WILY WOMEN 2! *F/M Story Collection
Stories by TickleMantis
Illustrations by AnnoXanti
Burning Down The House- Tall dark and heroic, Alex Thatcher is the man men want to be...save for one horrible weakness! Arriving late to a call the dashing firefighter finds himself alone, doing odd chores...
WILY WOMEN! *F/M Story Collection
Stories by TickleMantis
Illustrations by Darkharp
Homework Hilarity- Doe eyed college freshman Ryan Braley's goodwill has reached its limit. Overworked from 'helping' four pretty girls with their papers, he's finally had enough. Taken advantage of one too many...
After watching 'Hitchikers guide to the galaxy'
i felt that a certain part of the film needed a huge reconstruction - hence giving me the idea for this short story.
It involves Becky (trapped in Tickleland) who still hasn't escaped......