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the origin of your screen name


TMF Regular
May 18, 2001
is there anyone out there who has an interesting story about how they came up with their TMF screenname? Mine came from a bar i saw on vacation in Georgia.
Nice idea for a thread!

My screenname comes from a role-playing game (Mage by White Wolf). Marauders are insane mages who twist reality simply by existing, reshaping it to suit their mad visions. They are chaos personified, a threat to everyone around. Neat, huh? Needless to say, I protrait one who sees the world as a giant amusement park, full of rides and food-stands, and who sees all people he meets as animatronics that are trying to get him to visit some attraction. Furthermore, he's got little moral problems with switching them off if they get obnoxious... Name's Jamal Septic. If you see him, run and hide 😀 So much for male delusions of omnipotence, right?
Besides, the Marauder is the coolest battle-mech around... And the great goth-rock band Cinema Strange has a neat song that's called 'Speak Marauder'...

...and, it sounds dark-ish and manly and all. Arrh, mateys!
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Mine's pretty simple:

ASU = Arizona State University (where I go to school). Tickler = Moi.

Figured it'd be a good advertisement...


P.S. Hey, Marauder, what gives!?! I called the number a week ago and talked to someone named "Beezlebub." I Fed-Exed my soul the next day. WHY HASN'T YAMILA DIAZ SHOWN UP AT MY HOUSE YET!!??!! 😛
My screen name is a combo.

QB stands for Queen Bitch. That's my nickname from the racetrack. I got it through an interaction with a motorcycle racer who actually tried to run me down. The resulting "conversation" basically showed him who's boss during those events. He never gave me, or any of my workers, any trouble from then on because he knows I can throw him out of the track if he ever did.

Weaver - my last name.
.......a long time ago......when I was a happy soul.........I was in a band.....and my favorite musician was none other than whitey ford himself......Everlast. I did an insane amount of covers, paying homage to his music.......and a lot of his work inspired my own lyrics............anyway.......when I came online a very long time ago.......It was a tossup between Everlast and Neo as my s/n.......

..........I chose Neo in the beginning, but that was back in that day, when the TMF was just a glint in the eyes of Scott......

.........I now, as a personal homage to my mentor (man, I'm a geek), I go by the name Everlast........and that's basically all there is to it........

jackie chans drunken master 1 and 2,ans it`s my favorite form of
kung-fu....although i don`t know any kung-fu ,i will begin training
shortly 😎
OK, well, here's how I got this screen name, it's a LOT more mundane than most of the ones I've read so far, but here goes:

I am from Iowa, went to college in Iowa, and am a longtime Hawkeye fan. My first name is Kim, and "Hawkeye Kim" was taken, so my bastardization of the name ensued.


I was scared of developing an identity for the purposes of purusing online tickling material, so I shortened "tickler" to its basic consonant componants - most people only catch on to what it sounds out as after it's been alluded to. The 5150 is a direct lift from the Van Halen album which owes its title to the California penal code for criminal insanity. Thus, a criminally insane tickler. Fitting, oui?
"Shem is as short for Shemus as Jem is joky for Jacob. A few toughnecks are still getatable who pretend that aboriginally he was of respectable stemming ... but every honest to goodness man in the land of the space of today knows that his back life will not stand being written about in black and white. Putting truth and untruth together a shot may be made at what this hybrid actually was like to look at."

Shem the Penman (SHUN THE PUNMAN!) is one of the main characters in James Joyce's brain-altering book Finnegans Wake.

Shem the character is a vicious self-caricature of Joyce -- a snooping eavesdropper, widely hated, nearly blind, hiding in his house and writing terrible pornographic books (a reference to Joyce's Ulysses, condemned for indecency). But at the same time, he's also the vehicle for Joyce's thesis about the necessity of the creative impulse to transcend the limits of the material.

Choosing it as my pseudonym when I started writing and posting tickling stories to the Net may have been just a little grandiose, but it still seemed natural.

Started using it years ago as a badge name at Science Fiction conventions. It was inspired in part by two literary/movie characters of the same name: the Trotsky-like one in "Dr. Zhivago", and the man-hunting Spetsnaz officer in "Red Dawn". Has kind of a menacing, Cold War sound to it, does it not?

Furthermore, I'm entitled to the name. As it happens, I'm an archer. (I pull a recurve bow 62 lb at 28 in draw - about like the bows used in "Deliverance.") The Russian "strela" = arrow. "Strelnikov" translates to "arrow-man" - i. e., archer.


High school nick was jakal, since my initials are J-K-L....it made sense back then anyway,lol. I added the Q for 2 reasons...one being of course that it's extremely difficult to get the name "jakal" on ANY board or server, and also to dredge up the memory of the British Q ships from WW2....made to look harmless but pack enough firepower to down subs and careless destroyers far more menacing in appearance than the mild mannered Q ship.....
Bunch of us were sitting around coming up with names for a business and I threw out evil queen productions. Someone said 'you are the evil queen!' and it stuck.
Ovda is a spirit in Finnish mythology. Ovda would go thru the woods looking for people to tickle to death.
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MadKalnod is a reference to "Kalnod the Mad", my costumed character at Star Trek Conventions, which is a Klingon in a dress shirt, tie, fedora hat & trenchcoat. Kalnod is an anagram of my last name with a Klingon "K" at the front, and the Mad part should be self-explanatory.
Well I got my screen name from my years (8 and a half) in the Air Force. I am still in, stationed in Germany, not liking it one bit. I am out in less than a year. But back to my story, I got my name from one the aircraft that the Air Force employs. It's one of the toughest fighters out there in the skies, and like the bird that it's named after, when it dives toward you, you better watch the hell out!!!! Anyway, that's my nickname details. Have a good day wherever you are!!!!
Pretty easy to figure my name: Smiley - I smile a lot and love to make others smile. Tkls - my favorite way to get people to smile...and giggle...and squirm...and scream...and plead... LOL.

Red Indian & Tally Ho

I am on the boards as Red Indian and in the chat room as Tally Ho. I had a good reason for doing this when I first joined this forum but I am buggered if I can remember what it was! The words are related in a suprising way. I have a passion for studying history and have read many books on The Battle of Britain during WW2, "atchung! atchung! red indians!!" is what german fighter pilots would shout on sighting the enemy, and "oh cripes! Tally Ho chaps" is what our fine boys in the light blue would say when sighting the beastly hun. So there you have it, absolutely sod all to do with tickling helpless naked girls!
Much like red indian/Tally Ho, I cannot think of a good reason why I would post to a tickling forum with a name like sushi854 or chat in a tickling chatroom under the name of Giuseppe. Since I already had a hotmail address under sushi854 when I joined the forum, I used it as my forum name. When I first started frequenting to the chatroom, I used a variety of names. One night I had just watched "The Godfather" and decided to make up Italian names for myself to use in the chatroom. Eventually, people came to know me under the name of Giuseppe and thus ends the story of my name.


ps. Anyone who has had e-mail contact with me will notice that my name comes up as "Pierre Smith." I guess I'm just strange like that...
Sandman= Two reasons actually. First is because I love the song "Enter the Sandman" and two because my favorite hockey player/fighter is the Sandman A.K.A Sandy McCarthy.
TKRexx...One of the Old Fossils in the TK community. A Dinosaur nut. 2 x's to signify someone ELSE nabbed "TKRex" as a Yahoo e-mail.

Besides, TKRexx sounds kinda cool!

To Hawkikim: Congrats for getting OUT of Iowa! I'm still stuck here...
I Otto Went Around!
This one is pretty simple...Dave (moi) + my favorite album "2112" by Rush. (Ok, maybe tied with "Misplaced Childhood" by Marillion, but DaveMisplacedChildhood is kinda retarded, eh?)

Those of you who correspond with me or go to my club also know me as JediMasterCiRynn. Jedi Master comes from my love of the Star Wars Universe, and Ci-Rynn is my adopted Druidic name. I have a character in Star Wars role-playing named Ci-Rynn, who is very much like Qui-Gon Jinn from the film. Strong in the Force, centered in the light, but a bit of a rouge. That's me! In reality, I try to live my life by the teachings of the Force, which may seem kind of weird; but considering that the concept of The Force is rooted deeply in Taoism, Buddhism, Druidic magic and even Christianity, it's not really all that off beat if you think about it.

Well, let's see.


Say them out loud, slowly. 😉

Used to go by Grimm, back when I was running a story site, but I don't much deal with that account any more.

What? You didn't figure it out? I don't believe ya. I *still* get folks, regularly, who figure it out when mentioning my mail to someone, out loud. Oddly, it's only when sounded out that it "clicks".

Given that it was my account for dealing with this interest, it seemed appropriate. 😉


Actually, dvnc, I wasn't sure for a while weather is was supposed to be "deviancy" or a reference to DaVinci...
Thanks for clearing that up.
<g> Yeah, there were a number of folks, in the gatherings, that thought it was short for Dave 'n' Cheryl, 'cause I was seein' a lady by that name at the time.

Club DV8 was the inspiration for it, though. Readin up on our interest, which was described as a deviancy, brought that to mind. I'm still waiting to see someone with dv8 in their handle.

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