This was my most recent tickling experience.(It was in September 2001, so that shows that even an opportunistic SOB like me doesn't get it all the time.) Three girls from Birmingham were on the same flight to Spain as me and it turned out that they were on the same flight back and even staying in the same Club 18-30 hotel as me. (I was hoping they'd be on the sam floor as me too, but sadly it wasn't to be.:-( ) Even so we hooked up a couple of times; the four of us having lunch at this cute Spanish restraunt and going to a waterpark. At one point when we were playing pool in the hotel lounge I'd experimentally tickled one of them on the ribs. It hadn't elicited much reaction, so I assumed she was one of those strange creatures who just isn't ticklish.
Towards the end of the holiday there was a bunch of us out by the pool and this girl was lying on a sunbed with her two friends.I was arsing around with four or five guys from Newcastle, a town that has a notoriously hard drinking and hard ass reputation. (Typical me, leeching of someone elses reputation-huh? Badass by assosciation!-LOL)
My and the geordie guys were busy chugging bottles of cheap Spanish beer when I decided to go to the back of the terrace and get an air bed for the pool. On my way back I heard the girl I'd tickled a few days earlier, mention to a friend how ticklish she was. I turned to full of righteous indignation and said,
"You were'nt the other day!!!"
"Oh you only tickled my ribs," she replied."My feet are very ticklish."
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No don't you think that was a dumb thing for a girl to say to me? Especially a bikini clad girl who was lounging barefoot on a sunbed?!?!?
"Oh just here?" I enquired solicitously whilst clamping on my trademark finishing manouver, the dreaded " Double Ankle Elbow Lock!"
Our hotel was nine floors high and all the surrounding ones were even bigger. Every window in every one of them nearly shattered as she shrieked like a seriously hysterical banshee. (Recurring theme alert) Her two friends were obviously well clued up about how much torture this was for her,because after the first few seconds they both leaned over and laid on top of her. The second time I've come across such maliscious friends of my ticklees, I wish all friends of ticklish girls were like that. ROTFL
This girl wasn't a thrasher, but she had this incredible response of vibrating when she was tickled. That is she went up and down instead of side to side like most girls do.Just watching that was enough to set me off laughing as hard as her, because it looked so funny. I let her have it for about three minutes I guess, alternating frenetic scribbling with gentler, lighter tickling. It didn't take long for her to start begging and pleading, with a real note of desperation in her voice. Me being a softy at heart relented at that point.😀
"Oh dear you look a bit hot and bothered now" I beamed. Reaching down I pulled her up by her arms and hoisted her over one shoulder. She started to giggle and shriek again as I headed over to the pool and chucked her in the water. Her two friends thought this was absoloutley hysterical and one of them was slapping me on the back.Turning to her I asked,
"Oh you thinks that funny do you?" Three seconds later she followed her friend in a graceful parabola through the air into the hotel pool.
Now I've always been a believer in treating everyone fairly and equally. This being the case I turned to the third girl with a decidedly like grin on my face and grabbed one of her wrists. She lashed out her other hand and seized the drainpipe on the wall with a shriek. Now I had one wrist and the other hand was holding a drain pipe at head hight,(to her) which presented me with a more subtle option than just ripping her off the damn thing. With both arms held up high her ribs were wide open and I went for them with all the athletic grace of a demolished building falling into the street. She squealed and hopped up and down like a frog, but after a few seconds of this she dropped her hand from the pipe and without further ado she was scooped up and carried to the pools edge. By now the other two were standing up in the pool and cheering us on, so I made a ceremony of giving the third one the Last Ride, Undertaker style into the water.
By now all the other guys in the hotel,attracted by the shrieking laughter, were hanging out of windows and off their balconies, hollering encouragement. The best result of all this was I never had to buy another drink till I went home. LOL Such is the price of notoriety on a hedonism vacation.
Towards the end of the holiday there was a bunch of us out by the pool and this girl was lying on a sunbed with her two friends.I was arsing around with four or five guys from Newcastle, a town that has a notoriously hard drinking and hard ass reputation. (Typical me, leeching of someone elses reputation-huh? Badass by assosciation!-LOL)
My and the geordie guys were busy chugging bottles of cheap Spanish beer when I decided to go to the back of the terrace and get an air bed for the pool. On my way back I heard the girl I'd tickled a few days earlier, mention to a friend how ticklish she was. I turned to full of righteous indignation and said,
"You were'nt the other day!!!"
"Oh you only tickled my ribs," she replied."My feet are very ticklish."
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No don't you think that was a dumb thing for a girl to say to me? Especially a bikini clad girl who was lounging barefoot on a sunbed?!?!?
"Oh just here?" I enquired solicitously whilst clamping on my trademark finishing manouver, the dreaded " Double Ankle Elbow Lock!"
Our hotel was nine floors high and all the surrounding ones were even bigger. Every window in every one of them nearly shattered as she shrieked like a seriously hysterical banshee. (Recurring theme alert) Her two friends were obviously well clued up about how much torture this was for her,because after the first few seconds they both leaned over and laid on top of her. The second time I've come across such maliscious friends of my ticklees, I wish all friends of ticklish girls were like that. ROTFL
This girl wasn't a thrasher, but she had this incredible response of vibrating when she was tickled. That is she went up and down instead of side to side like most girls do.Just watching that was enough to set me off laughing as hard as her, because it looked so funny. I let her have it for about three minutes I guess, alternating frenetic scribbling with gentler, lighter tickling. It didn't take long for her to start begging and pleading, with a real note of desperation in her voice. Me being a softy at heart relented at that point.😀
"Oh dear you look a bit hot and bothered now" I beamed. Reaching down I pulled her up by her arms and hoisted her over one shoulder. She started to giggle and shriek again as I headed over to the pool and chucked her in the water. Her two friends thought this was absoloutley hysterical and one of them was slapping me on the back.Turning to her I asked,
"Oh you thinks that funny do you?" Three seconds later she followed her friend in a graceful parabola through the air into the hotel pool.
Now I've always been a believer in treating everyone fairly and equally. This being the case I turned to the third girl with a decidedly like grin on my face and grabbed one of her wrists. She lashed out her other hand and seized the drainpipe on the wall with a shriek. Now I had one wrist and the other hand was holding a drain pipe at head hight,(to her) which presented me with a more subtle option than just ripping her off the damn thing. With both arms held up high her ribs were wide open and I went for them with all the athletic grace of a demolished building falling into the street. She squealed and hopped up and down like a frog, but after a few seconds of this she dropped her hand from the pipe and without further ado she was scooped up and carried to the pools edge. By now the other two were standing up in the pool and cheering us on, so I made a ceremony of giving the third one the Last Ride, Undertaker style into the water.
By now all the other guys in the hotel,attracted by the shrieking laughter, were hanging out of windows and off their balconies, hollering encouragement. The best result of all this was I never had to buy another drink till I went home. LOL Such is the price of notoriety on a hedonism vacation.