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A Hidden Meeting (A story of two elf girls, and a bit of foot play. ;) )


4th Level Indigo Feather
Nov 14, 2004
I wrote this a while back after several glasses of mead. Drink does funny things to me, it seems. It involves two characters from a fantasy world of mine. (Yes, one's a wee bit modelled after myself. I couldn't help it. n_n;😉 Not entirely sure why I wrote this, or why it took me so long to share it. But here it is. Hope you guys like it.

A Hidden Meeting
By: Sammi-chan

A bottle of chilled mead sat on the small table next to Sarendra as she waited for her companion to arrive. She’d rented out a small room in an inconspicuous inn in a small, inconsequential town along what was once a farmers’ trade route. Outside the window the still sounds of evening floated their way to Sarendra’s sensitive elven ears. They were soothing but still couldn’t dispel the impatient feeling inside her.

It might’ve just been a bit of nervousness, which she’d hoped would be remedied by the drink she’d been sipping on for the last hour. It wasn’t one of the fine, aged vintages one could buy in the pubs and taverns of the Imperial capital, but it wasn’t bad. Human farmers tended to take a bit of pride in the liquors they brewed, and Sarendra could taste the effort that went into this bottle.
“Where is that infernal wood elf?”

Sarendra shifted her legs beneath the purple silken gown that she wore. It felt good to be out of her armor, which she kept in the small closet attached to the room. The elf girl combed her fingers through the stripe in her hair which matched her gown as she waited… still impatiently.

Finally there was a knock at the door. Sarendra thought she might appear a bit too anxious if she sprang from her chair and immediately opened the door, and yet that was exactly what she did. In the hall outside stood a slightly shorter figure, mostly hidden under a dark cloak. From beneath the hood spilled a few stray locks of auburn hair, which, to the knowledgeable, would be enough to give this person away as a wood elf.

“It’s about time you showed up. Come in, and make yourself comfortable,” Sarendra told her guest, taking her by the hand and leading her into the rented room.

Callonde dropped the hood and unfastened the cloak as she entered. She draped it casually over the back of a chair and sat on the edge of the single bed in the small room.

“I’m sorry I’m late. You told me not to let anyone follow me, and Badin started asking questions…” The wood elf sighed and brushed a few hairs from in front of her face. She looked down at the traces of dirt clinging to her legs after her walk down the streets of the town. “Is there something I can use to wash my legs?”

“I thought you might need something like that. I had a wash pail brought in for when you arrived.” Sarendra brought the small bucket of warm water over to the bed and sat it next to Callonde. “I’m surprised you don’t wear boots with as much travelling as you do.”
“I do sometimes when it’s too cold. But I like to be able to feel my way around rather than have to watch where I’m going. There’s a connection with the land that boots just get in the way of.”

“I suppose I’ve felt that a few times. There’s a small casting circle in a grove of trees near the Imperial city that I sometimes go to. I rarely wear very much when I visit that place.”

Callonde had already begun to gently wash away the dirt from her legs. Her forest green breeches ended at the knee, and she didn’t need to roll them up at all as the warm water dripped off the smooth skin of her legs. Across the room Sarendra poured another glass of mead and brought it to her friend.

“Here. You just relax and let me handle that,” she said as she handed the drink to Callonde.

It was a convenient thing to say that would probably mask with politeness the fact that she couldn’t stop staring. As the wood elf took a sip from the glass, Sarendra picked up the wet cloth in one hand and Callonde’s right foot in the other and tenderly cleaned from her calf all the way down to her foot. She slowed at the ankle and admired the sight of the perfect, spotless skin.

As she began on the left leg Callonde had already finished half of her drink. She breathed in a deep sigh and leaned back a little, propping herself up on the bed with her arms. Hearing the contented sound, Sarendra worked softly, soon having removed every spot of dirt from her friend’s legs. She looked at the foot she held in her hand, and a pang of embarrassment rose in her at the thought of the impulse she felt.

Her ears lowered slightly as she slowly reached out with her tongue, touching the tip to Callonde’s heel and lightly tracing it up to the ball of her foot. Callonde sucked in a sudden gasp which came out as an unexpected burst of giggles. She pulled her foot away quickly and looked down, an odd mixture of embarrassment and curiosity on her face.

“What… what did you do that for?” she asked, hiding a bit of timidity that crept into her voice. Its presence was highly uncharacteristic for the typically serious wood elf warrior.

“Ah… that. I don’t know. It just… felt like the right thing to do. I’m sorry…” Sarendra stammered a bit, hoping she hadn’t found something taboo to Callonde.

“Don’t be sorry. I just didn’t expect it is all.”

“Did you like it?” Sarendra asked, half expecting the action to be rejected.

“I don’t really know. Maybe you should do it again to find out?” Callonde made herself more comfortable by removing the leather armor skirt she wore, and then offered her foot to her friend.

Sarendra gladly accepted it and sat on the edge of the bed as she cradled the foot in her hand. With a deep breath, she trailed her tongue lovingly along the sole, letting it follow the soft curves as it approached the toes. The elf across from her bit her bottom lip nervously, trying not to giggle like a little girl. A slight pink blush worked its way into her cheeks and spread slowly out to the base of her ears.

“Yeah… I think I like it.”

Encouraged, Sarendra smiled and narrowed her eyes slightly. She affectionately brought her lips around the big toe and started to suck lightly. Her tongue caressed the bottom of the toe, and the sensations hitting Callonde caused her to unknowingly grip the sheets tightly and her breath to come unevenly.

After a few moments of attention, the Spellblade moved on, gently taking the next toe into her mouth. Sucking on it the way one would a juicy piece of fruit, she elicited a pleased gasp from Callonde. She worked down the remaining toes, one at a time, finally causing her friend to fall back on the bed, arching a bit as she grasped the sheets tightly.

Sarendra rested Callonde’s foot on the bed before picking up the other. Callonde’s toes wiggled a bit in anticipation, waiting eagerly for the attention they would receive. Not one to disappoint nor deny herself a joy she’d craved, Sarendra began there, taking the smallest toe into her mouth first to work opposite of what she’d given to the other foot.

She nibbled softly as she moved from one toe to the next. She had already grown fond of the faint woody hint of Callonde’s skin, and she sucked on the big toe in a way that seemed hungry for the taste. Once it was released, Sarendra let her tongue tease along the arch, which sent Callonde into tittering giggles. It seemed the wood elf was as sensitive as she was. It brought a smile to her as she caressed the foot with her tongue. The feeling affected Callonde deeply, and she began to writhe on the bed, moaning already as if unable to contain her mounting excitement.

“You might be more comfortable without the armor on,” Sarendra spoke softly after she’d released the little toe from her mouth.
“Huh? Oh… yeah. You’re probably right.” It took Callonde a moment before she’d regained most of her composure and could unfasten her breastplate and remove her bracers. She sat before Sarendra clad in her trousers, the bandages she wrapped around her chest and the silver circlet on her forehead. The two elves’ emerald eyes met for several seconds, each one silently telling the other how ready she was as their ears lowered slightly.

Taking the initiative, the slightly older Imperial elf made her way to the other end of the bed, resting herself on a pillow behind Callonde. Slowly and steadily, she unwrapped the white bandages that gave her friend some degree of modesty. After a minute they were gone, and Callonde’s young, round breasts were bared for Sarendra to admire. Nimble fingers slipped into Cal’s breeches, and slid them down her legs, taking her panties along with them. The wood elf laid back onto the soft bed, the blush returning to her face as she looked up for a sign of approval at wearing no more than her circlet.

Sarendra cast a very appreciative look back as she unfastened the gown she wore. She slid it off her pale shoulders and finally let it fall from her body, showing at once that she wore nothing under it and that she was not ashamed. She moved over the wood elf and let her black hair with its purple accent fall loosely and frame her face. She leaned in closer still, and her own deep purple lips caressed the natural beauty of Callonde’s. Two pairs of bright green eyes closed for only a moment as they shared what had been building inside them both.

After several long seconds of bliss, the two elves broke their kiss. Their foreheads touched as they each drew in a deep breath which felt like the first one they’d taken in ages. Sarendra thought for a moment about the strange set of circumstances that had brought them from their first meeting, both of them wary and untrusting, to being allies. Now, they were more than just allies, though it remained hidden to anyone else.

The Imperial elf’s mouth neared Callonde’s ear and whispered.

“Do you want me to please you, Lady Callonde?”

Though the sound of her title being spoken surprised Callonde, she nodded in consent. She was already overcome by her own desires and was very willing to find satisfaction. To receive it from someone she’d come to trust would make the night perfect.
With a gentle touch, Sarendra slid the tips of her fingers along Callonde’s body. They felt from her collarbone over the soft curve of a breast, down the taut tummy and teased along her waist. They played a moment in the auburn patch between her legs, which made the young wood elf squirm a bit on the bed, further messing the sheets. A warm breath passed from Sarendra’s lips along the ear she’d whispered to, which sent a shiver straight down Callonde’s spine. The breath was followed closely by the touch of her tongue tracing along the inside of the ear all the way out to the point where she nibbled ever so slightly.

Callonde let out a soft moan as she opened herself to all kinds of feelings and sensations. She was ready and willing, and Sarendra could feel it. She slid her waiting fingers down and let them part the moist lips which begged for their entry. Callonde arched back as they pushed their way into her. Her moans immediately became louder as two thin fingers reached deeper inside, one of them brushing lightly across a clitoris that ached for attention.

The sight and sounds of her friend in such pleasure brought Sarendra’s own craving to a point she couldn’t ignore. Her free hand crept towards her own nethers only to be caught on the way. Callonde looked over with half-closed eyes long enough to stop Sarendra from pleasuring herself. She released the hand so her own fingers could fill the Imperial elf. The deep moan that came in reply assured Callonde that she was very much giving her friend exactly what she wanted.

They worked each other lovingly, gently caressing inside one another and even teasing fingertips across yearning buttons. Their touches had brought them both to the pinnacle of feverish desire, and their bodies lusted for the sweet climaxes they had been promised. The room was filled with blissful moans and shouts which threatened to give away their hidden activities to any ears listening outside that may be interested.

Sarendra remained mindful of Callonde’s own building pleasure and at the moment right before a long awaited orgasm took the wood elf, she bit down just soft enough not to injure the younger elf’s ear.

Callonde’s eyes flew open and she let out a shrill cry as her entire body went tense. The force of her orgasm shot through her entire being, causing her to tremble a little as it consumed her world. Her fingers pinched with Sarendra’s own tender center between them. The Spellblade’s unoccupied hand grabbed the sheet as she let out an intense cry, finally tasting the orgasm she’d waiting so long for. They held each other tightly as they savored the lingering pleasure inside each of them.

They laid on the bed for minutes afterwards, each of them silent save for their own breath which slowly calmed over time. When their worlds had settled once more, they shared a smile and a kiss. Sarendra extinguished the candles which dimly lit the room with a wave of her hand. Only the silver light of the moon shone through the room’s single window.

Pulling the sheets over them both, Sarendra put an arm around her younger friend. Callonde curled slightly as she made herself comfortable, and Sarendra spooned against her. They shared each other’s warmth, the touch of flesh bringing untold comfort as they slipped into a deep sleep, held together as lovers.
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I liked this story. It was pretty good. I was looking forward though to see if the Black Death suddenly appeared and ruined the party. It is his nature after all. But ah well.
Beware the elf maiden snockered on honey-wine! Ahhhhhhh! The rich, woody bouquet! I was a touch unclear if the girls were there specifically to make-out, or if sex was an accidental by-product of the meeting. Regardless, an extremely erotic interlude, especially during the initial toe-sucking overture! I gather "Spellblade" is a title or nick-name for Sarendra... it certainly sounds formidable! Any broader adventures planned for this pair (or pre-existing?) I can easily see novel or series potential!
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I liked this story. It was pretty good. I was looking forward though to see if the Black Death suddenly appeared and ruined the party. It is his nature after all. But ah well.

What can I say? When I got drunk I started thinking about having a more intimate encounter. n_n;;

Beware the elf maiden snockered on honey-wine! Ahhhhhhh! The rich, woody bouquet! I was a touch unclear if the girls were there specifically to make-out, or if sex was an accidental by-product of the meeting. Regardless, an extremely erotic interlude, especially during the initial toe-sucking overture! I gather "Spellblade" is a title or nick-name for Sarendra... it certainly sounds formidable! Any broader adventures planned for this pair (or pre-existing?) I can easily see novel or series potential!

Aaah. Sorry if some of it was vague. Pretty much, I was sitting around in my room drinking and starting writing out things that would be far more interesting at the moment. Indeed, it was supposed to have a feeling of accidental intimacy, at least for Callonde. Sarendra was sorta planning on it, though.

Spellblades, in this world, are the elite of the Imperial elves. They're trained in both magic and combat, and function as honor guards, long-distance scouts, military commanders or aids, and even ambassadors-at-large at times.

As for other works, someday I hope to do much more with this. It won't be as kinky or anything. This is, in fact, my favorite project. A hopefully animated series about epic adventure in a fantastic setting. There's a whole lot to our heroes and the world they live in. I've been working on the story and background for a long time, so there's plenty there.
This is wonderful! :happy: would definatly buy that novel if you ever got round to making one :laughing:
Majestic. Very impressive 🙂

Thanks, dude. n_n Glad ya like it.

This is wonderful! :happy: would definatly buy that novel if you ever got round to making one :laughing:

Ooh, I don't know if I'd ever be able to write an entire novel. That'd require a lot of time and commitment, and a lot of booze. But, that's high praise for a single short story. Thanks. 🙂
Very awesome story, very imaginitely and well crafted. You have very wonderful ideas that can be crafted into a masterpiece ^_^
This is better than many of my fellow students work whom are writing majors at my school!
Keep it up =D 😀
Very awesome story, very imaginitely and well crafted. You have very wonderful ideas that can be crafted into a masterpiece ^_^
This is better than many of my fellow students work whom are writing majors at my school!
Keep it up =D 😀

Wow! Now that's praise I hadn't expected. I never figured myself to be that good of a writer. Thank you much, kiddo. 😀
Wow! Now that's praise I hadn't expected. I never figured myself to be that good of a writer. Thank you much, kiddo. 😀

No problemo 😉
It is much deserved ^_^
One can't teach the passion to write and also draw in your case!
It is my pleasure =D
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