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101 Ticklesome Tales Part One (ADULT Fantasy Tickling Story)


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
101 Ticklesome Tales

Part One

“The Birthday”


My name is Raymond Butler.

I'm a normal guy. College student. Average height, average weight, average looks, average everything. I'm not much different from the next average Joe except for my strange and unusual passion for tickling.

At least it seemed strange and unusual during my first twenty-one years of life.

It was my twenty-first birthday and my parents had thrown a birthday bash at their home to celebrate. They like throwing big elaborate parties and they invited my friends, my sister's friends, my parents' own friends and just so many people I could not keep track of who was who. My parents’ house had a huge backyard with a pool and a large deck, so there was no lack of space.

While I was glad to meet my many friends and acquaintances and spend an agreeable afternoon with them, there were three people I had a particular ticklish interest in.

First of all, there was Alexandra. She was my older cousin by two years. She had spent summers at my parent's home and I had always wanted to tickle her. She'd walk about the house barefoot all the time driving me wild with curiosity as to whether she was ticklish or not. I tried to gather courage on many an occasion to tickle her and I even drew my fingers along her bare sole once while she sleeping. She pulled away and smiled but nothing more. I poked her a few times too, but not enough to really tell if she was ticklish. I wanted to dig my fingers into her ribs and listen to her scream and squirm and laugh.

But I never did. I was a coward when it came to tickling. Always afraid of what they would say and what they would think.

I watched her at the pool during my birthday party wearing a beautiful black bikini and surrounded by several friends and admirers. I still longed to tickle her. But I was resigned to the fact that that would probably never happen, so I did not even bother getting close.

The second person of interest was my sister's best friend, Rachel. She was slim and pretty and had beautiful laughter. Today she wore a purple one piece suit to the pool. At another pool party a couple years back, my face was less than a meter away from her bare sole and I did not dare try to tickle her.

Again, courage failed me and again I realized how much of a coward I was. I had only to reach out and tickle, but my mind raced through all the endless scenarios where I would be humiliated if she realized how much I wanted to tickle her and how much of a freak I was to want that.

This is the tragic life of the frustrated tickler.

Last, but certainly not least, was Claudia. She was the daughter of one of my father's business associates. I had a huge crush on her. We had taken several courses together at college and we had been on very friendly terms but again I'd been a coward and I never dared try to take things to the next level. She confessed to being ticklish and she showed off her pretty feet on more than one occasion, and yet despite that, I never even dared try a poke. We drifted away never even trying since I thought that maybe I'd put our friendship at stake if we became more than friends. But there was another more powerful reason for not approaching Claudia.

I was a coward. Plain and simple.

The party went on and I kept looking at the three people I most desired to tickle in the world realizing that the likelihood of tickling any of them was really next to nothing.

There was a cake. Complete with twenty-one candles. As I blew them out with one solid breath, I made a wish. A stupid wish since I knew well it was not likely to happen.

I closed my eyes and wished to be able to get past my cowardly nature and tickle each of those three special persons.

The candles went out and everyone applauded and I felt strangely different.

I felt relieved.

The party winded down and somehow I found myself alone despite being the reason for the party.

A young woman I did not recognize approached me with a confident and determined swagger. She was about twenty years old and had red hair and green eyes. She was slim and a head shorter than I was. She wore a loose fitting white dress quite appropriate for a summer pool party and sandals on her feet. Her green eyes sparkled and she smiled a reassuring grin that made me like her instantly.

"I can make your wish come true," she said matter-of-factly.

"Excuse me?" I asked not quite understanding.

"Your three tickles," she said narrowing her emerald green eyes knowingly. "I can make them happen."

"How do you know what I wished?" I said surprised and taken off guard.

"I know a lot of things,” she said. She seemed very casual but she spoke with a certain amount of authority that just didn't seem to fit someone so young. “Cowardice has proven your enemy, but we can work around it... For a price."

"I really don't know what you are talking about." I insisted looking nervously around in case someone was listening. Strangely, no one was looking in my direction at all and everyone seemed oblivious to my presence and that of the strange young woman.

"Alexandra, Rachel and Claudia," she said. "Each tickled by your hand for a price."
My eyes now narrowed with suspicion.

"Sounds like a deal with the devil," I said.

The woman shrugged. "I make wishes come true. But nothing comes free. I’ll give you three tickles, but you must pay one hundred plus one tickles for the three."

"That hardly sounds fair," I said with a chuckle. "If you know that much about me, you must know I quite enjoy tickling."

"I have my reasons and that is the price," she said again displaying a commanding air. "The three you wish for most for one hundred plus one tickles whenever and however I request."

"How do I know you'd keep your part?" I asked still wary of the strange woman.

"You get your tickles first," she said. "But then you must pay the other tickles without delay or hesitation."

"This doesn't seem real," I said still wondering why no one looked in our direction. "It feels more like a dream, so let's say I agree. Is there a contract to sign with my blood or something like that?"

"Contracts are for untrusting men," she said. "Our kind seal a deal with a handshake."
I held out my hand and she took it firmly uncertain about what she meant by "our kind".

"Three for one-hundred plus one," she said as if reciting a poem. "A wish granted, an obligation contracted. May oblivion alone keep us from our word."

I felt something shimmer inside me.

"Who are you?" I asked as she released my hand.

"You may call me Jeanie," she said with a wry smile. "Your wish will come true before the next full moon. Maybe sooner than you expect and when you least expect. Be ready. You will be required to do your part but I trust your courage will not fail this time. The table will be set."

I must have blinked. Just a fraction of a second, but when my eyes opened she was gone.

I became instantly noticed again by those around me. Birthday congratulations with hugs and pats on the back followed. After a while, the party lulled a bit and I found myself alone once more.

I walked alone near the pool in a confused daze. I tried to locate Jeanie but I could not find her anywhere. I was feeling strange and wondering if I had somehow just made up the conversation I had had with her.

I walked by the pool on my way to the house intent on washing my face with some cold water when I heard my name called.


I turned and saw my cousin Alexandra held between two of her best friends stretched taut at her wrists.

“Help me out,” she pleaded.

“What's going on?” I asked.

“Alex won't tell us who is my secret admirer,” one of her friends said playfully.

“I promised I wouldn't tell,” my cousin replied raising her head proudly intent on keeping the secret.

“If we tickle her, she'll tell,” the other friend said teasingly.

“You both promised you wouldn't ever tickle me again,” Alexandra said defensively. "A promise is a promise."

“Has Raymond promised?” the first friend asked raising an eyebrow superciliously.

Alex's pale face said it all.

“Raymond, would you do us the favor of tickling Alex here so she tells us who this secret person is?” the second friend asked me politely tightening her rip on my cousin as the other friend followed suit.

“No, Ray, I'm really ticklish," Alexandra pleaded. "I'll do anything. I'll fix you up with anyone you want, Ray? Ray?”

I didn't think much at that moment. I just reacted. I held my hands out and placed them on Alexandra's bare sides.

“Please, don't....” she begged.

I kneaded her ribs and her friends struggled to hold her. She squirmed and her knees gave way as she began to laugh loudly and pleasantly. By the way she laughed I had a strange impression that she was enjoying the tickling.

I had her on the ground and she wrapped tight in a fetal position. It was no protection really and I pressed my fingers into her sides and underarms with relative ease. All was ticklish. I tickled her neck, her ears, her back. At one point I wrapped an arm around her ankles and cast her flip flops aside. I tickled her soles earnestly scratching them as well as I could with my nails. She screamed now between her fits of laughter and it seemed more than she could bear. She freed one foot and kicked me with it but I was oblivious to pain and I simply wrapped tighter around the other foot and pressed my fingers in between her toes drawing forth more desperate laughter.

She screamed the name of the admirer again and again. I could remember every nuance of her laughter and every wrinkle on her foot, but I could not recall the name of the admirer for the life of me.

She stopped kicking after a while and her friends looked at me wide eyed.

“Thanks,” one of them said uncertainly.

“Your welcome,” I said with a winsome smile. “Can I be of service to any of you?” I asked with bravado quite unlike me.

Wide eyed, they shook their heads.

“I hate you, Raymond,” my cousin said panting desperately. She was as weak as a kitten and hoarse from laughing and screaming so hard. "I'll never forgive you for this.”

“Sure you will,” I said confidently. “It's my birthday.”

I walked away and the girls giggled at my back.

I had tickled my cousin and it was effortless. No fear paralyzed me. No doubts made me vacillate.

It was the best birthday present ever.

I did not give any thought to my conversation with Jeanie. I just figured that I had made it up and I left it at that.


I did not think about Jeanie and our agreement until an incident about a week later.

Suzy, my sister, was at my parents' house. She was out in the back yard sparing with her best friend, Rachel. They were interested in mixed martial arts and both wore there blue colored uniforms while training bare foot on the grass.

I just stopped by to pick up some things from the attic to take to my apartment. I expected only to be there a few minutes.

I snuck a glance at Rachel's bare feet and sighed gently. Pretty feet as always.

I said hello and was headed in when Suzy called out to me.

"Hey, Ray," she said, "we are trying some restraining technique, but it is not working out so well."

I knew a bit of mixed martial arts myself so I went to see their technique.

Suzy was trying to restrain Rachel face down on the ground with her arms behind her back.

Rachel slipped out of the hold too easily and she smiled arrogantly.

"I figure I'm just too good for that technique. I always find a way out," Rachel boasted.

I had heard enough.

"Let me try it. I recall mine being a little tighter,” I said.

"Sure," Rachel said smiling.

I placed her on the lawn face down and I applied the restraining technique much tighter than
Suzy. I held her arms fully behind pinning her right arm between my knee and calf. It was a damned good hold.

"Ready," I said.

She struggled and huffed and puffed but she could not get free.

“Tight, isn't it?” I asked.

"I'll get out,” Rachel grunted as she tried harder to get out of the hold.

Three for one hundred plus one,
I heard a familiar voice say in my head.

"Hmm," I said thoughtfully observing Rachel struggling in my hold. "Maybe you need a little extra incentive."

I held her firmly with my knees and with my free hands I gently tickled her ribs through the blue fabric of her uniform. She erupted into gales of laughter and thrashed even more desperately.

Her thrashing was all in vain. There was no way she was going to slide out of my grip.
Rachel was proud and did not beg. Her bare feet thrashed and I reached out to tickle them when I could.

I tickled her underarms with some difficulty since they were locked in place. I tickled her neck and her ears with great effect.

Her laughter was beautiful and her squirming was adorable. I think I tickled her for five minutes but it felt more like and hour to me and probably for her as well.

I finally let her go and acted quite nonchalant as she panted exhaustedly.

"You need to get that left knee a little higher to better lock those arms in place, Suzy."

I walked away calmly but inside I was screaming "Yes! Yes! Yes!".

Just as I was almost out of earshot I heard Suzy tell Rachel, "See? He's not a total wuss."

"No," Rachel replied lightheaded her words laced with admiration. "He's got a sure grip and he's a mean tickler...."


Three weeks had passed and I was in my apartment thinking about the ticklish adventures I had had.

I was just a couple days shy of a month since my birthday and I was thinking about Claudia.

She was the last person of the three promised before the next moon. She was the only one I was sentimentally attracted to.

I figured it was worth trying to contact her. So I called her and learned she was out of the country for the next few weeks.

I felt a little disappointed. I was starting to believe that the conversation with Jeanie had really happened.

Then I had a pleasant surprise.

The doorbell rang and I looked through the peephole to see who it was.

My heart skipped a beat. It was Claudia.

I had handled well the last two tickling opportunities but here I was certain my courage would fail.

"Hello, Claudia," I said opening the door and thinking hard on how to handle this. A thousand thoughts went through my head and I felt like I was about to choke.

Claudia took matters into her own hands.

She pushed the door open and took my face in her hands and planted a wet and tender kiss on my lips.

"I received your letter," she said between kisses and removing her jacket. "Came right over."

She unbuttoned her blouse without stopping the kissing and she pulled that off as well. I could see this only out on the corner of my eye as I returned her passionate kisses.

Her bra flew off as well and before it hit the ground she pulled my hands up to cup her large warm breasts. I could not see them but they were soft and firm and her nipples were hard and erect in my grip.

We pulled away and we looked at each other intensely.

As we did she unbuttoned my shirt and pushed me towards my bedroom. She quickly shed me of my shirt and she went for the buckle of my pants. She unfastened it and she slid a hand down inside feeling and caressing my hard erection.

Pants and underwear disappeared. She pushed me on the bed and pulled off my socks. She reached down to pull off hers and I decided now was the moment to speak and to act.

"I'll take those off if you don't mind," I said confidently.

“I don’t mind one bit,” she teased placing her socked foot on my chest.

The sock was brown like her eyes. I pulled off the sock with my teeth revealing her cute long toes and her pink and pretty sole. I kissed her toes tenderly and drew my fingers along her arch. She laughed and smiled at me as I did my best to keep her toes close to my mouth.

She retreated with her foot and advanced with the rest of her body straddling me with her knees. She moved so fast that the next thing I knew was that I was deep inside of her. It was warm and wet and she just stayed there without making a move.

"Ready?" she asked.

I only nodded as I gazed up at her beautiful body. Her long black hair hung loose just above her breasts. I could now admire her brown nipples as they still stood erect on the round areolas.

She raised her arms seductively above her head pulling her breasts up revealing her perfectly smooth underarms. Her ribs were just visible and her navel was round and deep. I placed my hands on her sides and caressed gently.

She started moving back and forth gently rocking with me firmly inside.

I could not resist. My caresses became gradually more firm and I wiggled my fingers tickling her sides as she was rocking. She twitched wonderfully as she laughed and reacted to my touch. The movement from side to side caused new sensations.

I tickled her a little more sticking my finger into her round belly button penetrating and twisting gently.

She burst into laughter so sweet. There was no struggling no resistance. Just laughter and pleasure. She finally decided to escape my persistent fingers and she bent over to kiss me taking my arms and holding them firmly above my head.

She slid up and down now in a fluid motion. Her nipples grazed my chest drawing two invisible lines of excitement back and forth.

This was bliss. So close, so warm, so right. The rocking was a gentle crescendo slowly but undeniably increasing in rhythm and intensity. In and out, up and down, faster and faster until the inevitable climax.

She screamed and fell on my chest exhausted and spent.

“I didn’t know,” she said. “Not for certain. Not until I read your letter. Then I knew and I could not be away from you. Not for a single moment.”

She fell asleep in my arms, I I thought nervously about the letter she mentioned. I did not send that letter. I started to get nervous once again. What if she asks me about the letter? What will I do if I have to tell her I did not write the letter? Would she hate me? Would she despise me?

The door bell rang again and I gently slid out from underneath Claudia’s sleeping form. I pulled on some boxers and a t-shirt and I went to see who it was. I looked through the peephole and saw Jeanie.

It had not been a dream. It had all been real.

I opened the door and she stormed in. She was dressed in a gossamer long sleeved blouse with blue jeans and black sneakers. She looked around my apartment and crossed her arms as if judging my taste in decorations.

"Hey, what's going on?" I demanded bothered at her display of authority.

"Three tickles, paid," Jeanie said loudly holding up three fingers. "I trust you have enjoyed them. I've come to collect my first of one hundred plus one."

"My girlfriend, at least I think she's my girlfriend," I said uncertainly gesturing to my bedroom, “is sleeping in the next room.”

"Skittlequirk!" She said loudly, stepping past me into my bedroom. Claudia remained under the sheets oblivious to Jeanie's ruckus.

"That word will make her sleep like a baby," Jeanie said pulling up the sheet at the foot of the bed revealing Claudia's bare foot. She tickled the sole intently getting no reaction.

"The word? Skittlequirk?" I asked confused.

"Her word anyway. Remember it if you need to make another quick exit in the future" Jeanie said off handedly. "Words are powerful things, you know. That letter I wrote is a work of art. Not even Casanova himself could have written something so seductive."

"About that letter," I said remembering

"Here's a copy," Jeanie said removing a sheet from her sleeve. "Kid’s these days... E-mail this, text you that.... Nothing like a hand written letter. You'd do well to study it and learn it well because once the horniness passes she'll certainly make reference to it."

"Magic words of some kind?" I asked scanning the letter somehow written in my handwriting.

"No," Jeanie said. "Just the right words in the right places. She already loved you, you are just too much of a dolt to realize it."

Her words stung a bit, but she was right. I was too afraid to risk anything and because of my fear and indecision I never realized that she loved me as well.

"Now I got my three tickles and I'm some kind of slave of yours?" I asked less grateful than I should have been.

"Your use of words perplexes me,” Jeanie said raising an eyebrow. “Tell me the three tickles were not worth it and I'll release you from your bond."

I did not respond. What had happened just today was worth a thousand tortures alone. My silence spoke more than words ever could.

"Very well,” she said pulling a business card from her other sleeve and handing it to me. “Go to this address. A woman named Emma will receive you there. Do as she asks and you will owe me just one hundred tickles."

"And what about Claudia?" I asking looking longingly at my bed.

"She'll sleep straight through the night and she'll feel more refreshed than ever in the morning."

"Who are you? Better yet, what are you?" I asked suddenly more brave than I should have been.

"Jeanie. That is all you need know for now. Do as you're told and you will learn more about me and more importantly you'll learn more about yourself."

"How do I find you if I need you?" I asked.

"I'll be around," she said evasively yet mysteriously. "Get ready for your appointment. I'll show myself out."

She turned and left and I remember having locked the door. I stood up and went to the door, but she had already disappeared. The door remained unlocked and unopened.


I reached the address and realized it was a tattoo parlor.

It was late and closed but there was a light on inside.

I knocked gently on the door and a middle aged woman opened the door. She was thin and fit and her arms were covered with tattoos of fantastic butterflies and faeries of all kinds.

"I'm Emma" she said welcoming me in. “I’ve been expecting you.”

She wore pants that were knee high and I could see tattoos of serpents around her ankles and up her calves. She wore flip flops so I could see her well kept feet and her toes neatly painted a pale green color.

“Jeanie said you were coming,” she said as she led me in back to a small corner with a table and two chairs. Tea was hot and two cups were waiting.

“Tea?” she asked as she gestured for me to sit.

“Thank you,” I said sitting down. She was quite a bit older than I was but she was still very pretty. I wondered how it would be to tickle her.

“Oh, you won't be tickling me this time,” she said.

“What? Did you just read my mind?” I asked disconcerted.

“Your mind is an open book,” she said. “You're still greener than most and you have a bunch to learn.”

“Who do I have to tickle then?” I asked. “One hundred plus one tickles, she said.”

“Yup. But this tickle you're not doing the tickling,” Emma said. “Sugar?” she asked.

“Just one,” I said. “Then who's doing it?”

“I am. I'm considered more thorough than most,” she said. “Cream?”

“No thanks,” I said as I stirred the tea. “Then I'm watching?”

Emma chuckled. “You're the main event. Your first you get to be tickled. Really tickled. And not just a few spots. Every spot.”

I took a sip of tea. “And if getting tickled isn't my cup of tea?” I asked ironically with the cup of tea in my hand. The tea was hot and the flavor rich.

Emma smiled. “You make a deal with someone like Jeanie, you need to follow through. It's only fair. You look like you got laid among other things. Do what Jeanie tells you and your life will only get more interesting.”

I frowned but I was resigned to my fate. A deal is a deal. Fair is fair.

“So what do I do?” I asked fearfully.

“Right now?” she asked.

“Enjoy the tea.”


The tea was really good. We finished and she invited me down to her basement.

What I expected to be dark and dank was quite the opposite but it remained a dungeon nonetheless.

The basement was large, clean, air-conditioned and quite full of equipment. Chairs and tables and racks all filled in with restraints filled the space with all kinds of equipment and contraptions I did not really understand what they were for.

“I've got the best equipment this side of town,” Emma explained proudly. “You want to be the best, you need the best tools. That goes for tattooing as well as for tickling.”

“Which one?” I asked looking at all the machines and devices.

“You get the best,” she said. “Not the stuff the normals get to use. I need to be thorough. Now get undressed and we'll get started.”

“Undressed?” I asked somehow surprised.

“Keep your boxers on if it makes you more comfortable,” she said offhandedly.

I did as she said and she returned with four bracelets which appeared to be of gold but were much lighter and had strange words written on them.

“This doesn't look like a torture device,” I said as she handed them to me and indicated I should put them on my wrists and ankles.

“Oh, it's the best,” she said. “Stand on this platform.”

I did as she requested and she spoke a word which I did not quite catch. The bracelets instantly glowed a bluish tint and took on a life of their own. They pulled me off the ground in four directions pulling me taut and resting horizontal in the air. I could not move; not a single inch. My body did not sag. I remained stretched horizontal. The position seemed to defy physics.

“Comfortable?” she asked.

“I suppose so,” I said.

“You weight is supported by an anti-gravity field,” she explained. “Clever, huh?”

“Do these things even exist?” I asked.

“Not for normals,” she said. “I said I had the best for normals and for people like us. Now relax and enjoy.”

She pulled out some scissors and approached my boxers.

“Hey, hey, wait, what are you going to do with those?” I asked nervously.

“Cutting away the boxers,” she stated the obvious. “I am thorough. What would my reputation be if I were not thorough?”

“You said I could keep them if they made me feel more comfortable,” I protested.

“And they did, now their function is complete, snip, snip,” she cut them away leaving me naked.

“This part is probably the most uncomfortable since it is so personal, so mind as well get it out of the way first.” She pulled a velvet bundle out from below the platform and pulled a small table with wheels closer. She placed the bundle on the table and rolled it open. Feathers and brushes all kinds of tickling tools appeared.

“Let's start with the balls. Do you know if your balls are ticklish?” she asked clinically as if she were asking my blood type.

“How should I know?” I asked nervously.

"Time to find out," she said gently blowing on my balls. I felt a bit of a tickle but I held my composure. She feathered them expertly and I twisted and turned holding the laughter in. She cupped my balls in her palm and I became aroused immediately.

"Don't worry about that. Think of me as you asexual nurse just doing a routine checkup," she said quite serious. "We'll get there soon enough."

Before I could protest she put her sharp fingernails straight to my balls tickling in earnest. I screeched instantly and began to laugh madly. The tickling was torturous but she did not persist. She simply noted the reaction and moved on to the next spot.

“Your member is easier to tickle if hard,” she mentioned coolly as she drew the hard tip of a stiff feather up and down my penis. The touch was expert, the effect was explosive. I had never been touched that way and the tickling sensation was excruciating.

“Stop!” I begged as I screamed and laughed. “Oh, please, stop!”

“Just getting started, trooper,” Emma said chuckling. “Save the begging for the end.”

She was just starting. She moved on and explored my thighs, my hips and that ever so sensitive spot where leg meets crotch. All was ticklish, all made me laugh and scream and beg. In different ways with different methods but she made me seem like one big ticklish nerve.

Inner thighs, outer thighs, knees, shins, feet.

The feet an entire new world. There was so much to touch in so many ways. She treated each toe as an individual and she explored every curve of my soles. She got be results with a bristled brush which she applied with skill to my heels and soles. A silk cord between the toes was more effective than I might have imagined. She had turned tickling into a science. Studied, proven and repeatable.

She finished below the waist, so she returned to my torso. She dug her nails into my belly with relish making me scream louder yet. I sharp nail in my navel scratching gently was torturous. Her nails crawled gently upwards to my ribcage.

Her nails attacked in between each rib as she traced the space between each with precision. I exploded this time laughing and screaming harder than ever. I started seeing spots and I thought I might black out.

Emma held back a little bit.

When I thought that that must be the worst of the session, I was proven wrong.

She attacked my under arms and it tickled more. I thrashed and pulled on the restraints but I could not move away.

“That’s the spot,” she said as she tickled the area once again to be certain. “That’s your most vulnerable spot.”

I was tired, exhausted and hoarse. More than my cousin Alexandra and she was far much more ticklish than myself. I wondered how she would fare in these conditions.

Emma continued with my chest, my nipples, my throat and ears and she somehow managed to make me laugh when I did not think those spots ticklish. Still, it was nothing compared to the arm pit torture she exposed me to.

“Okay, let me loose,” I demanded anxious to get out of the restraints. “We’re done.”

“Not quite,” Emma said.

She spoke another word I could not seem to grasp and I rotated in the air now facing downwards.

“We’re missing your entire back side,” she informed me. “Heels, calves, back of knees, back of thighs, buttocks, back, and back of neck plus a few other specific spots.”

I groaned and braced myself.

These hundred plus one tickles would probably be the death of me.


She finished and I was exhausted. I never believed such tickling was possible. What I had done to my three ticklish subjects was nothing compared to this.

I did not even bother to ask her to release me. I just stayed there breathing heavily trying to pull myself back together.

Still restrained Emma cradled my head and began to write on my forehead what appeared to be letters.

"What are you writing?" I asked too tired to protest.

"You don't need to know just yet," Emma said.

"Shouldn't I have a say?" I asked knowing the probable answer.

"I know ten different words to incapacitate you and get the deed done with you none the wiser,” she said with her clinical tone, “but it is important you know that you have been marked. This word will one day save your life."

She finished and then she released me.

Emma let me use her shower to wash up. I was covered in sweat and the hot water in the shower loosened my tense muscles. I never considered myself ticklish and Emma with little or no effort had completely proven me wrong.

I finished dressing and I found her at the same table with another hot cup of tea waiting for me.

“It wasn't so bad, was it?” she asked.

“I didn't even think I was really ticklish and you made my body react like I never thought possible,” I said suddenly aware of my admiration for her skill.

“Good thing for you to know,” she said. “Good thing to see how it is done. And just for reference you are only slightly ticklish. A real ticklish person would not be sipping tea with me at this moment, that I can guarantee.”

“So one down. One hundred to go,” I said a little depressed.

“Don't fret, Hadrian,” she said. “It gets better. Many of those one hundred you will enjoy much more than this one.”

“Hadrian? Why did you call me Hadrian?” I asked.

“It's your name,” Emma replied. “Your real name. Not that namesake your parents gave you when you were born. It will make sense. That I guarantee.”

“So many guarantees,” I said shaking my head hoping it would clear the cobwebs.

“Head home. You have a woman in your bed,” Emma said seemingly knowing much more about me that I cared to notice. “Nothing you should be neglecting. Jeanie will contact you later as you pay off the remainder of your debt.”


I reached my apartment exhausted. I stripped and crashed into my mattress next to Claudia who did not stir. I closed my eyes and slept.

I awoke to the sound of Claudia singing in my kitchen and to the smell of home made pancakes.

“Wake up sleepy head,” she said smiling as she checked up on me. “I haven't slept so well in years.”

I felt tired and sore, but seeing her wearing one of my shirts and making me pancakes, made it all worthwhile.

I washed up and sat down to breakfast with Claudia.

I enjoyed the pancakes and I enjoyed the company.

She spoke to me of her crush on me, and I confessed my own long ongoing crush on her. It all seemed so right, it all seemed just as it should be.

I was confused, but I was happy.

The doorbell rang ominously as we finished our meal and I cringed. Not another of the one hundred plus one...

I went to the door and opened it.

"Come on, Jeanie, a guy needs his rest," I said under my breath expecting to see the strange woman ready to send me on another adventure.

It was not Jeanie. It was a woman even shorter than Jeanie. She had deep blue eyes and hard chiseled features. Her hair was blond and curly and held in place with a ponytail. She seemed about my age and was dressed in a denim overall with a white t-shirt below and heavy work boots on her feet.

Her fists were clenched tightly and her eyes were smoldering with a hatred like none I had ever witnessed before.

"Hadrian Constantinus!" she exclaimed pointing her index finger at me menacingly. "At last I have found you, you slippery swine!”

“You must have me confused with someone else,” I said holding my hands up defensively.

“No mistake!” she shouted. “I know it is you and I challenge you to a duel.”

Her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed as her anger grew.

“A duel to the death!"

To be continued...
Awesome story. Looking forward to seeing the next chapter 🙂
You're back! Awesome! :lol
I loved the story, there's something about first-person narration that just captures my attention. I'm not a big fan of /m scenes, but the protagonist is compelling and the mystery surrounding his true name and Jeanie are set up marvelously to keep me hooked.
Already looking forward to see more! 🙂
I'm back finally. I've struggled to get back in writing mode and I'm glad I could finally get something started. The /M is not my "cup of tea" either, but this time the protagonist is male so expect plenty of F/F, M/F in the future, but there will probably be quite a bit of F/M mixed in there too.

Wish me luck and hopefully I'll be getting something new out every 15-30 days.
I generally dont comment on stories, but I felt compelled to with this one. The characters and backdrop were tremendous. The story was fluid and smooth. Great Job!🙂
A good, solid read all 'round. Interesting way to end it too, if I do say so myself.
Sweet stor man but next time could we get a wrd file or something too. I'm on the go and only have my phone right now and be easier to download it and read as I go.
Awesome story though
I wrote this story in installments over a year or so, I figure. So it wasn't something I finished and then weekly published. Anyway, I think I could put together a pdf or some other format. Give me a few days and I'll see if I can do it.

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