BigJim said:
As someone who lives in England and has oredered over 30 tickling videos from the USA, I can safely say that Femfeet is doing it's level best to lose some of it's best customers!!!
sigh. here goes.
your point is well taken. all of yours are. our tickling videos are top notch and very well done so i understand your "withdrawels" you might have by not being able to see them. (and please don't reply that they are not that good because why would there be such an uproar that they are not available if they stunk?) its simple. if they were not a great product, no one would even care if they couldn't order them. but our videos are the industries best so there is a bit of a frenzy going on over this issue. its unfortunate.
that being said. lets turn your comment above around the other way.
since we do sell tons and tons of videos to international customers (good $$$), ask yourself, no i mean really ask yourself, "why would we stop doing that?"
do we just feel like losing tons of income?
are we just trying to piss international customers off because its fun?
no. neither of the above is true and you all know it! though 2 or 3 people on here have basically accused us of those very things.
the real reason is that we are having tons of trouble with customs officials in the different countries.
orders of 6-10 videos are coming back to us, opened and watched, with no reason written on them for their return. well sometimes its written in the language of the country we sent it to but who knows what it says. do you know what shipping 6 videos to lets say... Japan costs? $38 and it still takes 10 days. so in this scenario above we have the customer saying, "where is my order? i paid!" we tell them it has returned to us recently. they say, "ship it again." we reach into our pockets and grab another $38 that eat deep into the sale price of the videos originally ordered.
or heres another scenario. the videos never get to the customer, and they never return to us. poof. never to be seen again. same thing as above occurs. "where's my order?"
this is just one of the problems we've had to much of lately and we're trying to find a solution. we've never had a problem with cd-roms because they are small and aren't watched by customs officials. they slip right through.
another problem. with the lanquage barrier some customers do not give us their full name and address the way it should be written on the package and it returns to us or fully dissapears.
these are only a couple of the issues we're dealing with. we hope to have our international shipping solution figured out in the future but for now we just had to halt it until we can do it right.
meanwhile we'll lose a lot of revenue and be insulted and dragged through the mud. but hey. if thats the way the world turns then so be it. we can't change that.
international customers!!! thank you for all of your orders in the past. we will work on a solution to this problem but we'll say now that it wont be anytime really soon. very sorry. its how it has to be.
the tibulator