All or most of us have been there. You are talking to someone, and it seems like it's going great! The conversation is flowing, you start to feel a connection, and your barriers lower. Maybe you share more than you would normally. Maybe you get so comfortable you forget that you are talking to...
Hello there. Decent male tickler here. Located in West Knoxville, TN hoping to make tickle connections.
Feminine ticklees only [21+ of age]. Women, females, and anyone feminine presenting. No exceptions.
Locals or closer if possible or so. I'm only able to host. Otherwise, we can still talk if...
In my search through various bdsm personals, I see a lot of people like me, people putting themselves out there to connect with someone and explore their role(s) on the D/s spectrum. I see some people who are confused, and others that are discouraged because a connection fizzed out. Mostly young...
I'm on dial-up as well and I'm using a 5 year old comp so, it takes me about a 2 minutes or more to download just 1 meg of anything. If anyone else has to deal with this then, try some of these things...
Instead of downloading and watching one clip at a time, try waiting until you've downloaded...
Why am I downloading clips so slow from your site now? I am also downloading slow from The_Rocking's and SolePatrol's site too?
Response from Cogentco (who is our bandwidth provider for our clips server):
"The issue in this case is with AOL. We have had an ongoing peering...