whenweweresoldiers - M/F Mel Gibson tickles his wife on her sides and ribs
wildforce - M/F from Power Rangers Wild force Eric (Quantum Ranger) gives
Taylor (Yellow Ranger) a quick tickle to her sides to get a book
away from her
Not exactly a Beauty Pageant.
It's from an Italian pranks and candid show called "Scherzi a Parte".
The tickled girl was a participant from some season of Italian Big Brother.
Her name is Tati Albero; the tickler is spanish showwoman Natalia Estrada.
The goofy guy, however pointless the info is, is former comedian and not-so-succesful singer, Claudio Lippi.
They staged some more tickling, having showwoman and actress Enrica Bonaccorti licked by a goat while trying to recite poetry.
The clip is on tmf somewhere.