Reading through a recent thread, (T&L, you are AWESOME! :super_hap) it struck me how many people on here have an 'extra' hurdle to overcome in their everyday lives (be that physical, emotional, or mental), and it got me wondering... Does anyone here have a disability, and do you think that's...
What characters would you want to tickle (or be tickled by) from an anime, video game, comic book, or cartoon?
Let us know by posting in this thread! There's only one rule here people and that is the character CANNOT obviously be a child (this means no Lisa Simpson, Penny Gadget, etc etc)...
I am a 20/m/Rhode Island, and I really want to be tied and tickled by a willing female tickler, then hopefully do the same to you.I've never been tied and tickled before so somebody must want to break my tickle virginity(lol) If anyone wants to chat with me please im me on aol at DogmnXXX or on...