hammergia said:
OK I finally got my Outlook Express set up to read a newsgroup service but how do I Subscribe to it? Do you know what I mean? It keeps saying I"m unsubcribed or something. I know I'm close to being able to download and see video clips on the newsgroups but there must be one thing I'm missing. Milagros can you help? Please I would be soooooooooooooooooooooo grateful.
Yes, subscription is crucial. You need to subscribe to a news service. You can go about this in one of two ways:
1) Contact your ISP (and I hope to God it isn't AOL) and ask them the address of the news server. For example let's say your ISP is Verizon, and they tell you the news server is "news.verizon.net" This would be the server address you'd program in Outlook Express (don't worry, we'll get to that later). You also need to verify with your ISP what your userid and password will be.
2) If you don't mind spending a little cash, you can subscribe to a payed news service. These generally have better servers with more retention. One of them is news.supernews.com, but last I checked they weren't carrying AMT's binaries. Do a Google search for News Servers.
Okay, now that you've got your news server address, userid and password, we're ready to program Outlook Express.
Bring up Outlook Express
Click on
Tools, initiating the drop-down menu
Click on
This will bring up a dialogue box that's title
Internet Accounts.
Look at the column of buttons on the right hand side of the box and click on
Add and then click on
News... This brings up yet another box that's titled
Internet Connection Wizard.
The first field you must complete is your nickname. I'm assuming you'd want to put Hammergia, but you can put anything you want. Once you've typed in your nickname, click
Next at the bottom.
Now it's asking you what email address will be associated with you in each of your posts. I strongly advise you don't put your main email address. Get a hotmail or Yahoo address, because you'll get lot's of spam. An alternative is to put a bogus email address to avoid spam altogether. Once you've completed the email field click
Next at the bottom.
Now it's asking you your News Server Address. Put in your news server address (news.verizon.com was my example) and check the box that says "My news service requires me to log on". Click
Okay, here is where you put in your Account Name (userid) and password. The Account name field will offer as a default your email name. Just type over it and enter the correct userid, and the password below it. I recommend checking the box that says "remember password" but don't check the box that says "Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)." Go ahead and click
Now it should be telling you "You have successfully entered all the information required to set up your account." Go ahead and click
Close the
Internet Accounts dialogue box. You should immediately see a new box asking you if you want to download available newsgroups. Click Yes, and sit back because there's only about fifty thousand newsgroups out there.
Once it's finished downloading the available newsgroups, you're left with a box titled
Newsgroup Subscriptions. At the top of this box there is a field that says "Display newsgroups that contain..." This is where you enter your topic. To get AMT enter alt.multimedia.tk and you should see it there. Go ahead and double-click it to load the newsgroup and subscribe to it.
Voila. You are there. Give it a moment to download the most recent headers, and have at it.
Good luck!