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A Memorable Night M/M


TMF Regular
Jun 22, 2010
"Fuck! Why am I so nervous," Justin Reilly Mitchell asked himself as he stood before the door-length mirror.

The five-foot-ten-inch, twenty-six-year-old was dressing for a date with a guy he met at Kyle, his brother's pool party. He used coconut oil to tame his shoulder-length dirty blonde curly hair. His hazel-colored eyes sparkled with life and playfulness. He put a tan palm tree-decorated button-down, short-sleeved shirt over the grey tank top, then slipped his slightly hairy, muscle-toned legs through the holes of the black and white zebra striped bikini briefs and pulled on a pair of hunter-green cargo shorts. He sat on the bench in the bathroom and worked some witch hazel into his size eleven soles and plump toes, then slid on a pair of tan leather strapped open-toed sandals.

The early evening sun shone brightly in the sky when Justin locked the oceanfront townhouse door. He paused, deeply inhaled the scent of the salt air, then got into his cobalt blue Twenty-Twenty-Two Ford Mustang convertible and joined the flowing traffic heading for the beachfront restaurant.

"I'm so glad that Kyle came into my resort and chose me to be his masseuse," Dale Andrew Woods muttered as he pulled his silver Twenty-Twenty-Three Hyundai Genesis into the parking lot of The Lighthouse.

The soon-to-be twenty-six-year-old turned the engine off, sat in the black leather seat, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. The purple polo shirt and khaki shorts complimented the young man's raven hair and his tanned five-foot-nine-inch frame, and the dark brown leather flip-flops nicely displayed his size ten-and-a-half slender feet and long toes.

"Good evening," the bouncy host said with a melodic tone.

"Hello! I've got a reservation for two under Woods and Mitchell," Justin said, smiling.

The blonde-haired middle-aged man quickly scanned the book on the podium and smiled. "Yes, here it is," he said. "Would you like to wait at the bar for your companion?"

"That won't be necessary," Dale said. "You look great, Justin."

"Thanks, you do, too, Dale."

The men smiled at one another as hazel and soft brown eyes gazed into each other before sharing a friendly hug and quick kiss on their cheeks. The pair followed the host to their table in the outdoor seating area.

"Hi, I'm Byron, and it'll be my pleasure serving you two handsome gentlemen this evening."

Dale and Justin smiled at the pleasant, slightly younger, red-haired man.

"Have you chosen something to drink?"

"I'll start out with a White Russian," Justin responded.

"I'll have a Black Russian, please."

"I'll get those right out to you," Byron said before taking the drink menus.

"Thank you."

"I'm glad you called," Dale said as he gazed into his table mate's soft eyes.

"I am, too," Justin replied before sipping his water. He softly chuckled and said, "I've got to apologize for my brother if he twisted your arm to give me your number and go out with me."

Dale's eyes sparkled as he giggled. "Honestly, Ky's been after me to start dating again, and when I saw you, well, there wasn't any arm twisting needed on his part."

"Ooh, nice response. I'm gonna have to watch myself around you, Dale. You might sweep me off my feet."

"Don't tempt me," Dale said, grinning.

The young men temporarily separated when the drinks arrived, and they gave their dinner selections and the wine they wanted to be served with the meal. Their fingertips gently touched as their attention was split between one another's eyes and the beauty from the reflection on ocean waves of the sun beginning to set. When the establishment's glass doors opened, they heard the live jazz band playing the beginning of Duke Ellington's "I'm Beginning To See The Light.

"I love this song," Justin exclaimed.

"So do I," Dale said as he stood and extended his arm. "Care to dance?"

Justin smiled, got to his feet, and took his date's hand. The attractive couple joined the others as they held each other and swayed to the music. Justin grinned and surprised Dale by dipping him, and he chuckled when it caused his dancing partner to yelp.

At one point, Dale's hand moved to Justin's ribs, and his fingers pressed into the soft spaces between the bones, making the other man jump, then blush slightly and softly giggle. He leaned in close and whispered, "He's sweet and ticklish. That's a possibly lethal combination for such a sexy guy."

"It's only lethal if the ticklish guy doesn't find out if his tickler's also ticklish," Justin said with a smirk.

"Ooh, I love a guy who can rise to a playful challenge."

The guys chuckled before laying their heads on each other's shoulders as they continued dancing.

After one more song, they clapped for the band, and then they both generously tipped the talented musicians and returned to their table.

"You're a pretty good dancer, Dale," Justin complimented after sipping his water.

"Thank you, but I think I'll have to get better to keep up with you."

A few minutes later, the meal and wine arrived. Justin ordered steak and lobster with the house Merlot. Dale requested the same thing, except he chose the house Cabernet. The conversation fell into an enjoyable ebb and flow as the duo ate and got to know each other. After eating, Byron brought out the dessert menu and cleared the table. He returned a few minutes later and wrote down their twin choice of Terra Masu. They requested he give them about ten minutes before bringing it to them so they could relax and avoid feeling like they overate.

The Lighthouse's tablecloths reached the floor, and Justin removed his sandals using the toe of the footwear to lower the heel strap, unseen. He watched his companion as his bare feet crept closer to Dale's flip-flop-clad feet. He, almost breathlessly, waited for the right moment to make his move, which was very difficult on his part because his quivering, creamy, unblemished soles felt the heat radiating from the dark-haired man's feet as they hovered over them, and that and the clandestine nature of his actions was stiffening his manhood. Finally, Dale's attention was grabbed by a surfacing dolphin not too far from the shore, and Justin's toes lightly grazed and stroked along the edges of the other man's feet.

Dale's body squirmed in the plush, cushioned armchair. The olive-like toes wiggled as his feet flexed, causing his off-white soles to wrinkle, followed closely by the light, airy giggles that floated along the breeze and into his date's ears. The grinning man's soft brown eyes glittered and matched the playfulness in Justin's eyes.

"Looks and sounds like I've found a ticklish pair of sexy feet to play with," Justin quipped as he giggled.

"Kyle told me we had something in common but said that I needed to discover what it was on my own," Dale responded.

Before he could think or say anything, Justin's left ankle was gently gripped, then his foot was lifted and placed on Dale's lap, and in trade, he felt the other man's right foot resting on his lap. He licked his lips when he felt Dale's stiffening manhood and judged it to be close in size and girth to his.

"I'm so glad we didn't discuss our more private interests," Justin said.

"Me too. It's so much more fun with physical discovery... And speaking of playful discovery," Dale said with a grin. "I think it's time I discover just how ticklish your adorable tootsie is."

Even before he was touched, Justin's foot was squirming, and he was giggling. This amused and intrigued Dale. "Wow! Your feet must be even more ticklish than Ky's," the smiling raven-haired male stated.

"Actually, our foot ticklishness is about the same. It's just that hearing the word tootsie makes me giggle and squirm," Justin admitted with a bright blush.

Dale's eyes sparkled, and his smile widened. "Oh, that's really adorable," he said. "Coochie, coochie," he jokingly teased.

This time, Justin squealed and wriggled in his chair without being touched.

Dale threw his head back, laughing, and said, "Holy crap! I hope we continue seeing each other because you're getting increasingly cute."

"I can't help it. Coochie is even worse than tootsie," Justin sheepishly said, "and you're not the only one with that same hope and thought."

Unable to resist any longer, Dale held the already twitching foot in place as his fingertips lightly tickled the length of the wrinkling, high-arched sole. Justin's eyes squinted, his vibrant giggles flowed easily between his soft lips, his head turned side to side, and both men felt themselves harden.

When he felt the fingers scribble across the ball of his foot, his toes scrunched, and Justin squealed, "Dale, not the toes." However, the plea was not heeded, and his giggling rose in octave and volume as the pads of his five toes and their bases were tickled. "Ok, let's see how your foot handles a little tickling," he said.

Dale writhed and laughed the second his soles and curling toes felt Justin's touch. He rocked back and forth to the rhythm of the five manicured fingernails as they lightly strummed along the low arch of his bare foot. "C'mon, Justy," he pleaded between the squealing laughter, "I didn't use fingernails."

"Hey, I like the nickname you gave me, Dale."

The tickles ceased when Byron returned with their dessert.


"Yeah, Dale?"

"Would you like to have a second date?"

"I'd love to have a second date." Justin smiled and asked, "Is it too soon for me to ask for a proper kiss?"

Dale answered the question by getting out of his chair, grasping Justin's hand, and gently pulling him to his feet. The men embraced one another, and their eyes closed just before they softly kissed. Dale's tongue lightly grazed Justin's lips, and it slipped between them when they parted. Nothing registered in the pair's minds except the feeling of holding each other and sharing this emotional moment. Finally, they had to separate because of the need for oxygen, and they lightly wiped the beads of sweat from one another's brows.

"That was incredible," Dale exclaimed.

"Definitely the best kiss I've had, romantically speaking."

Justin and Dale smiled as they held hands and returned to their dessert.

When Byron returned, Dale asked, "May we have the check?"

"I'm happy to inform you that your dining experience is on the house. I would also like to express Kyle's and the entire Lighthouse staff's happiness that you’re celebrating your fifth wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary to this establishment's favorite patrons. Your brother would have come out himself, but you know how busy we are."

The couple stood, hugged their favorite server, then both men handed him a fifty-dollar bill and said, "Thank you, Byron, you've made this an amazing night for us."

Later, in the hotel suite they gifted each other, Dale and Justin giggled and squirmed as they playfully tickled various spots while cuddling together. "Happy Anniversary, my love," they said before chuckling at their synced speech.

"I loved recreating our first date, babe," Dale said as he gently nibbled the side of his husband's neck. He giggled when his mate shivered and heard his boyish giggles.

"It was fun, and it’s nice we can fit into our original outfits," Justin replied.

"Umm, I've got a confession, babe," Dale said with a grin, "I bought that outfit just before getting to the Lighthouse." He gasped and struggled uselessly when his husband grabbed his ankles, then turned and pinned him on his stomach. "Babe, don't forget how much I love you," he squealed.

Justin giggled and rapidly ran his fingernails up and down his husband's wriggling bare soles. "I haven't forgotten that, and I love you, too. This is for not telling me you had to buy a new outfit when I went on a diet to fit into mine." His laughter blended with Dale's boisterous hyena-like laughter and high-pitched squeals echoing off the hotel bedroom's walls.
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