Level of Cherry Feather
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I've been thinking about things relating to the UN and how it could be better-equipped to handle situations in this changing world. I know a few of these are really radical and will probably cause outrage in those who are comfortable with the wool-over-the-eyes status quo...but screw it, you can either change to meet the world or have it roll right over you. I don't claim to be a political expert, and have no idea how this would be put into practice, since we can't seem to agree on the definition of the word "threat", but it's worth a shot and a little discussion.
I would like to see it become internationally illegal for any organized religion to be the sole government of any soveriegn state. I know this sounds dicey, but think about it. How many of the world's problams, both now and throughout history, have been due to some powerful groups' version of God? There's a big goddamn hole in the middle of NYC, and it wasn't put there by those seeking the land or the wealth. It wasn't created by anyone protesting a political stand or an invasion. It was put there by those who believed God wanted it and that we are infidels.
And before you accuse me of picking on the nation of Islam...every major world religion has been responsible for such atrocities in the history of this planet. The Catholic Church can take credit for a host of deaths in the name of God. In America we have separation of Church and State. Almost every industrialized nation has some form or another of this concept. Why? Because a basic freedom of being human is the ability to worship how you want and what you want, or bnot at all. If you have a religious group responsible for creating and enforcing the laws of a nation, you are limiting people's ability to do this. Even taking out the extreme of the Taliban rule of Afghanistan, we've had nations at the mercy, either legally, economically or morally, of a group who is imposing thier interpretation and will upon the public.
This can create some problem in the grey areas, like Israel (which was a created state for the Jewish religion) and Vatican City, which is technically it's own sovereign nation. VC would probably have to be absorbed by Rome or the nation of Italy...or at least have secular legal rule. This won't sit well, I know...but if it's going to work, it has to be applied to all.
A law like this would also seriously deteriorate diplomatic ties between the US and Israel, but in my thinking this is something that wouldn't be a bad idea anyway. There was a time when Israel was the victim of Palestinian attack and so forth, but in recent years, Israel has done little to help itself. Firing mortar shells into crowds of civilians to kill one friggin' guy and fighting tooth and nail against a Palestinian homeland really makes them look like everyone else did when they were crying for a homeland. What's worse is that Israel seems to be taking its ties with the US for granted, and inadvertantly (?) dragging us into thier dispute. What is the biggest problem for the Arab world in regard to us? They perceive that we back everything Israel does, and Israel has done little do dispel that myth. We are attacked and accused of being Zionists who want to turn the Middle East into Greater Israel. I'm not saying that we should slap Israel around or anything, but I think it's getting to a point where we need to distance ourselves from a country that seems about as interested in peace as the Palestinians they claim are trying to wipe them out.
The only two things that really separate any organized religion from a cult are money and political influence. With both you have a small number of elders who use Man's fallable perceptions to interpret words layed down thousands of years ago and enforce that will through intimidation. It may be intimidation on a smaller level with the big religions, but it's still intimidation. And when the times change, the interpretation seem to conveniently change as well. When it's about having multiple sex partners or else you're never see Heaven, you have the Davidians....when it's "give us ten percent of your earnings or God will not love you" it's the Catholic church.
The point is, you can't have any of these cabals actually running nations. What I'm proposing is a worldwide separation of church and state. If done properly, this may diffuse several situations. I'm not saying ban religion by any means...just keep it out of any contact with world politics. How long was Europe held hostage by a church whose far-flung and all-too-human "leaders" basically formed policy by bending the ear of kings and emperors with what "God told them"? For thier own personal gain, no less. Many British kings of early years wouldn't even make a move unless the Pope gave his blessing. These were the people who were deciding wars, financial policy and human rights...sometimes through the interpretations of one power-hungry individual. God is seldom really in the equation.
My second suggestion is to find a way to agree on a set of basic human rights that are unchangeable, regardless of culture. And this MUST supercede the soveriegnity of ANY nation's borders. We spend too much time protecting states and not near enough energy protecting people. Even higher-ups in the current UN agree to this. China is guilty of gross violations of human rights, yet they retain favored nation status. This is a shame on us. Can someone please explain to me why we treat China like a partner in the world and turn a blind eye to what thier government does...is it solely financial gain? And the US isn't the only nation guilty of this. We all are to one extent or another.
My final idea for the moment is that any resolution voted on in enforcing these rules be voted on ONCE. If they need voting at all. Violations of agreed-upon human rights shouldn't even need to be discussed. They CAN be black-and-white if we set it up that way. THESE are the rules, THESE are the consequences, cause and effect. Why do we need to vote on whether gassing your people is wrong? And I'm not saying that war be the consequence for any and all violations. Embargoes work, but only if they are enforced unilaterally and COMPLETELY. Gaining financially through back-door deals with states under embargo should be punishable in the same way.
I know that this is a simplistic way of looking at things, and I'm fully aware that ideas are often harder to put into practice. But these are the embryos of things that could work if the civilized world finally decides that we've had enough of this shit.
Any thoughts?
I would like to see it become internationally illegal for any organized religion to be the sole government of any soveriegn state. I know this sounds dicey, but think about it. How many of the world's problams, both now and throughout history, have been due to some powerful groups' version of God? There's a big goddamn hole in the middle of NYC, and it wasn't put there by those seeking the land or the wealth. It wasn't created by anyone protesting a political stand or an invasion. It was put there by those who believed God wanted it and that we are infidels.
And before you accuse me of picking on the nation of Islam...every major world religion has been responsible for such atrocities in the history of this planet. The Catholic Church can take credit for a host of deaths in the name of God. In America we have separation of Church and State. Almost every industrialized nation has some form or another of this concept. Why? Because a basic freedom of being human is the ability to worship how you want and what you want, or bnot at all. If you have a religious group responsible for creating and enforcing the laws of a nation, you are limiting people's ability to do this. Even taking out the extreme of the Taliban rule of Afghanistan, we've had nations at the mercy, either legally, economically or morally, of a group who is imposing thier interpretation and will upon the public.
This can create some problem in the grey areas, like Israel (which was a created state for the Jewish religion) and Vatican City, which is technically it's own sovereign nation. VC would probably have to be absorbed by Rome or the nation of Italy...or at least have secular legal rule. This won't sit well, I know...but if it's going to work, it has to be applied to all.
A law like this would also seriously deteriorate diplomatic ties between the US and Israel, but in my thinking this is something that wouldn't be a bad idea anyway. There was a time when Israel was the victim of Palestinian attack and so forth, but in recent years, Israel has done little to help itself. Firing mortar shells into crowds of civilians to kill one friggin' guy and fighting tooth and nail against a Palestinian homeland really makes them look like everyone else did when they were crying for a homeland. What's worse is that Israel seems to be taking its ties with the US for granted, and inadvertantly (?) dragging us into thier dispute. What is the biggest problem for the Arab world in regard to us? They perceive that we back everything Israel does, and Israel has done little do dispel that myth. We are attacked and accused of being Zionists who want to turn the Middle East into Greater Israel. I'm not saying that we should slap Israel around or anything, but I think it's getting to a point where we need to distance ourselves from a country that seems about as interested in peace as the Palestinians they claim are trying to wipe them out.
The only two things that really separate any organized religion from a cult are money and political influence. With both you have a small number of elders who use Man's fallable perceptions to interpret words layed down thousands of years ago and enforce that will through intimidation. It may be intimidation on a smaller level with the big religions, but it's still intimidation. And when the times change, the interpretation seem to conveniently change as well. When it's about having multiple sex partners or else you're never see Heaven, you have the Davidians....when it's "give us ten percent of your earnings or God will not love you" it's the Catholic church.
The point is, you can't have any of these cabals actually running nations. What I'm proposing is a worldwide separation of church and state. If done properly, this may diffuse several situations. I'm not saying ban religion by any means...just keep it out of any contact with world politics. How long was Europe held hostage by a church whose far-flung and all-too-human "leaders" basically formed policy by bending the ear of kings and emperors with what "God told them"? For thier own personal gain, no less. Many British kings of early years wouldn't even make a move unless the Pope gave his blessing. These were the people who were deciding wars, financial policy and human rights...sometimes through the interpretations of one power-hungry individual. God is seldom really in the equation.
My second suggestion is to find a way to agree on a set of basic human rights that are unchangeable, regardless of culture. And this MUST supercede the soveriegnity of ANY nation's borders. We spend too much time protecting states and not near enough energy protecting people. Even higher-ups in the current UN agree to this. China is guilty of gross violations of human rights, yet they retain favored nation status. This is a shame on us. Can someone please explain to me why we treat China like a partner in the world and turn a blind eye to what thier government does...is it solely financial gain? And the US isn't the only nation guilty of this. We all are to one extent or another.
My final idea for the moment is that any resolution voted on in enforcing these rules be voted on ONCE. If they need voting at all. Violations of agreed-upon human rights shouldn't even need to be discussed. They CAN be black-and-white if we set it up that way. THESE are the rules, THESE are the consequences, cause and effect. Why do we need to vote on whether gassing your people is wrong? And I'm not saying that war be the consequence for any and all violations. Embargoes work, but only if they are enforced unilaterally and COMPLETELY. Gaining financially through back-door deals with states under embargo should be punishable in the same way.
I know that this is a simplistic way of looking at things, and I'm fully aware that ideas are often harder to put into practice. But these are the embryos of things that could work if the civilized world finally decides that we've had enough of this shit.
Any thoughts?