Hey everyone. Very glad I've stumbled onto this site! I've always loved tickling so finding a site like this is perfect. Especially since I really want to have a session.
So as I said I'm 22 and looking for someone both to tickle and be tickled. I really want to do both so if you don't like one it probably won't work out.
I'm almost obnoxiously ticklish so it will be very easy to get me laughing hysterically.
This will be the first time I've had any type of session so know I'm completely inexperienced, but you don't have to be experienced to message me, I'm open to someone who's done this a lot to someone who's brand new like me.
I'd prefer people message me if they're my age or younger. So again 22 or below. If you're older, sorry but that's what I want.
So anyone like that feel free to message me so we can talk, get to know each other some, and hopefully set something up!
Edit: I forgot to say I live in the city but travel upstate pretty often to visit family, so I'm all over. I'm open to traveling if need be. So if you're from another state that isn't really far that's fine too.
So as I said I'm 22 and looking for someone both to tickle and be tickled. I really want to do both so if you don't like one it probably won't work out.
I'm almost obnoxiously ticklish so it will be very easy to get me laughing hysterically.
This will be the first time I've had any type of session so know I'm completely inexperienced, but you don't have to be experienced to message me, I'm open to someone who's done this a lot to someone who's brand new like me.
I'd prefer people message me if they're my age or younger. So again 22 or below. If you're older, sorry but that's what I want.
So anyone like that feel free to message me so we can talk, get to know each other some, and hopefully set something up!
Edit: I forgot to say I live in the city but travel upstate pretty often to visit family, so I'm all over. I'm open to traveling if need be. So if you're from another state that isn't really far that's fine too.