This is the first installment of the Night Tickler Trilogy...! A clever werewolf turns out to have an interesting loves to tickle feet! :scared
Here's the link ----->
We have a new lee...and her name is Tati! She LOVES having her feet tickled...first it is erotic and stimulating for her...then the tickling sensations overcome her and cause her to laugh helplessly! We hope you will enjoy...
This one is from feetonline, and it has one of my favorite models of theirs doing the tickling.Just so you know...i had to squish this down from a 16MB mpeg to a 1.25MB .wmv to get it to fit... so it's somewhat on the blurry side, reducing the size of your media player screen will help a...
...which is rather challenging for the 'lee, considering that she is gagged! :p
I'll include both the original .rm, split with winrar in two parts, as well as a somewhat edited .wmv version(it's 30 seconds shorter in order to fit). If you like, you can use the .wmv version to quickly check it...