If your with your partner (which Im assuming) pretending to fall asleep works almost every time for me, even when she knows Im doing it on purpose hehe
Maybe you are using your "old ways" on the wrong people, TicklishDiva!
Usually, placing your bare feet on someones' lap or stretching out on a bed or couch.
Making wise cracks to someone and breaking "chops" as to instigate.
Tickling someone first to promote/envoke retaliation
All of which work on me!
Being blunt and just asking for it will also work.
the hollywood Brother just goes with the flow. if the hollywood brother get a stronger reaction from back, he stays there. if the strognest reaction of the sub or lee is the tits, then the hollywood brother become a breast man. It is all up to the reactions of the sub and the lee as to where the Hollywood brother truly focuses his attack and domination/tickle torture on the lee or sub
Geez, around here just asking would probably swamp you with offers but ITRW start a tickle fight, say out loud that you haven't laughed all day and wish someone would help, say you are trying a new skin softener and you need someone to check you all over to see if it is working. Good luck wish you were here, LOL.
Here's a long shot assuming all other methods have been exhausted, though I have never tried this, but then I'm a coward when it comes to things like this.
Be observant and try to notice the same... subconscous body language of those close to you. Like if someone blushes or winces with guilt or embarrasment when they see tickling on TV or in a film. When you see that, a small tickle might just result in a mutual tickle fight or regular tickling... situation.
I stress (often i am stressed!) that this is only anh idea