, if you are worried about your future, DO THE BEST JOB YOU CAN. That way, you won't have to feel bad. Many movie stars worked on crappy or odd pictures early on. (Many of these models don't want to become movie stars, this is just an example.) George Clooney was in a killer tomato movie, I mean, COME ON! Do the best job you can, and you won't have to worry about someone "discovering you." If they do, what can you do? Be happy, someone knows you. Brag about it. If they are a cruel person, and want to embarass you, the more you brag and act like you did this great production, the more they will be defeated in their attempts. You will be the winner. If your boss finds out about it, said, "yeah, that was great! I worked hard on that video, and am glad I did it." You can't undo history, and besides, you did want to do it in the first place.
Why do you think Clinton was so popular? He had sex, and was proud of it. Those unhappy, sexually repressed Republicans came to look like old biddies. I know, I am a Republican. I got it, when no one else did. It's how you handle it. Now, don't be like Clinton, he really wasn't that great of a guy, but just be honest. Do the videos, have fun, do your best. Then, be proud of your work. WE all are.
To the members, you are what you are. If someone "Finds out" about you, defend yourself! You are you. Why hide it? Of course, why is it any of their business? They may have a fetish too. Try to find out what it is, and that will probably shut them up, or piss them off and change the course of the conversation in your favor. If your parents find out you like tickling, and they are somehow ashamed, just remind them that THEY brought you into this world, you liked it since you were a kid, so therefore, it must be THEIR fault you are like that. Or, offer to never see them again. Are they willing to throw away their love, and a child, just so they can sit in a corner and be pissed off becaquse you are not bending to their will? Come on, I doubt it. If someone uses religion against you, tell them you were always like this, it's genetic, so they can just shut up and deal with it. Yes, they will disagree. Keep telling them you're right, and they're wrong. Insist until their true colors come out, that of hatred. Then ask them if God aproves of hatred. Remind them of the verse about "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." Didn't Jesus say that was his GREATEST commandment? If this is from THE MOUTH of God, that is far greater than some obscure verse buried in some Old Testament book. You will have to remind them of that too. You can always use the line about noticing the splinter in someones eye rather than the plank in their own, but that will piss them off too. Good! Tell them "Well, this isn't a splinter, it's a great gift. Man, I am SO MUCH LUCKIER THAN YOU. I guess God just loves me a little bit more..."
If you're significant other has a problem with it, you will have tell them this is you. If they can't accept you as you are, over that LITTLE thing, that is in THEIR benefit, do you really want them around? With all the stresses and problems in our world, tickling doesn't even register on the scale. If they think you're wierd, you will feel bad, and never be able to be that close to them. There will always be a barrier there. Love is acceptance. We look for people to love who will accept us for who we are, not who we will expect us to change to fit their ideals. That's control, not love. And again, tickling is in THEIR favor, they have one more way to turn you on that she couldn't use on other guys, or vice versa.
In conclusion, we are all so lucky. We should be so THANKFUL to those models who have given us entertainment and helped us forget all our problems that we face in the real world with all the mean people. We give them laughter, and they give us laughter back. They should be praised, not riduculed and told "You signed the waiver, so tough luck!" They should be getting awards! I recently wrote about the future of this community, but was speaking in terms of technology. That is an important aspect but it seems there are more important areas we should also be working on. Like acceptance of each other, open mindedness, kindness, and love. Gratitude, to the video companies that produce our entertainment, but more importantly, to the models who star in them. And, most importantly, acceptance of ourselves.
Any more thoughts, ideas, etc.?