Why do i have a tickling fetish i don't understand it like sometimes i love it and sometimes i feel like an outcase like when people like ask what i jerk off to hipetically i can't say tickling people think it's werid like don't get me wrong i like fucking and getting my dick sucked and blah blah and biteting and kissing but i love tickling i don't understand it so thats my first question, my second question is I REALLY WANT SOMEONE TO TICKLE like tie her down and just do it i want to ask one of my friends to see if she'll do it for money but ive done that before and that made me look like the biggest loser on the face of the planet. SO where do i get a hot girl to tickle lol like do i have to apply for a job or something although it'd be awesome to be payed to tickle women =]. 3RD question like when i have a girl over i tickle her but sometimes i over do it and she gets annyoed how do i work on it and like not make it obvious i have a festish and yeah please help me with these 3 questions