This cartoon was my first introduction to Spider-Man (Except they spelled it Spiderman with no hyphen). I had never even seen a Spider-Man comic. Marvel Comics were still pretty new and unknown. Stan Lee did a brilliant thing by getting his comic book characters on the Saturday morning cartoons. Spider-Man had an entire half hour devoted to him. There was another half hour cartoon called The Marvel Super Heroes which featured two 15-minute episodes of one of 5 heroes: The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and the Sub-Mariner. A couple of years later, the Fantastic Four had their own half-hour cartoon from Hanna Barbera. I'm convinced it was these Saturday morning cartoons in the 1960s that got kids like me interested in Marvel heroes and led to an explosion of popularity in the 70s and 80s.
There were two things that made this "Spiderman" cartoon great in my opinion. The first was the cool groovy music which the good General was kind enough to share with us. The music was a blend of early 60s beatnik coffee-house jazz giving way to the psychedelic trends of the later 60s. My favorites are numbers 1 and 9.5. Those were the pieces that primarily accompanied the action scenes. Really cool stuff.
The second thing was Paul Kligman's voice portrayal of J. Jonah Jameson. "PARKER?!!" "MISS BRANDT!" Kligman was awesome.
Great find, General Zod!