BrightEyes1082 said:
I'm a female 'lee in NH/MA, and although I am owned and collared by a female (who is also into tickling) we have plenty of male friends in the area who are into tickling, that she allows to play with me. If you are a guy who can't find female 'lees, did you ever consider that it has nothing to do with them not existing, but your approach? Maybe they find you creepy as hell? There are certainly some men I've met that I, nor my owner, would let touch me with a ten foot pole. And it certainly isn't going to help your cause when you guys appear desperate enough to reply to a female's thread who is searching for another female, not a male!
dvnc said:
Nice negative post, Recycler. It's not helping the OP, nor those out there. BrightEyes has it clear. There's not only a video company that STARTED in MA, and is STILL successful, but there are a number of us folks from that region who attend gatherings, several who host them, etc.
I hope the attitude doesn't follow you to Delaware. It's what's getting in your way, not the fine folk in MA.
Let me clarify a few things.
First, I've been out of town for almost two weeks, and I was unable to reply to this thread until my return. I needed to read a lot of e-mails and posts to catch up.
Second, no negativity was ever intended. I was just speaking my mind... and echoing something that MANY other New England male 'lers have said before me. I don't want to point fingers either, but I don't post nearly as often as they do, and I when I say one thing (that they've said before), I get shit on? WTF?
I posted: "There seem to be very few female ticklees in Massachusetts that want a guy to tickle them."
That's my opinion. That it what it seems to me. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong -- I have no problem being wrong -- but I don't think I'm the one to criticize here.
Furthermore, I realized (after I posted) that my words were ambiguous in nature. They could very easily be interpreted as negative, but they could also be very easily interpreted as
observational. And
that was my intent.
"You can't be afraid of words that speak the truth... even if it's an unpleasant truth."
-- George Carlin
Third, I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the best social skills in the world. But I am a hell of a lot better than I was about five or six years ago.
BrightEyes, I met you recently at a munch this spring. I enjoyed meeting you -- and I enjoyed meeting Lee again after a few years. I'd like to think that I behaved myself... and that I was not desperate. I don't try to creep people out. (I imagine many ticklephiles inadvertently creep people out just because we're interested in tickling.) If, however, I gave you that vibe, please know that I'm sorry. I hope you'll accept my apology.
Finally, I'm not desperate at all. I've been doing just fine in meeting females who are not ticklephiles (yet), but are curious. I've converted many a female into being a willing ticklee... but I've never tried to do so either. It just kinda happened.
My approach is actually quite simple: "Hi. I'm Adam." And a conversation begins...
I really want people understand that I mean no negativity or disrespect in any way. I'm optimistic, polite, respectful, rational, and discreet. The only time I'm evil or wicked is when I'm presented with two beautiful bare soles, and I'm armed with an electric toothbrush in each hand.
Feel free to reply on this thread, or privately. Thanks.