Bet you were hoping it wouldn't come, weren't ya? 😛
Let's have a swift re-cap.
Part 1:
Part 2:
If you've not seen these threads first, now would be the time. If you've already posted in them, chances are you'll have an e-mail notification in your inbox right now, because I've posted the link to this one in both of them.
The thot plickens...............
The War On Terrorism…….. Hmmm.
The chain of events that took place recently in Iraq can be traced directly back to 1990, when a nice chap by the name of Saddam decided to annex Kuwait. The allies went steaming in and almost within ten minutes of the ground war starting, the Iraqi army was scuttling back to Baghdad with its tail between its legs. A straightforward case of standing up to a bully and whupping some ass when it got too cocky, yes? Nah, it’s never that straightforward in these threads, is it? 🙄
Let’s make a comparison. Shortly before Gulf War II (this time, it’s personal!) we had/have George junior in the Oval Office, Dick Cheney as Vice President and Colin Powell as Defence Secretary. A US headed coalition of allies goes to war in the Middle East.
In 1991 George senior was in the Oval Office, Cheney was the Defence Secretary and Powell Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The first conflict if you include all casualties caused by the conflict, bombing and sanctions that occurred in the years to follow, caused the deaths of well over a million Iraqi children before the second one even started. Already there must be a similar or greater number as Project TWAT rumbles ever onwards. Pointless mass murder, nothing else.
Iraq and Kuwait being pissed off at each other wasn’t a new thing. Kuwait has been under western control for decades, right back when the potential for oil being used as a means of control was first appreciated. Iraq itself has possibly the greatest natural oil reserve in the world after Antarctica. To be brutally frank, countries like these two and other were created by colonial powers like Britain scratching meaningless marks in the sand. Kuwait is a brutal, savage and repressive dictatorship and the notion that the Gulf War was supposed to “free” it, is quite absurd. If it is truly supposed to be free, the royal family there and the manipulators in the west need to voluntarily give up their overt and covert control of the country and let the people elect their own government, free of manipulation, gerrymandering and nepotism. But why would that happen to Kuwait, when it’s not even happened to the UK and the USA? It’s not going to happen with things the way they are, because it suits the elite’s agenda. Kuwait is nearly in as bad a state dictator-wise, as Saudi Arabia; another country that George senior claimed to be protecting from the depredations of Mr. Moustache. So what happened after the Gulf War? As I’m sure you know, Saddam was in place in Baghdad, safe and inviolate and the Kuwaiti royal family was re-installed by the British and Americans to carry on with their little games of torture and murder of dissidents. (i.e. People who say they want piddly little things like freedom and the vote.)
Saddam, the Villain of the Month for November 1990, was in fact a bosom buddy of the west. (Up to a point.) He was a member of the elite Safari Club, which began as a grouping of Saddam; SAVAK, the secret police of the Shah of Iran; Anwar Sadat, the later to be bumped off President of Egypt; and the Saudi intelligence services. This consortium has been heavily implicated in many coups within the African continent and is a front-runner in the arms dealing and supply trade. Out of this organisation came the Pinay Circle, or “Le Cercle”; named for the French Prime Minister Antoine Pinay. He was a serious big-timer with the elite and was an attendee at the inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Group in Oosterbeek, Holland, in May of 1954. A big elite bloodline, the Hapsburgs were also involved in Le Cercle. To get some perspective of just how powerful Le Cercle’s membership is, people involved with it have included Nicholas Elliot, a bigwig in MI6; William Colby, a previous director of the CIA; Colonel Botta of Swiss Military Intelligence; Stefano Della Chiaie, a leading light in Italian intelligence; Giulio Andreotti, a former member of the terrorist P2 Freemasonry lodge, Italian Prime Minister and a mate of Henry Kissinger (a man who is notorious for giving members of the Mafia legal shelter; Silva Munoz, a former Prime Minister under the Franco regime and an elite member of the secret society within the Catholic Church, knows as Opus Dei; Franz Josef Strauss, a German Defence Minister; and Monsignor Brunello, an agent of the Vatican’s. IN America, there is alleged to be a front for Le Cercle, namely the CIA backed Heritage Foundation, in Washington. Now a lot of people think a “conspiracy” of such a degree as I’m suggesting is impossible or improbable, because of the amount of organisation that would be needed between supposedly different people, countries and factions. But here you have an organisation of immense power, with the potential to be a superbly efficient co-ordinating force between them all. Difficult to make all the pieces of the puzzle fit together without falling apart? Not on your life. It’s simple as A-B-C. Achieving a common aim is no more difficult than co-ordinating the divisions in an army, to fight in a major battle. Complicated, sometimes irregular, but feasible and VERY possible! Le Cercle and The Safari Club might just as well be the same entity really. This is why the Wall Street journal reported on 08-16-90, that it was the CIA who installed the Baath Party in Iraq, with Saddam ad leader; and also Colonel Gaddafi in Libya. It is always best to be mindful though, that anyone can be expendable if it suits the overall cause.
Saddam was encouraged by Britain and the US to go to war on the forces of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1980. That conflict dragged on for 8 years or more, involving immense suffering and loss of life. But what the hell, it was good for the oil, banking and armament cartel, controlled by the (here it comes…) Illuminati. Not to mention it was bloody good business for the “Divide and Rule” principle of people control, that you’ve probably read about in the other two threads. The good old British Government supplied arms to both sides in this war and only a little bit of that was brought to light in the Scott Inquiry into illegal arms to Iraq that was done in 1996. The Iran-Iraq war is a horrid example of (here comes another perennial favourite) problem-reaction-solution. The CIA made sure Hominy was safe and ready throughout his sojourn in Paris, to take over when the Shah, another CIA puppet, had outlived his usefulness. Now Saddam was in line (probably unknowingly) to be used to start another war by invading Kuwait. Some interesting light is shed on the topic by researcher George C. Andrews, who wrote…………
“A little known fact about the Gulf War is that one month before our Declaration of War on December 15th, 1990, Secretary of state, James Baker, signed the US Army Report from the 352nd Civil Affairs Command on the New Kuwait [unclassified and therefore available to those interested]. This report describes in detail how extensively Kuwait will be destroyed, how the oil wells will be set on fire and then how it will all be re-built ‘better than before’, with despotism, instead of democracy, even more entrenched than it had been before. The report includes a list of US corporations who will be assigned the profitable task of re-building Kuwait and extinguishing the oil fires, as well as the Arab names they will be operating under. [Exactly the same was done before the war in Afghanistan].
Why have none of his political opponents thought of asking the obvious questions: How did George Bush’s so-called “blind trust” make out during the time frame of the Gulf War? Why are the huge business deals between Bush and Hussein still off-limits to the public’s right to know?”
By now, the answer should be pretty obvious people. Incidentally, a “blind trust” is the method by which all Presidents have to hand over their business dealings to a “trust” during their term of office. This is supposed to be so they can’t make political decisions, which will affect heir own investments and fiscal position. Heh heh. Prime example of the much vaunted “checks and balances” system. It’s about as credible as Ringo being a really good drummer. Bush’s “blind trust” was controlled by his close friend William S. Farish III, grandson of William Farish, the president of Standard Oil New Jersey, when they were working with Hitler’s drug and chemical cartel, I.G. Farben. (Which ran the Auschwitz slave camps.) This has been established by official enquiries.
Today, (or recently) this man Farish III is the American Ambassador to Great Britain. He is also a close buddy of queen Elizabeth II and she keeps her equestrian breeding stock at his Lane’s End Farm, near Versailles in Kentucky. She is a regular visitor there. But I digress………..(For a change. 😀)
American recon advised Bush somewhere near the 16th/17th July 1990 that Iraqi troops were assembling along the border with Kuwait. Nary a breeze stirred the Oval Office. On the 25h of July Saddam had a meeting with the US Ambassador in Baghdad; April Glaspie, who told him that she was acting on the instructions of George senior. She said Bush had “no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflict like your border disagreement with Kuwait”. Glaspie also added that she had instructions to seek better relations with Iraq. She then buggered off on holiday, giving Saddam a virtual nod, indicating that the Americans were not concerned with the situation. During all of this, Bush still had nothing to say in public about the build-up of troops in the Iraq-Kuwaiti border. By the start of August, about 100,000 troops were involved. Still no word from the Pres. Two days before the invasion, John Kell, an assistant Secretary of state was asked by Congress if America would defend Kuwait in the event of an attack. His reply was, “We have no defence treaty with any Gulf country”. On the 2nd of August, Saddam sent his troops over the border in invasion. Our old friend Henry Kissinger was machinating behind the scenes, through Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor, a long time Kissinger mate back to the days of Richard Nixon’s administration and an executive of Kissinger Associates. Scowcroft urged military intervention and the one from the White House began to alter. The US told the Saudis that Hussein was likely to invade them next (complete crap) and Bush ordered US troops to assemble along the Saudi border. The statement went out that the US troops were only there to prevent an invasion of Saudi Arabia. No intervention with a Kuwaiti one was being contemplated and economic sanctions were to be the only offensive weapon used. The Saudi Arabians, Germans and Japanese were leant on to contribute towards America’s expenses.
Sanctions were ever going to be the only weapon used though, that much was patently obvious. The rhetoric becomes more strident. Bush called Saddam “The new Hitler” (Mr. Pot, there’s a Mr. Kettle on the phone for you. Says something about you being too black.) and said that the Second World War had shown that appeasement was of no use with such people. If he was really an honest public servant, he might have added that it was not the answer to fund both sides in a conflict and help finance Hitler’s war machine, as his father had done. On August the 23rd, Brent Scowcroft said, “We believe we are creating the beginning of a New World Order out of the collapse of the old US-Soviet antagonisms.”
Anyone else feel that shiver going their spine? The one going down my spine saw my arse and hurried back up to the head. Heh heh. “New World Order” is very old code for these people. George Bush would use the expression in a congressional speech on September the 11th. Two shivers in as many sentences? I had several and I’m the bugger writing this! This expression was due to enter the political lexicon and would be used to the point of tedium thereafter. Bush describes his “NWO” as ‘diverse nations drawn together in common cause’. Okay, remember that this is the man who runs more drugs in North America than anyone else and that his father helped bankroll Hitler along with Henry Ford. Lose the Bush-speak and it translates as “World government, central bank, centralised military, single currency and policy all controlled by Big Brother. The very structure that 9/11 helped draw so much closer. The coming Gulf War was given full support from Illuminati puppets Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterand, the 33rd Degree Freemason President of France, and Nazi collaborator supreme. Both leaders sent forces to the Gulf to join the US troops and this was presented as the UN response. In his speech of 9/11/90-precisely 11 years to the day before the Twin Towers disaster, Bush said to Congress,
“Clearly no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concerted United Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective- a new world order- can emerge…”
Thank you Emperor Palpatine.
On the 8th of November, Bush announced that the “defensive” forces in Saudi would be increased substantially. A week after that he left on a tour of Europe and the Middle East to garner more support for the war. He met for 3 hours with President Assad of Syria (another Illuminati puppet) who agreed to increase his contribution to 20,000 troops. The Allies attacked on Wednesday, January the 16th 1991. Over 120,000 air sorties were unleashed on Iraq, mostly as it turned out, against civilian areas. The operation was headed by Colin Powell, who has several ancestral links to many old families in Britain and America. The civilian dead an injured from the bombing, resulting illness (Iraq leapfrogged the world league tables of instances of childhood leukaemia, going from gazillionth to 1st, due to the use of radioactive elements in weapons) and the resulting economic sanctions can scarcely fail to draw tear from even the most hardened of cynics. Things are not all that better there now. Everyone was promised that the troops would leave Iraq to be governed by Iraqis, following the second war. We would stay long enough to create order and possibly train the new Iraqi police force to do their jobs more effectively. Now we are hearing the platitudes about how important it is to stay and finish the job. About how we can’t leave till the area is stable again. Now we are being told that it will take a long time, but not to worry, we’ll stay till our work is done. Here’s a prediction for you. Iraq will turn into the Bosnia and Northern Ireland of the 21st century. US and UK troops will stay there for years to come, because it suits the agenda to do so. Dissident Iraqis who bomb and kill our troops will be labelled terrorists and agitators, just exactly as the IRA were in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s. Their actions will give our politicians cause to patiently explain that the area is just not stable enough to vacate and how we still have to stay there. Then their friends will arm the terrorists and turn a blind eye to the countries that house their training cells. America did exactly the same thing with the IRA. Remember all those buckets that were passed round in Irish bars in New York to collect for women and children under hardship because of the troubles? That went to buy Semtex and second-hand Armalite rifles for the IRA. Remember how it took an age for American intervention to come in for certain North African countries? Those same countries were hosting training camps for the IRA. (Or to be 100% accurate, the PIRA.)
So conditions for civilians in Iraq following the first war were unimaginable. Still are. This is the all-wonderful United Nations in all its manifest glory. Not a champion f peace, freedom, justice and democracy as it claims, but an Illuminati Trojan-horse for a one-world government. Incidentally, part of the propaganda to gain public US support for the war was the testimony of a teenage girl that Iraqi soldiers ad thrown Kuwaiti babies from their incubators and sent the incubators back to Baghdad. Well she just happened to be the daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to Washington and the entire incident was a 100% lie cooked up by Hill and Knowlton, a public relations firm. Nice to know that your government is kept in true by checks and balances isn’t it?
It’s vital to keep drawing parallels between the Gulf and 9/11 because they mirror each other very closely. Same faces, same scheme, same techniques, same mass-annihilation of innocent people. As with Afghanistan, both Gulf Wars weren’t wars by most people’s definition. Wars generally need two sides to be fighting. As I’ve said elsewhere (thanks to an appropriate Icke analogy) they were the military equivalent of putting Mike Tyson in the ring with your grandmother. We may have armed the Iraqi army, but they were still mostly conscripts who had no choice about being there. Iraqi men, and especially women and children were subjected to the most devastating conventional blitz in human history. Hundreds of thousands died in the bombing and while the military were proudly showing of their “smart bomb” on TV, that could supposedly target a building and go through any window chosen, the truth was being suppressed daily by the military censors. At least 93% of the bombs that rained down were not “smart” at all (according to the Pentagon’s own statistics) and 70% or more actually missed their target. A quote from Wade Frazier is needed here to show just exactly how un-“smart” the weapons were.
“The [fuel-air] bomb works thus: there are two detonations; the first spreads a fine mist of fuel into the air, turning the area [about the size of a football field] into an explosive mix of vast proportion; then a second detonation ignites the mixture, causing an awesome explosion. The explosion is about the most powerful ‘conventional’ explosion we know of.
At a pressure shock of up to 200 lbs PSI, people in it’s detonation zone are often killed by the sheer compression of the air around them Human beings can typically withstand up to about a 40lb PSI shock. The bomb sucks oxygen out of the air, and can apparently even suck the lungs out through the mouths people unfortunate enough to be in the detonation zone. Our military used it on helpless people.”
These were the same sorts of weapons used in Afghanistan. The Iraqi people, living, breathing human beings like you and me, we also introduced to the wonder of precise weaponry called the ‘Big Blue’. This produces a shock wave only eclipsed by the hydrogen bomb. As Wade Frazier says, the power of the shock wave can turn a body into a hamburger. Something called the ‘bouncing bomb’ was also deployed. These were designed to bounce to waist height, before exploding, giving them maximum opportunity to eviscerate people. In the sanitised newspeak this is called an ‘anti-personnel weapon’. Then there’s the ‘Beehive’, which shatters into nearly nine thousand pieces of shrapnel. All of these charming devices were used on exclusive civilian areas in the Gulf War and since in Project TWAT.
This was and is not a war. It was an act of genocide. And it continues today on anyone that the ‘Allies’ choose to demonise through their bullshitting media. The very ‘protectors’ of freedom and liberty used the same lying rhetoric now as they did then to justify the mass murder they commit in our names. They successfully manage to hide this truth because of the lies so unquestioningly and unthinkingly repeated by journalists and through a public who has long forgotten, not only that they should be thinking, but even how to. Talk show hosts who obviously had fewer brain cells than Oklahoma has coastline miles, called for nuclear attacks on Iraq and anyone who challenged the war was either ‘stupid’, a ‘supporter of evil’ or ‘un-patriotic’. The US Government and the British targeted civilian bomb shelters killing hundreds of civilian families because “Intelligence told us that the bomb shelter was actually a military headquarters”. Bollocks, bullshit, shite, cobblers and crap. These are the same ass-artists who blew the shit out of a town in Afghanistan a week after the Taliban had left!!! (As I’ve mentioned before, I’m sure.) Mistakes happen in war? Sure they do. But before you let that platitude sweep this under the carpet, remember that US surveillance satellites can read your car’s number plate from space! And look at how Airman Magazine described the equipment on the Global Hawk umanned surveillance aeroplane deployed in Afghanistan.
“On an early test, for example, Global Hawk flew at 56,000 feet over the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, California. The images it gathered were so clear that an electro-optical image stands out next to an F/A-18 fighter. An infra-red image showed where concrete had cooled down from the shadow of a C-130 that had recently taken off.”
So there is no mistaking who or what is located in a “bomb shelter”, for the same reason there are no mistakes in the failure to establish the location of Osama bin Laden during the invasion of Afghanistan. Peter Arnett of CNN visited the civvy bomb shelter in Iraq and found out it was just that. He also visited a milk factory that was bombed because surveillance said it was a ‘chemical weapons factory’ and found out it was a … milk factory. In fact he’d visited the same building 12 months earlier and found that at the time it was producing … milk. Mistake? Not a chucking fance. It was no mistake, just as 99% of the others weren’t mistakes. We were lied to and millions of innocent people were slaughtered on a scale never seen before.
So that’s just the air war. What of the ground? The Highway of Death? Well these morally superior ‘UN’ forces blatantly broke the international law by using bulldozers to bury Iraqi troops alive. That’s bad enough, but nothing describes the sick mentality of these people more than the ‘Highway of Death’. The Iraqi army was retreating in a full rout, back up the road to Basra. With them were thousands of civilians and prisoners. US pilots attacked the vehicles at both the front and rear of this RETREATING convoy, thus forcing it to a halt, grounding the seven-mile long exodus. Then the real slaughter began. They constantly bombed the tailback, sweeping back and forth and then returning to their carriers so the could continue the mass-murder. This didn’t just break the Geneva Convention; it shattered it into a million pieces. Was any criminal action taken? Nope. A rather weak-kneed indictment was made somewhere, then it all just vanished up it’s own arse. Bush, Powell, Storming Norman and anyone else associated with the action should have been tried for capital war crimes and imprisoned for decades. Why weren’t they? Because there is one rule for America, Britain, France, Germany and whoever is on their side at the time, and a very different one for anyone they choose to murder, maim, mutilate and destroy. That indictment served to have a rather un-circulated conviction for war crimes laid against Bush, Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, James Baker, Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf. What happened? Bugger all, that’s what.
“So why don’t hear about all this?” I hear you cry. What about the media? Wouldn’t this be a major coup for some reporter and his mates? Well the Iraqi soldiers weren’t the only things buried in this escapade. The truth was too. The truth about crimes committed by people like the Bushes, their superiors and their many associates very rarely come to public attention, because the media, at the top level, is controlled by he Illuminati. Few journalists realise they are just as much pawns in a game as the rest of us and the ones who do accept it for the sake of their careers. There are HUGE catalogues of accounts of how evidence and footage that expose these lies and crimes, especially in time of war, are banned, censored or confiscated. A good example during the 1991 Gulf War was when NBC and CBS refused to show pictures shot in Iraq of the mass destruction of civilian areas that showed the Bush government and military accounts to be complete fiction. The same is true in Project TWAT. The story was ko’ed by Michael Garner, president of NBC, so the producers offered it to CBS. Tom Bettag (executive editor of CBS Evening News) promised that one of them could appear on TV the next day to tell their story. Bettag was fired that evening and the story was buried. Footage of the road to Basra was also suppressed and, as in the ‘War on Terrorism’, US casualties were put down as “training accidents”. Bush’s lies about Iraqi troop deployments in Kuwait (provable by satellite imagery) were also suppressed. This satellite problem was the reason the US government bought the exclusive rights to satellite images of Afghanistan while that country was being hammered by the USAF and the RAF.
After the war Storming Norman lamented the Pres pulling them out and leaving Hussein in Baghdad. He claimed it could have been a battle of annihilation. (It was anyway.) The reason why he was left there was because the elite wanted this particular card to played a few more times in the future.
The public believed the war ended in 1991 and then sparked up again in a second episode, over a year later. Not true. It was a single, continuous effort. The sanctions inflicted on Iraq (a country that imports something like 70% of it’s food) caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and didn’t in the least cause Saddam to miss so much as a meal. They also continued (unreported largely) to bomb civilian targets, including the family of a woman who spoke to a journalist called John Pilger. Her husband, father in law and children were all killed by two US planes who bombed them while they were tending a flock of sheep… on a hill…twenty five miles from the nearest town… or any other industrial or military target.
A public health team from Harvard University went to Iraq in soon after the war had ‘officially’ ended and estimated that over 46,000 children under the age of 5 had already died before August of 1991, because of the destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure. Thomas J. Nagy exposed the way that the US military fired at the Iraqi water supply in the full knowledge that it would result in the disease and death of the most vulnerable people in the country; women, children and the elderly. Nagy, who is a teacher at the School of Business and Public Management at George Washington University, uncovered some files from the US Defence Intelligence Agency that reveal a horrifying disregard for human life. Dated January 22nd 1991, they say………
“Iraq depends on importing specialised equipment and some chemicals to purify the water supply… Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease. The most likely diseases during the next 60-90 days include: diarrhoeal diseases (particularly children); acute respiratory illnesses (colds and influenza); typhoid; hepatitis A (particularly children); measles; diphtheria; and pertussis (particularly children); cholera (possible, but less likely).“
This is a flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention. The relevant article of it, says……..
“It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installation and supplies, and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse party, whatever the motive.”
The sanctions we imposed on Iraq did every single one of those things. In 1995 Madeleine Albright was forced to say on 60 Minutes that these sanctions had already cost the lives of half a million Iraqi children. That was only up till then!!! Leading up to the second bout, the number was rising at around 5,000 more a week and passed a million in total! Dear Madeleine said on the program that she thought the consequences were worth it, if it helped stop Saddam. This is the same Saddam who was a puppet on a string to the West, the same Saddam that the West installed, the same Saddam that the West funded, the same fucking Saddam who was brokered loans by the West in the full knowledge that he would default on them and steal the money!!! The same Saddam in short, who was always controlled and directed by the Illuminati. (Why does the credibility of a piece of writing instantly lose a million points when that word is mentioned?) So why did Albright say that? There’s no conspiracy? It couldn’t be done? If you’ve read this far and digested everything written here, then the programming you’ve been subjected to since birth must have really worked well, if you don’t believe it. You may not believe everything I’ve said. Few, if any, would and I’m not expecting anyone to believe 100% of what I do. But please don’t try and tell me you believe that our politicians only use as much chicanery as they need to, to get the job done. They’re buried up to their necks in the worst crimes against humanity it’s possible to contrive.
These sanctions were justified, mostly, by the claims of “weapons of mass destruction” being stockpiled by Saddam. Point number one: the Iraqi stockpile was sold to the Iraqis (using money we arranged for them to have) by the US and it’s allies. Point number two: the biggest owner and manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction on the planet is… the US government. Point number three: no other country in the world has a worse record of using weapons of mass destruction (especially on defenceless civilians) as the US government and it’s allies. Only one other country has ever used nuclear weapons on another… the US. As I’ve also written about elsewhere, the reasons for that were very different to the ones that were actually presented to the public. The public were flat-out lied to.
The British also have an appalling record in this area. In 1919 the British government used chemical weapons (gas) to quell an uprising against colonial rule in… Iraq, funnily enough. That hero of British politics, Winston Churchill, said…
“I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using it against uncivilised tribes.”
When Saddam offered to destroy such weapons in 1990, providing that Israel reciprocated, the US said it was unwilling to negotiate on the subject. Possibly because to acknowledge Israel’s massive nuclear capability would render the billions of dollars in aid the US sends there every year VERY illegal under international law. But then why should America give a shit about international law? It never has before and I doubt it’ll start now. Scott Ritter (a UN weapons inspector) writes in the June 200 edition of Arms Control Today:
“Given the comprehensive nature of the monitoring regime put in place by UNSCOM, which included a strict export-import control regime, it was possible as early as 1997 to determine that, from a qualitative standpoint, Iraq had been disarmed. Iraq no longer possessed any meaningful quantities of chemical or biological agent, if it possessed any at all, and the industrial means to produce these agents had either been eliminated or were subject to stringent monitoring. The same was true of Iraq’s nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities.
By the end of 1998, Iraq had, in fact, been disarmed to a level unprecedented in modern history, but UNSCOM and the Security Council were unable- and in some instances unwilling-to acknowledge this accomplishment.”
Why? Because it would have blown the cover story to commit yet more mass-murder to atoms, that’s why! And don’t forget the voting record of the US at the United Nations where it has consistently opposed resolutions to limit the testing and manufacture of biological and nuclear weapons. (As it also has on a large amount of humanitarian and personal freedom issues.)
So how did so many people in the free world get dragged along into cheering this and selectively believing that our leaders were doing the right thing? How could our forces have perpetrated such acts? How could we all have been duped so easily into reacting in the way these bastards wanted us to? Well it’s quote time again and this time I’m pulling something out of Herman Goering’s footlocker.
“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be bought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
Says it all doesn’t it? So engender fear and the people will come running to you and beg you to protect them. They’ll even turn a blind eye to crimes you commit to do it, as in… “Oh I don’t care if there really weren’t any weapons of mass destruction. It was worth it to get rid of Saddam.” People like this are masters at causing massive waves of fear, so they can manipulate people.
9/11 is possibly the greatest fear imposing exercise ever done inside a western country. As a direct result of it, the shit hit the fan and the massive Project TWAT was moved into action. A project which seems to be aimed at stimulating a third world war by setting Muslim against Christian. (Figuratively speaking.) Never before had the American nation been so moved to what it perceived as a common cause, driven by the need to defend itself against terrorists who it seemed, would stop at nothing.
In the words of one of the most Bloodline people on the planet, David Rockerfeller:
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
As we shall see though, 9/11 lies at the centre of a web of lies, deceit, backstabbing and treachery. Very few Americans know the extent to which their government has lied to them about it. Parts 1, 2 and 3 have given the background to the people who orchestrated it. Hopefully I’ve demonstrated just what sort of character it takes to contrive something so awful on their own people. Part 4 (which will be a lot quicker coming than Part 3 was!) will deal directly with the events of 9/11.
Let's have a swift re-cap.
Part 1:
Part 2:
If you've not seen these threads first, now would be the time. If you've already posted in them, chances are you'll have an e-mail notification in your inbox right now, because I've posted the link to this one in both of them.
The thot plickens...............
The War On Terrorism…….. Hmmm.
The chain of events that took place recently in Iraq can be traced directly back to 1990, when a nice chap by the name of Saddam decided to annex Kuwait. The allies went steaming in and almost within ten minutes of the ground war starting, the Iraqi army was scuttling back to Baghdad with its tail between its legs. A straightforward case of standing up to a bully and whupping some ass when it got too cocky, yes? Nah, it’s never that straightforward in these threads, is it? 🙄
Let’s make a comparison. Shortly before Gulf War II (this time, it’s personal!) we had/have George junior in the Oval Office, Dick Cheney as Vice President and Colin Powell as Defence Secretary. A US headed coalition of allies goes to war in the Middle East.
In 1991 George senior was in the Oval Office, Cheney was the Defence Secretary and Powell Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The first conflict if you include all casualties caused by the conflict, bombing and sanctions that occurred in the years to follow, caused the deaths of well over a million Iraqi children before the second one even started. Already there must be a similar or greater number as Project TWAT rumbles ever onwards. Pointless mass murder, nothing else.
Iraq and Kuwait being pissed off at each other wasn’t a new thing. Kuwait has been under western control for decades, right back when the potential for oil being used as a means of control was first appreciated. Iraq itself has possibly the greatest natural oil reserve in the world after Antarctica. To be brutally frank, countries like these two and other were created by colonial powers like Britain scratching meaningless marks in the sand. Kuwait is a brutal, savage and repressive dictatorship and the notion that the Gulf War was supposed to “free” it, is quite absurd. If it is truly supposed to be free, the royal family there and the manipulators in the west need to voluntarily give up their overt and covert control of the country and let the people elect their own government, free of manipulation, gerrymandering and nepotism. But why would that happen to Kuwait, when it’s not even happened to the UK and the USA? It’s not going to happen with things the way they are, because it suits the elite’s agenda. Kuwait is nearly in as bad a state dictator-wise, as Saudi Arabia; another country that George senior claimed to be protecting from the depredations of Mr. Moustache. So what happened after the Gulf War? As I’m sure you know, Saddam was in place in Baghdad, safe and inviolate and the Kuwaiti royal family was re-installed by the British and Americans to carry on with their little games of torture and murder of dissidents. (i.e. People who say they want piddly little things like freedom and the vote.)
Saddam, the Villain of the Month for November 1990, was in fact a bosom buddy of the west. (Up to a point.) He was a member of the elite Safari Club, which began as a grouping of Saddam; SAVAK, the secret police of the Shah of Iran; Anwar Sadat, the later to be bumped off President of Egypt; and the Saudi intelligence services. This consortium has been heavily implicated in many coups within the African continent and is a front-runner in the arms dealing and supply trade. Out of this organisation came the Pinay Circle, or “Le Cercle”; named for the French Prime Minister Antoine Pinay. He was a serious big-timer with the elite and was an attendee at the inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Group in Oosterbeek, Holland, in May of 1954. A big elite bloodline, the Hapsburgs were also involved in Le Cercle. To get some perspective of just how powerful Le Cercle’s membership is, people involved with it have included Nicholas Elliot, a bigwig in MI6; William Colby, a previous director of the CIA; Colonel Botta of Swiss Military Intelligence; Stefano Della Chiaie, a leading light in Italian intelligence; Giulio Andreotti, a former member of the terrorist P2 Freemasonry lodge, Italian Prime Minister and a mate of Henry Kissinger (a man who is notorious for giving members of the Mafia legal shelter; Silva Munoz, a former Prime Minister under the Franco regime and an elite member of the secret society within the Catholic Church, knows as Opus Dei; Franz Josef Strauss, a German Defence Minister; and Monsignor Brunello, an agent of the Vatican’s. IN America, there is alleged to be a front for Le Cercle, namely the CIA backed Heritage Foundation, in Washington. Now a lot of people think a “conspiracy” of such a degree as I’m suggesting is impossible or improbable, because of the amount of organisation that would be needed between supposedly different people, countries and factions. But here you have an organisation of immense power, with the potential to be a superbly efficient co-ordinating force between them all. Difficult to make all the pieces of the puzzle fit together without falling apart? Not on your life. It’s simple as A-B-C. Achieving a common aim is no more difficult than co-ordinating the divisions in an army, to fight in a major battle. Complicated, sometimes irregular, but feasible and VERY possible! Le Cercle and The Safari Club might just as well be the same entity really. This is why the Wall Street journal reported on 08-16-90, that it was the CIA who installed the Baath Party in Iraq, with Saddam ad leader; and also Colonel Gaddafi in Libya. It is always best to be mindful though, that anyone can be expendable if it suits the overall cause.
Saddam was encouraged by Britain and the US to go to war on the forces of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1980. That conflict dragged on for 8 years or more, involving immense suffering and loss of life. But what the hell, it was good for the oil, banking and armament cartel, controlled by the (here it comes…) Illuminati. Not to mention it was bloody good business for the “Divide and Rule” principle of people control, that you’ve probably read about in the other two threads. The good old British Government supplied arms to both sides in this war and only a little bit of that was brought to light in the Scott Inquiry into illegal arms to Iraq that was done in 1996. The Iran-Iraq war is a horrid example of (here comes another perennial favourite) problem-reaction-solution. The CIA made sure Hominy was safe and ready throughout his sojourn in Paris, to take over when the Shah, another CIA puppet, had outlived his usefulness. Now Saddam was in line (probably unknowingly) to be used to start another war by invading Kuwait. Some interesting light is shed on the topic by researcher George C. Andrews, who wrote…………
“A little known fact about the Gulf War is that one month before our Declaration of War on December 15th, 1990, Secretary of state, James Baker, signed the US Army Report from the 352nd Civil Affairs Command on the New Kuwait [unclassified and therefore available to those interested]. This report describes in detail how extensively Kuwait will be destroyed, how the oil wells will be set on fire and then how it will all be re-built ‘better than before’, with despotism, instead of democracy, even more entrenched than it had been before. The report includes a list of US corporations who will be assigned the profitable task of re-building Kuwait and extinguishing the oil fires, as well as the Arab names they will be operating under. [Exactly the same was done before the war in Afghanistan].
Why have none of his political opponents thought of asking the obvious questions: How did George Bush’s so-called “blind trust” make out during the time frame of the Gulf War? Why are the huge business deals between Bush and Hussein still off-limits to the public’s right to know?”
By now, the answer should be pretty obvious people. Incidentally, a “blind trust” is the method by which all Presidents have to hand over their business dealings to a “trust” during their term of office. This is supposed to be so they can’t make political decisions, which will affect heir own investments and fiscal position. Heh heh. Prime example of the much vaunted “checks and balances” system. It’s about as credible as Ringo being a really good drummer. Bush’s “blind trust” was controlled by his close friend William S. Farish III, grandson of William Farish, the president of Standard Oil New Jersey, when they were working with Hitler’s drug and chemical cartel, I.G. Farben. (Which ran the Auschwitz slave camps.) This has been established by official enquiries.
Today, (or recently) this man Farish III is the American Ambassador to Great Britain. He is also a close buddy of queen Elizabeth II and she keeps her equestrian breeding stock at his Lane’s End Farm, near Versailles in Kentucky. She is a regular visitor there. But I digress………..(For a change. 😀)
American recon advised Bush somewhere near the 16th/17th July 1990 that Iraqi troops were assembling along the border with Kuwait. Nary a breeze stirred the Oval Office. On the 25h of July Saddam had a meeting with the US Ambassador in Baghdad; April Glaspie, who told him that she was acting on the instructions of George senior. She said Bush had “no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflict like your border disagreement with Kuwait”. Glaspie also added that she had instructions to seek better relations with Iraq. She then buggered off on holiday, giving Saddam a virtual nod, indicating that the Americans were not concerned with the situation. During all of this, Bush still had nothing to say in public about the build-up of troops in the Iraq-Kuwaiti border. By the start of August, about 100,000 troops were involved. Still no word from the Pres. Two days before the invasion, John Kell, an assistant Secretary of state was asked by Congress if America would defend Kuwait in the event of an attack. His reply was, “We have no defence treaty with any Gulf country”. On the 2nd of August, Saddam sent his troops over the border in invasion. Our old friend Henry Kissinger was machinating behind the scenes, through Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor, a long time Kissinger mate back to the days of Richard Nixon’s administration and an executive of Kissinger Associates. Scowcroft urged military intervention and the one from the White House began to alter. The US told the Saudis that Hussein was likely to invade them next (complete crap) and Bush ordered US troops to assemble along the Saudi border. The statement went out that the US troops were only there to prevent an invasion of Saudi Arabia. No intervention with a Kuwaiti one was being contemplated and economic sanctions were to be the only offensive weapon used. The Saudi Arabians, Germans and Japanese were leant on to contribute towards America’s expenses.
Sanctions were ever going to be the only weapon used though, that much was patently obvious. The rhetoric becomes more strident. Bush called Saddam “The new Hitler” (Mr. Pot, there’s a Mr. Kettle on the phone for you. Says something about you being too black.) and said that the Second World War had shown that appeasement was of no use with such people. If he was really an honest public servant, he might have added that it was not the answer to fund both sides in a conflict and help finance Hitler’s war machine, as his father had done. On August the 23rd, Brent Scowcroft said, “We believe we are creating the beginning of a New World Order out of the collapse of the old US-Soviet antagonisms.”
Anyone else feel that shiver going their spine? The one going down my spine saw my arse and hurried back up to the head. Heh heh. “New World Order” is very old code for these people. George Bush would use the expression in a congressional speech on September the 11th. Two shivers in as many sentences? I had several and I’m the bugger writing this! This expression was due to enter the political lexicon and would be used to the point of tedium thereafter. Bush describes his “NWO” as ‘diverse nations drawn together in common cause’. Okay, remember that this is the man who runs more drugs in North America than anyone else and that his father helped bankroll Hitler along with Henry Ford. Lose the Bush-speak and it translates as “World government, central bank, centralised military, single currency and policy all controlled by Big Brother. The very structure that 9/11 helped draw so much closer. The coming Gulf War was given full support from Illuminati puppets Margaret Thatcher and Francois Mitterand, the 33rd Degree Freemason President of France, and Nazi collaborator supreme. Both leaders sent forces to the Gulf to join the US troops and this was presented as the UN response. In his speech of 9/11/90-precisely 11 years to the day before the Twin Towers disaster, Bush said to Congress,
“Clearly no longer can a dictator count on East-West confrontation to stymie concerted United Nations action against aggression. A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective- a new world order- can emerge…”
Thank you Emperor Palpatine.
On the 8th of November, Bush announced that the “defensive” forces in Saudi would be increased substantially. A week after that he left on a tour of Europe and the Middle East to garner more support for the war. He met for 3 hours with President Assad of Syria (another Illuminati puppet) who agreed to increase his contribution to 20,000 troops. The Allies attacked on Wednesday, January the 16th 1991. Over 120,000 air sorties were unleashed on Iraq, mostly as it turned out, against civilian areas. The operation was headed by Colin Powell, who has several ancestral links to many old families in Britain and America. The civilian dead an injured from the bombing, resulting illness (Iraq leapfrogged the world league tables of instances of childhood leukaemia, going from gazillionth to 1st, due to the use of radioactive elements in weapons) and the resulting economic sanctions can scarcely fail to draw tear from even the most hardened of cynics. Things are not all that better there now. Everyone was promised that the troops would leave Iraq to be governed by Iraqis, following the second war. We would stay long enough to create order and possibly train the new Iraqi police force to do their jobs more effectively. Now we are hearing the platitudes about how important it is to stay and finish the job. About how we can’t leave till the area is stable again. Now we are being told that it will take a long time, but not to worry, we’ll stay till our work is done. Here’s a prediction for you. Iraq will turn into the Bosnia and Northern Ireland of the 21st century. US and UK troops will stay there for years to come, because it suits the agenda to do so. Dissident Iraqis who bomb and kill our troops will be labelled terrorists and agitators, just exactly as the IRA were in the 70’s 80’s and 90’s. Their actions will give our politicians cause to patiently explain that the area is just not stable enough to vacate and how we still have to stay there. Then their friends will arm the terrorists and turn a blind eye to the countries that house their training cells. America did exactly the same thing with the IRA. Remember all those buckets that were passed round in Irish bars in New York to collect for women and children under hardship because of the troubles? That went to buy Semtex and second-hand Armalite rifles for the IRA. Remember how it took an age for American intervention to come in for certain North African countries? Those same countries were hosting training camps for the IRA. (Or to be 100% accurate, the PIRA.)
So conditions for civilians in Iraq following the first war were unimaginable. Still are. This is the all-wonderful United Nations in all its manifest glory. Not a champion f peace, freedom, justice and democracy as it claims, but an Illuminati Trojan-horse for a one-world government. Incidentally, part of the propaganda to gain public US support for the war was the testimony of a teenage girl that Iraqi soldiers ad thrown Kuwaiti babies from their incubators and sent the incubators back to Baghdad. Well she just happened to be the daughter of the Kuwait Ambassador to Washington and the entire incident was a 100% lie cooked up by Hill and Knowlton, a public relations firm. Nice to know that your government is kept in true by checks and balances isn’t it?
It’s vital to keep drawing parallels between the Gulf and 9/11 because they mirror each other very closely. Same faces, same scheme, same techniques, same mass-annihilation of innocent people. As with Afghanistan, both Gulf Wars weren’t wars by most people’s definition. Wars generally need two sides to be fighting. As I’ve said elsewhere (thanks to an appropriate Icke analogy) they were the military equivalent of putting Mike Tyson in the ring with your grandmother. We may have armed the Iraqi army, but they were still mostly conscripts who had no choice about being there. Iraqi men, and especially women and children were subjected to the most devastating conventional blitz in human history. Hundreds of thousands died in the bombing and while the military were proudly showing of their “smart bomb” on TV, that could supposedly target a building and go through any window chosen, the truth was being suppressed daily by the military censors. At least 93% of the bombs that rained down were not “smart” at all (according to the Pentagon’s own statistics) and 70% or more actually missed their target. A quote from Wade Frazier is needed here to show just exactly how un-“smart” the weapons were.
“The [fuel-air] bomb works thus: there are two detonations; the first spreads a fine mist of fuel into the air, turning the area [about the size of a football field] into an explosive mix of vast proportion; then a second detonation ignites the mixture, causing an awesome explosion. The explosion is about the most powerful ‘conventional’ explosion we know of.
At a pressure shock of up to 200 lbs PSI, people in it’s detonation zone are often killed by the sheer compression of the air around them Human beings can typically withstand up to about a 40lb PSI shock. The bomb sucks oxygen out of the air, and can apparently even suck the lungs out through the mouths people unfortunate enough to be in the detonation zone. Our military used it on helpless people.”
These were the same sorts of weapons used in Afghanistan. The Iraqi people, living, breathing human beings like you and me, we also introduced to the wonder of precise weaponry called the ‘Big Blue’. This produces a shock wave only eclipsed by the hydrogen bomb. As Wade Frazier says, the power of the shock wave can turn a body into a hamburger. Something called the ‘bouncing bomb’ was also deployed. These were designed to bounce to waist height, before exploding, giving them maximum opportunity to eviscerate people. In the sanitised newspeak this is called an ‘anti-personnel weapon’. Then there’s the ‘Beehive’, which shatters into nearly nine thousand pieces of shrapnel. All of these charming devices were used on exclusive civilian areas in the Gulf War and since in Project TWAT.
This was and is not a war. It was an act of genocide. And it continues today on anyone that the ‘Allies’ choose to demonise through their bullshitting media. The very ‘protectors’ of freedom and liberty used the same lying rhetoric now as they did then to justify the mass murder they commit in our names. They successfully manage to hide this truth because of the lies so unquestioningly and unthinkingly repeated by journalists and through a public who has long forgotten, not only that they should be thinking, but even how to. Talk show hosts who obviously had fewer brain cells than Oklahoma has coastline miles, called for nuclear attacks on Iraq and anyone who challenged the war was either ‘stupid’, a ‘supporter of evil’ or ‘un-patriotic’. The US Government and the British targeted civilian bomb shelters killing hundreds of civilian families because “Intelligence told us that the bomb shelter was actually a military headquarters”. Bollocks, bullshit, shite, cobblers and crap. These are the same ass-artists who blew the shit out of a town in Afghanistan a week after the Taliban had left!!! (As I’ve mentioned before, I’m sure.) Mistakes happen in war? Sure they do. But before you let that platitude sweep this under the carpet, remember that US surveillance satellites can read your car’s number plate from space! And look at how Airman Magazine described the equipment on the Global Hawk umanned surveillance aeroplane deployed in Afghanistan.
“On an early test, for example, Global Hawk flew at 56,000 feet over the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, California. The images it gathered were so clear that an electro-optical image stands out next to an F/A-18 fighter. An infra-red image showed where concrete had cooled down from the shadow of a C-130 that had recently taken off.”
So there is no mistaking who or what is located in a “bomb shelter”, for the same reason there are no mistakes in the failure to establish the location of Osama bin Laden during the invasion of Afghanistan. Peter Arnett of CNN visited the civvy bomb shelter in Iraq and found out it was just that. He also visited a milk factory that was bombed because surveillance said it was a ‘chemical weapons factory’ and found out it was a … milk factory. In fact he’d visited the same building 12 months earlier and found that at the time it was producing … milk. Mistake? Not a chucking fance. It was no mistake, just as 99% of the others weren’t mistakes. We were lied to and millions of innocent people were slaughtered on a scale never seen before.
So that’s just the air war. What of the ground? The Highway of Death? Well these morally superior ‘UN’ forces blatantly broke the international law by using bulldozers to bury Iraqi troops alive. That’s bad enough, but nothing describes the sick mentality of these people more than the ‘Highway of Death’. The Iraqi army was retreating in a full rout, back up the road to Basra. With them were thousands of civilians and prisoners. US pilots attacked the vehicles at both the front and rear of this RETREATING convoy, thus forcing it to a halt, grounding the seven-mile long exodus. Then the real slaughter began. They constantly bombed the tailback, sweeping back and forth and then returning to their carriers so the could continue the mass-murder. This didn’t just break the Geneva Convention; it shattered it into a million pieces. Was any criminal action taken? Nope. A rather weak-kneed indictment was made somewhere, then it all just vanished up it’s own arse. Bush, Powell, Storming Norman and anyone else associated with the action should have been tried for capital war crimes and imprisoned for decades. Why weren’t they? Because there is one rule for America, Britain, France, Germany and whoever is on their side at the time, and a very different one for anyone they choose to murder, maim, mutilate and destroy. That indictment served to have a rather un-circulated conviction for war crimes laid against Bush, Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, James Baker, Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf. What happened? Bugger all, that’s what.
“So why don’t hear about all this?” I hear you cry. What about the media? Wouldn’t this be a major coup for some reporter and his mates? Well the Iraqi soldiers weren’t the only things buried in this escapade. The truth was too. The truth about crimes committed by people like the Bushes, their superiors and their many associates very rarely come to public attention, because the media, at the top level, is controlled by he Illuminati. Few journalists realise they are just as much pawns in a game as the rest of us and the ones who do accept it for the sake of their careers. There are HUGE catalogues of accounts of how evidence and footage that expose these lies and crimes, especially in time of war, are banned, censored or confiscated. A good example during the 1991 Gulf War was when NBC and CBS refused to show pictures shot in Iraq of the mass destruction of civilian areas that showed the Bush government and military accounts to be complete fiction. The same is true in Project TWAT. The story was ko’ed by Michael Garner, president of NBC, so the producers offered it to CBS. Tom Bettag (executive editor of CBS Evening News) promised that one of them could appear on TV the next day to tell their story. Bettag was fired that evening and the story was buried. Footage of the road to Basra was also suppressed and, as in the ‘War on Terrorism’, US casualties were put down as “training accidents”. Bush’s lies about Iraqi troop deployments in Kuwait (provable by satellite imagery) were also suppressed. This satellite problem was the reason the US government bought the exclusive rights to satellite images of Afghanistan while that country was being hammered by the USAF and the RAF.
After the war Storming Norman lamented the Pres pulling them out and leaving Hussein in Baghdad. He claimed it could have been a battle of annihilation. (It was anyway.) The reason why he was left there was because the elite wanted this particular card to played a few more times in the future.
The public believed the war ended in 1991 and then sparked up again in a second episode, over a year later. Not true. It was a single, continuous effort. The sanctions inflicted on Iraq (a country that imports something like 70% of it’s food) caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and didn’t in the least cause Saddam to miss so much as a meal. They also continued (unreported largely) to bomb civilian targets, including the family of a woman who spoke to a journalist called John Pilger. Her husband, father in law and children were all killed by two US planes who bombed them while they were tending a flock of sheep… on a hill…twenty five miles from the nearest town… or any other industrial or military target.
A public health team from Harvard University went to Iraq in soon after the war had ‘officially’ ended and estimated that over 46,000 children under the age of 5 had already died before August of 1991, because of the destruction of Iraq’s infrastructure. Thomas J. Nagy exposed the way that the US military fired at the Iraqi water supply in the full knowledge that it would result in the disease and death of the most vulnerable people in the country; women, children and the elderly. Nagy, who is a teacher at the School of Business and Public Management at George Washington University, uncovered some files from the US Defence Intelligence Agency that reveal a horrifying disregard for human life. Dated January 22nd 1991, they say………
“Iraq depends on importing specialised equipment and some chemicals to purify the water supply… Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease. The most likely diseases during the next 60-90 days include: diarrhoeal diseases (particularly children); acute respiratory illnesses (colds and influenza); typhoid; hepatitis A (particularly children); measles; diphtheria; and pertussis (particularly children); cholera (possible, but less likely).“
This is a flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention. The relevant article of it, says……..
“It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installation and supplies, and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse party, whatever the motive.”
The sanctions we imposed on Iraq did every single one of those things. In 1995 Madeleine Albright was forced to say on 60 Minutes that these sanctions had already cost the lives of half a million Iraqi children. That was only up till then!!! Leading up to the second bout, the number was rising at around 5,000 more a week and passed a million in total! Dear Madeleine said on the program that she thought the consequences were worth it, if it helped stop Saddam. This is the same Saddam who was a puppet on a string to the West, the same Saddam that the West installed, the same Saddam that the West funded, the same fucking Saddam who was brokered loans by the West in the full knowledge that he would default on them and steal the money!!! The same Saddam in short, who was always controlled and directed by the Illuminati. (Why does the credibility of a piece of writing instantly lose a million points when that word is mentioned?) So why did Albright say that? There’s no conspiracy? It couldn’t be done? If you’ve read this far and digested everything written here, then the programming you’ve been subjected to since birth must have really worked well, if you don’t believe it. You may not believe everything I’ve said. Few, if any, would and I’m not expecting anyone to believe 100% of what I do. But please don’t try and tell me you believe that our politicians only use as much chicanery as they need to, to get the job done. They’re buried up to their necks in the worst crimes against humanity it’s possible to contrive.
These sanctions were justified, mostly, by the claims of “weapons of mass destruction” being stockpiled by Saddam. Point number one: the Iraqi stockpile was sold to the Iraqis (using money we arranged for them to have) by the US and it’s allies. Point number two: the biggest owner and manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction on the planet is… the US government. Point number three: no other country in the world has a worse record of using weapons of mass destruction (especially on defenceless civilians) as the US government and it’s allies. Only one other country has ever used nuclear weapons on another… the US. As I’ve also written about elsewhere, the reasons for that were very different to the ones that were actually presented to the public. The public were flat-out lied to.
The British also have an appalling record in this area. In 1919 the British government used chemical weapons (gas) to quell an uprising against colonial rule in… Iraq, funnily enough. That hero of British politics, Winston Churchill, said…
“I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using it against uncivilised tribes.”
When Saddam offered to destroy such weapons in 1990, providing that Israel reciprocated, the US said it was unwilling to negotiate on the subject. Possibly because to acknowledge Israel’s massive nuclear capability would render the billions of dollars in aid the US sends there every year VERY illegal under international law. But then why should America give a shit about international law? It never has before and I doubt it’ll start now. Scott Ritter (a UN weapons inspector) writes in the June 200 edition of Arms Control Today:
“Given the comprehensive nature of the monitoring regime put in place by UNSCOM, which included a strict export-import control regime, it was possible as early as 1997 to determine that, from a qualitative standpoint, Iraq had been disarmed. Iraq no longer possessed any meaningful quantities of chemical or biological agent, if it possessed any at all, and the industrial means to produce these agents had either been eliminated or were subject to stringent monitoring. The same was true of Iraq’s nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities.
By the end of 1998, Iraq had, in fact, been disarmed to a level unprecedented in modern history, but UNSCOM and the Security Council were unable- and in some instances unwilling-to acknowledge this accomplishment.”
Why? Because it would have blown the cover story to commit yet more mass-murder to atoms, that’s why! And don’t forget the voting record of the US at the United Nations where it has consistently opposed resolutions to limit the testing and manufacture of biological and nuclear weapons. (As it also has on a large amount of humanitarian and personal freedom issues.)
So how did so many people in the free world get dragged along into cheering this and selectively believing that our leaders were doing the right thing? How could our forces have perpetrated such acts? How could we all have been duped so easily into reacting in the way these bastards wanted us to? Well it’s quote time again and this time I’m pulling something out of Herman Goering’s footlocker.
“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be bought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
Says it all doesn’t it? So engender fear and the people will come running to you and beg you to protect them. They’ll even turn a blind eye to crimes you commit to do it, as in… “Oh I don’t care if there really weren’t any weapons of mass destruction. It was worth it to get rid of Saddam.” People like this are masters at causing massive waves of fear, so they can manipulate people.
9/11 is possibly the greatest fear imposing exercise ever done inside a western country. As a direct result of it, the shit hit the fan and the massive Project TWAT was moved into action. A project which seems to be aimed at stimulating a third world war by setting Muslim against Christian. (Figuratively speaking.) Never before had the American nation been so moved to what it perceived as a common cause, driven by the need to defend itself against terrorists who it seemed, would stop at nothing.
In the words of one of the most Bloodline people on the planet, David Rockerfeller:
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
As we shall see though, 9/11 lies at the centre of a web of lies, deceit, backstabbing and treachery. Very few Americans know the extent to which their government has lied to them about it. Parts 1, 2 and 3 have given the background to the people who orchestrated it. Hopefully I’ve demonstrated just what sort of character it takes to contrive something so awful on their own people. Part 4 (which will be a lot quicker coming than Part 3 was!) will deal directly with the events of 9/11.
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