2nd Level Green Feather
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This is the true story of how I “converted” a lovely young lady to our tickling side of life. It happened about ten years ago, and I wrote it down shortly after our relationship was over. The first part is mainly a lot of dialogue about erotic tickling without real action, but it might be helpful for all those who want to convince their partner of our lifestyle. If you’re only interested in the action, scroll down to the second part (“The Reward”, first reply in this thread). Enjoy!
A Ticklish Topic
Part One: The Convincing
Recently I dined with my new flame in a small, cozy Italian restaurant. Susan was the most bewitching, sweetest female being I had encountered in a long, long time. She unveiled feelings inside me that I had forgotten forever. Her smile caused the sun to rise, even on that chilly winter evening.
Only during our previous date, we came to be on first name base (which is used only for good friends here in Germany). My falling in love with her forbade me to press the issue too much. I guess I wanted to experience the whole romantic phase and feel all the butterflies in my stomach again, not just hop into bed with her for a friendly tumble and a shy good-bye. Instinctively I knew: she was the one who could give me so much more than plain sex.
Accidentally (I swear!) I touched her ribs when I was helping her out of her coat, and she jumped and giggled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump. You seem to be rather ticklish, aren’t you?” I just had to ask this. A slight shiver ran through her. “Oh yes, terribly!”
“What’s so terrible about it? Being ticklish isn’t terrible at all. Applied cleverly, it can even provide a lot of fun!” She shrugged, but offered no reply.
During our excellent dinner, we had a great time just talking about all kinds of topics. I enjoyed to make her laugh with witty remarks. She noticed this and asked me: “You seem to like making people laugh?” – “Only if their laughter is as enticing as yours,” I replied in a sudden fit of old-world-charm. Another smile was my reward, and she added somewhat cheeky: “I guess that’s why you tickled me before, isn’t that true?” – “That was pure coincidence. To tell the whole truth, it was even a coincidence that I tickled you by accident.”
“Could you explain that? I don’t understand.” – “Well, I’ll explain it to you during another date. This just doesn’t seem to be the right place and time for it.” She shook her pretty hair and inquired further: “And what would be the correct time and place and time for it?” The ploy with the proverbial female curiosity worked once again, whatever feminists might think about it. Intentionally, I guided our conversation to a different, more inconspicuous topic, well aware that I had managed to arouse her interest.
Cunning as she was, she used the next opportunity when I had provoked another laugh. “Have you read today’s newspaper? They say that a contagious laughing disease has broken out in some eastern part of Africa. Wouldn’t that be the perfect holiday destination for you?” This time, it was my turn to laugh, and she giggled along merrily as I asked her: “Only in East Africa? But seriously, Susan: Laughter and disease are natural enemies normally. Laughing is the best remedy for most kinds of diseases.”
“Only if you laugh out of your own free will, not forced by some strange virus. Or by something else…” Systematically, she steered our conversation back to tickling. Well, she had asked for it, so I took the ball and ran.
“Well, I wouldn’t like to be forced into laughter by a virus. I prefer other reasons…” – You mean: by tickling?” – “Yes, especially by tickling. But that’s a very erotic topic, be warned!”
Her crystal-clear guffaw rang out once more. “You’re joking! Tickling and erotic? That’s ridiculous!” – “Well, you’re already laughing, aren’t you? But seriously, I wasn’t intending to talk about tickling yet, in this stage of our relationship. You might misinterpret it. Maybe you’d consider me a sex-crazed monster or a pervert, and thus decide never to meet me again. And in addition, I would have to reach very far back to explain it correctly. That could get rather theoretic and dry, and much too serious to talk about right now.”
-“You seem to have researched tickling very thoroughly, haven’t you? I wasn’t aware that you’ve become a scientist lately! But this subject interests me. I suffer from getting completely hysterical by the lightest touch, and now you’re telling me stories about tickling which make this phenomenon appear so ordinary, even scientific. Don’t worry, I won’t take your explanations as sexual harassment. But I won’t consent to play the guinea pig for some obscure pseudo-scientific experiments either. So, get going!”
I grinned. “Okay, you’re asking for it. Have you ever thought about the reason why people are ticklish?” – “Hmm, no, now that you’re asking. Why are they?” – “Well, that originates from the evolution of human physiology. Just reflect on this: Where are you most ticklish? Specifically around the tummy, on your ribcage, in your armpits, and on palms and soles.” She nodded approvingly, and I took it as a positive signal, so I carried on:
“Well, the tummy and loin area, as well as the ribcage, are highly vulnerable body regions. To prevent injuries there, nature has built in a reflex that makes us withdraw at once when we’re touched there. The body buckles forward to present less vulnerable body parts like our backs. To trigger that reflex, it takes a considerable amount of highly sensitive nerve endings around these body parts.” She nodded again and said: “Sounds logical. But there are no important organs in our armpits. Why are we so ticklish there?”
“That’s not quite right. In the armpits, there are the nerve centers which control our arms and hands. There’s a karate blow into the armpits that paralyzes the whole limb for minutes. But I don’t think that the protective function is the real reason for our ticklishness there. I guess it’s just because so many nerves are centered there. This increases our sensitivity, quite similar to our palms and soles.” – “Palms? People are not ticklish there, are they?” – “If you don’t believe me, we need to prove this fact. Give me your hand!”
Hesitantly, she stretched out her left hand. I held her wrist and let my fingertips glide over the palm ever so gently. She jerked her hand back and clenched it into a fist. “Ticklish indeed,” she giggled and rubbed her palm with her right hand. “I didn’t even know I was ticklish there.” – “Oh, I’m sure you’ve got a lot more ticklish spots than you are aware of!” She blushed slightly and scolded me playfully: “No experiments, you promised it!”
“Okay, okay. But back to our topic: Palms and soles are so ticklish because of the huge amount of nerve endings there. Originally, our animal ancestors used to walk on all four limbs, and frequently through high grass where you can’t see the ground. Imagine stepping on a sharp object. If you step on it with your full weight, it would mean an injury. Or you step on something soft and moving. A snake? Better to withdraw fast! There’s even a special medical terminus for this reflex of your feet: Babinsky Reflex. Doctors draw a sharp pencil over your soles to test if the leg is paralyzed after an accident. Don’t worry, I won’t demonstrate this on you now.”
Once more she guffawed: “If you did, we’d get thrown out of this restaurant immediately!” Smiling, I continued my ‘highly scientific’ lecture: “Our society played an important role in increasing the ticklishness of our soles. People who walk barefoot all their lives develop a thoroughly callused skin surface, just like our ancestors. But they can still feel dangerous objects, despite the calluses. Barefoot cultures know ticklish soles as well, though they won’t react to a soft, feather-like touch. You’ll have to turn the feather around and apply a firmer touch with the quill, then these people can sense the tickling impulse, and they, too, react to the Babinsky reflex.”
I interrupted my explanation as I saw her shuddering uncomfortably when I mentioned the word ‘feather’. “Are you alright?” I asked her. She replied: “I already jump at the mere thought of a feather. That’s a real phobia against feathers, I suppose.”
“Hmm. Would be interesting to research the reason for this. But let’s do that later. I was talking about why our civilization is responsible for the degree of ticklishness on our soles. Imagine you’re sensitive enough to feel something through a callused sole. Suddenly, the calluses are gone, only soft skin stretches over the soles. But the numerous and extremely sensitive nerve endings are still there. We’re used to wear shoes for many generations, only rarely we walk barefoot. How can we develop a strong, callused skin? All the sensitive nerve endings are still there. What’s the result? We’re extremely ticklish there.”
I stuffed and lit my pipe before I continued, as I just needed my hands to do something. “This effect is not quite as strong with our palms. Our sensitivity there has decreased to a lower level through time. But the hands still are our most important tools for touching. Thus, a certain amount of nerve endings is still important and functioning well. That’s the reason for the ticklishness on our palms.”
The waiter interrupted us. We ordered another bottle of wine; this topic was much too fascinating to break off and go home. Susan told me that she was particularly ticklish on her toes, and she wanted me to explain this as well.
“Our feet, too, were gripping devices in our evolution. The ‘fingers’ there became smaller, but the amount of nerve endings in our toes is approximately the same as in our much longer fingers. And as our toes eventually touch each other at their sides, the skin there is extremely tender and soft. Please correct me if I’m wrong: The most ticklish spots on the toes are between them, and at their undersides.” Once more she nodded, shivering visibly: “You can say that! But where’s the connection of all this with eroticism?”
“Now we’re getting to the really interesting part. Haven’t you noticed that most of the ticklish areas are highly erogenous zones as well? I suppose that a soft tongue on your tummy and around your loins is not completely unknown to you. Most people consider this stimulating.” Instinctively, she affirmed.
“Well, if you tickle somebody at these spots, it is just as stimulating, you just don’t recognize it at once. At least, you don’t notice the stimulating effect during the brief moment you need to withdraw from the tickling. This can only work if you can’t resist the tickling, but then it works a lot better.”
Her exes widened: “What do you mean by that? Not able to resist? You’d have to tie me up for that! That’s something I will never consent to!” – “Never say never,” I calmed her gently. “How do you react when you get tickled? You try to protect your ticklish spots with your hands or arms, or you just run away. That’s a perfectly normal reaction, but that way, you’re denying yourself the chance to become aroused by the soft touch. The only sensation you feel is the uncomfortable initial irritation that triggers your reflexes.”
Susan looked at me pensively and obviously disbelieving, so I continued: “But if you’re willing to let yourself get carried over that threshold, tickling can unfold its true erotic effect. In the beginning, the tickling feels simply unbearable, your nerve endings become overloaded with the stimulation. As the tickling happens on especially sensitive body parts which are erogenous zones as well, you’re likely to become extremely aroused. After a few moments, the sexual sensation will drown out the initial discomfort. Believe me, I’ve experienced many a girl crawling out of her skin from pure lust, just from continuous tickling. Okay, only very few will reach orgasm by tickling alone, without any additional sexual stimulation, but the tickling usually increases the lust level considerably during a climax.”
Her eyes still wide, she asked incredulously: “And that’s no bullshit you’re telling me?” Completely serious, I replied: “My word of honor, no bullshit. Admittedly, not everybody reacts the same positive way to tickling. But I know that women with orgasm problems get treated with tickling. Of course, this doesn’t work if these problems are of organic nature, or for victims of rape or child abuse. But a lot of anorgasmic women just have difficulties to let themselves go. Their control is too tight. If these women get tickled continuously and patiently, they will lose that control. Their mind barriers will crumble. Of course, that’s only possible if they’re tied down.”
I seemed to get somewhere, finally. “But there is another physical connection between tickling and orgasm: The laughing triggers the same muscle contractions as an oncoming sexual climax. Our brain seems to conclude that an orgasm is imminent, and it causes our glands to pour out more sexual hormones. You could say the brain prepares the body for an orgasm. This is some sort of feedback effect. By the way: The reason why we must laugh during tickling is still an unsolved mystery.”
This frank conversation about sex and orgasm obviously showed some effect on Susan. Her eyes sparkled, and she adjusted her long brown hair with a nervous gesture. Outwardly cool, she replied:
”That’s almost incredible. Obviously you have dealt with this quite intensely. But there are still some things I don’t understand. For example: what do the feet have to do with all this? Feet aren’t erogenous zones after all, are they?”
“On the contrary! Have your feet never been kissed, have you never experienced soft licks of gentle sucking on your toes? Then you’ve missed something, my friend. But there’s a scientific explanation for that as well: The impulses from different nerve endings lead to specific brain regions. Extensive research has shown where exactly these impulses end up. By some odd chance, the receptors for the feet are located in direct vicinity to the receptors for the genitals. If there are very strong impulses from the soles and toes, the overloaded receptors cans spark off electrical energy into neighboring receptors. Very strong tickle impulses at the feet can cause this overflow.”
Lost in thoughts, she shook her head. “That’s simply incredible! And all this can be proven by science?” – “Yes. At least the vicinity of the mentioned receptors has been proven, and the fact of impulse overflow. I just added two and two. It seems nobody has yet combined this knowledge. If I had enough money, I’d gladly finance some research projects on tickling.”
We fell silent. Naturally, she needed some time to digest all that. I didn’t press on, I simply paid the check. Before she climbed into her car, we embraced each other. What an absurd situation, We hadn’t even exchanged our first real kiss, but I was already lecturing about sex and tickling to her!
Two weeks later, we met again, this time during a social event. No chance for a private conversation, and the shallow party small talk soon annoyed me terribly. Of course, our special topic wasn’t mentioned at all. Just as I started to leave, she offered to accompany me. “We could have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine elsewhere,” she suggested.
Now that came somewhat unexpected. Our conversations on the phone since our previous date had been rather inconsequential, if not a bit too cool. I had already berated myself for foolishly lecturing to her. As I had feared before, our relationship seemed too break before it even began. And now this proposal!
We went to a nice wine bodega nearby. I forced myself to circumnavigate the topics sex and tickling. Any impulse in that direction had to come from her now, if ever. And she did! My dry, theoretic seed had fallen into fertile ground and started to bud.
“You told me an interesting story last time,” she mentioned offhandedly. – “I told you a lot of stories. Which one do you mean?”
“Don’t play innocent. You know very well what I mean! The one about tickling and sex, and all that. I guess it was just a ploy do seduce me somehow?” Honestly offended, I protested fervently: “Before God, it was the truth and nothing but the truth! And certainly no ‘ploy’ to seduce you!” – “But why else did you tell me all that?” she drilled deeper. – “Well, it’s because I find this topic quite interesting. And I think it a pity if somebody as marvelously ticklish as you considers tickling as merely uncomfortable, instead of using it for a personal advantage and enrichment.”
She smiled in her pixyish way: “You’re so sweet when you get all excited about something, d’you know that?” This vixen really managed to embarrass me! I think I even blushed a little but she continued with a smirk: “If this topic makes you feel uncomfortable, just say so, and we’ll talk about something else…” – “Okay, okay,” I shrugged, “I’m glad you’re interested in that topic as well.” – “Then you can certainly answer a few more questions, can’t you?” – “Of course, just start away.”
“Last time, you mentioned that you actually had some real experiences with this. I mean tickling in connection with bondage and sex. How on earth did you convince those women to consent?” My dry throat needed to be cleared, and a sip of wine provided the necessary courage. “You know, I think they were simply curious to experience something new and different. But the bondage stuff is something else. If you’re not careful, it can backfire!”
“I thought as much. As I said before, I’d never let anybody do this to me.” – “And as I said before: Never say never! But seriously: For this to become a really great experience for both, a lot of rules have to be obeyed.”
“Rules? So you think it’s just some sort of game?” – “Don’t you call sex a love game sometimes? Is love a game? I don’t think so. Nevertheless, there are a lot of rules in love, too, for example fidelity or honesty. Therefore, you may talk about bondage rules as well.”
“Okay, one score for you,” she admitted. “What kind of rules?” – “First of all, both partners must agree to it. It’s not enough to just talk somebody into it, and any use of force or coercion ruins it completely. That would be comparable to rape, and I detest this strongly.”
Her brain was working visibly as I went on: “It’s quite natural to be afraid of being tied up for the first time. But I compare that with your first jump from the 10-foot-board into the pool. You’re terribly afraid of it at first, standing up there so alone. But you know for sure: if you don’t jump there and then, you’ll never try again. So you overcome your fear, and you jump. You’ll still get a strange feeling in your stomach whenever you stand on the board again, but by then you know: I can manage it, and I can derive pleasure out of it. But if you produce a painful belly-flop at your first jump, it will be very difficult for you to dare it one more time. For that reason, it’s most important that nothing goes wrong during your first bondage session, absolutely nothing!”
One more sip of wine, then I continued: “The most important thing is mutual trust between the partners. Not only the tied partner takes a risk, the other one as well. What if the woman accuses him for having raped her? She can prove her rope marks. And the bound partner surrenders himself completely to the other’s mercy. Once tied up tightly, resistance is impossible. What if the active partner is a closet sadist? If he or she enjoys to inflict real pain? If he or she doesn’t care for limits or rules that were agreed upon previously? You see, trust is of utmost importance. That usually works only between very good friends, or lovers, of course. I’d strongly discourage others from such experiments.”
“Sounds convincing,” she approved. “You were talking about agreeing on rules and limits?” – “That’s the next important point. The active partner must know what the other one likes, and especially what he or she doesn’t like at all. For example, there’s no point in tying up somebody for tickling if tickling has been specifically ruled out before.”
She interrupted: “But why should anyone consent to bondage in the first place? Just to prove one’s trust?”
“Well, if you’re tied up, all the responsibility is in the active person’s hands. Don’t laugh at me, sometimes it’s very comfortable to hand over all responsibility. Simply lay back and let yourself go. You don’t have to be a masochist to enjoy the titillating helplessness. Just do with me as you like, I will simply enjoy it. Do you know this kind of feeling?”
She nodded silently. “I just haven’t tried it with bondage yet. But the feeling of sweet, lustful surrender is familiar to me.”
“Guessing from your face, you obviously liked it. Most people who’ve actually tried it fall for it. But back to the rules. Part of them is to define which body parts shouldn’t be touched. Some people don’t like anal stimulation at all, for example, so that region is taboo. And if your partner has real feelings for you, this taboo will be respected. After all, it has to be pleasurable for both.”
I stubbed the remainders of my pipe tobacco ashes out, then I looked directly in her eyes again: “In your case, tickling with feathers would be taboo. In my case, face tickling would be off-limits. It just feels uncomfortable for me, although I’m quite ticklish there. This kind of taboo is important if you want to keep your partner. If it’s broken, the mutual trust will be badly damaged, and it won’t return.
“Another important point is the danger signal. A mere ‘stop!’ or ‘quit’ isn’t enough. During any heavy tickling session, you will utter these words automatically, even if you want the tickling to continue, because you’ve reached the point when the unbearable turns to lust.
“With my former bondage partners, I always used a cough as a danger signal. The tickling must stop at once when a cough is uttered. There’s another reason for it: If you’re on the receiving end of a heavy tickling session, you’ll laugh so hard that you can’t talk at all. And sometimes, you swallow the wrong way and cough automatically. You know, being tickled isn’t completely without danger: You might actually suffocate if you aren’t allowed to breathe deeply from time to time.”
Susan agreed eagerly: “I experienced that once. As a teenager, I used to play wrestling with my best girlfriend, just for fun. One day during the wrestling, she tickled me so intensely that I could hardly breathe. I almost passed out before she let me go.”
“Hear, hear, so you’ve got some experience already! Now, seriously: Tickling was used as torture by several cultures during the Middle Ages. They even tickled people to death. Don’t ridicule it, that’s the truth! Nobody was able to prove the torture afterwards, as there were no visible injuries on the victims. Thus, their ‘confessions’ must have been given voluntarily.
“What do we learn from this? During erotic tickling you must be careful not to overdo it. Even without the danger signal, the passive partner should be given a break now and then. You can fill these breaks with purely erotic touches, that’s very efficient. The whole body is in a state of increased sensitivity then, and extremely sensitive for sexual stimulation.
As I’ve told you before, tickling increases the lust level during orgasm tremendously. Some people literally fall into ecstasy, and several women even reach multiple climaxes. Another important thing: You should untie your partner immediately after the climax, or painful cramps in arms and legs could follow. You’ll have sore muscles anyway next morning, but I know less interesting reasons for sore muscles.”
Again she grinned: “Hear, hear, the expert is speaking. Please tell me: Have you always tickled other people, or have you ever been on ‘the receiving end’ as well?” – “Of course, and I really can’t say which I enjoy more. Naturally, the tickled victim should be given a chance for revenge, otherwise the whole concept gets lopsided and unfair.” She giggled, a little embarrassed: “Am I to take that as an invitation?” – “Hmm, take it as you like…”
Now we behaved like teenagers at their first date. None of us had the courage for the next step. To overcome our embarrassment, I just made some funny remarks, and her laughter loosened the tension. We kept on horsing around for quite a while, and I enjoyed it tremendously.
Once more, an evening was over. Arrived at her car, we stood together very close, for a long time, and the usual good-night-kiss turned into a hot lovers’ kiss. I was in paradise, but she managed to top it: She promised to think this over thoroughly. Half joking, she said: “Okay, listen to my words: If I ever should decide to want erotic tickling, I’ll do it with you. Just give me a little more time.”
“As much as you like, dear Susan. I’m incredibly happy about your words already!” I kissed her once more, and she drove off.
A Ticklish Topic
Part One: The Convincing
Recently I dined with my new flame in a small, cozy Italian restaurant. Susan was the most bewitching, sweetest female being I had encountered in a long, long time. She unveiled feelings inside me that I had forgotten forever. Her smile caused the sun to rise, even on that chilly winter evening.
Only during our previous date, we came to be on first name base (which is used only for good friends here in Germany). My falling in love with her forbade me to press the issue too much. I guess I wanted to experience the whole romantic phase and feel all the butterflies in my stomach again, not just hop into bed with her for a friendly tumble and a shy good-bye. Instinctively I knew: she was the one who could give me so much more than plain sex.
Accidentally (I swear!) I touched her ribs when I was helping her out of her coat, and she jumped and giggled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump. You seem to be rather ticklish, aren’t you?” I just had to ask this. A slight shiver ran through her. “Oh yes, terribly!”
“What’s so terrible about it? Being ticklish isn’t terrible at all. Applied cleverly, it can even provide a lot of fun!” She shrugged, but offered no reply.
During our excellent dinner, we had a great time just talking about all kinds of topics. I enjoyed to make her laugh with witty remarks. She noticed this and asked me: “You seem to like making people laugh?” – “Only if their laughter is as enticing as yours,” I replied in a sudden fit of old-world-charm. Another smile was my reward, and she added somewhat cheeky: “I guess that’s why you tickled me before, isn’t that true?” – “That was pure coincidence. To tell the whole truth, it was even a coincidence that I tickled you by accident.”
“Could you explain that? I don’t understand.” – “Well, I’ll explain it to you during another date. This just doesn’t seem to be the right place and time for it.” She shook her pretty hair and inquired further: “And what would be the correct time and place and time for it?” The ploy with the proverbial female curiosity worked once again, whatever feminists might think about it. Intentionally, I guided our conversation to a different, more inconspicuous topic, well aware that I had managed to arouse her interest.
Cunning as she was, she used the next opportunity when I had provoked another laugh. “Have you read today’s newspaper? They say that a contagious laughing disease has broken out in some eastern part of Africa. Wouldn’t that be the perfect holiday destination for you?” This time, it was my turn to laugh, and she giggled along merrily as I asked her: “Only in East Africa? But seriously, Susan: Laughter and disease are natural enemies normally. Laughing is the best remedy for most kinds of diseases.”
“Only if you laugh out of your own free will, not forced by some strange virus. Or by something else…” Systematically, she steered our conversation back to tickling. Well, she had asked for it, so I took the ball and ran.
“Well, I wouldn’t like to be forced into laughter by a virus. I prefer other reasons…” – You mean: by tickling?” – “Yes, especially by tickling. But that’s a very erotic topic, be warned!”
Her crystal-clear guffaw rang out once more. “You’re joking! Tickling and erotic? That’s ridiculous!” – “Well, you’re already laughing, aren’t you? But seriously, I wasn’t intending to talk about tickling yet, in this stage of our relationship. You might misinterpret it. Maybe you’d consider me a sex-crazed monster or a pervert, and thus decide never to meet me again. And in addition, I would have to reach very far back to explain it correctly. That could get rather theoretic and dry, and much too serious to talk about right now.”
-“You seem to have researched tickling very thoroughly, haven’t you? I wasn’t aware that you’ve become a scientist lately! But this subject interests me. I suffer from getting completely hysterical by the lightest touch, and now you’re telling me stories about tickling which make this phenomenon appear so ordinary, even scientific. Don’t worry, I won’t take your explanations as sexual harassment. But I won’t consent to play the guinea pig for some obscure pseudo-scientific experiments either. So, get going!”
I grinned. “Okay, you’re asking for it. Have you ever thought about the reason why people are ticklish?” – “Hmm, no, now that you’re asking. Why are they?” – “Well, that originates from the evolution of human physiology. Just reflect on this: Where are you most ticklish? Specifically around the tummy, on your ribcage, in your armpits, and on palms and soles.” She nodded approvingly, and I took it as a positive signal, so I carried on:
“Well, the tummy and loin area, as well as the ribcage, are highly vulnerable body regions. To prevent injuries there, nature has built in a reflex that makes us withdraw at once when we’re touched there. The body buckles forward to present less vulnerable body parts like our backs. To trigger that reflex, it takes a considerable amount of highly sensitive nerve endings around these body parts.” She nodded again and said: “Sounds logical. But there are no important organs in our armpits. Why are we so ticklish there?”
“That’s not quite right. In the armpits, there are the nerve centers which control our arms and hands. There’s a karate blow into the armpits that paralyzes the whole limb for minutes. But I don’t think that the protective function is the real reason for our ticklishness there. I guess it’s just because so many nerves are centered there. This increases our sensitivity, quite similar to our palms and soles.” – “Palms? People are not ticklish there, are they?” – “If you don’t believe me, we need to prove this fact. Give me your hand!”
Hesitantly, she stretched out her left hand. I held her wrist and let my fingertips glide over the palm ever so gently. She jerked her hand back and clenched it into a fist. “Ticklish indeed,” she giggled and rubbed her palm with her right hand. “I didn’t even know I was ticklish there.” – “Oh, I’m sure you’ve got a lot more ticklish spots than you are aware of!” She blushed slightly and scolded me playfully: “No experiments, you promised it!”
“Okay, okay. But back to our topic: Palms and soles are so ticklish because of the huge amount of nerve endings there. Originally, our animal ancestors used to walk on all four limbs, and frequently through high grass where you can’t see the ground. Imagine stepping on a sharp object. If you step on it with your full weight, it would mean an injury. Or you step on something soft and moving. A snake? Better to withdraw fast! There’s even a special medical terminus for this reflex of your feet: Babinsky Reflex. Doctors draw a sharp pencil over your soles to test if the leg is paralyzed after an accident. Don’t worry, I won’t demonstrate this on you now.”
Once more she guffawed: “If you did, we’d get thrown out of this restaurant immediately!” Smiling, I continued my ‘highly scientific’ lecture: “Our society played an important role in increasing the ticklishness of our soles. People who walk barefoot all their lives develop a thoroughly callused skin surface, just like our ancestors. But they can still feel dangerous objects, despite the calluses. Barefoot cultures know ticklish soles as well, though they won’t react to a soft, feather-like touch. You’ll have to turn the feather around and apply a firmer touch with the quill, then these people can sense the tickling impulse, and they, too, react to the Babinsky reflex.”
I interrupted my explanation as I saw her shuddering uncomfortably when I mentioned the word ‘feather’. “Are you alright?” I asked her. She replied: “I already jump at the mere thought of a feather. That’s a real phobia against feathers, I suppose.”
“Hmm. Would be interesting to research the reason for this. But let’s do that later. I was talking about why our civilization is responsible for the degree of ticklishness on our soles. Imagine you’re sensitive enough to feel something through a callused sole. Suddenly, the calluses are gone, only soft skin stretches over the soles. But the numerous and extremely sensitive nerve endings are still there. We’re used to wear shoes for many generations, only rarely we walk barefoot. How can we develop a strong, callused skin? All the sensitive nerve endings are still there. What’s the result? We’re extremely ticklish there.”
I stuffed and lit my pipe before I continued, as I just needed my hands to do something. “This effect is not quite as strong with our palms. Our sensitivity there has decreased to a lower level through time. But the hands still are our most important tools for touching. Thus, a certain amount of nerve endings is still important and functioning well. That’s the reason for the ticklishness on our palms.”
The waiter interrupted us. We ordered another bottle of wine; this topic was much too fascinating to break off and go home. Susan told me that she was particularly ticklish on her toes, and she wanted me to explain this as well.
“Our feet, too, were gripping devices in our evolution. The ‘fingers’ there became smaller, but the amount of nerve endings in our toes is approximately the same as in our much longer fingers. And as our toes eventually touch each other at their sides, the skin there is extremely tender and soft. Please correct me if I’m wrong: The most ticklish spots on the toes are between them, and at their undersides.” Once more she nodded, shivering visibly: “You can say that! But where’s the connection of all this with eroticism?”
“Now we’re getting to the really interesting part. Haven’t you noticed that most of the ticklish areas are highly erogenous zones as well? I suppose that a soft tongue on your tummy and around your loins is not completely unknown to you. Most people consider this stimulating.” Instinctively, she affirmed.
“Well, if you tickle somebody at these spots, it is just as stimulating, you just don’t recognize it at once. At least, you don’t notice the stimulating effect during the brief moment you need to withdraw from the tickling. This can only work if you can’t resist the tickling, but then it works a lot better.”
Her exes widened: “What do you mean by that? Not able to resist? You’d have to tie me up for that! That’s something I will never consent to!” – “Never say never,” I calmed her gently. “How do you react when you get tickled? You try to protect your ticklish spots with your hands or arms, or you just run away. That’s a perfectly normal reaction, but that way, you’re denying yourself the chance to become aroused by the soft touch. The only sensation you feel is the uncomfortable initial irritation that triggers your reflexes.”
Susan looked at me pensively and obviously disbelieving, so I continued: “But if you’re willing to let yourself get carried over that threshold, tickling can unfold its true erotic effect. In the beginning, the tickling feels simply unbearable, your nerve endings become overloaded with the stimulation. As the tickling happens on especially sensitive body parts which are erogenous zones as well, you’re likely to become extremely aroused. After a few moments, the sexual sensation will drown out the initial discomfort. Believe me, I’ve experienced many a girl crawling out of her skin from pure lust, just from continuous tickling. Okay, only very few will reach orgasm by tickling alone, without any additional sexual stimulation, but the tickling usually increases the lust level considerably during a climax.”
Her eyes still wide, she asked incredulously: “And that’s no bullshit you’re telling me?” Completely serious, I replied: “My word of honor, no bullshit. Admittedly, not everybody reacts the same positive way to tickling. But I know that women with orgasm problems get treated with tickling. Of course, this doesn’t work if these problems are of organic nature, or for victims of rape or child abuse. But a lot of anorgasmic women just have difficulties to let themselves go. Their control is too tight. If these women get tickled continuously and patiently, they will lose that control. Their mind barriers will crumble. Of course, that’s only possible if they’re tied down.”
I seemed to get somewhere, finally. “But there is another physical connection between tickling and orgasm: The laughing triggers the same muscle contractions as an oncoming sexual climax. Our brain seems to conclude that an orgasm is imminent, and it causes our glands to pour out more sexual hormones. You could say the brain prepares the body for an orgasm. This is some sort of feedback effect. By the way: The reason why we must laugh during tickling is still an unsolved mystery.”
This frank conversation about sex and orgasm obviously showed some effect on Susan. Her eyes sparkled, and she adjusted her long brown hair with a nervous gesture. Outwardly cool, she replied:
”That’s almost incredible. Obviously you have dealt with this quite intensely. But there are still some things I don’t understand. For example: what do the feet have to do with all this? Feet aren’t erogenous zones after all, are they?”
“On the contrary! Have your feet never been kissed, have you never experienced soft licks of gentle sucking on your toes? Then you’ve missed something, my friend. But there’s a scientific explanation for that as well: The impulses from different nerve endings lead to specific brain regions. Extensive research has shown where exactly these impulses end up. By some odd chance, the receptors for the feet are located in direct vicinity to the receptors for the genitals. If there are very strong impulses from the soles and toes, the overloaded receptors cans spark off electrical energy into neighboring receptors. Very strong tickle impulses at the feet can cause this overflow.”
Lost in thoughts, she shook her head. “That’s simply incredible! And all this can be proven by science?” – “Yes. At least the vicinity of the mentioned receptors has been proven, and the fact of impulse overflow. I just added two and two. It seems nobody has yet combined this knowledge. If I had enough money, I’d gladly finance some research projects on tickling.”
We fell silent. Naturally, she needed some time to digest all that. I didn’t press on, I simply paid the check. Before she climbed into her car, we embraced each other. What an absurd situation, We hadn’t even exchanged our first real kiss, but I was already lecturing about sex and tickling to her!
Two weeks later, we met again, this time during a social event. No chance for a private conversation, and the shallow party small talk soon annoyed me terribly. Of course, our special topic wasn’t mentioned at all. Just as I started to leave, she offered to accompany me. “We could have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine elsewhere,” she suggested.
Now that came somewhat unexpected. Our conversations on the phone since our previous date had been rather inconsequential, if not a bit too cool. I had already berated myself for foolishly lecturing to her. As I had feared before, our relationship seemed too break before it even began. And now this proposal!
We went to a nice wine bodega nearby. I forced myself to circumnavigate the topics sex and tickling. Any impulse in that direction had to come from her now, if ever. And she did! My dry, theoretic seed had fallen into fertile ground and started to bud.
“You told me an interesting story last time,” she mentioned offhandedly. – “I told you a lot of stories. Which one do you mean?”
“Don’t play innocent. You know very well what I mean! The one about tickling and sex, and all that. I guess it was just a ploy do seduce me somehow?” Honestly offended, I protested fervently: “Before God, it was the truth and nothing but the truth! And certainly no ‘ploy’ to seduce you!” – “But why else did you tell me all that?” she drilled deeper. – “Well, it’s because I find this topic quite interesting. And I think it a pity if somebody as marvelously ticklish as you considers tickling as merely uncomfortable, instead of using it for a personal advantage and enrichment.”
She smiled in her pixyish way: “You’re so sweet when you get all excited about something, d’you know that?” This vixen really managed to embarrass me! I think I even blushed a little but she continued with a smirk: “If this topic makes you feel uncomfortable, just say so, and we’ll talk about something else…” – “Okay, okay,” I shrugged, “I’m glad you’re interested in that topic as well.” – “Then you can certainly answer a few more questions, can’t you?” – “Of course, just start away.”
“Last time, you mentioned that you actually had some real experiences with this. I mean tickling in connection with bondage and sex. How on earth did you convince those women to consent?” My dry throat needed to be cleared, and a sip of wine provided the necessary courage. “You know, I think they were simply curious to experience something new and different. But the bondage stuff is something else. If you’re not careful, it can backfire!”
“I thought as much. As I said before, I’d never let anybody do this to me.” – “And as I said before: Never say never! But seriously: For this to become a really great experience for both, a lot of rules have to be obeyed.”
“Rules? So you think it’s just some sort of game?” – “Don’t you call sex a love game sometimes? Is love a game? I don’t think so. Nevertheless, there are a lot of rules in love, too, for example fidelity or honesty. Therefore, you may talk about bondage rules as well.”
“Okay, one score for you,” she admitted. “What kind of rules?” – “First of all, both partners must agree to it. It’s not enough to just talk somebody into it, and any use of force or coercion ruins it completely. That would be comparable to rape, and I detest this strongly.”
Her brain was working visibly as I went on: “It’s quite natural to be afraid of being tied up for the first time. But I compare that with your first jump from the 10-foot-board into the pool. You’re terribly afraid of it at first, standing up there so alone. But you know for sure: if you don’t jump there and then, you’ll never try again. So you overcome your fear, and you jump. You’ll still get a strange feeling in your stomach whenever you stand on the board again, but by then you know: I can manage it, and I can derive pleasure out of it. But if you produce a painful belly-flop at your first jump, it will be very difficult for you to dare it one more time. For that reason, it’s most important that nothing goes wrong during your first bondage session, absolutely nothing!”
One more sip of wine, then I continued: “The most important thing is mutual trust between the partners. Not only the tied partner takes a risk, the other one as well. What if the woman accuses him for having raped her? She can prove her rope marks. And the bound partner surrenders himself completely to the other’s mercy. Once tied up tightly, resistance is impossible. What if the active partner is a closet sadist? If he or she enjoys to inflict real pain? If he or she doesn’t care for limits or rules that were agreed upon previously? You see, trust is of utmost importance. That usually works only between very good friends, or lovers, of course. I’d strongly discourage others from such experiments.”
“Sounds convincing,” she approved. “You were talking about agreeing on rules and limits?” – “That’s the next important point. The active partner must know what the other one likes, and especially what he or she doesn’t like at all. For example, there’s no point in tying up somebody for tickling if tickling has been specifically ruled out before.”
She interrupted: “But why should anyone consent to bondage in the first place? Just to prove one’s trust?”
“Well, if you’re tied up, all the responsibility is in the active person’s hands. Don’t laugh at me, sometimes it’s very comfortable to hand over all responsibility. Simply lay back and let yourself go. You don’t have to be a masochist to enjoy the titillating helplessness. Just do with me as you like, I will simply enjoy it. Do you know this kind of feeling?”
She nodded silently. “I just haven’t tried it with bondage yet. But the feeling of sweet, lustful surrender is familiar to me.”
“Guessing from your face, you obviously liked it. Most people who’ve actually tried it fall for it. But back to the rules. Part of them is to define which body parts shouldn’t be touched. Some people don’t like anal stimulation at all, for example, so that region is taboo. And if your partner has real feelings for you, this taboo will be respected. After all, it has to be pleasurable for both.”
I stubbed the remainders of my pipe tobacco ashes out, then I looked directly in her eyes again: “In your case, tickling with feathers would be taboo. In my case, face tickling would be off-limits. It just feels uncomfortable for me, although I’m quite ticklish there. This kind of taboo is important if you want to keep your partner. If it’s broken, the mutual trust will be badly damaged, and it won’t return.
“Another important point is the danger signal. A mere ‘stop!’ or ‘quit’ isn’t enough. During any heavy tickling session, you will utter these words automatically, even if you want the tickling to continue, because you’ve reached the point when the unbearable turns to lust.
“With my former bondage partners, I always used a cough as a danger signal. The tickling must stop at once when a cough is uttered. There’s another reason for it: If you’re on the receiving end of a heavy tickling session, you’ll laugh so hard that you can’t talk at all. And sometimes, you swallow the wrong way and cough automatically. You know, being tickled isn’t completely without danger: You might actually suffocate if you aren’t allowed to breathe deeply from time to time.”
Susan agreed eagerly: “I experienced that once. As a teenager, I used to play wrestling with my best girlfriend, just for fun. One day during the wrestling, she tickled me so intensely that I could hardly breathe. I almost passed out before she let me go.”
“Hear, hear, so you’ve got some experience already! Now, seriously: Tickling was used as torture by several cultures during the Middle Ages. They even tickled people to death. Don’t ridicule it, that’s the truth! Nobody was able to prove the torture afterwards, as there were no visible injuries on the victims. Thus, their ‘confessions’ must have been given voluntarily.
“What do we learn from this? During erotic tickling you must be careful not to overdo it. Even without the danger signal, the passive partner should be given a break now and then. You can fill these breaks with purely erotic touches, that’s very efficient. The whole body is in a state of increased sensitivity then, and extremely sensitive for sexual stimulation.
As I’ve told you before, tickling increases the lust level during orgasm tremendously. Some people literally fall into ecstasy, and several women even reach multiple climaxes. Another important thing: You should untie your partner immediately after the climax, or painful cramps in arms and legs could follow. You’ll have sore muscles anyway next morning, but I know less interesting reasons for sore muscles.”
Again she grinned: “Hear, hear, the expert is speaking. Please tell me: Have you always tickled other people, or have you ever been on ‘the receiving end’ as well?” – “Of course, and I really can’t say which I enjoy more. Naturally, the tickled victim should be given a chance for revenge, otherwise the whole concept gets lopsided and unfair.” She giggled, a little embarrassed: “Am I to take that as an invitation?” – “Hmm, take it as you like…”
Now we behaved like teenagers at their first date. None of us had the courage for the next step. To overcome our embarrassment, I just made some funny remarks, and her laughter loosened the tension. We kept on horsing around for quite a while, and I enjoyed it tremendously.
Once more, an evening was over. Arrived at her car, we stood together very close, for a long time, and the usual good-night-kiss turned into a hot lovers’ kiss. I was in paradise, but she managed to top it: She promised to think this over thoroughly. Half joking, she said: “Okay, listen to my words: If I ever should decide to want erotic tickling, I’ll do it with you. Just give me a little more time.”
“As much as you like, dear Susan. I’m incredibly happy about your words already!” I kissed her once more, and she drove off.