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101 Ticklesome Tales Part Five (Adult Fantasy Tickling Story)


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
"Claudia's Story"



"You do not have to do this," Emma said as we droved up to a car repair shop on the other end of town. "Jeannie will kill me if she learns I let you do this crazy thing."

"More likely she'd tickle you until you peed," I said chuckling.

"How can you be so calm?" Emma shouted. "The last time you bound J'sella, you were Hadrian Constantinius!!! Don't you think many of your thirty-one other reincarnations tried to get conquer her? Do you know what happened to them?"

"Toast," I said smiling.

"You can wait for help," Emma insisted. "You can lay low and learn your craft. Run to fight another day."

"I see it this way, " I said evenly. "I can do it like Raymond always does which means play it safe, run away and cower in a corner hoping it will all go away. OR... I can do it like Hadrian would do it. Both Jeanie and Claudia are in trouble and they need my help. This is a no-brainer, Emma."

"Do you know how Hadrian conquered J'sella?" Emma asked.

"Nope, but were going to find out how Raymond Butler conquers J'sella."

I stepped out of the car and she went to the trunk of her car and removed an object.

"Face her in the Primal Plane. There she is more powerful but she cannot kill you," she said handing me an object wrapped in a sweater. "This is Hadrian's silver plated gladius. It could buy you some time but it will not slay J'sella. It exists in the real world so keep it wrapped in my sweater."

She quickly traced a complicated rune on my forehead.

"That's it. The most powerful defensive rune I know," she said and then she gave me a warm yet chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, ready!" I said turning and walking towards the shop.

"Good luck," she said to my back.

I was going to need it.



My name is Claudia Sever.

My life has been turned upside down and inside out in just a matter of weeks.

It started with Ray Butler. I've loved him for as long as I could recall. My friends never quite understood why. They were quite clear on the matter that he was somewhat of a spineless coward that didn't even have the guts to ask me out. That he was the least fitting of a long line of potential suitors. That was clear perhaps, but there was something else to him. Something hidden which I could sense was powerful and attractive.

I'd all but given up on him until I received a letter from him detailing his feelings for me.

After that there was no turning back. I went straight to his apartment and made love to him. He was a passionate lover and I confirmed that the feelings of the letter were truly his.

Ray had a passion for tickling and although I am deathly ticklish, I indulged his desires. Over time I began to enjoy that loss of control; even I began to crave it. He was also changing. He seemed more confident, more in control with his life. I liked that because now he was beginning to show the world what I had known all along.

Then something terrible happened.

I was abducted right in front of Ray's eyes.

They pulled me into a van and they somehow hypnotized me or drugged me.

When I awoke I was trapped in some heavy wooden stocks at the mercy of a woman who said she knew me from a past life. Vanessa she said her name was.

That I found more disturbing yet I still found it unlikely.

She took to tickling me. She was a better tickler that Ray and she stroked my body in ways that excited me despite all my efforts to resist. She seemed to be a true professional at what she was doing and I knew I was only seeing the tip of the iceberg. She could do much worse to me if she chose.

Losing control to her felt partly a violation of my person on a physical, mental and emotional level, but it was so alluring and so tempting that I wondered if I was going mad or discovering a side to myself I had never known existed.

Up until that moment, it had seemed to me that I had been kidnapped by some obscure cult and sooner or later I'd be released or rescued or turned into some kind of zombie sex slave for the cult.

That I could have accepted, I guess. I mean, I never felt my life was in jeopardy.

Then she pulled me into the Primal Plane.

There was no way she was making these things up. This was real.

And dangerous.

I watched as they presented the Djinn before me pulled out taut by four chains held by four women.

I sensed power in the Djinn. Like I did in Ray and in Vanessa. I cannot explain how or describe exactly how it feels. It is just something you know.

She looked at me and she recognized me. Her eyes were green and beautiful. Her hair was an orange red. Her body was slender and small but athletic. They had her practically naked save a loincloth. She was gagged and it seemed to be a very humiliating position to be in.

I felt something familiar about her but it was not someone I knew or had met before. Or had I?

Vanessa offered me the opportunity to tickle her. If I could tickle her real name out of her, she'd serve me and that seemed quite interesting considering I needed all the power I could muster together. The Djinn's eyes sparkled with approval when I boldly gambled total servitude for a chance to claim the service of the Djinn and have Vanessa tickled at my mercy for one night.

I pacted with her and I realized that it was quite official. No one could get cold feet and withdraw anymore. Of that I was certain.

And while I had taken terrible odds against me, I did not feel intimidated.

I walked up to the Djinn, wishing I could speak with her, but knowing that I had to tickle her no matter what. She looked at me and nodded her head so very subtly that no one else noticed.

I started at the Djinn's feet. They were pretty feet with long rounded toes on narrow soles. Her skin was very white, but her soles were a pale pink.

I'd tickled Ray a few times but only enough to get his attention and get tickled silly myself.

I did not know the first thing about tickle torture, but I knew my life depended upon it.

I placed my fingertips on her pink soles just below the arch of each of her feet and I moved my fingers in a spidery motion.

"Coochie, coochie, coo...," I found myself saying as my fingers danced on the Djinn's soles. It sounded silly and probably amateurish, but I said it with confidence as if it were my battle cry.

Her muscles tightened fiercely in spasms and she toes wiggled wildly. She screamed into the gag and her eyes closed as if closing them could block out the sensations.

I lingered at the feet a good ten minutes. I went between her toes, under the toes and all along her soles giving special attention to the balls of her feet, her heels. Her body twisted and thrashed but the chains held her firmly in place. She screamed desperately into the gag and her face became red while tears streaked down her cheeks.

I held her right foot steady with one hand while I tickled it mercilessly with the other. I felt power course through her body into me and I felt a desire for that power kindle within me.

I did not only need to dominate and control this Djinn, I desired it with all my will.

I tickled her ankles just below the shackles and she reacted delightfully. I wanted to hear her laughter but I decided against it for now.

I traced her calves and she struggled to maintain her composure. She lost all composure as a reached her knees. She bucked as well as she could and her muffled scream seemed like music to my ears. I was enjoying it. I crawled my fingers up her inner thighs like spider legs.

She shook her head violently, pleading and swearing to her gag. When I reached the end of the loincloth which just barely covered her privates, I dug my fingers in deeply. She went wild. I knew I would be in a similar state if tickled like that but I felt no compassion. I felt only the need to tickle and to torment.

I did not tickle her sex. I left her that privacy although I knew Vanessa did not spare me that courtesy.

I did reach behind her hips and I tickled her buttocks, first tickling around their firm and rounded shapes and then just in between her butt cheeks. She clenched her butt cheeks like two pieces of iron and I felt my fingers trapped. I worried for a moment as I realized I was trapped and I wiggled as best I could to try and free my fingers. She slowly receded until she finally loosened and allowed me to tickle her.

I placed a finger in her round belly button. I wondered for a moment if she'd clamp down on my finger in her deep navel, but fortunately she could not. I tickled her belly feeling strong abdominal muscles under my fingers. I bent over and blew raspberries on her softer sides and I nibbled on them playfully. I was enjoying my task. I never knew tickling could be so.. real...

I tickled her nipples and breasts. The pink nipples were erect and hard. She laughed a little less desperately and I think the laughter had to do in part with the coochie, coochie coos that I whispered to her ear as I tickled her breasts.

The underarms should be killers, I was certain. And they were. I tickled the smooth perfectly shaved underarms and she reacted violently and wantonly. Shaking, screaming and thrashing. Her muscles all tensed and her power was once more evident.

I went to her head and I released the gag.

"Are you finished?" the Djinn asked.

"Are you?" Vanessa asked. I had only just realized that she had placed an hourglass nearby. It no doubt was set to the hour and the last sands were emptying. I had maybe a couple minutes at most.

"No," I said. "I want to do this right."

I tickled her neck and like me she was ticklish. She laughed and I could hear her laughter now. It was beautiful and hearty and she went from laughter to chuckles to chortles. Her head moved and thrashed and I thought it might fall off.

I tickled her ears and they were just as ticklish. She didn't beg or plead and I should probably have gone down to her thighs or her underarms, but time had run out.

"Time's almost up," Vanessa said.

She was right. The sand was almost finished. I had made a mistake. I had tickled well but not ruthlessly.

"Come close," the Djinn requested.

I did as she asked and she spoke into my ear saying her name. A name that I could not write or pronounce but a name that was etched into my mind.

"Say: 'I know thy name, Djinn, I bind you to me body and soul'," the Djinn said.

"Time's up!" Vanessa cried. "Nice try, but I'll be taking your pledge of servitude now."

"I know her name," I said.

"Impossible!" Vanessa said. "It was second rate tickling. Ticklish as she was, she should have lasted a couple days of agony even at my fingers."

"'I know thy name, Djinn, I bind you to me body and soul," I recited.

The Djinn and I glowed blue for a moment and then I watched eyes grow wide and jaws drop all around the room.

"A trick," Vanessa said.

"No trick," one of the huntresses countered still holding he chain. "It feel the bond. You must feel it also."

"A trick nonetheless," Vanessa said. "The Djinn thinks she is better off with a weaker Ghul as her mistress. She is wrong. I will destroy Claudia now and then claim you as my own."

"You owe Claudia one night of you at her mercy," the Djinn said. "It has been pacted and we are all witnesses."

"Silence!" Vanessa screamed picking up the gag and chaining it back in place silencing the Djinn.

"She is right," the huntress chimed in. She seemed to be the leader of the group of huntresses. I couldn't help liking her.

Vanessa was red with rage.

"Very well," Vanessa said. "Back to the mansion. I want the Djinn restrained in the cellar. She is still my prisoner. Melissa, you will guard her. At day break I want you to destroy Claudia and reclaim the Djinn."

We returned to the Primal Plane. A full turn she called it. We were back at the mansion.

The huntress Melissa threw the Djinn over her shoulder and she winked at me.

Vanessa did not see the wink. She put her hand on my shoulder and led me back to the room where she had originally tickled me.

"You will tickle me in my private quarters," she said tensely. "I will not strip. You may not restrain me. Is that understood?"

As we entered the bedroom once again, I saw a heavy empty vase and I took it and swung it hard against the back of Vanessa's head. The vase broke and Vanessa fell to the ground unconscious.

It took all of ten minutes to drag her to the bed. I kept her stylish jacket and wore it over the robe I was still wearing. I stripped her completely admiring her firm and athletic body and I fit her into the stocks. Her feet fit into the holes and I retrained her hands as well at the front of the stocks. I gagged her and blindfolded her with silken scarves I found in a dresser.

As she came too she began to curse into the gag.

I did not mind. I could tickle her, but I needed help.

I checked her jacket pockets and I found the Rose of the Sahara in her jacket pocket. I did not look at it knowing what it could do. I remained bare foot. I'd be quieter that way.

Finding nothing else of interest I headed down to the cellar trying my best to avoid being seen. The mansion was occupied by quite a few people. I realized that they were all servants of Vanessa and thus my enemies.

I made it to the cellar and there was not much I could do for hiding.

Melissa was there alone expecting me. She stood guard over the Djinn who was restrained in a hogtie.

"Good evening," she said smiling.

"I want you to free my Djinn," I requested confidently.

"Vanessa prohibited it," Melissa said. She pulled out from her bosom a key on a chain that rested around her neck. "This is the key that opens the shackles. I sent away the others so they could get some sleep. Come morning we will hunt you down and destroy you. Unless of course, you convince Vanessa otherwise."

She hinted more than that though.

"You can't help me then?" I asked.

"No," she said. "You'd have to pass over me to get to the Djinn and the key you need to free her."

"Would you be interested in seeing what I have in my pocket?" I said putting my hand in my pocket where the Flower of the Sahara was.

"It might be a weapon," she said with mock suspicion. "Remove it carefully and let me see it."

I pulled out the flower and I drew closer to her. She stared at the flower intently.

"Clever girl," she said just before falling under the flower's trance. "I'd serve you in a heartbeat."

The flower took it's hold and her smile relaxed and her face lost expression. I moved it gently from side to side and her head swayed. The Flower sprayed its light mist into her face and she fell into a deep sleep. She would have fallen to the ground, but I caught her and gently set her on the ground. I folded Vanessa's jacket and placed it under her head and I removed the key.

I unlocked the Djinn.

My Djinn.

And my life was never the same again.


"We have little time," the Djinn said urgently.

"I know. You will help me?" I asked wondering why it was a question and not a statement.

"Yes, you know it so," The Djinn said sadly.

"You will serve against your will?" I asked.

"Very much so. But you are a different being compared to Vanessa. I hope that in serving you I will have helped out the Houri cause albeit just a bit."

"I need to know what to do, "I said.

"Take me to Vanessa. It is not safe to be here. Everyone serves Vanessa under this roof but you were fortunate with this one," she gestured to Melissa. "She obviously hates her. One other thing, please call me Jeanie."

We returned to the bedroom.

Vanessa was puffing and struggling in the stocks and Jeanie placed her hand an Vanessa's forehead whispered a word and her struggles died and she became silent.

"What did you do to her?" I asked.

"Simple sleep spell. Restrained she can't resist."

"Okay, now what is next?"

"You have a few hours to tickle Vanessa into servitude," she answered. "It will not be easy. I will help you, but if she can resist until the dawn, you will have to release her and her vengeance will be immediate. I will certainly mean your demise and possibly my servitude to Vanessa."

"You know me," I said suspiciously. "I mean you've known me from somewhere. How is it you know me?"

"Raymond Butler is, or was, my protégé," Jeanie said. "He is a Houri and he is your sworn enemy. One of you will have to eventually destroy the other. I did not see it coming. Otherwise I surely would have destroyed you without Ray's knowledge."

"Wouldn't you be benefited if I failed and was destroyed?" I asked. "You might slip away to freedom and get away clean."

"Yes, certainly," she said. "But my will is not my own until your demise. Command me. I will faithfully aid you."

"All right," I said. "Let's get this going. Tell me what I must to to tickle Vanessa into my slave."

"You wish is my command," Jeanie said with just a little trace of satisfaction in her voice.

We were both going to enjoy this.

To be continued...

Next: "J'sella's Story"
Damn, his meeting with J'sella is getting me more and more anxious! That's part of what I like about your protagonists so far, I actually do want them to succeed. Even if they have to get tickled senseless (or something else) in order to do what they want, I don't read just to see them suffer.

Cheering for Claudia and Jeanie against Vanessa right now. The idea of this two who just allied in a fight against the time to break Vanessa's will is certanly something to look foward to.
Glad you enjoyed it. I aim to please.

My New Year's Resolution: 50,000 words. I hope I can keep myself productive and meet the goal and go beyond.
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