This was an interesting piece. I like how open the guy was. It didn't faze him at all and it was good to see someone be open and honest.
The woman has what I call a foot phobia. I've met women like this who just hate feet and everything to do with them. I don't try to convert them or anything because that is their choice. I want people to understand and not chastise me for having a foot/tickling fetish, so on the same token...I'm not going to chastise those who are 100% against it.
Could I date a woman like that? I want to be the good guy and say yes, but if she isn't willing to open up to my desires like I would be to hers (save masochism) then it wouldn't work out. I would be willing to give it a go if I was really into her and she was really into me, but I would have my doubts.